New Girl

By flowerchildDF

113K 2K 498

"You dropped this." I heard a husky voice say. I turned around to look at what I dropped and realized it was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 20

2.1K 44 13
By flowerchildDF


I groaned at the sight of light streaming in through my window. Ah my head is throbbing! My throat feels so dry and raspy. I am never drinking again! I internally laughed, I say that all the time yet I still drink. I slowly get up and make my way to the kitchen. I am in need of some pain killer pills and water.

"Bad morning?" My dad asked with raised eyebrows from the couch. I grimaced at him and went straight for the cabinet. He chuckled. "I made breakfast already; your plate's in the microwave." My dad said. He knows I drink, the first time he saw me drunk he was angry and had a long talk with me the next morning about the rules and safety procedures of it, as long as his rules are followed and I don't go overboard, he'll be somewhat okay with it. He says he knows kids our age are going to be drinking. He'd rather I do it with him knowing, rather than me hiding it.

"Thanks." I replied after I downed the pills and drank plenty of water. My dad nodded and continued watching TV. I went back to my room to check and see if I had any new messages. I thought back to last night, some parts I remember vaguely, others I don't, it's like a blank page to a book... I do remember everything that happened with Drake though. My head started throbbing again. I groaned, thinking about this makes my head hurt more. I looked at my phone.

Morning beautiful. I hope that hangover of yours isn't too bad 😜

Chris texted me. I laughed at the last part. I looked at my clock and saw that it was 11:07 AM.

Morning handsome 😘 I woke up with a headache and sore throat - not funny! 😔

I replied back. With that I grabbed some clean comfy clothes and a towel to shower. My phone beeped right before I left my room.

Haha I find it amusing not funny 😉 tell Katherine I said happy birthday!

He replied back. I gasped. I can't believe I forgot today is Katherine's birthday! I am a horrible sister. I ran to the living room forgetting all about my headache.

"Did you call Kath to wish her a happy birthday?" I asked my dad with wide eyes. He shut his eyes tight and groaned.

"Am I a horrible father for forgetting?" He asked me with a guilty look. I laughed.

"Yes. But don't worry, I'm with you on that. Chris reminded me." I told him while dialing my moms house number. The only reason Chris knows is because I told him earlier this week. So technically, I'm not THAT much of a horrible sister. I think my forgetfulness had to do with the hangover.

"Hello?" Kath answered groggily as if she just woke up. A huge smile broke onto my face.

"Happy birthday Kath!" I yelled onto the phone. My throat was forming a knot, hearing her voice makes me miss her and my mom so much. I heard her gasp. "Did you just wake up?" I asked after.

"Ledi!" Kath said. She's called me Ledi ever since she was in diapers because she had trouble pronouncing Melody. "I miss you! And yes I just woke up, it's 8 o'clock over here." She said.

"Oh crap, I'm sorry I forgot about the time difference." I said. I have been really unobservant lately. "And I miss you too! but in a few months I'll get to see you." I smiled. She squealed.

"Make sure you bring me my present!" She chastised me. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"How could I forget?" I asked her sarcastically. She giggled. "Oh, Chris says happy birthday as well." I told her.

"He's coming too right?" She asked.

"Yup." I replied with a smile.

"I'm excited to meet him! Oh and Mom said you guys can't share rooms." She said. I rolled my eyes. I knew my mom wouldn't want us to stay in the same room, so it's probably going to be Jess and I in one room while Chris and Daniel are going to be in the other.

"I know." I told her.

"Is daddy there?" She asked.

"Yup. I love you Katherine I hope you have an awesome day." I said and passed the phone to my dad. "I'm gonna shower." I told him and he nodded before he answered the phone while I left to go take my shower thinking about back home.


After I finished showering I ate the food my dad left for me and then washed dishes. Now I'm on the couch doing homework when a knock on the front door interrupted me. I got up since my dad was in the shower. I opened it and saw Chris standing outside with a trey of three cups of coffee. I smiled at the sight, he's so sweet.

"Hey, why didn't you text me saying you were coming?" I asked him while I stepped aside so he could come in.

"Hi love. I wanted to surprise you." He said putting the trey of cups on the kitchen counter. He then came over to me and gave me a greeting kiss on the lips. "I also brought coffee for that headache of yours." He said kissing my forehead with a smile. "Caramel macchiato, right?" He asked me. I hugged him from his waist and laid my head onto his muscular comfy chest.

"Thank you and yes." I replied.

"Your dad's in the shower? I got him his favorite too." Chris said.

"Kiss ass" I said smirking and letting go of Chris' waist to go sit on the couch. I brought my coffee with me of course.

"I don't need to be, he loves me already." He replied with his own smirk. I laughed while he sat down next to me.

"If you don't need to be then why'd you bring his favorite?" I asked. He sighed.

"It's called being polite love." He said, faking being disappointed in me. I laughed. "What class is that for?" Chris asked nodding to my homework.

"Pre-calculus." I said while grimacing.

"You know... you haven't told me what you plan to major in." Chris said while playing with my hair. I sighed.

"I don't know... I mean I've always wanted to be an elementary teacher." I said.

"Then be one." Chris said, now stroking my cheek with his forefingers. I smiled at him, and that's when I remembered him talking to Emily at the party. I looked down at my homework before he could see a change on my face.

"So..." I said. Chris chuckled.

"What?" He asked.

"Did you like the party yesterday?" I asked trying to hint around it. If he tells me about him seeing Emily then there is nothing going on, but if he doesn't mention her then... I don't know. He can't be cheating on me though, he wouldn't. It's just Drake instigating things on purpose to provoke me. Chris froze and his body language grew tense at my question making me curious and my heart beat faster. He shrugged.

"The usual. What about you? It was your first party here in New York. How was it?" He asked me. He didn't mention her, so is he cheating on me? Is he seeing her secretly?? I cleared my throat.

"It was... Something." I replied being honest. "I heard Emily showed up." I said nonchalantly. I felt him tense up more.

"You probably dreamed it." He shrugged. So he's not going to tell me... I felt a pang of hurt in my chest, hoping he isn't cheating.

"Maybe." I whispered hurt. I continued doing my homework, not bothering to ask anything else. If he won't tell me about Emily then I won't tell him about Drake.


Jess and Lesly entered - well more like barged into my room squealing. It's been a week already, meaning today is Saturday. In other words, Prom day! I chuckled at them sleepily.

"Excited much?" I asked.

"Hell yea! And you are too so don't act like you're not." Jess said to me. I put my hands up in surrender after I sat up in bed.

"No ones acting." I said with a smile.

"Alright, we have about... Well all morning and part of the day to get you girls ready!" Lesly said.

"Is my dad home?" I asked them. In case you're wondering I just woke up, like five minutes before they came in and that's only because they woke me up with all their text messages and phone calls.

"Yup, he opened the door for us." Lesly said.

"Oh, I thought you guys broke down the door." I said nonchalantly.

"If no one had answered the door, I'm pretty sure we would have." Jess said. I shook my head at her and laughed.

"You know for a really sweet innocent girl at school, you are quite the opposite outside of school." I said to Jess. She shrugged and gave me a cheesy smile.

"She's a good girl in school?" Lesly asked unbelievably.

"Yea." I replied. "We didn't tell you how Daniel asked her to prom?" I asked amused. Lesly shook her head.

"It was a really cruel way to ask me, but it was sweet at the same time." Jess said with a loving look. And so we told Lesly the story. After that we started working on our hair while eating the pasta I made yesterday. Jess' hair is put up into a half ponytail, making the top give a puff look while the hair that was lose was curled. Mine was just naturally curled. I didn't want to do anything major. For the makeup, Lesly gave us a smokey eye with eyeliner and mascara since we're going to be wearing our masks. She also put some foundation and blush to add color. We decided no lipstick since we're going to be kissing our "boy toys." We're just going to put on Chapstick.

"I don't know why, but I have this gnawing feeling inside of me that something's wrong... Or something's going to happen... Or..." I sighed. But it's prom day, what the hell could go wrong? Me falling?

"It must be the nerves." Jess said. I nodded and told myself that, but that wasn't it. I groaned inwardly. She's right though... it's probably nothing.

"How much time do we have leftover?" I asked to no one in particular. I looked back to see my clock.

"Two hours." Jess said and then groaned. "That's a lot of time."

"Maybe, if you two hadn't come here extremely early, we wouldn't be having to wait for two hours and I would have been able to sleep a tiny bit longer." I scowled at them.

"Better to have some spare time than to be running late!" Lesly defended. I sighed, wanting to have had those two extra hours of sleep.

"I guess." I replied. We haven't put on our dresses yet, mine was hanging in my closet while Jess' was laying on my desk. "Hmm... What to do for two hours...?" I asked myself, tapping my finger on my lips.

"Can we call Daniel and Chris and tell them to come over?" Jess asked looking at Lesly hopefully.

"No! Then I'm going to be a 5th wheel and there's going to be a lot of PDA and..." She shuddered, "No thank you." I scoffed.

"Like if you haven't had any PDA moments with Talon." I accused her with a smirk. This whole week she's spent it with Talon. Chris has cooled down completely and actually gets along with him. Lesly laughed.

"Alright fine call your lover boys." She said to us waving her hand dismissively like the teachers do when they send you out. Jess and I smiled in glee.

"When are you guys going to put on your dress?" Lesly asked while Jess dialed Daniels number.

"Probably right before we have to leave." I guessed. I looked over at Jess to see if I was correct and she nodded.

"Alright, that means I'm going to have to stay here til you all leave so I can take pictures." Lesly said smiling wide and holding up her camera. I laughed at her.

Twenty minutes later Chris texted me saying he was outside so I got up to open the door. Daniel being Daniel was the first person to enter, well barge in. I rolled my eyes at him and looked back to see Chris standing outside my doorway. My breath got caught at the sight of him in a tux. It's a black tux with a golden tie. His hair was freshly cut and brushed back like the usual. His jaw looks more defined with a tux on and his eyes look brighter as well. Overall, he looks hot. I felt my stomach jumping all over the place and my heart full of giddiness at the sight of him. He smiled and stepped closer to give me a kiss on the lips. He then brought his lips close to my ear making me stop breathing.

"They're calling you." He whispered.

"Huh?" I whispered dazed. He nodded towards the back so I looked behind me.

"You've really got to stop doing that Thumper." Daniel said while Lesly and Jess were laughing. I frowned with confusion. I looked back up at Chris. He ha a huge grin, wanting to laugh.

"They were calling you the whole time." Chris said to me caressing my cheek. Oh! I felt myself blush at embarrassment.

"Right." I said dragging the word out. Daniel, Lesly, and Jess were all sitting on the couch.

"And that is exactly what I was talking about when I said that I didn't want these two here." Lesly said pointing at Daniel and Chris. I glared at her playfully.

"Hey! That was Mels not me." Jess protested. I chuckled and pulled Chris all the way inside so I can close the front door.

"Where's Dave?" Chris asked.

"He went out." I replied.

"Where?" Daniel asked this time. I looked at him and tried to remember if my dad told me where he was going, but he didn't.

"He didn't say..." I replied, now curious. I shrugged, I'll ask him later. He's been going out an awfully lot lately.

"I'm hungry." Jess whined. Lesly and I both gave her a look.

"We just ate." I said.

"Seriously, I'm full. And that says something because I eat a lot." Lesly said, agreeing with me.

"Well I'm hungry again." She replied and then looked at me with a puppy face.

"No!" I said pointing a finger at her.

"Aw come on. You don't even know what I was going to say." Jess whined.

"Yes I do." I replied.

"Even I know what you're going to say." Chris said.

"What was I going to say?" Jess asked him with her brows raised.

"You were going to ask Mels if she can make some of her pasta." Chris said.

"See. Plus we ate the leftover pasta from yesterday, how could you want more of it?" I asked her.

"What!? You guys ate some of her pasta and didn't save me any?" Daniel accused us, almost falling off the couch. I laughed at that along with everyone else.


"Just one more picture please!!!" Lesly begged us. We all groaned. We've been here for about half an hour already. If I had known she'd take this long I would have changed into my dress an hour ago.

We all posed again and smiled waiting for Lesly's count.

"One. Two. Three. Alright, I'm done. Jess and Daniel you two can go." She dismissed them. "Chris and Melody, stay." She ordered. Chris cursed under his breath. I laughed and looked up at him. He smiled once he saw me laughing and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Aw I love these pictures!" Lesly squealed. "Alright, you guys can go." She smiled happily.

"You didn't take any." Chris said to her.

"Yea I did. Just now actually, when you two were in your own little world." She said. "Now leave, you guys are going to be late. Drive safe and if you guys are going to an after party make sure the person that's driving is not under the influence!" She said to Chris.

"I know." Chris said rolling his eyes at her, but soon after he hugged her. Seeing that sight made me miss my mom. I wish she could have been here. "Thank you. Bye Munchkin." He said pulling me into his arms, walking to the door.

"Have fun!" She yelled when we entered the elevator. I chuckled.

"You look beautiful and I love that dress." Chris said while hugging me.

"You said that already." I reminded him and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Must be true then." He said smiling. I giggled.

"Well you look-"

"Oh, I know. I figured it out when you opened your door and stared at me hungrily." He winked at me while smirking. I gasped and slapped his arm playfully. "Nothing to be embarrassed about, don't worry." He went on while chuckling.

"Yea, whatever." I replied. "You do look really handsome though." I said, but then I decided, what the hell? "Actually no you look extremely hot." I said while smiling. He chuckled and gave me a long passionate kiss. The 'ding' from the elevator made us break away and step out.

"Oh hey, that was quick. I thought Lesly would have you guys up there for an eternity." Jess said making me laugh.

"No." I said shaking my head.

"Chris, you have all of our masks in your car right?" Jess asked.

"Yup." He replied.

"Alright! Let's get this party started!" Daniel said while fist pumping making Jess and I laugh with excitement. This is most definitely going to be a night worth remembering.

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