Sterek One Shots

By Zialls_

79.3K 2.2K 167

Just some one shots about sterek . Smut included c; More

It Hurts
P.S : I Love You Guys
One of a Kind
My Secret ♣︎
Deputy Hale
Accountant Stilinski
Death Cure
Accidents Were Made
I Wont Say Im In Love
The Werewolf and The Hunter
How I Fell for You
Bunny Teeth
Stiles and Derek
Coffee Stains and Doughnut Crumbs
I'll be Back
A/N sorry :(
A/N im back !
Greif pt. 2
Kill me with Pleasure
How do you do it?
im so sorry guys!

Dont Do It

3.4K 108 3
By Zialls_

Short summaries for now on


I yawned loudly, sitting up in the bed stretching out. I scratched my chin looking to the space beside me seeing that it was empty without the SourWolf, leaving his space in the bed cold.

The bed sheets were crinkled, proving he must had gripped them somehow before he got out of bed. I slowly stood up and looked out the window seeing the moon at it's peek, and full. Probably why he left, but should be back soon.

"Maybe went for a run.." I mumbled stepping out f the warm comforter and onto the cold hardwood floor. I shivered and walked out the room and down the stairs towards the kitchen to grabs glass of orange juice.

While I shut the lights on, I jumped back seeing his figure sitting at the counter with his head down his hands balled into fist. I gripped the side of the doorway, and stared at him in shock, usually he would have left and returned later before dawn- but this was a surprise.

"Derek?" I whispered, seeing him breathing heavily. "Are you okay?" I heard a growl come from his lips as his head snapped to the right avoiding my eyes. I was completely confused now, as I stepped closer but not close enough.

"Do you need me to call Isaac to come check on you?" I rubbed his shoulder, but he only jerked his body half way across the kitchen. I won't lie, by saying that didn't hurt by a lot. I sighed and pouted a little, I walked over to him quietly but when he turned to me his eyes were blazing red.

"Woah- Derek - a-are you okay?" I took several steps back and stepped around the table avoiding getting hit. His eyes watched my every move as I moved further away from him, he didn't stop growling at me.

"Do I need to call someone to- to get you?" He stalked towards me, every steps I took away from him he took towards me. I was growing scared of this, and had a feeling something was going to happen. I continued to avoid being close to him in anyway, moving around the table until I was close to the doorway.

"Derek baby? Answer me please" I pleaded,I looked behind me for a second. Big mistake. He shoved the table towards the wall with a bang and walked towards me faster this time. The door behind me, I ran out of it into the living room reaching for the house phone.

"Derek!" I screamed, feeling the phone fly out my hand and towards the wall, crashing into pieces. Now with my only phone being upstairs, I was stuck with no help at all. I stepped around the couch, creating some distance. I looked behind him at the stairs briefly his eyes not leaving my movements.

"Your just in your alpha mode Derek.. Just relax, listen to my voice" I whispered, slowly moving to the side towards the stairs. I had to wait, because he was glaring at me like he wanted to kill me- literally this time.

I broke out into a run toward the stairs, hearing his loud howl, I knew he was running after me. I only made it up a few steps before I felt his claws dig into my ankles dragging me down the stairs. I hissed, and screamed feeling my face smash against the stairs and dragged across the room. I gripped the stair railing design sticks, trying to prevent a my death from happening to quickly. He bared his teeth, and pulled me harder my fingers slipping with the amount blood and sweat that had collected on my palms.

"Please! Don't kill me!" I cried, with this much blood coming from the cuts on my face, and the big gashes I had from when he slapped the phone out my hand, their was enough bloody hand prints on the stairs and wall, and couch.

I held on to the kitchen doorway, turning my body to face him. I hadn't stopped screaming, hoping they would travel far enough, and loud enough for Derek to come back to his senses. With the ankle he let go of, I kicked him in the chest hard enough to send him flying back. I took my opportunity to run to the door, and if I was caught again - if I screamed into the night someone of the pack would hopefully hear me.

I grabbed the door knob with my hand looking like I soaked it in a bucket of blood, and swung it open. I was about to step out into the porch, to scream my head off. I was stopped when I felt his clawed hand dig into my neck and pull me back inside the door shutting it with a slam.

I gasped loudly, gripping into my neck, and sitting up in bed. My breathing was heavy, my chest heaving as I tried to collect some air into my lungs. I held on to my neck tightly, trying to control my breathing from having a panic attack.

"Stiles? Stiles! Are you okay what happened?" Derek came running into the room, and I could see the others standing in the doorway watching curiously worried for the sudden excitement.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted, I didn't meant it, I actually wanted him to hold me and cuddle me close. But I was to scared if him to want his hands on me.

He looked hurt, but he still reached a hand out to touch me, and I flinched away from him trying to cover my self.

"Stiles what's wrong? Why are you-" I shook with tears, and he stopped talking as quickly as I started to cry. I knew he was confused, and so was I.

What did that dream mean? Was it was a warning? Was Derek ever going to end up like that? Should I ask him?

"Ask me what Stiles? You know you should learn how to control that" he tried to be playful but was still worried.

I honestly didn't want to tell him about my dream, about him trying to kill me. I only looked at his eyes, and just imagined him with those scary red eyes, and just the lust for blood swimming in them.

"I-It's nothing Derek, just a nightmare" I whispered, I could tell that he was thinking about it and piecing them together. My flinching from him, and then finding out it was only a nightmare, he looked at me with wide eyes and pulled me into a tight hug.

"You know I would never do something like that baby" he murmured into my messy bed head. I slowly nodded and wrapped my arms around him just as slow. But did I really know?

"I know Derek- I know"

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