Family Jeon

By JeonginJungYein

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Family Jeon is made of five different siblings who live in a small apartment in Seoul. After they lost their... More

The Characters
Chapter 1: Welcome to Family Jeon
Chapter 2: Jeons and their Jobs
Chapter 4: Sungyoon's game
Chapter 5: Jeons in Love
Chapter 6: Jeons during Life
Chapter 7: Sungyoon's chance

Chapter 3: Money problems for Jeons

123 17 0
By JeonginJungYein

Author's pov

The Jeons are in big trouble. The rent for their apartment increased drastically. All the siblings made their ways to the apartment of their landlord.

As they reached the door, Sungjin knocked at the door loudly. After a few minutes, the landmord, Mr. Han, opened the door.

"What do you want?" he asked annoyed.

"This! What is this?!" Sungjin showed him the letter.

"Aren't you able to read or are you guys just too stupid. The rent increased!" Mr. Han said firmly.

"Why did you increase it in the first place?!" Sungjin raised his voice.

"I need my money too, you know?" Mr. Han said.

"But why so drastically? It's almost twice as much as the original amount of money." Jisoo asked.

"Like I already said. I. Need. My. Money. Too!" Mr. Han empathized every word.

"Tch. You just need to pay your bills, right?" Jungkook scoffed.

"What did you say, you little brat?!" Mr. Han exclaimed.

"He is right. You should stop wasting your money for alcohol." Yein fought for her brother.

"Yah! Shut up!" Mr. Han raised his arm to slap Yein.

Jungkook caught his wrist and glared dangerously at him. The other siblings were impressed by his fast reflexes.

"Don't. Touch. My. Sister." he said seriously and let go of his wrist.

"What's the point of whining for you? I won't change it anyway. It's not a problem for the other residents." Mr. Han asked.

"Do you know how hard we work to gain enough money?" Sungyoon asked.

"Then work harder! It's none of my business!" Mr. Han said and closed the door.

"Yah! Open the door, you little piece of shit!" Jungkook shouted.

"Jungkook, stop it! The other residents will be mad, if they hear us." Jisoo held his arm.

"We can't let that happen!" Yein said.

"Yein is right. We need to do something against it." Sungyoon said.

"Let's go. We will figure something out." Sungjin left and his siblings followed him from behind.

Sungjin's pov

What should we do now?! My siblings and I returned back to our apartment and discussed the problem in the living room.

"We definitely need to work more." Yein said.

"How are we supposed to do that? Three of us still go to school and one goes to college." Sungyoon pointed out.

"I can ask my boss for a salary increase." I suggested.

"That isn't enough. We won't be able to pay the rent." Jisoo said.

"How about we sell some of our belongings?" Yein suggested.

"This would be a start, but it won't be enough." I said.

"Then we need to skip school." Jungkook suggested.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"I agree on it." Yein raised her arm.

"No, you won't skip school! It will affect your grades and you can't pass the year!" I said.

"Hyung, this might be the only solution we have to get more money." Jungkook said.

"If we have more time, we will work more and earn more money too." Yein said.

"If you skip school, I will skip college too." Jisoo said.

"Yah! Don't even think about such ideas!" I scolded them.

"We have no other choice." Jisoo said.

I thought about it. Are there any other things we can do except skipping school or college. There must be something! Come on, Sungjin! Think of something!

"Fine. Let's sell some of our belongings somewhere. You can skip some subjects like gym, art or music, but not more. Jisoo, you will only skip some unnecessary classes. Got it?" I asked.

"Got it!" they said in unison.

"Alright. Let's go to sleep now. We will figure something out. Don't worry." I tried to reassure my siblings.

The others left and plopped on my sofa. I sighed heavily. What are we supposed to do?

Jungkook's pov

Yein and I had math and waited for school bell to ring. We will skip gym class to find another job to earn more money.

It finally rang and we immediately packed our stuff as fast as we could. I grabbed the wrist of my sister and we rushed out of the school building. I hope that nobody saw us.

"Where should we go?" Yein asked.

"Let's go downtown. There must be some needed workers in several shops." I suggested.

We reached the city.

"Should we separate our ways and ask for jobs in different shops?" Yein asked.

"No, let's stay together. I don't want you to go anywhere without me." I said.

"I can take care of myself." Yein pouted.

"No, you can't. You're still a baby." I pinched her cheek.

"Whatever. Let's go." she rolled her eyes.

Sungyoon's pov

I skipped school and walked around the city to find a job. What is the best way to earn money in a short period of time? How are we supposed to pay the rent?

That's when I passed a bar. Maybe I can work as a bartender. I entered the bar and was welcomed by the smell of alcohol and smoke. Seriously disgusting.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you searching for another worker by any chance." I asked the current bartender.

"I'm sorry, but we don't." he said.

Damn it!

"Oh. I see. Thanks." I said.

I was about to leave the bar, but a few men watched a baseball game. I got distracted and watched it too. I basically play baseball for my whole life. It's pretty obvious which team will win this match.

"Yaaas! They won!" one of the men jumped up.

A fanboy, I guess.

"I can't understand how you picked them. You hate that team!" anothet man said.

What? Why is he so happy and proud of their victory then?

"I'm just lucky. Now give me my money, you losers." he smirked them.

They handed him so much money.

"I hate this game." one of the man sulked.

Wait! He hates baseball? Why is he watching it then? And why are they handing him so much money? I was so confused.

"Let's bet on basketball tomorrow?" he said.

Bet? They are actually betting on the winner of a certain match? I glanced at all the money they handed him and I got an idea.

Should I join such public sports betting?

Jisoo's pov

I was in college and still thought about skipping. Should I or should I not?

"Jisoo, is something bothering you?" Mijoo asked.

"Kind of. My siblings and I have money problems and we need to earn more money." I said.

"What? Really? Do you know what to do?" Mijoo asked worriedly.

"We wanted to sell some of our belongings and actually planned to skip school and ..." I didn't know how to tell her.

"Yah! Don't tell me that you needto skip college!" she exclaimed.

I slowly nodded my head.

"Jisoo, it's college! Every class is important for us. You can't skip a single second!" Mijoo scolded me.

"I'm sorry, but I need to help my siblings." I said.

"And what about college? What about your dream? What about your future?" she raised her voice.

"I know it's hard. ... Mijoo, can you copy the notes for every class I skip, please?" I asked.

Mijoo sighed heavily.

"Fine. I will help you, but you need to figure something out. You can't skip college for a long period of time." she said.

"Thank you so much!" I hugged her tightly.

"It's okay." she hugged me back.

What would I do without her?

Yein's pov

Jungkook and I walked around the city for an hour already. We asked in every single shop for a job, but nobody needed us.

"Aish! This is frustrating!" I whined.

"It's alright. We will find something." Jungkook tried to reassure me.

That's when I found a cafe. It looked similar to the cafe where Sungjin-oppa works, but much bigger and fancier.

"Look! There's a cafe!" I said and dragged Jungkook with me.

We entered the cafe and rushed to the counter.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you need any workers here?" I asked one of the workers.

He's handsome though.

"Wait here. I will tell the chef about it." he smiled gently at me and excused himself.

"That dude is such a flirt." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"What? This could be our chance." I shook Jungkook's arm in excitement.

"Yeah. This could be our chance and I- ... Wait! Look at this!" Jungkook pointed at a waitress.

"What's with her?" I asked him confused.

"Are you kidding me? Look at the uniform! The skirts are way too short and overall it's too revealing!" he explained.


"So?! I won't allow you to work here with this kind of uniform!" he demanded.

"What?! Jungkook, this could be our last and only chance. We can't leave now!" I objected.

"Yah! I'm your older brother! You have to obey me! I just want the best for you." he said.

"And I want the best for our family!" I fought back.

That worker returned.

"Alright. The chef is busy, but he told me that you can work here." the worker returned back.

"I'm sorry, but we don- ..." I covered Jungkook's mouth and kicked his foot.

"Thank you very much. When will we start?" I asked.

"Tomorrow. You will help in the kitchen." he said.

"Thank you." I said and dragged Jungkook out with me.

"Yah! What did I just tell you?!" he yelled at me.

"Didn't you listen to him? We will help in. The. Kitchen." I emphasized every word.

"Kitchen?" he asked.

"Yes. So no uniform." I said.

"Really? What a relief." Jungkook sighed in relief.

"You're so overprotective." I rolled my eyes.

"No brother would let you wear this uniform, okay?" he said.

"Whatever. Let's go home." I said.

Sungjin's pov

"Can I have a salary increase?" I asked my boss.

"A salary increase? You've never asked for it. Why so sudden?" he asked back.

"Well, ... my siblings and I have money problems, so we need to earn more money." I explained.

"I see. You know that I can't increase a salary randomly. You need to work more and harder." he said.

"Don't worry. I can take it all." I said firmly.

"Are you sure?" he asked.


"Alright. I will arrange your schedule and I want to see how much effort you can put into it." he said.

"I won't disappoint you, boss!"

I won't disappoint my family.

Author's pov

The five siblings gathered together in the living room and discussed their plans.

"So Sungyoon, Jungkook and Yein found a new job?" Sungjin summed it up.

The younger ones nodded.

"I couldn't skip any class today, because everything was important for my career." Jisoo explained.

"That's totally fine." Sungjin said.

"Hyung, did your boss increased your salary?" Sungyoon asked.

"He will look how I will do my work, so it should be fine." Sungjin replied.

"Do you think we will earn enough money?" Yein asked worriedly.

"I don't know, but let's see." the oldest one sighed.

"I hope the rent won't increase again." Jungkook spoke up.


"Me too."

"Hopefully not."

"Yeah right."

The others agreed on him. Will the siblings be able to earn enough money?

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