Azula x male firebender {Comp...

By VillainsExplained26

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You are a rogue fire bender who "befriends" the avatar and his friends. You have a vision for your species an... More

Chapter 1: A new opportunity on the horizon
Chapter 2: Meeting team avatar
Chapter 3: Testing
Chapter 5: Finally some progress
Chapter 6: Out of the shadows
Chapter 7: Broken
Chapter 8: Alone time (lemon)
Chapter 9: The beach
Chapter 10: Day of black sun
Chapter 11: Bothersome pests
Chapter 12: The boiling rock
Chapter 13: Sozins comet part 1
Chapter 14: Sozins comet part 2
Chapter 15: Sozins comet part 3
Chapter 16: Sozins comet part 4

Chapter 4: Hopeless

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By VillainsExplained26

(Y/N pov)

You just waked up really early in the morning and saw Azula sleeping next to you. You were both happy and really nervous because 1. You got to sleep with a beautiful and amazing girl like Azula. But 2. If the fire lord found out he would literally send every fire nation bounty hunter after you.

Y/N: Morning Azula.

Azula stretched and yanwned.

Azula: good morning y/n.

Y/N: you're looking as radiant as always.

Azula: You just always know what to say don't you y/n?

Y/N: only to beautiful women.

Azula then kissed your cheek and you both got out of bed and began to change into your regular clothes.

Y/N: Azula what will we do if the fire lord finds out about us?

Azula: don't worry he won't and if he did he wouldn't care.

Y/N: okay then.

You then both got dressed in your normal entire and began exiting out of the tent. Before you got completely out you pinched Azula's butt and she gave you a smile and you replied by winking at her. You then both walked out of the tent and got onto the tank train and started to head out.

(Time skip)

Luckily you had made it back to the avatars camp before any of them woke up and began flying out of there bison.

They all decide to do something called a "Small vacation" and Saka chose To find a place called wan shi tong's library. You had read many stories of the library but you never thought it was true. Before you could continue looking around the library though you had to give a type of knowledge to prove you were worthy to enter.

Y/N: please accept this book on the human body and mind as a collection to your library.

Wan Shi Tong: this book explains why humans feel emotions and how the mind is connected to the soul correct?

Y/N: yes.

Wan Shi Tong: you are certainly bright and open-minded for a mortal. Very nice.

Y/N: thank you.

The owl then took the book and extended his wings.

Wan Shi Tong: enjoy the library.

He then flew down to the lower levels of the library and the rest of you continued to read books. Sokka was stealing stuff by putting it in his bag though.

Y/N: Sokka you do realize owls have heard five times stronger than ours right?

Sokka: oh he's not gonna here's from up here.

Y/N: I'm just saying it's not smart to steal things from a spirit even I know that.

Sokka: whatever y/n

You rolled your eyes and continued to read your book. It was about the human mind and was far more advanced than anything else that you had read before but you could understand it since you had a higher IQ than most people.

The book was so fascinating and so explicit on the human mind. The book talked about the human mind and how it was the most precious thing in this world. But it also had some really weird things as well. One thing it said was something about "sky blimps" and it talked about like something called "Cybermen". You looked at the cover to see who wrote the book and found the inscription.

Y/N: John lumic...

You were about to continue reading but you heard something in the distance.

Aang: Sokka where you going?

Sokka: I need to find out what the darkest day in fire nation history was.

You then got up and looked at your book.

Y/N mind: I'm sorry...forgive me

You then put the book in your bag and chase after Sokka and the others. They ran into a room that claimed to have history on the fire nation but everything was burnt to ash

Aang: fire benders...

Katara: they destroyed everything that had to do with the fire nation.

Sokka: That's so unfair! Just when I think I'm one step ahead of the fire nation. They beat us here a long time ago.

Sokka then gets on his knees.

Sokka: I need to know what happened on the darkest day in fire nation history.

You then here something behind you and turn, it's one of the Owls wolves.

Y/N: um Sokka...

Sokka: Hello... little weird fox guy.

Y/N: I think he's trying to assist you.

Sokka: okay I guess I'll follow you.

You and the others soon follow the fox and he leads you into a large room. You then study the device in the middle.

Y/N: what a beautifully created piece of machinery. this is a planetarium it shows the heavens moving.

Sokka: it's beautiful and everything but how is this helpful?

Y/N: the three dials on here represents dates. Enter the date on the piece of paper you took

Sokka: Y/n be quiet! *Covers your mouth.* Not in front of the fox, he's with the owl.

You gave him an annoyed look, and rub your mouth when Sokka let your mouth go. Sokka glances at the parchment and enters the date. The machine then begins to activate again.

Aang: wow I gotta hand it to you Sokka you picked out the best mini vacation for sure.

The he celling then changes and the entire room is dark.

Katara: hey wait. What happened to the sun?

Aang: oh great you broke it.

Y/N: no it's not's...

Sokka: it's a solar eclipse. Of course fire benders draw there energy from the sun!

Katara: that makes sense. I mean, think what the lunar eclipse did to water benders. This is huge.

Y/N: okay this is big and all but can we please leave before that owl finds us and stuffs us just because you took some of his books.

Sokka: okay but we've gotta get this information to the earth King at ba sing se. We'll wait for the next eclipse then we'll invade the fire nation when there totally helpless. The fire lord is going down!

Wan shi tong: mortals are so predictable and such terrible liars

Y/N mind: f*ck!

Wan shi tong: you betrayed my trust. From the very beginning, you intended to misuse this knowledge for evil purposes.

Sokka: you don't understand. If anyone's evil it's the fire nation. You saw what they did to you library. They're destructive and dangerous. We need this information.

Wan shi tong: you think you're the first person to believe their war was justified? Countless others before you have come here seeking weapons or weakness or battle strategies.

Aang: we had no choice. Please we're just desperate to protect the people we love.

Wan shi tong: and now I'm going to protect what I love.

He then begins to flap his wings causing the library to shake.

Y/N: what are you doing?!

Wan shi tong: I'm taking my knowledge back. No one will ever abuse it again.

Katara:  he's sinking the library. We've got to get out of here.

Wan shi tong: I'm afraid I can't allow that. You already know to much.

He then tries to attack you but you all dodge it and start to run.

(Time skip)

You, Sokka and aang headed back to the planetarium to try and figure out when the next eclipse is.

Aang: come on eclipse.

The machine finally then changed to a eclipse.

Sokka: that's it! The solar eclipse! It's just a few months away. Now let's get this to ba sing se.

(Time skip)

You had luckily made it out of the library alive before it completely sunk and you saw appa wasn't there.

Aang: where's appa?

Toph then shoock her head and aang began to cry.

(Big time skip cause I'm way to lazy to cover the next few episodes lol)

You and the avatars friends had just got off the serpents pass and you saw the Great Wall of ba sing se.

Sokka: there's the wall! Now it's nothing but smooth sailing to ba sing se.

Ying: oh no!

Y/N: what's wrong?

Ying: the babies coming!

Sokka: what?! Now?! Can't you hold it in or something?!

Katara: calm down. I helped gran gran deliver lots of babies back at home.

Sokka: this isn't the same as delivering an arctic seal! This is a real...human...thing!

Y/N: it's called a baby pony tail

Katara: and I help delivered plenty of those to. Aang get some rags. Sokka water. Toph I need you to make a earth tent a big one. Suki come with me.

(Time skip)

You were waiting outside of the tent with the others waiting for Katara to finish delivering the baby.

Katara: it's a girl.

You then began to stand up and walked into the tent seeing the young child.

Y/N: it's a very beautiful and healthy child you should both be very proud.

Ying: thank you y/n

Than: what should we name her?

Ying: I want our daughters name to be unique. I want it to mean something.

Aang: I've been going through a really hard time lately. But you've made me...hopeful again.

Ying: I know hat I want us to name our baby now. Hope.

Than: that's a beautiful name. Hope.

After hearing that name you began clenching your fist and had a tear in your left eye. You walked out of the tent and Katara noticed this and walked out.

Katara: are you alright y/n?

Y/N: I'm...fine....

Katara: no your not. What is it?

Y/N: (sighs) that was my mothers name.( wipes away tear) she committed suicide when I was young and she and my father blamed me for it.

Katara: that's not mother would blame there own kid for something like that.

You then pulled out a piece of paper that you kept in your vest and handed it to her. She began to read it and teared up.

Katara: y/n...I'm so sorry...

Y/N: no it's fine. I keep it on me as a reminder.

Katara: a reminder of what?

Y/N: I use it as a reminder that no one ever cared for me. I where it to remind myself that in the real world no one cares who and what you do.

Katara: stop it....

Y/N: I hear there voices every morning reminding me that "I'm worthless and will never achieve anything! That no one could love a weak child like you!"

Katara: stop it right now!

Katara then wrapped her arms around you and began hugging you tightly.

Y/N: Katara this is not necessary. You don't have to show me affection. Let me go.

Katara: no.

Y/N: no?

Katara: not until you stop saying such horrible things. You are loved y/n. Me, aang, Sokka, and even toph we care about you and your being.

Y/N: that's...very sweet of you Katara. You don't need to do this though these emotions are not necessary.

Katara: but they are. Love is an amazing emotion to feel y/n.

Y/N: from what I learned. Love means giving someone the chance to hurt you. So why bother, just block and remove it. Along with all other emotions. They are irrelevant and stop us from following basic logic. They intervene with our instincts and cause us to not trust ourselves and others around us sometimes.

Katara: y/n I want you to remember something

Y/N: okay.

Katara: it is true that emotions cause us pain. But we aren't perfect no one is. I want you to Remember we care for you okay y/n.

You then nod.

Y/N: thank you Katara. It's been fun but I need to get going.

Katara: where are you going?

Y/N: I'm heading into another way to ba sing so. Maybe we will see each other in the city. It's been fun Katara.

Katara then hugs you one last time and you began to head off down the hill. You then called one of the fire nation tanks to come and pick you up and take you to the drill. You then walked in and put your normal clothes on and walked to the main bridge of the drill where you saw Azula, Mai, and tai le on seats.

You also saw the annoying war minster at the front of the bridge giving orders. You just ignored him and stood by the girls.

Azula: hello y/n how was the mission where you successful in finding something of good use?

Y/N: very, I will, tell you all about it after we finish this mission.

Azula then smiled and you then hear something over the pipes.

Pipe: sir a engineered plans have been stolen! And one of the braces have been cut its sabotage!

You and Azula then looked at each other and you both had the same idea.

Azula: Y/N. Ladies. Let's go

Mai: finally something to do.

You then walk down the halls of the ship and you see Katara, Sokka and aang at one of the braces where it is half cut. You then drew your sword and blasted them with fire from your blade. Sokka then dogged it and moved out of the way.

Tai le: you where right Azula it is the avatar! And friends~

Sokka: *Smiles and waves.* Hey.

Katara then grabbed Sokka and started pulling him.

You where about to blast them again but aang blasted you with air bender sending you back. Unfortunately it knocked your hood down revealing your face and identity to them.

Katara/Sokka/Aang: Y/n?!

You then smiled and pulled yourself back up.

Y/N: Hello Guys...and goodbye.

You then blasted them a gain and you and the girls began chasing after them in the drill.

To be continued....

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