Ruu's Chronicles - Tales of B...

By Ssscilla

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Ruu is a very special man. The man of many secrets and many talents. Being in the hot spot of Seoul, he knows... More

Ch.1 - Work of Art
Ch.2 - Blind me with Silk
Ch.4 - Love on Canvas

Ch.3 - Burning Desire

242 10 18
By Ssscilla


There was the soft knocking on the door. Ruu got up from his lap top to answer it. He was expecting him, although he truly though that he would come sooner, but he was everything but predictable. He came to the door and opened it lightly, staring at two burning eyes and small pouty lips.

-Hey''s good to see you again. – His voice was just like he remembered it, deep, with a pinch of boredom. Even though he changed hair styles and colors all the time, his blonde hair now perfectly adoring his never changing face, which will forever be beautiful like porcelain doll, gorgeous. Ruu greeted him by bowing slightly before answering.

-It is truly good to see you too. You took your time, I've expect you much sooner. – Ruu moved aside so his guest could come in.

-Yeah well...I thought I could deal with it myself... - The man entered the living room. – And for a while I thought I was fine again. – He turned to face Ruu, who after closing the door and locking it, followed after and was now looking at him with interest.

-Hyung I need you again. I feel so lost, so...alone. – He said, bending his head to look at his hands. His hands were manly, with prominent veins and long slender fingers filled with silver rings. – I am always surrounded with people and yet I feel so alone. Isn't that fucking ironic Hyung?

Ruu approached him quietly a rustling of silk followed his steps.

-Damn it Hyung you always smell good. – The man said and Ruu smiled.

-How much time do we have? – Ruu asked and the man thought it for a second.

-We have our day off, so I guess a few hours, three or four...maybe five before they call me for something.

Ruu nodded and cupped the man's face, looking at his eyes.

-What do you want, friendly talk or relaxation? – He asked and the man sighed deeply.

-Everything Hyung... I need...everything you can give me...

Ruu chuckled. – Now that's a bit much, don't you think? – He caressed the man's cheek with his thumb. – But I believe that we could mix something to your satisfaction, hmmm? – He said and removed his hands from the man's face and started unbuttoning his silk shirt, removing it and letting it fall on the floor. He reached up to the man, taking his hands and putting it on his face. Ruu was taller than this man, but he didn't mind. He had special love and respect towards his guest and he was missing his touch.

The man sighed deeply again, caressing Ruu's face gently, sliding his fingertips over Ruu's cheekbones, jaw, beautiful lips, neck.

-Fuck Hyung I forgot how fucking beautiful you are.

The corner of Ruu's mouth turned upwards and his eyes glistened like cats. The man's fingers went down on Ruu's chest and his arms, until it went to the waistband of his silken pantaloons.

-May I? – He asked and Ruu nodded only once, slowly.

The man pushed the fabric down, showing Ruu's member, who was relaxed, but not for long. Ruu let the pants fall down on the floor, before stepping out and stood silently under the other one's admiring gaze.

-Hyung... - The man croaked and reached to touch him again, but Ruu put a hand on his chest, stopping him.

-Take off your clothes. I'll prepare us a bubble bath.

-I took a shower before I came here Hyung.

-It's not for that darling. You wanted everything yes?

The man nodded. – But I didn't expect this to be honest.

-Well you will get that as well Yoongi. Relaxation, massage and the things you like.

Yoongi's smile was wide, showing his gums.

-God I missed you Hyung. Kiss me, I need it please.

Ruu reached and cupped his cheeks again, before pressing their lips together gently, but passionately. He always enjoyed kissing Yoongi, he was special to him. Ruu understood why Jimin was so infatuated with the man. Yoongi was his lover once, but now they were friends who share many things. They met through common friend, three years ago when Yoongi was still struggling with his sexuality. It took him a while to acknowledge and accept himself at that period, fighting with depression and dark thoughts. He had long distant phone calls with Ruu every night when he was on his tour and whenever he was at home, he ran to Ruu's embrace, searching for comfort and release. Yoongi talked about his mixtape he was working on, but he wasn't sure if it's good enough to publish it. Ruu helped him to realize how special he is. Yoongi was neck deep into dark water. The thick fog was covering his head and he could only see a dim light far away. He reached out with his hand so many times in hope of grabbing something to pull himself out, until Ruu did so for him, by gripping his hand tightly and pull him into the light.

Ruu loved his friend and was so happy to see the release of his Agust D mixtape. He looked good, healthy full of swag and fire. Now, however, there was a dark shadow in his eyes again. Ruu felt Yoongi's fear, the need for safety and love. He needed him and Ruu would give him everything he needed to feel better.

He broke the kiss and look at the shorter man lovingly, before repeating.

-Clothes off, now. – He said calmly and turned towards the bathroom. He heard Yoongi's chuckle and rustling of cloth.

-Always bossy Hyung, but I like it.

Ruu turned his head to look at him once more, offering only slight knowing smile before he moved to the hall, down to the bathroom and out of Yoongi's sight.


Ruu working hours were flexible, but in some way he was working non-stop. From the busy schedule at the club and his private séances with his friends, he nearly had time for himself. Nyx however was his favorite and he just had to visit her as soon as he heard she arrived at the Seoul again. She used to say that he is everyone's safe heaven, someone they could thoroughly trust, herself included. She adored him, even though she was hesitant at first, since he looked unrealistic, had an air of mystery around him and was elegant and beautiful as a woman, but had a strength and dominance of a man. Only after a few hours of talking, did she relaxed in his company and get to know him better. She understood exactly what Jihwan meant by saying that he would give a life for him. He adores that man.

-I am so envious of you sometimes. – Ruu sighed looking at Nyx as she was putting her lipstick on in a vanity mirror. At his words she shifted her eyes from her mouth to look at Ruu.

-Why on Earth would you be? – She asked incredulously. – You are gorgeous as me, only white, and you have slimmer waist than I will ever have. But this little babies though. – She pointed at her breasts. – Mimi and Jojo, remember them? Well...honey nature was good to me. You can weep for those though.

Ruu smiled amusingly at the names of her boobs, remembering them perfectly.

-And you met Jezebel here as well. – She looked pointedly on her lap and up at his eyes again. Ruu was grinning.

-You still call your pussy Jezebel? I thought she would be Queen Clarissa by now.

-Hell no, Clarissa is so snobbish, and with title there's comes responsibility and I'm still young for a royal decorum. Beside Jezzy is fine enough.

-Jesus Nyx. – Ruu's shoulders shook in silent laugh.

-What? Don't you have a name for little Ruu? Not that he is little, but calling him big Ruu would be too presumptuous.

-No I don't. - Ruu answered with his calm and deep voice.

-No? Honey you are missing out. Do you want me to help you pick a name? We could make a list, like with baby names. – She laughed loudly and joyfully.

-As much as I found that idea appealing, I must decline darling. I'm not in the mood for that now.

She looked at him through the mirror, growing serious.

-Honey what's wrong? Tell your Boo, what's been bothering you, why are you envious?

Ruu sighed and looked through the window.

-Do you know what's frustrating the most, the fact that a lot of people mistook me for a woman? I have graciousness and female features and yet I am a man.

-Oh that you are honey. – Her eyes looked at his groin and she wiggled her eyebrows in a funny manner. Ruu smiled slightly, before growing serious again and went on talking.

-I can see why Jihwan likes to look at me sometimes and yet I I'm not complete in his eyes, not enough for him to desire me. That's unnerving. Sometimes I think it would make my life much easier if I was born as a woman, although I do like being a man, or that he is gay, or at least bi, in that way I wouldn't be so damn unhappy every time I look at him. – He sighed exasperatedly. – He is so God damn straight. – He added.

-Oh baby. – Nyx eyebrows furrowed, while she pouted, looking at him. – He is very over protective and jealous of you, you know? - She switched her eyes back on her lips and continued adding more color. – He told me not to sleep with you again.

-He did what? – Ruu asked dumbfounded.

-Mhm, he went all protective over you, telling me I could use him as much as I want, but you are special. I think he has trouble accepting you sleep with other people as well.

-Oh I don't think that's the case. He sent Jiminie to me, so it's not that. Maybe he just wants you for himself.

-And yet he offered me that dimpled cutie. No, no, no... I think he is just pissed it's the two of us together for some reason.

-What did you say to him? – Ruu's annoyance was quickly replaced by amusement. Nyx wasn't the person who likes to be told what she can or cannot do. Ruu understood her perfectly, he was the same.

-I told him to go screw himself and that both of us could fuck whomever we like and if we want to BoomBoom together then that's exactly what we would do.

That made Ruu laugh and he covered his mouth with his hand, while his eyes sparkled with mischief. Nyx was always so natural. She always says exactly what she thinks, no filters, no fancy packing, just blunt truth. A lot of people frown upon that, but Ruu loved that bluntness in the woman.

She playfully raised her hand and did a cat like grabbing movement, her long nails clucking together. Ruu chuckled and shook his head.

-Who knows what he thinks we do together. - He said smirking and she grinned like Cheshire cat with smug expression on her face.

-Oh don't he wish he knew? Maybe that's just it, maybe he wants threesome.

I don't think he had that in mind.

-I'll ask him next time.

Ruu just huffed annoyingly.

-I swear he fucks my brains out every time without actual fucking, it is frustrating.

Nyx turned her body around to look at him again, feeling sorry for her dear friend.

-Oh boo boo, if there is any consolation, if I were a guy, I would definitely bang you...

Ruu chuckled and she glanced herself in the mirror once more, smudging the color on her lower lip with her middle finger. – Fuck, I'm a woman and I would let you bang me again and again and again, unless, of course you would like me to use strap on, which is totally fine you know.

He laughed and she turned to face him again, brushing her lipstick stained finger on a tissue.

-I am flattered my darling. – He said. - But there's no need.

-You sure? You know you can ask anything of me. If it's in my power, I will gladly give that to you.

Ruu smiled gently at her.

-Positive. I crave more for cock fights now days, than puss cuddles, although I love purring cats very much.

-Oh Lord... - She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand.

-Aaah, was there ever two bigger fools than us?

Ruu smiled at her words, but grew sullen again, a smile disappear from her face and was replaced with worry.

-Baby what's really wrong? I have never seen you like this. – She asked. Ruu shook his head again, smiling exasperatedly.

-Oh, it's just me, playing the rebound replacement on so many people, who struggle with the same feelings as I do.

-You know you don't have to do this. – She said, standing up from her chair and going to sit at Ruu's side. He smiled at her and reached out for her hand, kissing it, before snuggling his cheek in her palm.

-I know, but I like helping people. I like when they feel better afterwards. I love to see them smile in satisfaction and bliss. I love touching, I crave touches as much as I love touching people. I just wish that there is someone who can help me being happy. – Ruu said quietly and Nyx pout, her eyes sad.

-Boo, I will make you feel happy I will...damn it I will try. – She snuggled to him and cradled his head.

-I wish you could darling, but what I crave now if something different, something that I can't have. – He sat up, untangling himself from her embrace, but still keep hold on both of her hands. - Maybe that's just a thing. You always crave things that you can't have.

He kissed her hands again, rubbing his face gently on them. He went on. - It's like a soon as it becomes available you lose your interest. It's becoming frustrating to have sex with so many attractive and beautiful people, but still keep on craving the one you desperately want and can't have. I wish it will go away, this feeling, this desire for him, so I could just be his friend.

-Maybe he will come around... - She offered, but he shook his head again, sighing once more.

-He will not. You can't change someone's preferences.

-You can always rape him. I will help you.

-God what else will pop out from that insane head of yours? – She pretended she didn't hear him, although she starred him deadly for two seconds.

-What about that cutie, Jihwan told me about? Namjoon's friend, Jimin? And those two sexy dudes Dragon and Top or something, I've met a year ago? – She asked instead.

-Oh I forgot that you met Namjoon. Jimin is just a dear intimate friend, nothing else. Seunghyun and Jiyong were as well, but I haven't seen them in a while.

-Friends you fuck though... - She added.

-Good friends are for hanging out, great friends are for long conversations and secrets, but the intimate friends are for fucking, it's a wonderful relationship, passion, but no strings attached. Unfortunately, not many people understand that kind of friendship now day, I think the ancient Greeks and Romans did though.

She snorted. – Yeah, I don't think they knew about great friends. For them it was just philosophy, drinking, war and sex. I've seen Spartacus Blood and Sand.

-I don't think that show give the real events in history the right credit it should darling.

-I guess not... but I'm still liking the killing and fucking. It's hot. – She said matter of fact, slapping her knee to make a point.

-You are so strangely a great mixture of both male and female darling. – Ruu said eyeing her. – You look like a woman with strong characters, but you sexual appetite and behavior is off a man.

She raised her eyebrow. – Excuse me Mr. "I am beautiful and elegant than most of women in this world", you are one to talk.

That earned a sincere wide smile from him.

-How did you like Namjoon?

-Don't change the subject. – She warned, but Ruu had enough talking about himself.

-He is easily likable isn't he? – He insisted and she took the bait.

-Dimples? Oh Lord he is so cute and sexy at the same time. He goes all shy when you compliment him, but as soon as we took our clothes off, he turned on his dominant style on me and Lord I screamed "fuck me Daddy" entire evening.

-I bet you dd.

-Oh I did...several times.

-Will you see him again?

-I wish, but our schedules don't match though.

At that moment Ruu's phone buzzed and he saw who is calling.

-Speaking of the similar devil, excuse me. Hello. Jiminie. Good to hear from you. – Ruu's bright expression grew concerned. – Calm down Jiminie, what's wrong. – There was a slight pause as he listened to the words Jimin was saying. - I supposed to run some errands, but if it's important, I could reschedule for you. Okay, I'll see you tonight then. Bye.

He hung up and met Nyx curious gaze.

-Trouble in Heaven?

-Jiminie needs me. I will have to go now. – He said raising form the bed they were sitting on. - They are in Seoul, maybe you should give Namjoon a call yes? – He added, not really waiting for her reply and bend to kiss her cheek.

-I'll talk to you later darling. Have fun with...umm...Daddy.

-Fuck you boo! – Nyx laughed and Ruu stopped in front of the door.

-Who knows, maybe... - And with another smile, he went out.


That night Jimin came and told him about the fight he had with Tae. How he just dashed out after calling Ruu and went for a walk, forgetting his phone. They talked, cuddled and had sex several times that night.

After Jimin left home, Ruu slept for a ten hours straight. The sex they had was exhausting, since the young man was tireless, but the smile on Jimin's face afterwards was worth it. Jimin was apt pupil and Ruu enjoyed his manhandling very much. Yoongi would be grateful, because Ruu thought Jimin everything Yoongi liked and desired. Now he just needed to confess his feelings toward his least one of them. Ruu didn't knew Hoseok much, only what he heard from Jimin and Yoongi, but those stories differ, since they saw the man trough different eyes. Even so, Ruu thought that Yoongi would be better match for Jimin, since they are quite compatible.

Few days later Jimin texted him from Brazil. They were on their promotions again. He made up with Taehyung, just like Ruu knew he would, but none of them pluck up the courage to do anything with their cases.

-Now it's not the time Hyung. – Was all Jimin would write. Ruu desired to nudge Yoongi a bit. He knew that Yoongi liked Jimin. He told him as much, not mentioning his name of course, Ruu still knew thought, but Ruu also knew that it's better not to meddle. They will come around, when the opportune moment come.

Ruu's days were busy as always. Nyx left home to New York, the club was buzzing with people and Jihwan was charming as always.

-Ruu darling, you seem a bit off lately. Is everything alright? – Jihwan's worried eyes scanned his best friend from head to toe. Ruu shifted his eyes from the tablet to look at Jihwan.

-I'm fine, just little bored maybe.

-I'm I boring you? – Jihwan asked, knowing the answer is no, of course, but he always liked to tease.

-You know for the smart man you do ask stupid questions. – Ruu answered, shifting his gaze back on his work. Jihwan laughed.

-But seriously, I will stop if I am. – "Please stop looking so damn desirable." Ruu thought, taking a deep breath.

-How about you shut up and help me with this instead. – Ruu said and Jihwan's wide smile adorned his face.

-Great Ruu needs my help? Wow now I'm seriously worried. What's wrong? Love problems?

-"You had no idea." – Ruu thought, but kept his mouth shut. Jihwan on the other hand kept rambling.

-You know you can tell me everything right? Is it that Jimin kid? Do you like him? Nyx told me you've seen him again.

-Jimin is just a dear friend, nothing more, nothing less...and no, I do not have love problems.

-So...? Are you seeing anyone? – Jihwan asked, curious.

-I'm seeing many people every single day Jihwan. Now tell me do you still want to keep ordering whiskey from the same company or should we try the new one? The old one is good, but expensive. I've checked the new one, it's affordable and they are proving to be good in quality by the others, plus you might get even better price since you know the man.

-You do as you want Ruu, I'm not meddling with you affairs.

-Jihwan this is your club, your business, not mine. – Ruu said exasperated. Every time he wanted to talk business with Jihwan, the man just shift everything on him.

-Darling, this is your business, I'm just the owner, but you run the place. – Jihwan said and Ruu sighed annoyingly.

-Ruu, love what's wrong. You seem on edge all the time.

-Maybe it's because I have to think about everything. – Ruu spat and Jihwan raised his eyebrows in surprise. This behavior is not common for Ruu.

-That's it... - Jihwan said. On Ruu's surprise he stood up and dial someone on the phone.

-Naissa love, book me two tickets for Bali. I will visit my house on CeninganIsland for a two weeks. Also call Chang and tell him he is needed to step in to replace Ruu, since he is coming with me. Yes, that's right. In three days, yes...excellent. Thanks love.

Ruu starred at him incredulously.

-What the hell are you doing? - He asked when Jihwan hung up the phone. He blinked at Ruu, confusingly.

-I'm taking you on the vacation, you need it.

-I can't go now! – Ruu said, his voice raising.

-Sure you can. I'm took care of everything.

-Jihwan you have no idea what to do! Chang just can't drop by and took over when he don't know what's going on in the first place.

-You will tell him and he will do nicely.

-I am not going! – Ruu was irritated, he hated when Jihwan just mess up his carefully sorted plans.

-Don't act like this, we will have fun.

-Jihwan...! – Ruu started, but Jihwan's hands on his shoulders stopped him from talking. Jihwan was in his face, scowling.

-Now you listen to me! I love you, you are my dearest and best friend. – Ruu's heart sank at those words. friends...that's all he is to him. Jihwan mistook his pain as stubbornness and went on talking. – I hate to see you like this. You are my magic man, your glow is gone and we need to bring it back. Let me take care of you Ruu. Don't fight me on this!

-You can't help me Jihwan, at least not in the way I need. – Ruu was starring him deeply in the eyes and Jihwan's breath hitched suddenly. He felt familiar energy, he connected with desire and need, but he never felt it from Ruu this strongly. It challenged him, but Ruu was his friend and he will help him even though he don't want him to.

-Ruu... - He started, but was cut by him.

-Jihwan...what I can't give are not...versatile... as I am.

Jihwan could smell the cherry aroma from Ruu's warm breath as his body went suddenly hot from the energy Ruu was emanating. Ruu was dangerous, he was in his special dark mood now, Jihwan had seen it before, but he had no idea that he is this deep in it again. He hid it so well.

-Why didn't you tell me?

Ruu cocked his head at this. Jihwan asked again.

-Why didn't you tell me you went to your dark place again?

Ruu starred at him. He got everything wrong, Ruu thought.

-I am not in my dark place, but I'm not in my light place either.

Ruu's strong stare dig deep into Jihwan's eyes and he was pleasantly surprised that the man didn't even flinch. The others would already shudder and step back from intensity of Ruu's glare, but not Jihwan.

-Don't try to intimidate me Ruu, that doesn't work on me. – Jihwan returned equal stare. He reached to brush Ruu's cheek, making the latter clench his jaw.

-You need rest and we are going. Two weeks on Bali would help you, it would be just the two of us. I feel like we are drifting away slightly and I don't like it Ruu. – Jihwan said calmly, voice dripping with dominance. – I want you by my side, I always did, ever since I first saw you, you were something exquisite. You know me better than I know myself. – Jihwan drew nearer to Ruu, their bodies almost touching. – You know all my secrets, all my desires, everything Ruu. You are my kindred spirit.

Ruu swallow a huge lump in his throat, almost not blinking, still holding contact with his eyes.

-If you were a woman I would marry you as soon as I met you, but the destiny was cruel, completely unfair. – Ruu felt pain, but the mask on his face was emotionless.

-Sometimes... - Jihwan kept talking. – I even desire that I love man, so that I can claim you. I know you want me to. – Ruu's eyes widen ever so slightly at this, but he held his composure. Jihwan smiled apologetically. – I am sorry my friend that I cannot desire you in the way you want me to. – Jihwan's hand went from Ruu's cheek to his neck, intertwining his fingers in Ruu's silken hair.

-Oh God I wish I could my friend.

Ruu closed his eyes at that. He felt Jihwan's lips on his forehead and sighed deeply.

That was exactly what he admired mostly about the man, the dominance, but tenderness. That's why he fell in love with him. Jihwan was everything Ruu desired from a partner. That's why he moved to Seoul on Jihwan's request and he never regret doing so, even now, when he is suffering, Ruu would still chose the same.

Ruu... - Jihwan's voice was gentle. Ruu opened his eyes to look at the man, a single tear run down his cheek and Jihwan caught it with his finger.

-You will come with me... please.

-Why do you want to torture me if you already know what effect you have on me Jihwan? Let me sort my emotion first. Being alone with you in paradise and having you all by myself won't help me Jihwan. It would be like taking a child in a chocolate factory, but forbidding him to eat any chocolate. Will you give yourself to me?

-I'm already yours...

-Body and soul Jihwan?

Jihwan huffed and move back from Ruu, swallowing hard.

-I can't Ruu. It's not working for me.

-Then cancel the trip Jihwan. I will be alright on my own.

Jihwan was suddenly annoyed.

-What? By fucking strangers and your special friends? Do they every make you feel good in return or they are just using you for their own needs?

Ruu slapped him and grabbed him by the throat. He had that special grip with his three fingers that he loved to use when wanting to make disobeying people pay him their utmost attention and he had Jihwan's full attention right now.

-You have no right telling me what to do Jihwan or who should I fuck and why. You refuse that right. Now keep your mouth shut and be my friend you are claiming you are. Support me, help me, but do not insult me.

A one swift movement and precise knock with knuckle on Ruu's elbow that held Jihwan's throat, made nerves in Ruu's arm falter in weakness. Ruu gasped and Jihwan used that momentum to pin Ruu, front first on the wall, hooking his wrists behind his back, just above his ass. He yanked Ruu on his hair and snarl on his ear.

-Don't you ever attack me like that again! You had no idea how tense I am now Ruu!

Ruu spat back, gritting his teeth.

-Do you think I am not?! I want to kick your ass right now Jihwan. – He started yanking his body, which made Jihwan grip his hair more.

-Stop this Ruu and calm the fuck down.

-Let me go Jihwan!

-Not until you calm down!

-I am too angry and hurt to calm down now! – Ruu shouted. He used his knee to push himself from the wall and then swirl in circle, yanking one of his hands from Jihwan's grip, which allowed him to defend himself and then attack with more ease. Jihwan was surprised, but he managed to block Ruu's strikes.

They ended up throwing punches and kicks at one another, until both of them fell down on the floor bruised and tired, panting. Jihwan's office was in mess. If anyone heard the ruckus, no one dared interrupting them. It's been known to happen before.

-Damn it Ruu...why do you have to be so stubborn? – Jihwan asked, his anger already gone.

-You know, this could all be avoided if you just fucked me. – Ruu answered. They look at one another and burst out laughing.

-Fuck Ruu! – Jihwan laughed, grimacing from bruised rib.

-If you wish. – Ruu teased, brushing back his tangled hair from his eyes. He dabbed the sweat and few drops of his blooded lip with his sleeve. Thank God he wore his black today. White would be nightmare to wash.

-Ruu, if I ever get desire to fuck a man I will come to you that's a promise. – Jihwan placed his hand over his heart meaning every word.

-Good. I will cut you balls if I find out someone else tap that ass instead of me. – Ruu said dead serious. Jihwan craned his neck to look at him.

-Now what makes you think that I would be on receiving end?

-Oh...just a hunch. – Ruu said calmly, gazing up the ceiling.


In this chapter we get a glimpse into Ruu's and Jihwan's relationship, as well as Nyx's and through them, we shall see the little things and secrets from Bangtan dorm. Hope you like it. Take care 💖

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