U N H O L Y - [Sweet Pea]

By curvaparabolica

557K 12.1K 2.5K

NO TRANSLATIONS ALLOWED "Pure sin, that's exactly what he was". Published II | II | MMXVIII More

A/N: Lesson in Unholy
A/N: Pause (No biggie)


8K 193 5
By curvaparabolica

     "Jughead Jones, did you really think you've seen the last of me?". Penny said, looking at the other Serpents too before sitting down on a chair, leaving Jughead all alone in front of the group. "What's the snake charmer doing here? Dad?". Jughead pulled his jacket back over his shoulders to adjust Penny's hard grip on his shoulders. "No, I let her come here to help us". Tall Boy responded calmly. "We don't need Penny's kind of help!". Jughead's voice increased in volume. "You don't get a say anymore. Not since you broke Serpent law and hurt one of our own". Tall Boy spoke up again. Sweet Pea and Fangs shared a look, which they turned to Toni as they stood in front of them. The Serpent had to admit, it was kind of funny to see Jughead that startled in front of the group, but if Sweet Pea hated someone more than Jughead, it was probably Penny, so he wasn't sure what to think of this moment. He was just surprised to see her here, as he helped Jughead to get rid of her a couple weeks earlier.

"Penny was about to tell your dad. Show 'em, Penny". Tall Boy's voice filled the silence that rested on the shoulders of the Serpents. Penny lifted her arm and pulled her sleeve down, showing off her bruised arm where her tattoo was stripped from her skin. "That used to be my Serpent tattoo". Penny said, looking into FP's eyes as he was visibly surprised by what Jughead had done to her. "Until your son sliced my arm and left me bleeding in a ditch in Greendale. But I'm still willing to help the Serpents". She lifted her head and sat back, content as FP rubbed his temples. "Tall Boy showed me those eviction notices, they're legit. But, luckily, I can think of about 41 ways to stall the process. And I'm talking years". She explained. "What's your price, Penny". It wasn't even a question, FP just came straight down to business. "Blood for blood". Sweet Pea's eyebrows rose at her response, were they really going to cut off Jughead's tattoo? "I want back in with the Serpents and I want him kicked out". Oh, slightly disappointing.

"Oh yeah, one last thing. I want his tattoo carved off. And I want to do it myself". Penny grinned and turned to Jughead. Ah, there it was. "Stop, stop". FP stood up and his arms motioned for the whispers in the background to keep quiet. "We'll have a vote. We're not going to break more rules here". The Serpent king stepped away and moved to his office, probably to think about in how many ways he could kill either Penny or Jughead. Jughead stormed outside and Fangs was about to follow him as Sweet Pea pulled on his wrist. "Just let him, he'll know what to do afterwards". Fangs nodded slowly. "This is just weird, all of this. I get such weird vibes from Tallboy". His lips curled into a snarl and Sweet Pea hummed in agreement. "I get what you mean". He nodded. The doors opened again and they expected Jughead to come in again after cooling down inside, but it was Kate, beautifully dressed in the most classy dress Sweet Pea had ever seen. His lips slightly parted as she walked up to him, easily balancing on those heels. "What are you doing here, angel?". He asked, his arm curling around her lower back.

"Visting my boyfriend". Kate smiled sweetly, letting him pull her close against his chest. Sweet Pea studied her face and her sparkling eyes, the makeup perfectly highlighting her already stunning features. "Veronica's bullshit party evening, I forgot. You could sneak out". He grinned and she nodded. "And I took the opportunity of course". Kate's hand trailed up his arm as he just took his jacket off, feeling his warm skin against her palm as she moved it upwards over is bicep to his shoulder. "Hi, Fangs". She giggled as Fangs eyed the couple with a frown, already feeling left out. "Hi, Katie". He replied and the genuine smile broke through his face again. "You look beautiful, too beautiful for the old, stinky Wyrm". Fangs told her, however Kate waved him away. "I only wear this so my parents believe I'm still at the Lodge's". She rolled her eyes slightly. Fangs smiled at them and then walked away to give them a moment. "Babe, we have some club issues". Sweet Pea started, his hand resting on her hip now. "Oh, what kind of issues?". Kate asked, her eyebrows knitting together.

"Someone of our club, Penny Peabody, also known as the snake charmer, came back for revenge. Jughead asked her for help to get FP out of prison and he had to pay her price, but he didn't want to. We... He cut off her tattoo". Sweet Pea almost admitted he helped Jughead and hoped Kate didn't notice his correction, but the soft look that always lingered on her features hardened slightly and it made him swallow hard. "You cut off her tattoo?". Her voice lowered a bit and he avoided her eyes briefly. "A Serpent never stands alone". Sweet Pea muttered. "You're getting yourself into dangerous situations with those things, Pea. I don't want you to get hurt". Kate said, truly worried about him. "Just like the drug deal with the Sons". She crossed her arms over her chest, looking up at him to meet his eyes again. "Your brother". Sweet Pea's jaw clenched, sure Jax wanted to set her up against him somehow. "Not my brother, one of his mates". Kate shook her head. "I'm careful, okay? You don't have to worry, please". His big, rough hands cupped her cheeks to properly look in her eyes.

Kate stared into his amber, glowing eyes for a second and she nodded then, accepting his words and knowing she couldn't turn it around anyway. "Good". The Serpent replied and bend down to place a chaste kiss on her lips, tasting the strawberry flavour of her lipgloss. They both turned in surprise when Jughead came through the door, but with not only FP, also Betty and... the head of Mr. Pickens? "Stop the damn vote". FP's voice echoed through the Wyrm. Tall Boy didn't look happy to see Jughead with the head of the statue, shuffling rather uneasy in his chair. "What the hell were you doing at the dump last week, Tall Boy?". "I don't know what you're talking about". Tall Boy replied, lifting his head as if he looked confident, but everyone could already guess who the guilty one really was here. "I'm talking about you cutting the head off the statue and stashing it at the dump where you were seen, dumbass. So start spilling". Jughead looked pretty angry as he turned to face Tall Boy. "Why'd you do it? Someone put you up to this?". He asked. "What are those Northsiders doing here? This is Serpent business, on Serpent land". Tall Boy nodded towards Kate and Betty.

"Keep your filthy mouth shut about them, asshole. Lay one finger on her and I'll...". Sweet Pea swallowed his words as he felt Kate's fingers wrapping around his hand, her thumb rubbing soft circles over his. "They're are here because they're a part of our family". Jughead spat. "You answer my son's question". FP's tone was resolute to get an answer out of the older Serpent. "Because I'm tired of seeing the Serpents going soft under your rule. Then Hiram Lodge came by, wanting to stir up trouble. He said if I took the lead, he'd get McCoy and and the cops swarm all over us". Tall Boy finally spilled. "So Hiram Lodge asked you to start a mutiny and you helped him, why?". Jughead frowned. "I figured it'd be my chance to get rid of you, sunshine". "You're a Judas, Tall Boy. And an idiot". Jughead snarled. "You betrayed your own kind, you broke the Serpent law. What should we do with this lowlife?". FP turned to the Serpents. "Strip him off his jacket, exile him". Jughead replied. "All of those in favour?". Everyone instantly lifted their hands and the decision was made. "Seems like this piece of thrash and I got a long ride ahead of us". FP spoke with a grin and made Tall Boy stand up to get him out of the Wyrm.

"That was pretty intense". Kate muttered as the chatting of others filled the pub again and soon the music was turned up too, as if nothing ever happened. "You know what else is pretty intense, baby?". Sweet Pea wiggled his eyebrows and she shook her head, doubting if she'd even want to know it. "If he's going to say something about his dick then I'm leaving". Fangs mentioned, making her laugh. "My love for you". "That was quite romantic". Toni filled in and Sweet Pea grinned, resting his palm now on her bum. Kate looked up at him, watching his tongue gliding over his lips to wet them, his teeth nibbling into the lower one. She had turned him on. A grin curled her lips as she subtly brushed her hand over the slight bulge that started to form in his jeans. "There are some blankets here in the closet, we can take them, head out to the river, have some fun under the stars...". Sweet Pea hummed in her ear, his lips brushing over the shell. "Your ideas lately". She smiled as she held onto his biceps again.

"I'll take that as a yes". The Serpent grinned widely and saluted Fangs to indicate they were leaving. Fangs just lifted his eyebrows and watched them leave. "We don't have all night". Kate warned, she had to get home before her parents would freak out. "Good for you I don't need all night to get you screamin' out, angel". Kate gave him a glance, another smile playing with her lips as this boy could tell her anything and she'd probably still smile. His big hands wrapped around her waist to plant her on the motorcycle. She locked her arms around his waist as soon as he sat in front of her and sped away onto the dark roads that would lead them to the Sweet Water River. Kate enjoyed night rides way more than at any other time of the day. It was quiet and they were the only ones out here. The rumbling engine of the motorcycle echoed through the trees as it neared the river. The silence washed over them as they stopped in front of the grass, the moon leaving a mysterious glow over the river.

"I haven't been able to touch you like this for too long". Sweet Pea hummed as he lifted her off the bike, wrapping her legs around his waist. "Did you forget when we skipped French?". Kate giggled and held onto his broad, muscled shoulders. "That one doesn't count. I'm a soldier of love that's hard to beat, princess". He mused, pecking her lips as he put her back on the ground. He swung the blankets over his shoulder and entwined his fingers with hers as they walked over the grass along side the river. "You sure your parents won't notice? Send out those FBI agents who're supposed to protect you?". Sweet Pea nudged her side with his elbow and she scoffed. "My mother was dancing with Hermione after her sixth glass of wine and my father was smoking sigars and drinking beer with the other business men, they won't notice a thing". She rolled her eyes. "They care so much about my safety". She sarcastically added. "Good thing you have me". He loosened his fingers from hers and swung his arm around her shoulders.

"I am glad I have you". Kate said, stopping in her tracks as she seriously meant that. "I feel safe with you". She looked up at him to find his eyes, that looked now pitch black, staring down at her. Sweet Pea's heart skipped a beat as it sounded like an 'I love you', but in other words and he felt the exact same. "You know I'd do anything to protect you for whatever you're scared of". His warm hand reached out for her face and carressed her cheek. She lazily smiled as she melted in his touch. Sweet Pea threw the blanket on the ground and sloppily spread it, eager to pull her into his chest and lift her up again. Kate squealed at the sudden rushed movements to hold her close, his lips on hers to connect in a hungry kiss. Her fingers automatically found their way to his hair and she clenched the jet black strands in the nape of his neck in her hands. For a moment she felt like he was going to drop her, but she softly landed on the blanket in the grass, him hovering over her. The night was quite cold, their breaths visible in the air, yet she felt like there was boiling hot magma rushing through her veins instead of blood.

Sweet Pea's hands roamed over her back, finding the zipper to the dress she was wearing to pull it down her body. He broke the kiss to look down, his eyes scanning her scarcely dressed body that was just covered up with a strapless bra and some lacy panties. The Serpent swore she was beautiful in everything, he didn't care what she was wearing. And she was his. The most gorgeous angel of the universe belonged to him only. Sweet Pea let out a low grunt at those thoughts, like a wolf who had claimed his mate. Her neck was exposed to him and he gladly dropped his lips to the bare skin. She smelled delicious, a hint of coconut from her new perfume lingering on her neck that made his jeans tighten as his tongue wetted her skin. A soft whimper tumbled over her lips and she gave herself to him once again. Kate was addicted to his body heat, moving her hands under his jacket, under his shirt to feel his abdomen and the firm pectorals. With bee-stung, red, puffy lips they parted, breaths rushing and he looked at her face for a moment. "I want you to wear my jacket tonight, babe. Can you do that for me?". He asked.

Kate slowly nodded, sitting up as he leaned back on his knees. She immediately felt the warmth of his body as she pushed her arms through the sleeves of the jacket, the way too big leather like a dress on her. "Stunning". Sweet Pea mumbled, taking her chin in his hand to look at her beautiful face again. Another sweet kiss was pressed to her lips before he continued his path down her body. She leaned back on the blanket, watching how he peppered her body with kisses till he reached the waistband of her panties. His hot breath ghosted over the material, causing a sweet shiver to run up her spine. She parted her thighs some more and she could feel Sweet Pea's mouth hovering over her core, right where she wanted his lips and his tongue. He placed a kiss on her clothed clit and she took her bottom lip between her teeth. His brown eyes flickered up to hers and he knew she had said they didn't have all night. He hooked his fingers inside the lacy fabric and pulled it down her legs, parting them again to get between her thighs. Kate hummed as the next kiss was directly pressed to her swollen nub of nerve endings.

She relaxed more under the sky full of stars, letting him work the miracles of his tongue on her dampened core. Sweet Pea's tongue parted her labia, licking slowly and in thick strokes up and down. The colder outside air added to the pleasurable sensation, his tongue feeling even hotter than the last time he had gone down on her. Kate whimpered softly as he swirled his tongue around her clit, a harsh suck following that made her toes curl gently. One of his hands moved over her thighs to her knees, indicating he wanted her legs spread even wider. She did as he asked, her eyelids fluttering at the cold air that reached her core. Sweet Pea buried his head deeper between her legs, flattening his tongue against her to hear her moaning louder. He wetted two of his fingers and ran them through her folds, briefly teasing her entrance before pushing them in to aid the movements of his mouth. Kate gasped at the feeling of her walls being stretched in a delicious way, causing her back to arch slightly off the ground. Sweet Pea's fingertips padded around to feel the swollen nub inside of her walls, knowing he'd have her coming all over his fingers in no time.

Her lips parted with a loud whine, which let the Serpent know he had found it. Her eyes rolled back as he continued to scissor, twist and curl his fingers towards her orgasm, his mouth still on her clit to increase the stimulation. Kate tried to squeeze her thighs around his head, but he didn't make this possible as his other hand firmly held her down. He heard her struggle, fighting against the intensity of the pleasure that was about to wash over her, but he felt her going numb as soon as she had reached her climax. Her body spasmd softly, thighs quivering and her shaky breaths, it was something he'd never get tired of seeing or hearing. Kate's cheeks were flushed red, the heat had moved to her face and she was just flustered by how he knew her body and just exactly knew how to make her come. Sweet Pea smiled at her and hovered over her, kissing her passionately. He felt her hands moving under his shirt again and this time he obeyed her request for him to take it off. Kate looked up at him as he looked like a Greek sculpture in the white moonlight in front of her. His eyes were locked with her in a loving gaze as he unbuckled his belt and shoved his jeans down his legs.

He brought another blanket so they wouldn't be freezing under the darkness of the night. Sweet Pea pulled it over them as he got between her legs again, guiding his rock hard cock to her soaked entrance. Kate was still looking at him as the mushroomed head of his length entered her and his upperbody moved closer to her. She could lay on her back again. He entwined his fingers with hers as he pushed himself deeply inside of her, making her part her lips for air. Soft whimpers fell out of her mouth as he build up a steady pace. Their lips brushed over each other, gentle kisses exchanged every now and then. Kate closed her eyes, her arms wrapping around him as their fingers loosened. She tightly held him, their bodies as close together as possible. Sweet Pea leaned his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes as she was so incredibly beautiful beneath him, in his Serpent jacket. Kate opened her eyes to look back at him, feeling her heart racing against her ribcage. They smiled at each other, both already close to their orgasms. His lips dropped to her neck again and she tipped her head back to let him mark his territory. 

Her eyes closed once more and she felt her body floating away from every sorrow, every negative thoughts and all of the problems on school, with her parents and her toxic family. In his arms is where she belonged.

A/N: Hi everyone! Omg it's been too long, but I'm back now and I really want to update once every week again. I hope that's possible as I'm in my last year of high school atm :) Hope you liked this chapter! More serious stuff is coming soon :)

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