GamTav Fanfic

By prince_eri

5.2K 246 45

Tavros Nitram is your average person. He's just trying to live life as best as possible but unlike most, he's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

1K 63 6
By prince_eri

I actually updated on this sooner than I had expected myself to, so that's cool. Woo for motivation, right? I've been putting my self down a bit, but I decided to write this chapter before I give up on this dumb thing. I hope this new chapter doesn't disappoint.


Tavros found himself waiting for the arrival of Gamzee. Yesterday he had been on the bus again and Tavros had found out that he rides it pretty much everyday. The only days he had said he didn't ride were on Thursdays and Sundays; this meant Tavros wouldn't be seeing him tomorrow. The bus came to a halt at the stop Tavros now associated with Gamzee. Gamzee got on and paid, immediately going over to Tavros and sitting across from him again. His face paint looked unusually messy today and Tavros almost asked about it but decided against it.

"Hey, bro. What's up with you on this miraculous morning of mornings?" he asked in that weird way of his. He always worded his sentences oddly, but Tavros didn't mind; it made the conversation just a little more interesting.

"Um, nothing. I'm going to work." Tavros never had gotten why people asked that when it was obvious where he was going.

"Ah, I see. Where do you get your work on?"

Work on? Tavros didn't get the question at first, but quickly realized that Gamzee was asking where he worked. "Oh, I work at the, uh, library," he answered.

"Ha, no wonder I never saw you before, brother. I don't go to the library all that motherfucking much," Gamzee explains, but Tavros had assumed as much when he first met the guy. Not to mention Tavros was sure he would have remembered Gamzee if he had ever seen him before.

An awkward silence settled in the air as Tavros decided there wasn't much else to say on the subject, unless he'd venture as far as to ask what kind of job Gamzee had, if he even had one, but he didn't plan on doing so. It was only a moment before Gamzee got a big smile though, and Tavros knew he had thought of something else to talk about.

"I've been wondering how you all up and manage to get your motherfucking self on the bus. You got a brother to help you out?" Gamzee asks, seeming genuinely curious about it. Needless to say this made Tavros feel a bit uncomfortable; he didn't want to talk about Aradia with Gamzee. Then again, she would be coming to work with him on Friday to pick up her book...

"Actually, uh, it's more like a sister? I mean, not biologically speaking, of course. I mean in the sense that she is actually a, um, a girl. She's probably my best friend," Tavros tells him, skirting around the subject of her name. He didn't know why, but he thought it'd be creepy if he gave Gamzee her name.

Gamzee nodded, looking thoughtful for a reason unbeknownst to Tavros. "Well, she sure sounds like a caring motherfucker," he replies with a smile, but Tavros can't help but frown a bit. He knew Gamzee didn't use motherfucker literally, but it still bothered Tavros that he used such a name for Aradia.

"Could you maybe, um, not call her that?" he asks, managing enough confidence to speak up about how he felt. "I mean, Aradia is very nice and I, uh, know you don't mean it, but I don't think that's the right thing to call her at all, so yeah." Gamzee just blinked slowly at that, looking confused in all honesty. Tavros watched his reaction carefully though, hoping his assertiveness hadn't made Gamzee angry, or something; not that Tavros was worried about his chances at being Gamzee's friend were bad over this because, honestly, he didn't care about it if it came down to that. He was just worried about what Gamzee would do.

Weirdly enough Gamzee grinned as he had before. "Ah, no problem, brother. Sorry I all up and offended you. A guy has to stand up for his miraculous best friend," he finally says, surprising Tavros. He hadn't expected Gamzee to agree, then again he seemed to be a very laid back kind of guy.

"So, you, uh, have a best friend too?" Tavros asks, hesitantly. That was admittedly a silly question, but he was honestly curious as to who would manage to get themselves into a best friend sort of deal with this guy.

"Ha, you bet, bro! My motherfucking best brother is awesome, but he's always getting his angry face on to everything. He don't exactly consider me his best friend, but he sure is mine," Gamzee explains, smiling happily as he talks about his friend. Tavros doesn't find it odd that Gamzee had a friendship like that though, that jut seemed like it would be his kind of friendship with anyone, really.

"That's a, uh, very interesting relationship," Tavros comments. Gamzee just laughs a bit before answering.

"You bet, but that's just how Karbro works."

Tavros would have asked what his friend's real name was, but the bus had pulled up to his bus stop and he really did hate making the bus driver have to wait for him. He began maneuvering his chair out of his spot, deciding to save the question for later.

"Um, okay. I have to go, but I'll, uh, see you on Friday, right?" Tavros didn't know if that had sounded hopeful, or if he was even hopeful to see Gamzee again in the firstlplace, but he did know what he for sure hoped for. He hoped he wasn't already getting attached to Gamzee; needless to say that would be weird. "You bet, Tavbro," Gamzee replies.

Tavbro? What a weird way of nicknaming people...

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