Prison Loving


45K 1.8K 1.9K

Supernatural/Destiel Jail Au. Castiel and his brother Gabriel are new to Lawrence prison and they become frie... More

The Novaks
Hey Blue Eyes!
Cadam isn't happening!
Maybe He's Not A Stone Cold Killer?
What Might've Been
We Need To Talk


1.2K 52 25

**Okay so this is super short and unedited but it's an update nonetheless. Enjoy ig.**

Now that Cas was mine again. I felt relieved.
But that relief was short lived.
As suddenly, everything went pitch black.
I couldn't see anything for about 10 seconds. Until a horn sounded and red lights began to flash on and off.
My heart began to race. I looked at Cas in front of me. He looked just as panicked as I felt.
"What's happening!?" I could barely hear him over the sirens.

I knew exactly what those sirens meant. Danger. And based on everything that had been going on in the prison, it meant danger for us.

I had to get to Sam. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to him. And I knew Cas felt the same way about Gabe.

Looking back to him, his eyes were wide. He was panting like crazy. I knew that look. He was having a panic attack.

I put a hand on his cheek, "Hey, look at me. Everything's going to be okay. Alright?"

He searched my eyes as if they held the answer to the problem.
"Okay... what do we do?"

I opened the cell door and looked both ways. The halls were empty but there were panicked shouts of inmates and officers alike echoing down the halls.
I stuck out my hand for him to take, "We run."

He looked at my hand hesitantly for a moment. As if he was unsure. But he trusted me, he took my hand.

I held his tightly as I pulled him down the hallway. Toward where Sam and Gabe were.

But as we arrived in isolation. They were nowhere to be seen.

I felt my own panic attack coming on. I searched every cell.
I ran my hands through my hair and tugged as I squeezed my eyes shut.
Where could they be? Were they safe? What happened?

Suddenly, the door behind us slammed shut.
Cas and I both whipped around at the loud sound.

I heard Cas gasp as he saw who was at the door.

Adam was leaning against the wall, in front of the door, twirling a knife in his hand.
A playful grin spread across his face that was almost sinister. Those piercing icy blue eyes made a shiver run up my spine.

I knew what he was capable of. And I really didn't want to stick around to find out.

But he was blocking the only exit.

He smirked, "They're not here."

I took a threatening step forward, Cas automatically shifted behind me and made himself look smaller, "What did you do?"

"Me?" He pointed to himself. His wicked grin only seemed to get bigger, "Oh, nothing. Sadly, they ran off earlier before I could even get here. Luckily... John wanted to take care of Sam himself."

I clenched my jaw, "You son of a bitch!"

He snickered, "She was. Why do you think I killed her?"

"Because you're a selfish monster who only cares about himself." I stated.

"Oh, I'm the monster? You sure about that, Dean? Because it sounds like you're describing yourself."

"I'm not a monster. I didn't kill my own mother."

"But you have killed innocents. Haven't you? When you were working with Daddy?
Trust me Dean, I could tell some stories that would make Castiel here lose what he had for lunch."

Cas side eyed me. I could tell he believed a little of what Adam was saying.

"Why are you doing this?" I had to ask.

He pointed the knife at me, "Because I can. Because I want to."

"What do you get out of it?"

"I get to rid the world of the most obnoxious brothers in history and take their place in your father's circle. What more could I want?"

"A life where you don't rely on torturing others for your own happiness? If you can even call it that. Are you happy?"

He put the knife to his lip as if he was thinking about it, "No. Not really. But I will be, after I have Castiel."

He looked at Cas threateningly.
I stepped in front of him, "No way in Hell. Over my dead body!"

He smirked, "So be it."

He started to run toward us with the knife. I pushed Cas back, "Find a way out! Go!"

I lunged at Adam and knocked him off balance. He regained it and began slashing at me.

I dodged every time he tried to stab me.
I heard Cas behind me, if I could just turn us around he could get out. And maybe even make it out of the prison.

But this was a distraction. Adam sliced at me. I cursed as he made a pretty good sized gash on my left bicep.
He looked shocked but pleased to see he succeeded in hurting me.

I roared with rage as I grabbed his wrist. He tried to fight my hold and pushed the knife toward me.

I tried turning it around. No such luck.
I decided to take a risk, I ducked and charged at Adam. Wrapping my arms around his stomach and lifting him up for a second, only to throw him back down again.

His back hit the floor. But it wasn't enough. He still held the knife.
He slashed at my feet.

I stepped on his wrist hard. I heard bones crack underneath the pressure.
I kicked the knife out of his reach and got on top of him.

I took the collar of his jumpsuit and began delivering punch after punch.

I felt myself black out. Like I had done plenty of times before.
I knew I wouldn't stop until he was bloody.
Cas grabbed at my lapel, "Come on Dean. He's out! We gotta go!"

I came back to reality and looked down at my work. His face and my fists were covered in blood.
His eyes were closed.
I checked for a pulse, still alive.

I picked up the discarded knife and looked down at his limp body.

He deserved it. He really did.

I felt Cas tug on my arm, "Dean..."

I didn't respond.


"Let me..."

"You don't have to-"

"Don't I?" I looked back at him. "What is he comes after you?"

He seemed to think about it. "You said it yourself, I'm a big boy. Plus, I'll have you to protect me."

Cas wanted me there with him. That's all I needed to hear.

I turned to leave with Cas, leaving Adam behind, but not before tucking the knife away in my jumpsuit.

I had a feeling it would come in handy real soon.

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