distance // bechloe

By lilpickledstar

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'𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶' ⚬ ... More



2.7K 82 7
By lilpickledstar


I had just landed in Seattle which was exciting! I didn't perform until tomorrow though. As soon as I had got off the plane, I was practically dragged by the dog, someone clearly needed a wee. Amy and Theo just laughed at me.

Once he had done his business, we all got in the car and made our way to the hotel.

"We are here" Our driver grumbled

Someone does not like his job. He clearly was not a people person. I just rolled my eyes, stepping out of the car with Jax. Theo and Amy after. Theo was the one to check us in since he always did.

When I had got to my room, I let the dog off and just went and sat on the sofa, putting my feet up. Seattle was actually beautiful and I am a little shocked. Never been here before but I was liking it.

Beca: hey. just got to my hotel!

Chloe: No way! We are actually in the same state!

Beca: i know! it's crazy.

Chloe:Where are you staying?

Beca: four seasons.

Chloe: That hotel looks amazing!

Chloe: So any plans for the rest of the evening?

Beca: i am going to take jax for a walk soon.

Chloe: Go to waterfront park! It is pretty cool down there.

Beca: yeah i used to go there a lot when i was younger! want to join?

Chloe: If I wasn't at work then I definitely would.

Beca: damn. were meeting tomorrow for sure though?

Chloe: Of course! I've already got my ticket now.

Beca: told you that there wasn't any need to buy one

Chloe: And I told you that I wasn't going to take a free one

Beca: i remember....

Chloe: Good. Also, how is this going to happen?

Beca: not figured that out yet.

Chloe: Leaving it a little late? ;)

Beca: just a tad. it'll happen, me and amy will find a way. she's good at thinking of plans. me? not so much.

Chloe: Doesn't surprise me.

Beca: how rude.

Chloe: Shhh, don't forget to bring Jax! I want to see him so bad. There is a boxer puppy at work at the moment, he is so cute!

Beca: i'd never forget him! and awwww! i want another dog.

Chloe: This one is up for adoption.

Beca: what?! no way. send me a photo?

Chloe: Okay fine, give me a minute.

Beca: okay

Chloe: Here.

Beca: omg. he is fucking cute!

Chloe: Told you!

Beca: and now i want him. thanks.

Chloe: He is super sweet too.

Beca: dude stop otherwise i will have to get him.

Chloe: That'd be cute. Jax would have a friend!

Beca: chloeee stopp :(

Chloe: You're cute.

Beca: thanks, babe.

Chloe: Ooo, look who just got called babe!

Beca: don't get too excited. i've caught on from amy saying it too much.

Chloe: Way to break my heart.

Beca: you'll be fine.

Chloe: I know. You're an asshole anyway.

Beca: i am used to you saying that now

Chloe: Glad it caught on.

Beca: i am off to walk jax, but i'll text you when i am back

Chloe: Okay! I should actually go do some work.

Beca: you really should

Chloe: Dickhead,


Okay. Well, that walk did not go to plan. Theo ended up joining and we just got bombarded the second we had got down there. It was not fun, don't get me wrong. I absolutely love my fans and I wouldn't be where I am today without their support but some privacy would be amazing. Theo had to carry Jax since they were practically standing on him which is probably why I am so annoyed about it all. If I had Koby then I would be even more pissed. Luckily he is back in New York.

We had just got back to the hotel, with the help of security, Amy thankfully saw us from her hotel room as it was only down the hill.

"I am going for a shower but dinner about half 6?" I asked and they agreed

Once I had showered and changed into some fresh clothes for the evening I sat on my bed and decided to go on my phone for an hour before we went for food.

@//becamitchell: as much as i love my fans, please respect mine and theo's privacy. that was not fun for either of us. we had the dog too which made it worst since everyone was practically standing on him. If i had my little boy with me then it would have been even worse. I get people were excited and wanted to meet us but please don't circle us, it's not nice for us.

When I tweeted that, I went on to text Chloe. It was half 5 so she should be home from work by now.

Beca: you back from work?

Chloe: Yeah! Been back for about 15 minutes. I saw your tweet. You okay?

Beca: yeah, all good. just a little annoyed

Chloe: I can imagine. It's not respectful.

Beca: true but it'll still happen.

Chloe: Yeah it will. Not everyone is like that though.

Beca: yeah, just the crazy ones..

Chloe: How's Jax?

Beca: all good. theo had to pick him up and carry him the whole way back to the hotel though

Chloe: Bless him :(

Beca: yeah it wasn't great. it's kind of scary too, if i had koby then anything could have happened to him. then i would have lost my shit

Chloe: Lucky he wasn't there. Is he back in New York?

Beca: yeah, he's with his nan

Chloe: Excited to get home and see him?

Beca: definitely! i haven't seen him in two weeks.

Chloe: How come he didn't join you?

Beca: it isn't fun for him, considering it is a lot of late nights and early mornings. nothing for him to do, plus his school would have a right piss fit if i took him out for 3/4 weeks.

Chloe: Yeah true.

Beca: any plans for tonight?

Chloe: Just a chilled night in. Work killed me this morning and I've been tired ever since.

Beca: me too! apart from the fact work didn't kill me today.

Chloe: Lucky you :(

Beca: if it makes you feel a tad better. my throat is fucking killing me.

Chloe: Nope, that makes me feel bad for you. Should you really perform tomorrow with a sore throat?

Beca: it'll be fine. this always happens lmao

Chloe: Hmm okay.

Beca: im serious

Chloe: I believe you. Just be careful.

Beca: i will

Chloe: Promise?

Beca: i promise.

Chloe: Okay good.

Beca: i am going to dinner now but i will message you tomorrow since i am going straight to bed after. very tired

Chloe: Okay! Speak tomorrow x

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