"Tear" - Park Jimin AU

By Eomma--Jin

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{This is the continuation of "In love with a vampire"} Tears slowly dripped down my cheeks as I was sitting... More

"Tear" - Chapter 1
"Tear" - Chapter 2
"Tear" - Chapter 4
"Tear" - Chapter 5
"Tear" - Chapter 6
"Tear" - Chapter 7
"Tear " - Chapter 8
"Tear" - Chapter 9
"Tear" - Chapter 10
"Tear" - Chapter 11
"Tear" - Chapter 12
"Tear" - Chapter 13
"Tear" - Chapter 14
"Tear" - Chapter 15
"Tear" - Chapter 16
"Tear" - Chapter 17
"Tear" - Chapter 18
"Tear" - Chapter 19
"Tear" - Chapter 20
"Tear" - Chapter 21
"Tear" - Chapter 22
"Tear" - Chapter 23
"Tear" - Chapter 24
"Tear" - Chapter 25
"Tear" - Chapter 26
"Tear" - Chapter 27
"Tear" - Chapter 28
'Tear' - Chapter 29
"Tear" - Chapter 30
"Tear" - Chapter 31
"Tear" - Chapter 32
"Tear" - Chapter 33
"Tear" - Chapter 34
"Tear" - Chapter 35
"Tear" - Chapter 36
'Tear' - short intermezzo
"Tear" - Chapter 37
"Tear" - Chapter 38
"Tear" - Chapter 39
"Tear" - Chapter 40
'Tear' - Chapter 41
'Tear' - Chapter 42
'Tear' - Chapter 43
'Tear' - Chapter 44
'Tear'- Final Chapter 45
Thank you

"Tear" - Chapter 3

878 41 2
By Eomma--Jin

Hi guys, I'm really sorry I didn't upload for a long time, but the new school year has started so I'm really busy with tests and homework... Anyway, Enjoy reading! (=^^=)

While I watched him walking away, I let out a deep sigh. It wouldn't make any difference if I would follow him now. He could get angry, or wouldn't want to open up anymore.

I lied my elbow on the table as I leaned with my chin against it, thinking what could bother him to act this different. Maybe he's scared for something, or he had a bad experience when I was with Jimin on honeymoon.

I shrugged without noticing. Maybe he does want time for himself.

I stood up and tried to forget him as I felt a little tired while making myself something to drink. While pouring some blood from a juice pack, I noticed my hand trembling a little from exhaustion, just like two days ago. I guess I should go to bed early because I haven't slept all night.

As I sat down on the table, putting my earphones to the maximum volume, I took a sip not able to stop myself thinking about the strange dream of Abraxas.

It was so stupid of me to trust him back then... I'm glad Jungkook saved me.

I smiled and already stood up by the thought of Jimin snuggling with me in a warm bed tonight.

Until something interrupt me

"You'll never forget me, my dear."

A strange whisper mixed in with the hard sound of my peaceful music as I was frozen for a moment before I would pause my music and listen to the quiet room for a few minutes.

I looked around from the spot I was standing and even tried to repeat the music.

But, this voice wasn't from the artist. It sounded like Abraxas' voice and it was like his lips said it right in front of my ears.

I-I guess I'm just really tired. I'm just making things up...

With a fast heartbeat I quickly walked to my room as I lied down on my bed and fell asleep.

Jimin's POV

When I was home I lied down next to my sweet Mi-Cha as in our bed after I had searched for her in all the rooms downstairs. She was in a deep sleep as I gave her a kiss on her cheek and fell asleep too.


The following morning she was looked quite tired. She was a little pale, moved very slow and sometimes didn't even pay attention to what I or another boy had to say.

We were now having dinner as we were both laughing about some stupid joke Taehyung made.

Her white teeth were showing as her eyes became smaller while a pleasant, quiet laughter came out of her mouth.

It made me happy to see her like this.

Without noticing I got lost in my dreams as I could only see her smiling while I felt butterflies in my stomach.

Jungkook's POV
Without wanting to, I ate another bite of my food.

I wasn't hungry, nor could I really enjoy the laughter of everyone around me.

I was just faking a smile, hoping this moment would pass any moment.

Happily it did after ten minutes, so I quickly stood up and walked away to the front door.

Just when I wanted to go outside, my sister lied her hand on my shoulder.

"What are you going to do?"

She looked so innocent not knowing what was going on. I decided to just make something up.

"Oh, I'm just going to get some fresh air." I tried to smile with all the pain in my heart and quickly opened the door, ready to meet him.


With my hands in the pouch of my hoodie, I slowly walked my way as it began to get dim.

Wind was blowing through the air as it let the leaves of the trees shake.


I let out a deep sigh as I couldn't stop the guilty feeling inside me that was hunting me.

I hate me now. What would my sister think of me when she would notice?

Out of doubt I looked to my feet walking on the grey way.

She'll hate me, despise me or even worse, leave me...

That last thought scared me, yet I quickly forgot it after seeing the building were I had to be.

It was abandoned, old and rusty, yet it made me so happy when I would walk out of there.

I deeply sighed and forced myself not to think about all my doubts anymore, and by the way, it would all disappear in a little moment, so why bother?

Mi-Cha's POV
Again we were watching television, yet Jungkook wasn't back yet. He was already gone for three hours...

I looked at the threatening ticking clock again as everyone probably didn't even really care.

But what if he had an accident? What if he's lying in hospital, or what if he's kidnapped?!

He also didn't respond to my messages or calls...

I quickly stood up as I put on my jacket. I'm going to search for him.

I was now standing before the door and just when I wanted to open it, my brother suddenly ringed the bell.

"Jungkook!" As quickly as I could I opened the door and got him in.

"I was so worried, I thought you were-"

I noticed something different about him as I stopped talking. I didn't quite know what it was, but it definitely was something.

"Come in." I grabbed his hand as he didn't speak a word and just did what I said like he was a puppet.

I sat him down on the chair before the dining table as I made something to drink for my sibling.

"I'm so glad you're okay, you know." I smiled. "I though you had had an accident."

I turned around with the glass, sat it down in front of him and waited for him to drink it.


After a few moments, nothing happened. It was just like he was lost in thoughts or like he was deeply daydreaming...

Jungkook's POV
"Jungkook?" I woke up from my thoughts as I looked at my sister.

"Are you okay?" By the frown at her face she looked worried.

I slowly nodded as words couldn't escape my mouth.

I felt my eyelids becoming heavy again as I tried my best to stay awake.

She can't notice anything.

I wanted to ask what had passed the time I was gone, but only a few words came out of my mouth.

"Did... you have a fun-fun time?" My head began to feel heavy as I tried my best to hold my neck straight without falling asleep.

"What?" She gave me a confused yet funny expression.

As fast as I could I tried the best I could to look normal.

"Did you miss me, I meant. " I smiled as I tried to look strong.

"Yes of course," she looked slightly offended as my head and eyes felt tired again. "What a smart question."

Mi-Cha's POV
I woke up as Jimin gave me kisses on my face.

"Wake up, Mi-Cha," with his chubby cheeks and sweet eyes he gave me a heartwarming smile.

"We're going shopping."

The fast I could I stood up. I couldn't wait and quickly put on the clothes I had chosen yesterday evening.

Jimin and I had made a promise that we would go shopping for a wristwatch for him, because his got damaged on honeymoon.

I gave myself one last look in the mirror hoping I wouldn't look awkward and went to Jimin.


"I still can't believe we bought this one, Mi-Cha," He was so proud about his watch as he gave me a kiss on my cheek.

It was simple and golden yet very nice.

"I'm also very happy with my new earrings." I felt if they were still in my ear as I gave him a smile. He had brought those pearls with Swarovski in the same shop as the watch. We also bought much other stuff, so it was already late while we were now enjoying our coffee in a cozy restaurant.

"Those earrings for Taehyung and book for Jin are also really well chosen." He said as he grabbed both of my hands as they were both lying onto the table.

I began to blush as I felt a nice feeling in my stomach. He was so sweet and lovely.

"I love you."

His tender lips let out these words that made me the happiest girl of the world, while his calming eyes were looking at me.

"I love you too."

We both slowly leaned forward and gave each other a kiss over the small table.

When I didn't know Jimin yet, I had always seen people kissing or cuddling, not knowing what it actually felt like. Honestly I hadn't even expected I would ever experience this feeling.


It was already dark as we were walking hand in hand through the big city, illuminated by some lights.

It was very busy and you could hear the talking of people everywhere, yet it made me feel at ease.

I suddenly felt a little squeeze in my hand as I looked to Jimin who was laughing a little.

We walked on, but again I felt another soft squeeze and looked up as he pecked his lips for a little kiss.

"Alright then."

I pressed my lips onto his as we were standing before the traffic lights.

The lights were red and big groups of people were standing with us waiting for their time to walk.

After a moment of doing nothing than showing each other our love in the form of kissing and shyly smiling, we heard the people walking away as we quickly followed them.

It was a long path to go to the other side of the streets as all different kinds of people did the same as us.

Some people were old, other young, some long, others short and only a few were bald.

I was just looking at their faces as one out of all these hundreds of people gave me chills.

It was like time slowed down while a guy with black hears and a lean face was constantly looking at me.

He had a strange grin on his face like he just made a funny joke in front of me.

And most of all, he had one green odd eye.

For a moment it was like I could only focus at that person looking exactly like Abraxas.

When we had passed him, I quickly turned around hoping I wasn't going crazy.

But sadly, I wasn't. The guy turned his face around to me to smile one more time, and turned around to walk on.

I looked to Jimin hoping I wasn't the only one to have seen him and looked back to the guy.


He was gone.

It was like he had turned into smoke, to mysteriously pop up anywhere again.

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