The Eastern Empire

By VilouMakeup

181K 4.5K 1.1K

Summary: Harry Potter is a little wizard like the others, even if his dark magic seems powerful, until the da... More

Chapter1: Discovery
Chapter2: Alexander Black
Chapter3: An eventful day
Chapter4: The Black Family
Chapter5: The Guardian
Chapter6: Childhood
Chapter7: Preparations
Chapter8: Hogwarts
Chapter9: First Shenanigans
Chapter11: New Friendships
Chapter12: The art of getting noticed at the beginning of the school year
Chapter13: Squibs
Chapter14: The Trap
Chapter15: Curse and Third Eye
Chapter16: Samain
Chapter17: A Wind of Revolt
Chapter18: The Malfoy Heir and the Black Heir Invite You...
Following of The Eastern Empire

Chapter10: A Painful Morning

5.9K 171 7
By VilouMakeup

When he opened his eyes, Draco Malfoy took a few seconds to remember where he was. Hogwarts, they had arrived at Hogwarts the day before and the day was already busy. In one evening, they had managed to get rid of most of their homes, Alexander had agreed to curb his magic today, the teachers had to watch them with his friend's little crisis during the night. meal and they did not even have a real confrontation with his cousin's older brother. For the moment, the only positive point remained the attitude of Zabini and Nott who had volunteered to be their roommates and he found quite friendly. Remained a problem, a big one, Katrina had complained a thousand times of the attitude of all the Blacks on waking and Draco felt that he was going to have to support a cousin who was definitely not in the morning.

He glanced at his magic awakening. Seven thirty, it was absolutely necessary to wake up Alexander who did not seem to hear his own alarm clock that had been ringing for a few seconds now. It was his own that had pulled him to sleep, Alexander making him sound much earlier because he had "some difficulty" in getting up. Sweet euphemism. He must have woken up the entire dorm now, except for his owner. More courageous than a griffondor, Draco sat up, sat down and grabbed the curtains that gave a little privacy to their sleep. He had to do it.

He found himself in front of Blaise Zabini, all sleepy, staring murderously at Alexander's bed, seemingly jealous of his ability to sleep despite the din of his awakening. He nodded to her. Theodore was still rubbing his eyes.

The young Slytherin pulled himself out of bed and made his way to his cousin. He pulled the curtains and sighed.

Alexander's alarm clock was screaming louder and louder, letting out shrill and exasperating music that would have brought the wisest wizard out of all meditation. With a furious gesture, he extinguished it, or at least he tried, the device not seeming to react to his magic. Certainly a gift from Katrina who wanted to be sure that Alexander would be the one who would turn him off and so he would be awake. She knew her son well enough to know that the sound would have no effect on him, but suspected that his roommates, exhausted, would help him wake up.

The Black son slept deeply and peacefully, buried under his duvet, his face adorned with a calm smile. That softened for a few seconds Draco, who rarely had the opportunity to observe him so, more loyal than a bastard, so he decided to help him get out of sleep calmly and without being abrupt. He placed a hand on his shoulder and gently shook and called his friend:

- Alexander, your alarm clock rings, you have to get up.

No effect. Strangely, the benevolence of the child began to crumble.

- Alexander. Hurry up.

He was not whispering anymore and was starting to shake him a little harder.

Moments later, the room rang out screams of awakening, but also those of Draco Malfoy who was not far from the nerve crisis.

- ALEXANDER! Wake up or I swear I'll kill you!

Finally, a movement responded to this threat. A hand pulled out of the bed and reached the alarm clock, extinguishing it immediately. Draco sighed with happiness. He had succeeded. He quickly disappointed when he realized that his comrade was not going to get up at all and seemed to be going back to sleep. It was necessary to intervene. Find something that would definitely pull him off sleep. Finally, the solution appeared to him.

- Alexander! Sophia is punished, she cries alone in the bathroom.

A dark tornado emerged from the bed and rushed into the bed and the heir Malfoy smiled, happy with his idea. Decidedly, the mornings did not announce any rest.

Thus at eight o'clock, four Slytherins appeared in a large room still almost empty. Draco walked with his usual gait as his friend crawled along, staring at him badly. They were themselves followed by Blaise and Theodore who glared at Alexander. They sat down, as before, at the end of the table and were finally able to have lunch. Draco was proud of him, his victory was complete. He stared at the big room with a conquering air and smiled, happy. If he had passed this test, he would fail at nothing.

His joy vanished when he felt a dead weight on his shoulder. Alexander, forgetting all propriety, used the latter as a cushion and was about to go back to sleep.

- Oh no Alex! Standing !

A disgruntled and half-closed look answered him.

Then we could observe a rather strange carousel, every two minutes, Draco Malfoy shook his shoulder, as agitated tics, pushing his friend who was trying to go back to sleep.

- Uh, how are you going to be like that every morning? Blaise asked after a while, unhappy not to be able to, at least, enjoy a quiet breakfast.

Draco sighed.

- I'm afraid of it. They are all like that in his family, his father and his sister are in the same state in the morning. Frankly, I'm sorry for your ...

A hand suddenly placed on his mouth and angry eyes faced him.

- Shut up Draco.

Theodore raised his eyebrows at this attitude. In addition he was aggressive! The Malfoy son seemed about to explode but froze when he heard the rest.

- Do not say too much.

He had almost talked about Katrina, a subject forbidden at Hogwarts, who could put them all in danger. He blanched before his clumsiness, already imagining what might have resulted. It had at least had the merit of definitely waking Alexander, who was aggressively staring at his pumpkin juice. Better to leave him alone for now.

The breakfast could continue more calmly, the atmosphere was even icy. The big hall fills up little by little. Alexander was always glaring at everything that came before his eyes. The hour of the mail arrived and it seemed to emerge finally.

- Draco.

His friend looked at the animal he was pointing at the chin, the owl that was serving the Blacks. The latter landed majestically in front of his little master and delivered his package before flying away again.

Alexander was holding the small package while glaring at him. Draco did not quite know if it was just a reflex related to his awakening attitude or if he realized what the object was going to do to him.

-Finish quickly. I do not want to open it here, he whispered at last.

They then swallowed their breakfast and quickly left the table, leaving a Blaise amazed and badly lunate.

- Where are they both gone? Asked a voice not so unknown.

- I do not know but in any case, if they intend to make me endure this little carousel every morning, they dream! He groused.

- No, because they did not wait for their schedules, so they do not even know where to go this morning ... Ah these first years! Can you give them?

Blaise was about to refuse, to mark his independence and freedom when he finally turned to his interlocutor. Gemma was watching him, an amused smile in her face. He could not get his prefect back ...

- Okay ! I will give them, they must be returned to the room ...

Thus Theodore and Blaise followed, in spite of themselves, their companions.

Sitting on Alexander's bed, the two cousins ??unpacked the package carefully and with some anxiety. They could admire a round silver medallion, about five centimeters in circumference, a huge diamond adorned its center, around the latter, arabesques and what appeared to be runes were drawn.

- Well, at least it is imposing, it will be taken for a family jewel, maybe even an heir symbol. Affirmed Draco.

Alexander pouted.

- I do not care about his appearance, it's his effect that displeases me.

They remained watching him for a few moments.

- Better start right now or I will never dare. Mumbled the brunette.

Slowly, he grabbed the chain.

- He's heavy...

He waited a few seconds, still watching as he put it face to face. Draco stood close, ready to support his friend as needed. Alexander sighed. Here, his last moments with the full possession of his magic flowed. Suddenly, he passed the object around his neck, it was better to go fast, as when you tear off a bandage. He closed his eyes, ready to bear the pain his mother had spoken, but nothing came. He stared at Draco, just as surprised as he was.

- It must not work, I do not feel ...

He does not finish his sentence. Suddenly, his blood began to boil, to shudder as if he wanted to tear himself from his veins and spread freely. His head opened in two, he clearly felt his brain escape from his skull, his limbs twisted, his joints broke. In an instant, he was only pain and suffering, his skin slowly pulling away, his musics bursting simultaneously. A terrible cry broke his throat.

Draco did not have time to react. For a moment Alexander was talking to him and the one after him was screaming, seeming the victim of unbearable suffering. Without thinking, he pressed his friend against him, trying to quell his complaint, to compensate for the pain by his presence, even if he suspected that it would be insufficient.

Alexander screamed, could not think clearly, was nothing but pain. He was so bad that he could not even wish to die, thinking about him was impossible. Black tears flowed from his eyes, he bit his lip so hard that blood flowed immediately, adding a physical trace to his torture. Draco hugged him, tearful too. It had to stop, he had to remove this locket and free his friend, but when he tried to grab it, a sharp burn hit him, of course, only Katrina or Sirius should be able to do. It was necessary to support and hope that the torture ceases of itself. He did not notice two silhouettes frozen at the entrance of their room.

Blaise and Theodore stood stiff, as if touched by a stupefaction in front of the painting that was painted before their eyes. Without thinking, Blaise stepped forward.

- Lengthen it, it is always necessary to lengthen the wounded, it allows the blood to circulate better.

Without trying to find out what they were doing there, without reproaching them or worrying about their presence, Draco obeyed. Alexander was still screaming, her blue eyes had turned black, tears were flowing without drying up. He stretched out his cousin and sat down beside him, shaking his white hand. Soon, he no longer had the strength to scream, his vocal cords refused to hear the slightest sound. Blaise sat down on the other side, stroking without thinking the wet sweat brow of Black's son. Theodore had not moved, shocked and stupefied.

- Alex, please, come back to you. Take back your spirits ...

Existence itself was only pain, life was no more than a vague notion, death a wish that could now clearly appear in his mind. They screamed, the noise pounded on his head, adding to his confusion. He could not see anymore, yet he felt that his eyes were still open. He was in absolute nothingness, suffering seemed to have led him into a world he did not know. Was he blind? His body still burned, but it became more bearable. Was he dead? Despite his extremely tortured sensations, he could feel a gentle warmth on his hand and forehead. Was it the end? He heard a whisper, a voice he knew, but he could not remember his owner. Who was he ? In what life was he? What a life ? His thoughts floated, giving him access to memories and the memory of others who like him one day had visited this place. Circe? Morgan ? Identities, entire lives were imposed before his eyes, trying to remind him, to wake him up. Faces, strangers, loved ones he did not recognize visited him. Was this the existence? A form took consistency in front of her eyes that no longer saw, a woman was drawing, not three women and yet a single entity. Three heads, but one being. A queen, a goddess. Who was she? He knew her but did not know who she was anymore. A tiara decorated with dark stones adorned the top of his forehead. Fear should have seized him, but he had forgotten what that feeling was. He stared, waiting. He did not notice the end of his suffering. One of the women held a torch and the latter caught the boy's eye, giving him an anchor.

- Come back, the time has not come, you're too young, so young. Come back and strengthen yourself. Forget it, remember and come back to me.

The order was clear and formal, the voice soft but authoritative. The woman came closer and with a white hand grabbed his chin. He had not seen him approach. His hand was so cold, icy. But he felt that there was more, he wanted to know, to understand. He did not even notice that he was able to think clearly again.

- Not today, go back, get back, come back and I'll teach you.

A voice he knew well was heard. Draco. Who was he ? A blonde and pale kid, looking at him with a big smile, appeared to him. His friend, his cousin, his brother. He followed his voice, taking a last look at the woman who was looking at him with a smile from those three faces.

Draco would have cried with relief when he saw his friend finally react, if his eyes had not already been filled with tears. For a few minutes now, his friend had been screaming, no longer seeming to suffer. He was asleep, despite his open eyes and breathing peacefully.

- Alex.

A grimace appeared on his friend's face. Since when did Draco call him by that nickname that only Sophia could use? For a moment, the blond was afraid that the screams would start again, but that did not go any further.

- Damn, I feel like I've been trampled by a herd of hippogriffs.

His voice was hoarse to have screamed so much. His whole body was painful, but the pain was bearable. He felt himself caught in the arms of his friend who lifted him off the bed.

- By Salazar, Alex, do not ever do that to me again. You made me so scared. You do not have the right to do that to me.

He smiled tenderly at his cousin, remembering that his voice had guided him when he was in deep nothingness.

- Sorry. I do not intend to start again anytime soon.

- How's it not so soon! You make fun of me, I hope! Draco got irritated.

Alexander let out a small laugh.

- I will tell you. Blaise, Theodore, you can breathe, I'm fine. He added, seeing his two roommates watching him anxiously.

Draco only seemed to realize that they had witnessed the whole scene. His gaze did not let go of his cousin. Theodore advanced slowly, Blaise watched, frowning.

- It's a magic catalyst that did that to you.

It was not a question, so Alexander did not bother to argue and just nodded at Nott's son.

- It's forbidden.

There again, he was just noting, the cousins ??just shrugged.

- Which parents would inflict this on their son?

The boy's voice was harder, the tone colder and Alexander tinkled. Nobody could criticize his parents, especially when they had no other choice.

- You can not understand, we had to do that. Do not dare to criticize my parents when you do not know the situation. What are you doing there anyway? We made sure that no one could witness that.

Alexander's eyes had hardened and Draco was sure that if he had not had the locket around his neck, his magic would have made his own.

- It's Gemma Farley, the prefect, who asked us to come. You did not wait for your schedules. Besides, without wanting to hurry you, I will not like to be late for my first class. Especially since we attack by potions. It seems that Professor Snape is very hard. Blaise pointed out, trying to look casual, even though his eyes indicated that he was not about to forget the scene he had witnessed.

- Well, let's go then. Alexander decided, getting up.

He staggered, however, looking for balance, and Draco grabbed his arm.

- Are you sure ? You do not want to go to the infirmary?

Alexander hated being hatched, so he gave her an exasperated look.

- Yes, I'm sure, I just have my head spinning, it will pass.

He did not speak to him of that feeling of weakness that invaded him, of his blurred vision at times or of the world around him. But Draco realized that his friend was not doing so well when he noticed he did not seem to be making a move to free his arm. On the contrary. He knew him and knew that it was not worth discussing and decided to be content with this support that seemed so anecdotal.

- Do not talk about this to anyone.

Once again Black's son gave them an order, but Theodore was not the type to let himself go.

- I will keep to one condition: I want to know the reason that pushed you to do that.

The two boys clashed for a few moments, Alexander, perhaps because of his tiredness finally accepted the deal and nodded.

- Tonight, I'll tell you.

When they reached the door of the classroom, about twenty students were already waiting, they had to be the last ones. Wishing to blow after that early morning, Draco sat against the wall and Alexander did the same, leaning slightly against him. He felt so weak. Finding the brilliant idea, Blaise and Theodore imitated them.

Usually, Severus Snape loved the first class of the year with new kids. He could terrorize them, see fear in their eyes. He was well aware that having fun terrifying the first years was proof that he was not made to be a teacher, but it was his little pleasure of the year. He asked a few questions, questioned the most timid, humiliated the brave and carefully selected two or three students who would have to suffer his fury for seven years. This time, he already knew who to choose. Two targets were imposed on him, he finally took his revenge as a humiliated child. Before turning in the last hall and facing his students, he stopped, savoring the moment. Easily, he put an angry grin on his face, prepared to fly his cloak and turned, ready to gloat at the frightened looks that were already waiting for him or those he was about to give birth to.

He stopped. Four students were lying on the floor, as if they were spending an afternoon chatting in the park. Unlike the others, who had turned their heads to him, they did not know. In fact, they even seemed to doze. He immediately added three names to his list of victims, the fourth was already registered anyway.

- Black, Malfoy, Zabini and Nott! Can I know what you are doing so slumped down the hall?

The tone was cynical and aggressive. Perfect, even seventh years would have shuddered. Draco Malfoy's bored look told him, Alexander Black did not even seem to judge him worthy of his attention, his head resting on his cousin's shoulder he did not move. The other two, on the other hand, rose immediately. All was not lost.

- We are resting.

What insolence! Did he dream or Malfoy knowingly provoke him? Murmurs were heard on the other students' side. He silenced them with a look.

- You rest ? At nine o'clock in the morning? Before my class? Get up both of you right now.

With horror, he realized they were not moving. Instead, the blond whispered something in the ear of the brown man who did not seem to finally come alive.

- Mr. Malfoy?

- Two seconds, I'm waking Alexander!

Aggressive, this damn kid was aggressive towards him. What? The other dared to sleep in front of his door!

- Is Mr. Black an infant or a senior to fall asleep at this time? Or maybe he does not have the habit of walking on his own, and coming here without a servant to wear him tired for the day?

Mocking laughter was heard from griffondors and Slytherins.

Finally the two children got up, the son Black then turned to him.

- I had a restless night and forgive me, I did not read anywhere in the school rules that it was forbidden to sit in the corridors, the Hogwarts History does not make no more allusion, so I thought I was in my right.

Severus Snape did not bother to answer, opened the door with a dry gesture and brought in the students.

He would not let anyone spoil this first class.

The room was dark, it was a large dungeon with two rows of tables of two, long enough. In front of them, a large office was enthroned, as well as a chalk board. The back of the room was furnished with glass cabinets full of ingredients, carefully labeled and stored.

The griffondors took the tables on the right and the Slytherin ones on the left, the two houses would not mix unless they were forced to do so.

Alexander took his place at the back beside Draco and Blaise and Theodore placed themselves in front of them. Nobody spoke to them, all stared at them. Black's son watched with discontent as Henry Potter and Ron Weasley were on their right. It must have been a reflection when he saw Weasley bend over his companion to whisper something to him, while looking at him. This made Potter laugh and Alexander knew he would not have appreciated. Soon, a total silence invades the room. Severus Snape stared at his new students, looking a little angry.

He looked at them, arms folded, his face closed.

- The art of potions is a difficult, demanding, delicate and noble art. Here, you will not act your magic wands like happy little wizards. Here you will have to learn patience and rigor. Potions are an art of excellence. The slightest pinch, the smallest drop of too much or less can lead to death while you want to heal. Here, I will not accept mediocrity or the near at. I do not expect to find among you anyone able to impress me, or even to be satisfied. You are novices, idiots who will certainly destroy my classroom by multiple explosions of cauldrons. I expect you the greatest concentration if you do not want to kill your neighbor table. I will be demanding and severe, I will not encourage you, will not congratulate you when you are able to read and apply simple instructions. Listen to me and you will definitely survive this year.

Most of the students seemed frozen, not daring to move an eyelash for fear that the teacher would make a first example. In the back of the classroom, Henry Potter was still arguing with Ron Weasley, ostensibly showing that he was not afraid of Snape. Severus smiled. He was going to be able to let off steam, he was preparing to question his target, to humiliate him and to show everyone what an idiot that child was, when Alexander Black again attracted his attention by raising his hand.

Nobody ever raised their hand after his welcome speech.

- Black? Already something you would not understand?

His tone was dry and severe.

- I wondered teacher, you talked about potions to heal. We will learn only those to fill the shelves of healers?

Astonished, the professor raised his eyebrows. He did not like that boy is already pointing at his biggest frustration.

"We're here in a Potions class, Mr. Black, not in a poison class. In these troubled times, the ministry and the director thought it best to focus on saving lives rather than removing them. If you want to learn poisons, I think you can ask your aunt, Bellatrix Black was a master in this discipline.

Shocked whispers were heard, Neville Longbottom, sitting right in front of Henry Potter blanched and turned immediately to Alexander. All were waiting for his reaction to the professor's veiled accusation. Hosting an old Death Eater was a crime. Draco slowly turned to his cousin. He seemed not to be aware of the situation. Anxious, he swallowed.

- Strange, Aunt Bella never told me about it. Thank you teacher, I will question it occasionally.

Aunt Bella ... The child did not even seem to realize he confessed that the Black family was still in contact with her. Maybe he was stupid? Dumbledore would be happy about that. The professor looked annoyingly at Neville Longbottom, who seemed ready to attack Black's son. Of course, this story of torture to the madness of his parents. The consequences of this boy's idiocy risked being interesting. Beside him, the Malfoy son was paler than a dead man. He seemed to understand what was happening. He grabbed his cousin's elbow as he prepared to add something and whispered a few words in his ear. Which did not seem in the least to destabilize the child.

- No, there is no problem, Aunt Bellatrix, just as father has obtained Russian nationality, as long as she does not return to England, they can not pursue her. In Russia, she is untouchable. And if they have the slightest sense, they already know that we know no? It's our aunt. Which family would refuse to rub shoulders with one of its members for a dark history of dark wizard?

Draco Malfoy ran his hand over his face as his cousin watched him without understanding. Which family would do this? All poor boy. Except those who dipped themselves in dark magic. A small part of Severus, however, could not help but rejoice, according to the attitude of the two boys, Bellatrix was still alive.

"Enough about your family stories, Mr. Black. I see that you are like your father desperately attracting the attention of others. I will not tolerate such an attitude in my class.

- But you talked about Aunt Bella's teacher.

- Black! What do I get when I add powdered asphodel root to an artemisia infusion?

Immediately, Hermione Granger, sitting in the front row, raised her hand, which the teacher noted. He was not going to let go of his prey.

- The drop of the living dead, a powerful sleeping aid, makes it the only way to wake the person who drinks it is to make a Wiggenweld potion.

Alexander remembered well the day that Bellatrix and had drugged him so Sirius to prepare a joke large. He had watched, fascinated his aunt preparing the potions.

Severus Snape was momentarily taken aback. Should he continue? If he did, and the child succeeded, he would come out victorious. He could not take such a risk. He spoke to the class, not yet pointing out his victim.

- Where would you go if I asked you to go get me a bezoar?

Three hands rose, Granger, Black, and Malfoy. If they showed up, they had the answer, necessarily, so it was necessary to question another. The other son of his intimate enemy immediately caught his eye when he ostensibly mocked the three students, mimicking them.

- Potter? If you make fun of your comrades who show their knowledge, it is because you have to surpass them? So ? Where would you go ?

The spitting portrait of James Potter looked at him scornfully.

"No idea, Granger seems to know. You should question her, she's just waiting for that.

Sniggers were heard on both sides of the room. Snape could observe, discontented, the girl who lowered her finger. He was not the type to pamper his pupils, but he did not like mockery, he had suffered too much when he was a student.

"I take off five points from you for your impertinence, and five more from you are mocked by those who know more than you do.

The laughter fell silent immediately.

- Miss Granger?

The little girl with tousled hair and slightly advanced teeth answered, in a small embarrassed voice.

- In the stomach of a goat, it is a stone that is an antidote to most poisons.

He nodded, a sign of rare encouragement at home.

- What are you waiting for to take note?

Immediately, the feathers creaked against the parchment. But he was not finished.

- What's the difference between napel and wolfpox?

Hesitantly, Hermione Granger raised her hand, but that was not the case with Black and Malfoy. He may have taken revenge. He would not remove a point from his house, but at least he would put it back in his place. And then, it was almost curious to observe the reaction of this child in a position of weakness.

- Black?

The child frowned and Severus knew he was going to grumble. Why me ? Again ? You did not ask me when I knew, he already heard it. A scornful grin took place on his face.

- I do not know professor.

This honest honesty puzzled Snape, who, just to silence Potter's laughter, and his acolytes re-interviewed Granger.

- No sir, it's the same plant.

Decidedly this little girl knew how to use a book! A muggleborn from her memories. It happened sometimes that some of them did so for fear of suffering a great delay compared to other students, but the contemptuous attitude of others in the "I know everything" quickly slowed down their ardor. Surprisingly, he noticed that Black was writing with one hand and lifting the other. What did he want yet?

- Black?

- Do you have a book title that talks about it? The manual does not say anything.

This impertinent little fellow now reproached him with questioning outside a little book of two hundred pages. He was about to let off steam when he met the blue eyes, a glimmer of curiosity he rarely saw in the students shone there. Strangely, it deterred him from reprimand.

- You will ask Miss Granger at the end of the class. I'm sure she'll be happy to talk to you about it.

He smiled cynically, ordering a pure blood like a Black to take advice from a muggleborn was considered an insult to witch doctors. Draco Malfoy ticked off. But Alexander Black stood by, just nodding. Definitely, this student intrigued him ...

On this course began. They prepared a potion to heal the boils, not the most interesting, far from it.

He watched Granger delicately weigh his dried nettles, Black closely watching for his horned slugs as they boiled while Malfoy meticulously crushed his snake hooks. Landing, he realized that these three seemed gifted, it happened that a student stands out, but it was rare, then three in the same class ... He did not distribute a compliment, he had not fallen as low. Suddenly, a cloud of green smoke and a hissing sound appeared over the Longbottom and Finnigan cauldron. The object was visibly melting and their potion was starting to spill on the floor, already gnawing at the shoes of the students behind. Neville screamed, the potion touching him as he tried very cleverly to stop the melting of the cauldron with his hands. Horrible red boils were already appearing on them. Moments later, the whole class was standing on the stools in a merry panic. Severus sighed, the first potions class always ended like this ... He was going to expose his way of thinking to Longbottom when suddenly he heard Malfoy scream.

- Alex! Get on this stool, right now.

That idiot had not moved. He was still watching his horny slugs, as if the hubbub around him or the potion now gnawing at the top of his shoe did not touch him.

- It's nothing Draco. I do not want to miss my potion, I'll go to the infirmary afterwards.

His voice was calm and calm, he remained focused. Yet according to Longbottom's screams, the liquid was not pleasant to smell on his skin. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Granger reflect a few moments before jumping out of his stool, ready to resume. But what was these students?

- Granger and Black on the stool! Right now !

They looked bad, however, and Snape was finally able to clean up the room.

- Well Longbottom, minus ten points for trying to hurt your comrades. Potter, minus ten for not helping him. Longbottom, Black and Granger, in the infirmary.

Potter did not even reply, too shocked by his comrade's cries. Neville was moaning and Seamus was holding him tightly. The other two did not move.

- It's not much teacher. I would like to avoid missing a class for this kind of small detail. Explained Alexander.

Granger nodded, certainly of the same opinion. Since when have students been so eager to learn? He would have allowed them to stay, but he had to check their condition first if he did not want to be screamed at by Pomfrey, the castle nurse.

- Show me your feet.

Granger presented his, they had barely been touched by the liquid and showed only a nasty redness. That would pass.

- Black?

The latter vainly tried to remove his shoe. Draco stared at him in dismay, arms crossed, a tired pout on his face.

- He can not teacher, the boils must have increased the width of his foot.

Severus Snape allowed himself to run a hand over his face. To say that Longbottom and Black had reached the same evil. They did not react in the same way to the pain.

- At the infirmary. Immediately, Granger too, you accompany him and you will benefit from it to make you examine.

The two students sighed but the girl finally joined the boy.

- Come on come.

The latter raised his head and Severus anticipated an insult against muggle-born children, like the majority of students. Malfoy did not know the girl, her companion seemed to hesitate a few moments.

- Oh yes, this book, you can tell me on the way like this.

They left the classroom, leaving a completely destabilized Snape who decided to take revenge on all remaining students.

To be continued.

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