Fading Scars (Sequel to Wound...

By mm9023

57.6K 2.2K 528

Sequel to Wound Healing and set 2 years since the last book : Ally and Katie are married (again) and happy wi... More



7K 286 56
By mm9023

A/N : I'm sorry with the late update 🙁 don't hate me. I can't give you a proper reason other than work half of the week and the other half I'm just tired and no motivation so I'm very sorry. I will try not leave it as long for next update and I will update Summer Lovin' for those of you who read that because I've left that ages as well. I've given you smut to make up for it. Lynne will be in the next part 😉

"You look hot" Ally whispered into her wife's ear as they stood by the bar waiting to be served.

Katie smirked as she looked down at her wife's dress. Katie wore tight skinny jeans with boot heels and a fitted top but if people were to think she looked hot then Ally was on a completely different level.

Katie had previous relationships with women before Ally. A couple of serious ones that lasted more than a year or two but Ally was someone who made her mark on her heart. Even when crazy Jane came into Katie's life, she was never interested. Jane chased her for a full year before she finally gave in. When she did, she didn't have that connection with Jane. The sex felt just like sex. Sex with Ally was different.

Depending on her wife's mood, Katie was always kept on her toes with Ally and that's what she loved about Ally the most. She was a stubborn, independent crazy bitch at times but at least Katie could Ally HER stubborn, independent bitch.

They had a healthy sex life considering their busy working schedule and home life with Megan. Ally liked to spontaneously turn up in Katie's office for a fumble but she also done romantic gestures for her wife when she returned home from a long shift with candles and sexy lingerie. 

"What can I get you ladies" one of Tiffs new starters asked aiming a wink at Katie.

"I'll have Gin and slim line tonic and a glass of Shiraz for my Wife" Ally said coldly placing a 20 pound note on the bar.

The young bar tender nodded and gave a quick smile to Katie and started getting the drinks. 

"Is she fucking serious" Ally snapped, glaring at the young brunette and Katie couldn't help but laugh.

"Come on babe, she's only being nice" Katie shrugged it off.

"Being nice, she looks like a 15 year old tart that wants to sleep with you..it's disgusting she would even do that to you" Ally replied in disgust as she gave the bar maid a dirty look.

"What's that suppose to mean" Katie asked her wife, taking a step back in defence.

Ally shrugged her shoulders as she held onto the bar and continued to watch the young girl who was now talking to another member of staff.

"I mean come on, realistically she barely looks 18 and you're..you're" Ally stuttered as she looked over at her wife who was now glaring at her waiting for an answer.

"You are much more mature than that and have a family" Ally finally spoke up, choosing her words careful and Katie shook her head.

"So what you are saying is I'm old and she's young and shouldn't be interested in someone like me" Katie asked and her wife nodded in agreement.

"No I mean..you're not old" Ally quickly shook her head after a couple of seconds of finally registering what her wife had just said. Katie rolled her eyes and just in time, her drink was ready.

"Come on before you bury yourself in a deeper hole" Katie said rolling her eyes and making her way across the dance floor.

"Baaaabe" Ally groaned as she followed her wife and they made their way back to the VIP section of Tiff's club were their friends were sat.

"Why do you have a face like a smacked arse" Tiff asked the surgeon.

Ally sat with her drink and rolled her eyes knowing full well she was going to get an ear full now off her wife along with her friends.

"Oh no reasons at all" Katie said matter of factly and scowled her wife.

"Are you going to tell us what happened or are you two going to give each other evils for the rest of the night" Shel asked.

"One of your slutty bar tenders tried it on with Katie" Ally said and all mouths opened around the table.

"She did not try it on" Katie snapped.

"Oh so you are defending her now" Ally shot back getting more irritated.

"I'm not but you called me too old for her so it pissed me off" Katie hissed.

Rach and Tiff were engrossed in their argument and Shel just felt uncomfortable.

"Who are we talking about here ladies" Tiff intervened and scanned her busy staff at the bar.

"That blonde tart by the cash register" Ally huffed, she sat back and crossed her arms over her chest and her three friends immediately whipped their heads over to where she had described whilst her wife shook her head and took a large gulp of her wine.

"Ohhhhh Danielle" Tiff nodded and then turned back towards Ally and Katie.

"She looks about 15" Ally commented and Katie grumbled some incoherent words which didn't go unheard by her wife.

"Don't worry" Tiff said looking at the married couple as she held her hands up in defence.

"She is legal..19" Tiff added giving Ally reassurance.

"And Katie you aren't missing much, she kisses like a washing machine and don't get me started on what she goes down below" Tiff said pointing under the table and giving Katie a wink, Rach couldn't help but laugh at the older woman.

"Eww" Ally squirmed trying to get the visual out of her head.

"Oh come on babe..it's not like you and I haven't been close to that before" Tiff winked at the blonde and suddenly felt a sharp kick to her shin.

"Owww" Tiff snapped about to lose her shit at either Katie or Ally who both were sending daggers her way.

"That was me and there's plenty of more where that came from if you don't shut it" Shel warned, picking up her wine and Rach gave her wife a lustful nod.

"That's my girl" Rach growled and Ally couldn't help but laugh.

"I think we should go dance for a bit" Shel suggested.

"Yes good idea, you girls go do your thing while I go find me a hottie to bring home before they all get too drunk and vomit on my bedsheetS" Tiff said as they all stood up and shook their heads at the older woman.

"I'm sorry for overreacting" Ally said quietly to her wife as Katie led her by the hand towards the dance floor.

"It's ok..I kind of like it when you get jealous, it's hot" Katie replied and stopped where there was enough room for them both to stand close to one another.

"You're not old" Ally said running her hands down her wife's bare arms until they comfortable rested on Katie's hips.

"I'm getting there" Katie laughed and started to move to the music. Ally couldn't help but bite her lip as she watched Katie move her body to the beat of the music. She didn't look older than her early thirties  which was odd considering her lack of sleep and long hours she continuously done each work.

"Well I can't wait until we get old and wrinkly together" Ally joked and her wife laughed.

"I can't wait to have another baby with you" Ally added, her face dropped to a serious expression as she pulled her wife closer.

"It'll happen when it happens don't worry" Ally said and all Katie could do was nod and watch as Ally gave her a light smile and continued to dance.

Katie was worried though. What if it didn't happen when it happens. It has been months now and nothing. Ally was pregnant straight away when they agree they wanted to try for a baby and now each month Katie was just left disappointed. Maybe she was doing too much at work. She needed less stress. She needed to focus on getting pregnant and hope it happened next month. But right now as she watched Ally dance around and joke with Shel, she was going to enjoy her night out and take advantage of having a child free night.



Katie moaned as she felt her wife's teeth pull and nip at the skin of her neck as they stood in their doorway. Ally had been all over her on the dance floor. They more shorts Tiff brought over the more Ally wanted to dance. And by dancing, she was grinding Katie. Not that Katie was complaining. As much as she loved her daughter with all of her heart, it was nice to be out on a night out with Ally. She loved how Ally was giving her all of her attention.

By half 1, Katie knew it was time to go home when Ally kissed her. It wasn't just a kiss on the lips like was had been occasionally doing throughout the night. No this was a full blown I need you kiss, I want you, I want to fuck you kiss.

Tiff was nowhere to be seen and Rach and Shel were sitting in the seats they had been sitting in earlier having a drunken argument. Katie was far too horny to even intervene so just shouted from the stairs at the couple they were leaving and they would see them tomorrow for lunch.

The taxi home was quiet and Ally's hand drew circles over Katie's leg. It was probably an innocent touch on Ally's part because her head was looking out the window but Katie couldn't get the imagine out of her head of her wife's fingers doing that same movement over her clit and it drove her wild. Katie clenched her legs together during the short journey home and felt jolts of her hormones hit her core as she tried to control her breathing.

"Bedroom" Katie moaned grasping her wife's blonde hair between her fingers and Ally's lips detached from the Surgeons neck.

"Yes boss" Ally smirked, quickly kicking off her heels and shuffling out of her jacket she watched as Katie mimicked her actions and Ally clasped her wife's hand and rushed to the bedroom.

Ally didn't waste any time when she got to their bedroom and quickly pulled her dress over her head. She couldn't even get a word out when Katie pushed her down on their bed and cover her lips with her own. Katies hands ran over Ally's exposed skin causing the blonde to hum into their kiss.

Pushing theirselves back so they were at the top of the bed. Ally reached to the hem of Katie's top and pulled it over her wife's head.

"I'm so drunk" Ally giggled.

"I'm so horny" Katie replied with a smile and sat up so she was straddling her wife's hips.

"I want to taste you so bad" Ally said and Katie could feel her wife's words hit down to her core..literally.

"Fucking hell Al" Katie huffed out a ragged breath and popped the buttons of her own jeans and Ally just watched in awe as her wife undressed in front of her.

"Stand up" Ally ordered, holding her hand out so Katie grab hold for balance. The brunette stood up on the mattress and held the head of the bed in front of her. Ally pulled her wife's jeans off in a quick a smooth motion and soon her underwear followed.

Just as Katie was about to collapse back down on the bed, Ally held her hand out to stop her.

"Stay standing" Ally said as her hand slowly began lightly touching the inside of Katie's leg.

Katie gulped as stood still with her legs still either side of her wife and she had a firm hold of the headboard now. Ally's fingers could feels the heat radiating between her wife's legs. Her index finger lightly touched the wetness and Ally's eyes almost bulged from their sockets.

"You are so wet" Ally gasped and allowed two fingers to now explore the wetness between her wife's leg as Katie bite her lip to suppress a moan.

"God I love it when you get this wet for me" Ally said and just as Katie imagine earlier in the taxi. Her wife's fingers began circling her clit.

"Fuck" Katie moaned, her knuckles turning white as she held onto the headboard.

Ally positioned herself on knees so she had better access for what she was about to do to her wife. She needed to feel her against her tongue. To taste her. So she did.

Her tongue brushed against the Surgeons clit and it was like Katie lost her shit. Katie let out a loud moan and held her wife's shoulder for support. With each swirl of Ally's tongue and pushing inside of her, Katie could feel her legs becoming weak.

Katie was never a very vocal person in the bedroom. Yeh she moaned and definitely made it clear when she was coming but tonight she knew she was sounding a bit more vocal than usual. She wasn't sure why the sex was getting better between they pair and they hadn't used any toys in a couple of months.

Ally's hands now had a firm grip around Katie's buttocks as she pulled the surgeon as close as she could. Her tongue changing from her clit to pushing inside of her, the movements were pushing Katie over the edge. Her legs were becoming weak and all she could do was bury her wife's head further between her legs.

Ally was probably lack oxygen at present but Katie knew she was close and pushed herself against Ally as she began calling out that she was about to come.

Within seconds and repeatedly shouting the F word, a shudder of pleasure ripples through Katie's body and her legs went from under her. She collapsed on the mattress with palpitations, her head fuzzing from one of the best orgasms of her life  and her clit was actually throbbing from the aftermath of her orgasms.

"Fucking hell, I nearly passed out" Ally gasped for air as she tanned herself down with a gossip magazine she picked up from the bedside locker.

"Me too..me too" Katie hummed and looked up at her wife adoringly.

After having a shit week with Lynne turning up and finding out she wasn't pregnant yet again. Katie couldn't honestly say in this moment right now: she didn't give a fuck. All that mattered was she had received the best head of her life and in about 3.5 minutes when she got the feeling back in her toes, she was going to return the favour to her wife.

Sorry again for taking so long. Thanks for reading. 😘😘

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