Prince Charming 5 {Riker Lync...

By R5Smile

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter Thirtytwo
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter Thirtyfour
Chapter Thirtyfive
Chapter Thirtysix
Chapter Thirtyseven
Chapter Thirtyeight
Chapter Forty
Chapter Fortyone
Chapter Fortytwo
Chapter Fortythree
Chapter Fortyfour
Chapter Fortyfive
Chapter Fortysix
Chapter Fortyseven
Chapter Fortyeight
Chapter Fortynine
Chapter Fifty
Prince Charming 6

Chapter Thirtynine

48 1 1
By R5Smile


He spends more time here now than when we were dating "ooh that's a look." Liam laughed opening the fridge. Who does that ? Who goes into someone else's fridge and just takes something ? I still ask Moms and Dads if I can have a drink, I still ask them if I can use the bathroom. When I was a kid and I first started school they said every time we wanted to ask a question we had to put our hands up, I wasn't that smart as a kid so I thought that meant I had to do that at home and whenever I wanted to have a drink or use the bathroom I put my hand up.

"Why are you in my parents house ? Better yet why aren't you back in prison ?" I asked making him laugh as he leaned forward "Come on Lea you're smarter then that, if I was really in prison do you really think the law would willing let me near him ? Lee put me in his beach house down in Miami and unlike your waste of space, I'm not Lilou's Dad, I don't have sex with people's siblings, but Sue did tell me you're not getting pregnant and that offer still stands-"

"I wouldn't have sex with you if my life depended on it. Sue's has the baby, they're going back to Boston in an hour, why don't you go with them ? And you didn't answer my question, what are you doing here ?" I asked.

If Riker was here he'd be watching us like a hawk and he'd be all over me and that's his way of saying I've won, which is what they did back and forth when we were younger. Riker doesn't like him here and I know he'd be having a fit if he saw us right now but him and the boys are on kid duty and have taken the kids out for the day, us girls were supposed to have a girls day but then Stormie said we're having a movie night, let's bake some cakes. It was more than we had planned to do, the three of us say let's do stuff and then when it comes to it we just awkwardly stare at each other and go to texting people.

"I wanted to talk without cry baby getting upset." Liam said making me laugh "you're so not funny. There is nothing to talk about-"

"How about the fact you married the wrong guy ?" Liam asked.

"I'm not doing this, Liam you cheated on me, I was meant to come back and I kept trying to call you and you wouldn't answer then when you did some girl answered saying she's your girlfriend and I'm your cousin. You kept cheating on me and I came running back. Riker has made his mistakes he has his flaws and yes I'm pissed about what happened but we're fixing it and despite all of that he is perfect to me, he is an amazing Dad who would do anything for his kids, who'd do anything for his family, but I know that no matter what he will always have my back and I would marry him every single day of my life if I could because I love him, not that you'd know anything about love." I laughed.

Rikers made his mistakes and so have I. Sure we may not of done the same exact mistakes but mine are just as bad as his, knowing that we're still married things have shifted, we can feel that change and you the confusion of what we are is gone and we've both held our hands up and said you know what ? Yeah we fucked up I did this I did that, I'm sorry now let's try moving on from this, it might take a while but let's try still.

"Yeah his such an amazing father, where was he for the first six years of Greg's life huh ? Didn't he leave when the twins were 2 months old ?" Liam asked shaking his head "I have 10 years on that guy and you just dropped me-"

"You body slammed him upstairs, you fucking stabbed him, then you fly over to Spain, kidnap our kids and shot him, you tried to kill my husband and for that I will never forgive you, this is what I don't get okay, you cheated on me so why does it matter ? You didn't care about us, Liam you showed a six year old porn-"

"You told me to spend some quality time together!"

That's what he called quality time ? I'm sure a few guys have said that in front of a jury and still got a sentence. I didn't know about it until Riker told me and at the end of the day if you watch porn that's your thing go do it but don't show it to children, I don't care how basic it is, to me that's wrong on so many levels, it's worrying that he thinks it's okay to show a child that.

"I meant take him to the park, help him with his homework, teach him how to ride a bike or how to actually pee standing up like a real boy, that day when I first came back here we were arguing in this very kitchen, Riker walked down with Greg, that day we went grocery shopping for a BBQ and Greg sat there and said can Riker be my new Daddy. A man he hadn't even known 73 hours, a man he only knew existed from photos and watching him on YouTube, when Greg met everyone he didn't look at them he walked up to Riker and wouldn't take his eyes off of him. Riker is Greg's bestfriend and it hurts because you tried taking away my bestfriend and my husband but more importantly you tried taking my sons bestfriend, he looks up to Riker and I'm sorry if I hurt you and this whole thing between you and Riker it has to stop because so many people need Riker, if you're going to stand there and make out you still care about me and all that bullshit then you will be the bigger person and leave him alone, this shit was funny when we were teenagers, now there's kids involved-"

"Mommy look what Daddy got me." Gabriella said running in showing me her ears, I gasped and picked her up "Hey I thought you and the girls were taking the day off." Riker said stopping as he looked at Liam.

"She asked if we wanted to come bake some things for tonight and we never actually have plans so we thought why not, you guys have fun ?" I asked as Riker pulled out a small hockey stick "Gabe's first stick, we got a shit ton of hockey stuff, like goals and everything and me and Greg got roller blades so we don't always have to go to rink, we were going to Gabe some but I think wait until he can do it flat on his feet first."

"Have you taken LSD or something ?" Liam asked.

"No I'm just excited because I get to teach my son how to do something new and that is a big part of our family-"

"Incest seems to be big part of your family too, wanna start teaching them that ? How about cheating ? Teen pregnancy ? How about to commit suicide, surely you've got to be an expert by now-"

"Princess go show Grandma's your earrings, they're upstairs." I whispered putting Gabriella down, she laughed and ran out of the kitchen as I locked the door, picking up a knife I threw it next to Liam's head "Lea that better not of been a knife!" Dad shouted.

"What the fuck is wrong with you ?" Liam asked.

"What did I just say about being the bigger person ? The only reason he didn't fucking pin you is because Gabby was in here. I need to talk to him so you can you give us a minute ?" I asked.

Riker whispered something under his breath and turned around "no baby I meant I need to talk to you,  I was talking to Liam you become the third person."

"So out of the four kids you have, how many of them are to college ? And how many of them are going to turn into The was once a famous singer who's band ditched his ass, tried becoming an actor and failed ?" Liam asked.

"That knife is gonna go up your ass and I have 4 movies coming out, I still do music and my band didn't ditch my ass, three of us wanted to focus on our things and our family." Riker said glaring at him, Liam laughed and nodded patting his shoulder "keep telling yourself that." He said walking out.

"Let me shove that knife up his ass." Riker whispered.

"Hey you didn't punch him, that's improvement and you went and got my daughters ears pierced without me being there ?" I asked as he hugged me laughing "we were in a tattoo studio and she kept looking at the earrings, they did it with a needle, she cried more when they put some freeze spray on it, I thought you'd be mad if I asked you so I just decided to do it and then you can kill me."

I think it's an experience to watch your child get their ears pierced, I was very young I think about 18 months to two years old when I had mine done so I wouldn't be mad that she got hers pierced I just wish I could of seen it.

"Who got a tattoo ?" I asked.

"One of Ryland's friends was in there, I said I'd pay for him to get the Pinocchio tattoo, it's going to be the best $150 I've ever spent." Riker said making me laugh.

If you don't know what the Pinocchio tattoo is, let me break it down, when Pinocchio lies his nose grows and gets bigger and longer. When a guy is horny the same thing happens down south, and what that means is, a man gets Pinocchios face tattooed on his pelvic bone and his dick is the nose, so if a guy has that I probably wouldn't trust him if the only way he gets hard is by lying.

"Youre supposed to tell him it's a stupid idea not pay for him to get it." I laughed.

"No what I'll do is, support him in it and then once he gets it and asks what I think then say it's the stupidest idea ever and that he can't get rid of it because it's a tattoo which is forever, god that's gonna be funny when he tries pulling a girl." He said shaking his head.

"Or he just waits until the hair grows did tell him he has to shave to get it done right ?" I asked.

"No, I shouldn't have to. He knows where it's going it's called common sense-"

"Does common sense tell you, you have a French bulldog fucking your leg ?" I asked.

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