Anxious Love

By AuthorUnknown02

21K 672 99

The idea of having alternate universes is fun to think about. It's easy to be able to pretend that in a diffe... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author's note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Part title
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Note, important
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 6

1K 36 2
By AuthorUnknown02

Warning: there is mentioning and acts of sexual abuse in this chapter please continue with caution.
"Well I'll be damned. It's the little snake tha' Harry was beatin' on us for," Crabbe sneered at Draco. They were both furious. Furious that Harry was able to get one over on them and beat both into unconsciousness. They were especially furious since it was two against one and they somehow lost the fight. They were furious that it was all over one person: Draco Malfoy.
"Oh well, guess we hafta show ya a lesson. Show ya what 'appens when ya tell people about us beatin' on ya. Don't wanna, but that's how it's gotta be," it was Goyle that spoke these words with fake sympathy and fake remorse lacing his tone. Draco knew, and the two monsters knew that Draco knew, they were just grappling for excuses to plough into him.

Draco was terrified. Soul shaking, body trembling, terrified. Tears were threatening to spill out of his eyes in torrents. He wished someone would come save him from the torment that was inevitable, but he knew that everyone was fast asleep. I want Harry, I need Harry, Draco thought desperately. He was snapped out of his desperate cries by the feeling of someone breathing on his face and another down his neck. He came to the realization that Crabbe was standing right in front of him and Goyle was behind him. They were both so close, they never got this close. He could feel the heat radiating off of both. He could smell Crabbes foul breath and Goyle's body odor. Draco instinctively cringed and cowered away from Crabbe only to be chest to back, flushed against Goyle.

What are they doing? This has never happened before. "I wonder how Harry would like his little toy when he finds out it's impure?" Crabbe questioned Goyle darkly, his dark, menacing eyes boring into Draco's. Draco knew what was coming and he wasn't sure he could stop it. "P-please, no," he whispered out. At that, Crabbe smiled sinisterly. He reached out and caressed Draco's face. Draco was so surprised by the gentle touch that he didn't register Crabbe taking his hand away only to strike Draco in the cheek. The pain bloomed throughout his face. His eyes watered from the impact of Crabbes hit and he was ready to cry, let out all of his misery and pain.

It was Goyle that hit Draco next. He had moved from behind Draco and both he and Crabbe herded an unknowing Draco against the wall that was behind him. Goyle and Crabbe rained slaps, punches, and kicks on Draco's fragile body. It was when he collapsed to the ground in a fetal position that they finally stopped. Goyle picked Draco up and set him on his knees. He felt pleasure in Draco's pain and it was prominent how much pleasure by the bulge in his pants. Draco wanted to die. He was up close and personal with Goyle's covered penis and he could do nothing about it.

Crabbe went behind Draco and seized his hands behind his back. Draco was now immobile, he couldn't move his arms, he couldn't get away. Goyle took his hard dick out of his pants and slapped it on Draco's lips. He relished in Draco's whimpers of fear which only resulted in him and Crabbe both being more turned on. "Open up Draco, got a present for ya" Goyle cackled.

Draco refused to open his mouth. No, I can't let them use me like that. I need to find a way out, I need to run. With his mouth staying shut Draco tried looking for an escape and came up short. Dread filled within him and a sense of despair crept into his heart and mind. There was no way out, he was going to be abused in the worst way imaginable.

Goyle grew tired of Draco's persistence in not opening his mouth and decided to do it for him.  He squeezed Draco's cheeks until Draco's mouth was forced open by the pressure. Then he shoved himself inside the warm cavern and started thrusting his hips, pounding Draco's face.

Draco broke, his soul shattered and his mind was blown to bits. He was sobbing uncontrollably while Goyle used his mouth for his own pleasure. Goyle paid no mind to the sobbing boy, in fact, Draco's tears seemed to spur him on more.
"Oh baby, your mouth feels great around my cock. You like this don't ya? I know ya do. No wonder Harry keeps ya around," Goyle moaned out. Draco continued to sob.

It felt like years, but was only minutes before Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle heard it. Footsteps. Footsteps, someone is here! God please let them find me, please let them save me. I need to be saved. By this time Goyle had taken himself out of Draco's mouth and shoved his dick back into his pants. The footsteps sounded like they were a hallway over, but it was enough to spook Crabbe and Goyle into fleeing the heart shattering scene.

Draco was relieved, but was evermore broken. He curled up in a ball and continued to cry. You really are worthless now. You're impure, used. Disgusting piece of trash. Harry's going to leave you now, he's going to want nothing to do with you when he finds out. "No, he promised, h-he can't leave m-me," Draco whispered out, countering his thoughts. Well he lied, just like everyone else does. You're worthless, disgusting, a disgrace to the wizard world. Not even muggles would want you.

Draco's awful inner monologue was broken by the silence. Silence? I thought someone was here to save me, save me from those monsters. Save me from myself. But the footsteps were no longer there, they hadn't come to save Draco. Draco was left in his curled up ball of sorrow and despair.

It was when the sun started to come up that Draco dragged himself back to the dorms. He mindlessly moved to his bed and lay down. His mind was blank, his eyes no longer held that spark. That spark of hope that someone, anyone would help him through his pit of despair. He now knew that no one could.
Draco didn't sleep, that much was clear to Harry who was staring at his love in concern from across the hall at breakfast time. Draco sat there, staring at his food as if it was poison, picking at it. Not once did Harry see Draco pick up anything off his plate and eat it. Something was terribly wrong, and Harry intended to find out what.

Hermione saw his worried state and got the attention of Ron. She gestured to Harry and they both followed his eyes to Draco. Hermione gasped. He looks like hell, she thought. Now she knew why Harry was distracted and distant all through breakfast. Ron was just as surprised upon seeing Draco's state.

Ron turned to Harry, a sympathetic glint in his eye. "What do ya think's wrong with him mate?" Ron questioned lowly so only Harry and Hermione could hear. Harry's face was a mixture of concern and frustration. "I don't know,but I intend to find out, any means necessary."
" 'Mione and I will help in any way we can," Ron finalized. Ron may not like the house of snakes, but he couldn't help but hold a soft spot for the small, fragile boy that held his best friend's heart. If it was 'Mione, Ron thought, I would do anything to fix whatever was wrong with her. With that, Ron turned back to his plate and continued to gorge himself on food.

Hermione, who had been silent through Harry and Ron's interaction, put a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder. She gave it a light, reassuring squeeze and that's all Harry needed, to know that Hermione would help him get to the bottom of his love's problem.

Harry couldn't take it anymore. It was twenty minutes until the first lesson and most people were still in the great hall, including Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco. Draco still hasn't eaten anything and Harry has had enough. He stood up from his place at the Gryffindor table and marched over to where Draco was sitting. He was at the end of the Slytherin table, Pansy on his right side and Blaise in front of the two. All eyes latched onto Harry as he stomped his way over to Draco. His love wasn't taking care of himself and Harry was not going to let it slide. He didn't care that practically the whole school was going to witness what was about to happen. His top priority was Draco.

Pansy and Blaise were worried for their friend. They both shot cautious, worried glances towards Draco every now and then. They both looked up when Harry reached the table, looming over Draco, making him seem even smaller. They weren't worried that Harry was going to hurt Draco, they knew how much Draco meant to Harry, almost everyone knew. Blaise attempted to get Harry's attention and succeeded. It was a scowl and blazing eyes at having been distracted that greeted him, but it was something. Fix him, Blaise mouthed, frantically gesturing towards Draco. Harry would have found Blaise's hand gestures comical if it weren't for the situation they were in. Harry once again looked down at Draco who was still staring at his food. "Draco, baby, look at me." Harry's voice was soft, yet commanding at the same time.

Draco didn't want to look up. He didn't want Harry to see how broken he was. He didn't want his thoughts to come true. He's going to leave you. Draco knew that if he looked at Harry then he would start crying. He just knew that his crying would lead to Harry dragging him out of the hall and demanding answers. He knew that he would spill everything, everything and he could not let that happen. So he kept his head down.

Harry was growing frustrated. He didn't know why his baby wasn't eating and he didn't know why he wouldn't look up at him. He refused to obey Harry's demand and that did not sit well with Harry, not at all. Harry was holding onto a single thread of sanity and he just about had enough of Draco's persistence to not listen to him. He slammed his hand down on the table. He knew the whole hall was probably watching the entire thing, wondering what was going on and hoping for some dramatic display. Well they weren't going to receive anything too juicy, not if Harry had anything to do with it.

Harry leaned in close to Draco's ear. "Baby boy, if you don't listen to me right fucking now I will not hesitate to pull you over my knee in front of all of your peers and dish out a suitable punishment. We don't want that now do we?" Harry's voice came out as a harsh, commanding whisper. Draco's eyes widened down at his plate of food. Harry saw him hesitantly shake his head no and was completely satisfied with the response. "Good boy, now I need you to look at me," Harry's tone had noticeably softened which brought immense relief to Draco. He isn't too upset with me. But he will be once he finds out what happened. Draco slowly brought his head up and looked at Harry, who had leaned back a bit to give him some space.

What Harry saw broke his heart. There was a big bruise on his cheek in the shape of a hand print and when Harry looked into Draco's eyes, what greeted him made him want to cry. His Draco, his baby, was completely empty. There was nothing there, no spark, no happiness in his eyes. His eyes that were red rimed and swollen from crying. His eyes that were slowly building up more tears. Draco's lower lip wobbled, his dull grey eyes were shiny, filled with tears that were waiting to fall. Harry looked at Draco with remorse and anguish. He didn't know what was wrong and so he couldn't fix it. "Tell me what's wrong baby, please," his voice came out quiet, but loud enough for the occupants of that end of the Slytherin table to hear. They were worried about their soft spoken, skittish housemate who looked like he was about to burst into tears.

That one sentence from Harry did it, the dam broke. Draco let his tears fall and heart wrenching sobs spilled from his lips. Harry's eyes widened and he looked around the hall to see everyone staring, some with concern and some with sympathy. Harry gathered his blubbering boy in his arms and carried him out of the hall, away from the prying eyes and intrusive ears. Hermione and Ron had made a move to go with Harry and his woeful angel, but Harry shook his head, indicating that he would call them if needed.

Both Gryffindors sat down, worried about the boy in Harry's arms. The hall had erupted into chatter, all were worried about Draco, especially his housemates. There were only two people that didn't give a damn. Two people that stayed out of the concerned talk and instead gave each other sick, satisfied smirks. They had done what they set out to do, they broke Draco and boy would it be fun to take those pieces and smash them until they were dust. No one would be able to glue him back together when they were finally done with him.
Harry sat down on his bed with Draco in his lap. After leaving the hall, Harry had traveled to the Gryffindor dorms, shushing and cooing at his baby the whole way. Unlike the last time Draco had cried in Harry's presence, Harry couldn't seem to calm him down. So after finally sitting down on his bed, Harry decided to let Draco cling to him and cry. Draco curled up into a ball and wrapped Harry's robes into a death grip. His little hands were balled into Harry's robes, his tears pouring down his face, and heart wrenching sobs escaping his lips. Harry rocked Draco back and forth, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

After hours of Draco crying and Harry gently rocking the both of them, Draco's tears had finally let up. A few still escaped and every now and then a small hiccup would come from Draco's lips, but there was no longer loud sobbing and torrents of tears. Harry took this opportunity to lay Draco down. Harry lay down next to him and Draco immediately curled up into Harry's side. Draco's face was pressed into Harry's chest and Harry's arms were wrapped tightly around Draco. "Baby, I need you to tell me what got you all upset. Please. I can fix it, I know I can."

"N-no you c-can't." Harry was upset that whatever happened to Draco caused his stuttering to come back. He wanted to destroy whatever, whoever, made his baby crawl so far back into his shell that Harry could barely reach him.

"Why can't I baby?" Harry decided to ask simple questions, respond to Draco like this so that Draco would tell him all on his own. He didn't want to force it out of his baby, but he would if he had to.
"I-I can' don't wanna, I c-can't," his response was a blubbered mess, making no sense at all to Harry.
"You can't what baby? Can't tell me? Because you can. I won't ever run away, I will be here for you, always and forever."

Draco had been conflicted. He didn't want Harry to leave him, something he knew was going to happen. He just knew, but what came from Harry's lips was all the encouragement he needed.
"I-I couldn't sleep last night. I went on a-a walk. I ran into C-Crabbe and G-Goyle," Draco stuttered over the names, just barely being able to choke them out. Harry was furious, he should have known that his light beating wasn't going to stop the two from further hurting what was his.

Harry's hold tightened on Draco, giving him reassurance to continue.
"They-they hurt me, punched,k-kicked. Then they...they... did something, something really bad to m-me," at this point Draco was crying. He was clutching onto Harry as if he was a lifeline and in this moment, Harry was his lifeline. Harry was holding his breath. He was hoping, hoping to God that those heathens didn't do what he thought they did. "Goyle put his th-thing in my m-mouth, I didn't want to s-swear, I was forced, p-please don't h-hate me," Draco cried out.

Harry was shocked at the little outburst at the end. "Sh baby, m'never gonna leave ya. I could never hate you, no matter what. You mean too much to me." This calmed Draco down enough to continue the end of his story. "We-we heard footsteps, they s-seemed so close, s-so close, but they never c-came. The s-sound of them scared off C-Crabbe and G-Goyle, b-but they never reached m-me. They-they didn't s-save me," Draco choked out the rest of his story between broken sobs.

Harry was furious and sad all at the same time. His love didn't deserve what happened to him, he didn't deserve the cruel treatment at all. Crabbe and Goyle were going to pay for their sins, he would make sure of it, but right now he needed to comfort his baby, shower him in affection and love. "Shh, it's okay baby, everything's going to be okay. I'm here for you, I'll always be here for you. Me, Ron, Hermione, Blaise and Pansy. We all are going to help you through this baby." Harry's words struck deep into Draco. He isn't leaving, he isn't disgusted. All these people are going to help me? Yes they are, and they are going to fix me. I'm sure of it.

Harry's words had comforted Draco. He didn't realize how many people he had by his side, in his corner of the ring. He thought it was just him fighting his depression and anxiety alone, but he's had support all along. He just had to open his eyes and see it. Draco was no longer crying, but he was still holding onto Harry's robes for dear life. "It's okay love I've got you," Harry's deep, soothing voice engulfed Draco, invading his mind with sweet words. Harry's gentle caress of his body and his firm hold, made Draco feel safe. It made him feel protected and loved, that's all he's ever wanted to feel.

Draco fell asleep, still clutching to Harry, all worn out from his emotional morning. Harry didn't mind, not at all. He knew his baby needed the rest, if the earlier crying session wasn't enough to go by, Harry could see the prominent dark circles under Draco's eyes. My poor baby. I'm going to fix you. I might not be able to do it alone, but it will be accomplished. You are going to be saved Draco, from the world and from yourself.

Harry whispered out the words that he had been dying to say the moment he learned Draco's name. He whispered them with such conviction that, if he were awake, Draco would have to believe him. "I love you baby boy."

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