The Price of an Alphas bite (...

By JRG915

1.4K 104 24

Sequel to Blood is thicker than Water Two months since Stiles was taken from us... Two months he's been in a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Authors Note!
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten

Chapter Nine

75 8 3
By JRG915

A.N. So something I've realized is that my timeline has kind of lined up with that the older 5 would have graduated but I'm thinking more of that they're in the end of senior year.

That is all haha. Love you all. Please keep reading and commenting! It makes my day to see comments!

Outside Ravenmont Prep
One week later.

"I get that we need to stay in groups and stuff but why is Lia with us?" Isaac asked. His seat was slightly reclined while Scott was parked. Neither had a class in their last block and figured it would be better to pick Lia up directly from school each day.

"Lia doesn't have an alpha. Not in the way that our pack does. I may not be perfect but I try to look out for everyone." Scott sighed. "I know what it's like to be turned and be alone for the most part. No wolf or jaguar should have to do that."

Isaac smiled and leaned up, kissing Scott on the cheek.

"You're sweet. You are an amazing alpha. Don't count yourself short."

Scott grinned before his eyes squinted. He turned his head, listening to something.

"What's up?" Isaac asked.

"Sh sh.." Scott said quietly. "Listen."

About thirty yards away, on the sidewalk leading to the parking lot outside the back of the school.

"Get away Jake." Lia spoke, annoyed.

"Come on baby. You've been ghosting us for weeks. Everyone thinks you're pregnant or something." The taller guy leaned in, taking her arm softly.

Scott could hear her heartbeat increasing.

"I'm not pregnant jerk. I just have stuff going on. Back off!" She began walking away. She was only a few steps away when he grabbed her arm, spinning her around.

"Get back here! I wasn't done with you yet! If you're not pregnant then who are you tramping around for!" He began to pull her toward him when she growled low, throwing him back.

Jake landed hard, scraping his hand.

"You crazy bitch!" He stood quickly. "You're gonna regret that!" He began rushing her. He raised his hand to smack her.

"Back off!" Isaac rushed between them, grabbing the boys arm easily. "If you ever talk to her again. Or anyone like that again i will personally rip your arm off. Isaac let his eyes flash blue slightly before squeezing, a crack coming from the boys arm.

"Fuck! Ow! Stop it you freak!" He fell backwards again. Gripping his arm he got up and began running toward the school.

"You okay?" Scott asked. Focusing more on Lia and her glowing green eyes.


"I can't believe how much ice cream we've eaten. Especially you guys. You're still together." Jackson said. An empty pint next to him.

The three boys were in the living room at the Den. They had been every night this week since Cuyber left Jackson high and dry.

"Friends don't let friends grieve alone." Liam spoke through his last mouthful of ice cream.

"Yeah. That!" Stiles groaned. He was laying across the two of them. His head on Jackson's lap and his abdomen on Liam's. "It's a good thing you have super strength babe or i don't think you'd be able to hold my abdomen after all this ice cream."

The three boys laughed together.

"How about we have people over for a game night?" Jackson asked.

"Absolutely." Liam smiled. "Cheer everyone up."

"Jackson your phone is awkward against my neck." Stiles squirmed onto his side.

"Oh Stiles that's not..." Jackson tried to speak but began blushing.

Stiles reached for what he thought was a phone when he realized his was now grasping Jackson erect cock. The girth filling his hand.

"Oh god." Stiles eyes widened. "That's uhh..." stiles stuttered.

"Either awkward or hot." Liam began laughing vigorously as they teared up.

"Oh god." Jackson stood up. He ran toward the stairs and began heading upstarts. "I'm so sorry." He said before they listened to him run up to his room.


"I told you we couldn't trust him!" Malia growled. Her eyes glowing an icy blue. He stares void down viciously and he just smiled back triumphantly.

"Malia!" Lydia laughed. "It's Risk. He's supposed to try and win.

"Well it's dumb." She leaned back in her chair.

"It's okay Lydia. No ones perfect. I'm just good at strategy games I guess." He began chuckling. He smiled before wincing and falling over, onto the floor.

"Void!" The two stood in unison.

"Something's wrong!" He coughed. "Something's dampening me..." he coughed up some sort of black liquid.

"Who would do that?" Lydia looked to Malia.

"Me." A deep growl let out behind them. The two turned around to see a truly frightening sight. A seven foot tall wolf stood, smiling. It was covered in pitch black fur with glowing red eyes. It's claws razor sharp and five inches long.

"Lydia get void and run!" Malia growled. She extended her claws, roaring at the Alpha.

"Yeah. Okay." Lydia stood, extending her batons. "Void try and call the others quick!"

"Oh...Kay...." he tried rolling over, crawling for his phone.

Lydia thrusted her batons forward, shrieking and releasing a sound wave straight toward the alpha.

What happened next was what truly surprised them, the alpha Deucalion roared, the sound wave crashing into Lydia's shriek and imploding on contact. The explosion sent both girls flying backward. Malia hit her head on a low hanging rafter, hitting the ground motionless.

"Malia!" Lydia yelled. She hit into the bookshelf on the other side of them room. She couldn't move without a searing pain shooting through her chest.

"First the banshee. Then the rest of them." Deucalion smiled walking toward her. "It's a shame you won't be able to scream for the deaths of your friends."  He raised his claws and swung down toward her.

Lydia closed her eyes only to hear a pained roar. When she opened them quickly, an Oni was standing beside the Alpha, his sword in its leg.

"You should leave..." void was standing now, his eyes all black.

"Why do that when I can learn a new trick?" He turned quickly, his claws knocking he Oni across the room, only to burst into shadows. "I'm going to kill this banshee, then you're next."

Deucalion reared his claws back again and thrust them toward Lydia. In a flash of shadows, Void was between the two, now imbedded with those razor tipped claws.

"No!" Lydia shrieked, sending the wolf back. She coughed and cried out in the pain it caused. The wolf turned and listened to something, only to exit out the back of the house in seconds.

"Lydia!?  Malia!?" Scott ran into the house, Isaac by his side. "Oh god!" Isaac ran to Malia. "She needs help! Somethings wrong!" 

"Void. Void." Lydia coughed. Dragging herself to his side. "Why'd you do that?" She put her hand on the side of his face. His eyes back to normal.

The Nogitsune smiled weakly. "Because my dear. I'm a creature of death and chaos that has been destroying civilization for a millennium." He coughed. "And in that 1000 years, I think you were my first friend and we don't let friends die for anything." He smiled again before his head fell backwards. His body lifeless.

"No. No!" Lydia began to sob. "Friends don't leave each other! No!"  But it was too late, Voids body faded to nothing, till a single thing remained. A lightning bug. A lightning bug whose light has finally extinguished.

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