Rose of the Sea

By Salem_Grey

144K 1.8K 162

A true troublemaker at heart, Brianna Andrew Rose has never gone with the well-traveled tides. A Captain in t... More

Return to Port Royal
Captain Jack Sparrow
An Able Bodied Crew
Isla de Muerta
The Interceptor
Mrs. Commodore Norrington
The Curse of the Aztec Gold
Return to Port Royal (Again)
The Missing Sparrow
The East India Trading Company
Growing Powers
The Island of the Pelegostos
Tia Dalma
A Decision for William Turner
One Hundred Souls
Set Sail for the Dutchman
A Debt to Davy Jones
Facing the Devil Himself
The End of the Beginning
Journey to the Land Beyond the Living
The Locker of Davy Jones
The Highest Bidder
The Missing Rose
The Captain's Return
Capturing Calypso
Escape from the Dutchman
The Brethren Court
Calm before the Storm
An Exchange of Souls
The Beginning of the End
Calypso Freed
Battle of the Maelstrom
Fall of Endeavor
Keep an Eye on the Horizon
Isla de Muerta (Again)
A Pirate's Life for Me

Shipwreck Cove

955 33 5
By Salem_Grey

Jack's POV:

I open my eyes as Gibbs starts yelling above deck. 

Damn him to the depths, can't a man get any sleep? 

I drag myself out of my bed and stumble over to my mirror.

I look like death. 

This never should've happened. Bri is dead, Beckett has the heart, and I'm sailing to Shipwreck Cove to convene with the Pirate Lords. I take a deep breath and turn to walk out my cabin door.

As I stride across the deck I hear Gibbs talking to Pintel. "Not for naught it's called Shipwreck Island, where lies Shipwreck Cove and the town of Shipwreck."

Pintel strides off as I approach Gibbs. "For all that pirates have plundered, we are an unimaginable lot when it comes to naming things. I once sailed with a lad, lost both his arms and part of his eye."

"And what did you call him Cap'n?" Gibbs asks, intrigued.

"eh, Larry." I reply. I sweep my gaze over the water and then back to Gibbs, he's giving me a strange look. "What are you looking at sir?"

He stutters, "Well Cap'n, you know you haven't been the same since Drew died. Are ye sure you're feeling fit?"

I roll my eyes and give him a stern face. "I be feeling fine sir, I'd be feeling better if I had a bottle of rum in my hand."

At that Gibbs scurries off and I turn my gaze back to the crystal clear waters. 

Oh Bri, I miss your fire, your unexpected turns, your bravery. And you'll never be coming back.

Barbossa's POV:

I look at Tia with a face of disgust. "I don't renege on a deal once struck, but we agreed to see ends meet. The means that bring us there are mine to decide."

She looks back at me with fire in her ice-cold eyes. "Don't you forget who brought you back from de dead in de first place. It was by my power alone, and don't you forget what I can do should you fail me." 

She turns to walk away from me but I fiercely grab her wrist and spin her around to face me again. "And don't forget why ye had to bring me back in the first place and why we couldn't leave Jack to that well-deserved fate. It took nine pirate lords to bind ye, it'll take no less than nine pirate lords to undo it." I sneer, "You're lucky Captain Rose wasn't named a Lord, as elusive as she's being. You never cared about her, ye didn't care if she was dead or in the locker."

Tia's view snaps up to look me in the eye. "I cared about Drew more dan I could anyone else. She was a friend. Besides you're one to talk, since when have you cared about her?"

I glare at Tia as hard as I can, "I always have, it's become harder and harder to find one honest soul in the world, pirate she was, but she never lost honor. She may have had secrets but she fought for the better of others. She was a brave soul and she was a friend to me. She was able to lift the curse of the Aztec gold and bring me and me crew back. I was honest with her when I came back. Can you say the same? Did ye ever whisper your secrets to her?" I cackle as Tia looks at me with shock and surprise. "Masters Pintel and Ragetti." I call across the deck, the two scurry close as I turn my gaze back to Tia Dalma. "Take this fishwife to the brig."

The pair pulls Tia off the deck and shoves her down below. Good riddance, that witch has been bothering me non stop since we met with Sao Feng. I hope Drew gets back soon, we need her.

Will's POV:

I take a sip of my tea as I feel Jones' footsteps make their way down the hallway outside.

"I cannot be summoned like some mongrel pup." Jones spits at Beckett as he walks into the galley.

Beckett simply smiles as he takes a sip of his tea. "Apparently you can. I believe you two know each other" he says as he gestures to me.

Jones follows his movement and notices me, "Ah, Master Turner, come to join my crew once again?" He croons.

I smile, "Not yours, his." I point to Beckett plainly. "Oh, and Jack Sparrow sends his regards."

Jones' face morphs into a look of confusion. "Sparrow?"

I look at Beckett, "You have yet to tell him?" Beckett makes no reply and I turn back to Jones. "We rescued Jack from the locker along with the Pearl,  though we were quite upset to find that Captain Rose wasn't there."

Once again Jones changes mood and his tentacles start writhing with anger as her rounds on Beckett. "What else haven't you told me? Has Captain Rose magically come back from the dead too?"

Beckett scoffs "There are more important, more troubling issues at hand. I believe you're familiar with a woman named Calypso-"

"Not a woman, not even a person." Jones cuts him off. "A heathen God. One who only finds pleasure in cursing men with their wildest dreams, then revealing those wishes to be hollow, empty and naught but ash. The world is better rid of her."

I laugh. "Not quite so actually, the Brethren Court is convening and they intend to release her."

"No, they cannot! The Court that bound her promised to imprison her for eternity. That was our agreement." Jones exclaims.

"Agreement?" Beckett asks

Jones squares his shoulders and glares at Beckett. "I showed them how to bind her. She couldn't be trusted. I had no choice. We have to stop them before they can release her. "

I remember now, the legend of Davy Jones. "You loved her. She's the one, and then you betrayed her."

"She pretended to love me! She betrayed me!"

I smile. "And I wonder, after which betrayal did you cut out your heart?"

He swings his arm at me and knocks my teacup out of my hand. "Do not test me."

"I hadn't finished that." I stand up and stare him in the eyes. "You will free my father, Jones. And you, Beckett, will guarantee Elizabeth's safety, along with my own."

Beckett clenches his jaw. "Your terms are steep Mister Turner. We will expect a fair value in return."

"There is one and only one price I will accept. Calypso. Dead." Jones cuts in.

I smirk. "Calypso is aboard the Black Pearl as we speak. And they are headed for Shipwreck Cove, where the Court is meeting."

"But with you no longer aboard her leaving us a trail, how do you propose getting us there?" Beckett asks.

I reach into my pocket and hold up Jack's Compass. "What is it you want most?"

Jack's POV:

I open my eyes and blink in the sunlight streaming through the Pearl's windows. 

We've been sailing for two weeks to reach shipwreck cove and we're due to arrive this afternoon. 

My feet begin to move on their own and I find myself in front of my desk in the galley. Funny that I have a desk and I hardly use it. I automatically open the drawer on the left-hand side and tap the switch to open the secret compartment.

I take out the only thing lying there and hold it in my hand.

It's the locket I had given Bri, I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it when she threw it at me after the cannibal island rescue. I meant to give it back to her but I never got the chance... 

I slide my thumbnail between the two halves of the locket and open it. There's my handwriting and the promise I never kept. There is so much I wish I had done for her. I should have shown her how much I cared for her, but I never did. And now I've lost her.

I look up because I hear Gibbs yelling on deck for the crew to swab the deck so I begin to place Bri's locket back in the drawer but I pause. Instead, I tuck it into my jacket pocket, she deserves to convene with the rest of the pirates today, even if she's not alive to see it.

Drew's POV:

I step out of my cabin as I finish tying my sword to my belt and blink in the bright sunlight. I walk across the deck of the Empress and stand beside James on the quarterdeck.

"Strange, I've never seen a ship of this build." He says when he notices my presence.

I smile, "It's a Singaporean ship James, of course it's not like our English vessels."

He laughs "No I suppose it wouldn't be. How are you today Brianna?"

"I'm doing fine James, thank you. I'll be better once we get to Shipwreck Cove." he nods and I walk down the stairs to the main deck.

Elizabeth comes up from below and makes a beeline straight for me. "When are we due to reach Shipwreck Cove?"

I smile at her. "We're set to hit before nightfall."

She nods before fidgeting a little.

"Elizabeth, come on what's up?"

She fidgets again, "Well, don't you think we should have Loyalty and Pride to meet at Shipwreck Cove?"

I pause for a moment, then silently curse myself for not thinking of it sooner. "That's actually a great idea, thank you. You know you don't have to be nervous around me, I'm still the same old Drew."

She nods but still shuffles her feet. "I mean, Drew, I'm not nervous.... or well, I guess I am a little. It's just you've changed so much, there's so much I don't know about you anymore. Like how you got onto this ship in the middle of the sea, or how you came back from the dead? You've turned into a fearsome pirate captain, hardly the sister I once knew."

I move forward and pull her into a hug. "Elizabeth, I know I haven't been telling you everything lately, but it's taken me long enough to figure it out myself. I'm not keeping things to spite you, I'm just trying to protect everyone. Come on to the Galley, I'll try to answer as many of your questions as I can."


The Empress docks at an open space outside the fortress of Shipwreck Cove. I begin to walk into the fort but notice my other two ships docked a little farther away. I motion for Tai Huang to lead the crew inside while I walk over to Pride and Loyalty.

I hear footsteps on the wooden dock behind me and see Elizabeth and James following me. I laugh but wave them forward. "Well come on then."

I board Loyalty and turn to the pair behind me. Elizabeth must have gotten an outfit off of Empress because she's already geared up. "James, can look on Pride for something for you to wear. You need to make a good impression and your uniform won't do you any favors."

They nod and walk off while I climb up to the quarterdeck. The smooth wood of Loyalty's wheel is cool under the touch of my fingers. After wha's felt like so long, I'm finally home. It's good to be back.

Jack's POV:

"Cap'n, we're approaching the cove."

I look up and see a crewman peering into my quarters. I wave him off and tuck Bri's locket back into my pocket once again before walking out the door.

Dusk has fallen and stars are starting to twinkle in the sky. I spot Barbossa and Pintel up at the bow and walk over to them.

"There's not been a gatherin' like this in our lifetime..." Barbossa mutters as I come to stand beside him.

I sweep my gaze over all the ships at the docks and grimace. "And I owe them all money."

Barbossa rolls his eyes and walks off so boss some other crewmates around. I look again at all the ships only to do a double-take at two ships lazily bobbing in the fading sunlight.

Pride and Loyalty.

No, she can't be here, she's dead. her crew must have sailed here. They must have. She can't be here, because I killed her.

Drew's POV:

I shuffle through my clothes to find exactly what I want. I don a pair of jet black leather pants, a crimson red shirt, and my tightest black corset. I put on my high heeled boots and put my round brim hat on my head. I line my eyes with some dark kohl and dab some red lip color on. I strap Mercy and both James' and my navy swords to my hips, latch my knife to my thigh and shove a pistol into my belt. I grab my long leather coat and my compass and walk back above deck.

As I'm walking across the docks, I notice another ship had docked beside Empress, The Pearl. My heart races as I think of Jack. 

He's here. I'll finally see him. After so long.

I walk into the fort and climb up the flights of stairs to reach the council room. Apparently, they've already started because they're already screaming at each other.

I gently push open the door and slide into the room. Elizabeth and James are the only ones to notice me come in. Then I hear Jack speak.

"Might I point out that we are still one Pirate Lord short, Sao Feng's ship has arrived yet he is nowhere to be seen. I'm content as a cucumber to wait until he joins us."

At that, I stride across the room into the light and drive my navy sword into the globe standing by the long table. "Sao Feng is dead." My voice rings across the room. "He named me captain and asked that I come here as a Lord in his place."

The room falls completely silent, but all I can notice is the shocked look on Jack's face.

I take a sweeping bow and smirk. "Captain Brianna Andrew Rose, at your service."

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