Bite me if you dare! [ Jeon J...

By Little_bunny121416

57.9K 1.9K 547

Did you ever believe in werewolves and Vampires, or do you believe in them? Jungkook didn't do it. To him, we... More

1 🌸 First impressions 🌸
2🌸 Once again face to face🌸
3🌸Mind says no, heart says yes🌸
4🌸 Holding back from everyone🌸
5🌸 Once again🌸
6 🌸 Innocent Love🌸
7🌸 A little tease can't harm right?🌸
8🌸 Once that seemed impossible anymore 🌸
9🌸An unpleasant reunion🌸
10🌸 Heart matters🌸
11🌸 Don't want to admit it🌸
Im shocked😐
12🌸 Confrontation from all sides🌸
13🌸 Past and now also present 🌸
14🌸 Time to talk?🌸
15🌸 Different sides🌸
16 🌸 The truth behind the words🌸
17🌸 Fight🌸
18 🌸 21+ The crave for each other🌸
19🌸 Pain,love, jealous and shock🌸
20 🌸 The right time, right person🌸
21🌸 Prepare for the coming fight🌸
22???? How long will the happiness last?????
23🌸 The Start 🌸
24🌸His Love that he has build for you🌸
25🌸 Ready to give up on my live for you🌸
27🌸 As long you're with me, i can breath freely🌸
28🌸Special Chapter part 1: The little Family🌸

26🌸 Let me explain🌸

1.1K 56 3
By Little_bunny121416

The life is something what we can't chose in which family we are born, in which time. We weren't asked about those things, we were just throw into it and that's it, but how we live our live, that's up to us. Wich path we are going, who our friends will be, whom we can trust and open up, how we act and what are our moves. What kind of sight we have of the worl in which we are living. Everything of those things are up to us. But one thing we can't choose too. The person who we will love.

It's just happening, your heart will go crazy suddenly when you don't except it by looking at a person, you're ready to make this person happy, ready to cry with this person and share everything what is important to you. Care about this person and let it take over your heart even more as it's already is. Let the person fill your heart and mind with him and the happiness that this one is giving to you.

You can't see the person struggle or suffer with something and what worse is, when you can't do anything against it but you want to. You want to help even if it seems like you were useless to this point still you want to try it. Maybe that's how Jungkook was thinking when he came to his sense and has to see how you was about to be attacked, when he gathered his straight together and pushed the throbbing pain aside and get in between to protect you. Aware what for pain he will feel, he stood with spreading arms before you. His blood almsot dry all over his face and body. The beautiful paintings on his body almsot not to see because of the red liquid that has embraced it.

A dangerous game was he playing and the bet was his life. He didn't though about anything else but only about you. You was the love that he though he would never experience. You was the one who filled his heart and mind and no one else. Mentally he apologized for everything what he had done back then. Every pain that he give to people and for every mistake what he have done. Closing his eyes shut before he would feel the throbbing pain, he saw you and his mum. Two womans that were important for him.

' I'm sorry.' He though and felt sharp teeths digging into his skin on his arm and leg. He let out terrified scream on pain and dropped to the ground immediately. Too much to take for his normal human body, too much. In the meantime as he was suffering because of the pain that was given to him, he though about his mother. How many times he hurted her, how many times he pushed her away from him, how many times he fought with her about meaningless things.

He regretted it. He wanted once again to tell her that he was sorry for everything what he have done. He wanted to hug her tight and tell her how much he loves her and always did. And maybe he will have the time for it, if he can come out of there alive. In within a secound Nmajoon and Yoongi were pushed from his body and he could properly take a deep that was stuck in his throat.

With his head he turned aside and saw how you was fighting with the both of them. A bitter smile draw on his lips when he felt how his body got weaker and he uttered almost whispering." I love you, Kim Y/N."

You wouldn't hear him, but you could feel him like he was near you. Throwing Namjoon aside against a wall, what made him whine in plain, you did the same thing with Yoongi and run to Jungkook. Your cold hands touched his hot cheeks as you cupped them and begged." Please try to hold it a little. Don't give up okay? Remeber you promised me that you won't leave me, remember?" You voice cracked in the sentence, your thumbs stroke gently his hot cheeks. The redness in your eyes, it vanished and let the ice blue color appear again. Jungkook smiled a little when he saw your eyes." Like ocean." He caught out and scrunched his face in pain.

"Huh? What?" You asked him with your teary eyes. 'When is there a god, then please let him stay alive.' You beggeden in your mind. " Your eyes... like ocean... I.. want to drown in... them." He caught weak again out. Your shield that you had build around you for the whole time, dropped long time ago when you met him, this guy who's face was in your hands and tried to smile at you, changed you and your priorities, he could manage to make you belive in love again and feel this amazing feeling.

The will to take care of someone and share beautiful but also bad moments, to be alway near him and support him no matter what he was doing, just to let him feel that you are by his side and that he could count on you. So many things that you wanted to tell him and just have more time with him. See him smile and argue with you, just fool around how you both were used to.

"Jungkook?" He chimmed weak and you leaned to kiss him. Your lips met his. Even if that was only a small kiss, yet it seemed like a entire for you both. Like the words around you births froze and only the two of you were there and no one else. Lulling apart one of your tears dropped at his cheeks and you wiped it away. Your head turned to the guys, who stood up and and shook the dirt of their bodies.

"Jungkook, promise me you can do it okay? Promise me you will wait a little of me okay?" A little did the both of you knew, the time for him that was left, was not that much. Still he nood a little and you kissed his forehead before you stood up. The red color take over the previous again and now was it on time to end the things. Right there, right at this moment.

Yoongi and Namjoon atacked you again and again when you managed to get out of their claws. No matter how much it hurted you took everything and more. Hard breathing you stood infront of a wall and watched the both nearing you, like the tried to trap you. Just then when Yoongi was about to attack again, two manly voices sounded through the area. Looking suprised aside, you was shocked to see your father and two of his mans behind him, but also a person that you though had nothing good in his mind."Stop it, right now."

Yelled Hoseok and Andrew in same time. Yoongi and Namjoon turned back to humans and watched confused yet suprised The 4 mans." I'm here so let my daughter go." Added Andrew confident stepping forward." Dad." You whispered under your breath. You didnt knew if the known smell came from Jungkook or a man who was standing at you fathers back. But the smell seemed to be also the same.

"Wow, what a coincidence. Andrew live in person." Namjoon chuckled and crossed his arms before he looked over to you and added." Seems like you took everything for nothing little one."

"Shut up." You spat sharping your eyes at him. Hoseok run up to you and cupped your face in his hands when he observed your bruises in it with worried expression. You pushed his hands away and glared at him." Hands off."

"Y/N, I don't have anything to do with that." Hoseok tried to defend himself. But you ignored him as you pushed him aside and took a step forward. Worried you looked over to Jungkook who was behind Yoongi still on the ground. Sharping your sense at him you smelled his heart that was almsot not beating. But your hearted started to race violently against your chest out of fear." Jungkook." You screamed and didnt cared about anything else when you run up to him and threw yourself on your knees hovering above on him.

"Jungkook." You screamed again and shook him by his shouder but nothing happen, his eyes were still close and his heart beat went went even more down. Biting in your worst so that your blood appeared, you opened his mouth and let your blood drop in there with hope that it would help and he will heal. " please, please, please. I beg you." You whispered through your sobs.

Andrew stood there and watched your did a little confused but also suprised. He didnt knew who this guy were who you tried to heal and safe by giving you your blood. But soon enough his attention were on the both guys that were about to attack him and take their revenge for what he have done. Hoseok rushed in between and spread his arms to stop them and maybe end the whole war that lasted so long. He was tired to feel hate towards Andrew, tired to look for him.

"Wait, let's talk at last." Chimmed Hoseok worried out and made Namjoon and Yoongi scoff before they chuckled bitterly." Talk? Hoseok what is it with you? Are you completely not in your mind?" Asked Yoongi and took a step closer to his friend with anger pulsing in his vines.

How long did he wait for this chance to get the bastard who killed his sister and Namjoons brother, how long he waited to take his revenge on him and cause him such the same pain like he felt, when he lose the one who was always giving him straight to live. How long did he waited to have him in his claws and tear apart, and now he should talk to him? For what? What could he say that would less hie and Namjoons pain that were still in their chests all the long time? What could he say to make the things not that bad? What?

"I know what you feel for me is hate and you want me to see maybe to chocke on my blood, but at last let me explain myself." Spoke Andrew placing his hand on Hoseoks shoulder and stepping forward. A man behin him was still frowning looking at you and Jungkook as something seemed to be impossible for him. " Explain? What do you want to explain? How you enjoyed to kill a member from our family? Do you really have the nerves for asking to explain yourself?" Yelled Namjoon at Andrew, his anger taking the best of him.

Of course they were totes and exhausted with all the years to get him, to have him in their claws and kill him just like he did it to their siblings. Never would Andrew understand how the both guys are feeling, how much pain they had to take for the years where he drown in the pity and hate even more. He wouldn't understand how much they have missed in their life only blinded by revenge. How many beautiful things they could do and just enjoy their life without the try to find him. He never would and couldn't understand it.

What come to Andrew only he and God knew how much he regretted his did, how much guilt he have felt the whole years, and tried to give the two guys time to cool a little up before he would show up and try to explain and ask for forgiveness. He was sure it would bring nothing but maybe at last they would hear him out and try to understand that it was a accident. But wouldn't they belive him?

Could it be that if Andrew tires to explain them his side of the story, that they might understand him? Is there this possibility, or will he just die like the bith if them want to it?


You watched Jungkook and couldn't help but cried. Your blood wouldn't help him at all and so you bit your other wrist bit even greater and let again blood drop in his mouth. Sometimes is it hard to face the reality out of where you would try to run away in a world where everything would be just perfect.

A normal life that you would live and Jungkook too, and maybe without you. Did you regret to met him? No, you didn't. But you regret that he fall in love with you and now was even suffering and fighting for his life. What if you two would have never met, and never had build these kind of feelings for the other one? It hurted tonghink like these but you calmed the pain when you though that then he would be alive and health. He wouldn't be approached with all the things what brought him in danger. Of course you blamed yourself in all, and no one else.

You blamed the love that you both had for each others but at the same time you was grateful for it. You was grateful that you could be loved again, to feel being needed by someone and cared. You thanked Jungkook for all of this from bottom of your heart. Sobbing you tightened your fist to let the blood drop faster and more. The wish to have him alive never left you.

You didnt cared about the other who were arguing and yelling at each other, you cared only for Jungkook." Come on please let it work, please I beg you." You whispered but still didnt saw any effects. Nothing. He didnt deserve it to suffer like this, he shouldn't have done it at first place. He knew you was an immortal and you could take a lot while he was a normal human being.

Should you go through the pain and lose the one you love? Was it something like a punishment that a vampire fall in love with a human? Was it?

Your red liquid kept dropping in his mouth sliding his throat down. Your knuckles hurted already how string you clenched your fist. But still nothing helped. Jungkook kept laying on the ground motionless with closed eyes. You wanted him to open them and look at you. But that didn't happen.


Andrew took a deep breath and stepped even closer, aware I'd the danger what he was getting himself into was not that important how to stop these all and don't let you suffer because of him. The time to talk about everything what has bothered him the whole time, should be spoken.

"Back then, i didnt meant to kill them. It was not in my intention to do it. During the fight..." Andrew paused when the memories hit in his mind. The same memories that let him feel such a pain his chest. Namjoons and Yoongis eyes begun to burn with anger when the day when they lost their siblings appeared infront of their eyes. It a feeling like it happen only yesterday.

"I didn't payed attiont much against whom I was fighting, I got the command to right and I did-"

"Yes and killed my sister and his brother." Interrupted Yoongi coldly but in pain.
Andrew sighned and shook his head." Like I said I didnt mean to do all of that. It was an accident. The fight between two different vampire families was the cause of it. I didn't smelled their blood clearly when I attacked them, I was concentrate to fight an protect my members. I'm really sorry about it. And I didnt meant to hurt you both or take the life of your siblings.

I still can't understand what they both were doing there and why they were in between of the fight. But when I came to my sense and smelled a diffrent blood..."
Again Adrew paused and took a deep breath with closed eyes before he spoke again. It was a torture for him to replay those memories. The both kids, they were in the same age like you now, 19.

So many things they had actually to do in their life, so many enjoyable things were waiting for them. But he took it away, he killed them as he mistaken them with vampires. A mistake that hurted their families badly and took him his careless life. Never had he forgot about this day and never he stopped to feel guilt.

Andrew could only imanigen how badly it must have hurt to Namjoon and Yoongi, only the thought to loose you let his heart beat fasten in fear. "I get aware of everything, in saw the both laying on the ground and couldn't help but screamed out loud. I realized what I had done and I the guil and sorry took over me. I never was in the initiation to hurt them, never. I swear." Andrew looked at the guys with wide open begging eyes. Begging to belive him. He was sincerely sorry and new he couldn't turn back the time, but maybe he could end the things like that.

He hoped that the two guys would belive him and maybe forgive, but it was only a wish. Yoongo wiped his tears and faced Andrew with a cold expression. " Then it will be only fair when we take that was is important to you too." In within a secound started to run towards you. Not waiting any time anymore.


Jungkooks heart beat didn't get better, it was still low beating inside his chest where your cold hands on it. You tried to hear and smeel his beat while begging for him to wake up. To see how the bruises would a little vanishing but still nothing.

You heard fast foot steps and not only from one person. Turning around you saw Yoongi with rage and hurt in his eyes running towards you. Confused you watched him and didn't do anything, just kept your place next to Jungkook. Only one thought were in your mind. 'I'll be with you till my last breath.' Your hand found the one from Jungkook and you squezzed it slightly. Like you were assuring yourself in your own words of though.

Your eyes keept gluing ok Yoongi but once again a person was directly before you, in a protective position he yelled." Stop, don't hurt her." Your eyes wandered up to his back and you just remind silence. Andrew who run behind Yoongi and tried to protect his own daughter but not faster then Hoseok who stopped his friend.

"Don't hurt her. She haven't dona anything bad to you. You can't kill her and take revenge of those who you lost. Yoongi it wouldn't let you feel better." Hoseok hold his hands against Yoongis chest strongly, but his voice soft. He tried to make Yoongi open his eyes and see how far everything has went because of a accident. Yes it was a horrible accident but still there were no initiation on purpose.

The rings should finnaly come to the end so that they all could start to live again. Never would be the pain forget or the deaths, yet they should keep living the life and not being blinded by the revenge.

"You must be kidding me!" Growled Yoongi and tried to push Hoseok aside. Namjoon and Andrew reached you and Anderew stood next to Hoseok as he spoke." If you want to see a death then kill me but not my daughter. Do with me what ever you want, but let her be." Namjoon listened to his words and saw the tears in his eyes. Tears out of fear and guilt.

"How you love your daughter, that's how we loved our siblings." Namjoon stated standing beside Yoongi. His voice no longer threatening, no longer angry as the sadness in there were to sense. Yoongi looked to his side at Namjoon. He tried to read his friend and figure out what he would to do next." Yoongi, we have to stop it. We have really to do it. Hoseok is right we wouldn't feel better after that, only the guilt would eat us alive the whole entire of our life. Can you life with the though that you killed someone?"

Chimmed Namjoon with a bitter voice. He was hurt, yes, but when he saw how Andrew told them about what was really happen, he saw the honest in his eyes, he saw the guilt that was in them. A little dod Namjoon knew, his revenge and hate, were not healed but, it was less painful as back them. Now everything was up to Yoongi. Could he dropp the desire for revenge, or will he just take your or Andrews life away?

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