The Hidden Girl And The Caged...

By mommavamp

74.2K 1.6K 240

Naruto Uzumaki is the village pariah and always the blame being kicked out of shops and pranking people for a... More

Graduation!?! Catching a traitor.
Training. Meeting Konohamaru. Lost a bet to Jiji.
Meeting team 7. Choji knows...
Bell test. Letting more people in... First joint meeting
Hyuga Clan. Joint training day two. Hyuga Clan again.
Starting over with Ino
Ninjutsu, Chakra exercises.
Training with Jiji, Ninjutsu training, Sleepover, C rank mission
Departure, Demon twins, the 7 deadly swordsmen, Cherries Uzumaki training.
Wave pt 2. New comers.
Eliminating Gato
Why Naru needs ramen.
Uzu Temple, Octopi reunion. Training

Letting Sakura in... Hanabi's wake up call.

3.9K 103 7
By mommavamp

"Shikamaru we can begin your fire training with the girls at the compound. Hinata we will use your lightning as a trump, Naru well we will use your elements as a trump period. Now how about you go and walk trees girls. We don't need another water episode" Kakashi said lowly from behind us. "Hai Kaka nii" the three of us said together in whispers. Shikamaru left us for Choji and the two of us began climbing two trees next to each other. Going to the top I opened the note still in my palm as I sat down.

I am worried about you. Your usually so optimistic and out going. But today I saw the look in your eyes, it wasn't you. That look was the sad broken girl you hide away, I don't want you to be that girl. Naru no matter what happens you always will be the sun in this village. You don't have to hide but I am sorry I couldn't talk to you with everyone around. These training sessions are not easy for me, there's Hinata sama. Then my teammate Lee who believes that he can be great and the boy Naruto who was dead last acts like he can be great as well. I just want to make sure you are okay' the note said without his signature but I knew it was his.

Standing up I hopped out of the tree, my birthday was in about 3 weeks and he acts like I can be this ball of sunshine. I could be, I know what life does and how it treats you but I can do this. One day I'll be Hokage. I thought to myself approaching Kakashi, Asuma and Kurenai both smiled down at me. "What can I do for my cute little imouto" Kakashi asked as Hinata joined us. "I need that to play the dead last every joint training session we have together. If I want to change this village then deception is going to be the way to go. I've done it this long it wont hurt to last till the chunin exams. By the way are you joining us for dinner at the Hyuga compound tonight" I said smiling. "No I am not joining you there girls. I worry that if I were to come then the already hospitalized clan member would find himself there longer or permanently" Kakashi said innocently eye smiling. Hinata giggled, "Well at least your honest" she said smiling at him. 

"Training same time in the morning girls" Kakashi said nodding at us, "Hai Kaka nii" we replied walking off together.

"So what did the note say" Hinata asked as we stood on a tree branch upside down. "Fate driven nonsense. He said he doesn't like the look he saw today but that no matter what I'm the sun in this village. I ought to slap some sense into him now if I thought it would do any good" I said looking at her. She sighed "Naru why don't you just do it now. It might actually be beneficial if you do" she said. "Chunin exams, you know they like to have clan members fight each other at the end. I know you though you'll refuse to win. I will fight him through luck and when I do we'll begin our changes" I said nodding my head at her. "You know me to well" she said a small smile on her face. "It's why were sisters" I said smiling at her. "How could I forget? Let's go help Sakura she looks like she's trying not to kill Ino" Hinata said pointing to the two girls at the edge of the water. Ino was not getting the water walking like Sakura had and it was frustrating her and irritating Sakura. Giggling we hopped down and joined the two of them slowly. "How did you even get this so quickly" Ino groaned her foot sinking into the water below.

Laughing I sat her down with the rest of us on the grass, "Your trying to hard" Hinata said gesturing to the lake. "It's not like the tree climbing we did is it Sakura" I asked. "No for tree climbing we had to do a set amount of chakra for it so that it would break and we wouldn't fall" she replied smiling at Ino. "Exactly so the water isn't like the tree Ino. What is water known for" I asked her. "It's always moving" she said looking at what appeared to be a calm lake. "Yes it's always moving and so your chakra should be changing with the water. It takes more concentration" I said smiling at her. "You can't force it to bend to your will Ino. You need to take it in stride one step at a time" Hinata said placing her feet on the water lightly. They were being held up by chakra but you could see the flux of output in chakra on her heels. "Thanks guys" Ino said understanding the water walking better. Standing we all joined her as she exclaimed in joy that she got it finally. Giggling we kept on walking the water until Kakashi called time, Sasuke and Naruto my clone had just got the water walking down. Choji, Shikamaru and Shino had joined us at some point. Kiba was resting he had used all his chakra on the tree exercise by trying to force it at will.

"We will continue tomorrow on the exercises and then start on some new jutsu. Kurenai Sensei will also be going around to try out genjutsu on you all" Kakashi said with our mission scroll in hand. "Um Kurenai Sensei I cannot be placed in a genjutsu unless it is one made by the second level of the sharingan" I said blushing in embarrassment. "Are you sure about that Naru" Kurenai asked a little skeptical. "Positive as can be. Jiji tried several times to place me in a genjutsu, I can use low level ones but with the massive reserves I have I can not go any further than that. All genjutsu are automatically dispelled from me except for advanced Uchiha clan ones" I said lowly. "You were caught in that 48 hours of torture as well dobe" Sasuke asked his hands balled into fist. "Hai" I said not looking up from my hands, "It's okay. I won't ever let that happen again. Your my sister it's my job to protect you" Sasuke said placing his hand on my shoulder. "We all have missions to complete. Hinata after your mission Naru will meet you at her house to go to your compound if that is fine" Kakashi asked. "Hai Kakashi Sensei" Hinata said joining her team.

We all went our separate ways as teams, we walked to some body needing us to clean out the stream of garbage people had just dumped there. Rolling my eyes I made clones and let the Naruto clone go do it as well. Sasuke opted to help as well while I made Sakura begin on her tai jutsu. For the next three hours we fought and went over the taijutsu moves and stances. I showed her what she would be capable of but better than me because I don't have the chakra control like she does. Sasuke was watching us with my clone and Kakashi out of the corner of their eyes all smiling as I helped Sakura become the Kunoichi she wants to be. One of my clones had injured a fish and hauled it up to us, I told Sakura to heal it. She had read the necessary book and in that book had the simple healing palm technique. Kakashi smiled as the fish started flopping around now completely healed. "I think it would be wise for you to pick up shifts under a medical ninja at the hospital Sakura. They will teach you until Naru finds a way to get Tsunade to come back" Kakashi said proudly at her. "I just might do that! Thank you so much" Sakura said hugging me. Laughing I hugged her back, "I have a few more books for you on medical ninjutsu we can go get them now" I said noticing the water was now cleaned and all the trash in bags in trash cans. Sasuke and my Naruto clone were talking and Kakashi took the two of them in a swirl of leaves. I took Sakura in our own swirl of leaves to the compound.

We appeared in the living room where Kakashi was sitting reading, it seemed my clone and Sasuke were out back sparing. Rolling my eyes fondly I led Sakura to the library she was giddy her eyes full of excitement. Sakura was staring in shock, walking up to the ninjutsu section of the library I grabbed every book I had on medical ninjutsu. I also grabbed a few on poisons how to extract them and neutralize them as well. Sakura was looking at the history section there was a large book in her hands it said Uzushiogakure in bold letters. Smiling faintly I gestured to the couch across from my parents couch. We sat down and I set the medical books on the table in front of us before grabbing the book of Uzushiogakure from her hands and opening it across our laps. "This is my mother's homeland, she was not born in our village. You know I am actually disappointed in who decides what we should and shouldn't learn in the academy" I said smiling at the picture of the once colorful and full of life village.

"What do you mean? Wait that symbol on their gate it's the same one on the back of Kakashi Sensei's flak jacket" Sakura said. "It is the very same one. Uzushiogakure was a village feared and known for its fuinjutsu skills. They were very close friends with Konohagakure, so close in fact that as a symbol of friendship we had the Uzushio symbol displayed on our flak jackets. But during the after the 2nd world war it was a village so feared that other villages banded together and destroyed the land. Konoha arrived a little too late to aid them it had been destroyed. My mother was already living here but the remaining relatives of the Uzumaki clan are all scattered around. We still bare the symbol of Uzushio as a memorial for our fallen comrades" I said sadly. The next page had my mother as a child with the title Uzumaki princess of Uzushiogakure. 

Sakura stared for a long time at the picture, "This is your mother no" she asked. "It is. She from what I have been told was loud, rambunctious and feared. My mother did what she believed in and even taught my father the ways of fuinjutsu from back home. I have her headband from the ruins of Uzushio, she didn't want the headband when she found out it had been destroyed. Jiji passed it on to me" I said smiling sadly. "She was very pretty. Unique red hair, you kind of look like her ever except you have blonde hair and blue eyes" Sakura said smiling at me. "Yeah but the pranks and fuinjutsu come naturally for me. I heard my mom used to prank everyone at anytime" I replied smiling. "I could see it. Oh my kami Naru your not just an heir. Your a princess" she said shocked. "No! No just no way Sakura. Don't tell anyone you realized that. My clans hometown was destroyed, I have this place and all of you. I do not need to be known as the whirlpool princess as well" I said. A soft snicker was heard from the doorway, "You just don't want to have to act proper even though you could" Hinata said shaking her head and joining us on the couch.

"I wont act like something I'm not. Proper is not one of those things either" I replied rolling my eyes. "Besides in Uzushio they were loud, rowdy, and hardly ever used manners thank you" I said making them both laugh. "Why did they not teach us in the academy? This is vital to our village history. That is our first Hokage with his wife Mito Uzumaki and the leader of Uzushiogakure Ashina Uzumaki. He helped build the village" Sakura exclaimed. "Ashina indeed did help build the village and Mito came from Uzushio before she fell in love with Hashirama. But someone didn't want anyone to know that I was once apart of a great clan" I said shrugging. Sakura closed the book before putting it back, "Did your parents really have books on everything" Sakura asked studying more of the history section. "My mother and our clan were very trusted with secrets. Most of these books were given to us by the clans themselves. I wouldn't touch many of those without consulting me first the seals on them might hurt" I said watching her with Hinata beside me. Sakura nodded her head in understanding, returning to the couch for now. "I'm going to leave these on this table so your not stuck with all of them at once but after our daily missions we can come and change them out if you want as your ready for the next one" I said as Sakura picked up the two beginners books for medical ninjutsu. "That sounds wonderful thank you Naruto" she said hugging me again. Laughing Hinata joined in as we looked out the window of the library. "I should probably be getting home now it's getting late and you two are supposed to be at a dinner" Sakura said apologetically. "Don't worry I'm an Uzumaki he expects me to be late and cause a scene" I said shrugging with a giggling Hinata beside me.

Standing the three of us walked to the living room where Kakashi still sat reading his book but my Naruto clone and Sasuke were sprawled out on the floor playing Shogi. "We have a dinner to go to" I exclaimed a hand on my hip. "Why were you yelling Sakura" Sasuke asked his eyebrow raised. "I'll tell you tomorrow I'm going to head home and study these" she said bidding the guys goodbye. Sasuke and my clone put the board away and looked at me, "You can stay with Sasuke tonight geez. If your going to walk her home better go catch up" I said to a smirking Sasuke and they rushed out the house together. "I am going to go meet the others at a bar Ja ne girls be safe" Kakashi said poofing away. Locking the front door behind us we decided to walk together, Hinata and me linked arms talking about anything that popped into our minds.

Neither of us were paying attention this time to all the stares and whispers around us as we entered the compound. I could feel the chakra getting closer to us, scoffing Hinata activated her byakugan at the same time I added chakra to my fist. Whoever it was tried to strike us both at the same time from behind on our pressure point, spinning I punched the guy in his face as Hinata's gentle fist landed on his chest. It was the same guy as before "I thought I told you not to touch her" I said my hair flying around me. The compound was quiet until that happened, many people came out of their homes and Kou appeared suddenly. "Mini Kushina at it again" he said a smile on his lips before he noticed the male gasping for breath with a broken nose on the ground. "You can't surprise a sensory ninja dattebayo. Hiashi I am sorry we are not in yet. This man tried to attack the both of us from behind" I said bowing my head to the Hyuga head as he walked towards his. The spot right beside my pressure point throbbed in pain as the adrenaline ran out. Gritting my teeth, "Hina unlock it before I force it open" I said closing my eyes. "Okay Naru. It's going to hurt" she said shocking her father as her eyes were already activated. Neji walked through the crowd as this was happening, Hinata pushed her fingers in the spot unlocking my chakra point by making her own chakra open it back up. "Who touched them Hiashi sama" Neji asked his eyes calculating as he looked us over. "Thanks Hina, here he got your collar bone" I said bringing up two fingers glowing blue with chakra and forced open her chakra point. "He did" Kou said pointing to the man who was laying on the ground out cold now.

Neji snapped his eyes full of hatred as he turned to the man laying on the ground. "When awakes he is mine Hiashi sama" Neji asked glaring at the man who had attacked us. Hiashi nodded stiffly eyeing the two of us for any other marks, "We're fine father" Hinata said bowing her head. "She is right. We're fine, I heal almost every physical wound ever given to me in a shorter amount of time than even a regular Uzumaki as you are well aware. But I also unlocked Hinata's chakra, it will be sore but everything gone by morning" I said looking at the pissed of Neji from the corner of my eye. "Kou, please inform myself and Neji when the man has awakened" Hiashi said still stiff. "Of course Hiashi sama" Kou said bowing to him before disappearing with the man.
Hiashi led the three of us into the main house, "You finished your mission rather early Neji" Hiashi said starting a conversation. "Yes, we just had to put up a new fence for a farmer just out of the village gates. It was simple Hiashi sama" Neji said tense still watching the two of us. "That is good.  Wouldn't want to have to reschedule dinner in case you wanted to be there Neji" Hiashi said a small discreet smile on his face. Hinata excused the two of us and pulled me to her bedroom, we took turns in the shower before she pulled two kimonos out of the closet. (What I based their outfits on is up top. Just their colors are different) One was lavender with flowers on it and a deep purple obi. The other was a soft orange with yellow and red flowers on it. The obi was black, smiling softly I looked at her jokingly. "Do I have to" I asked, Hinata laughed and pulled her kimono on while I tied her obi before slipping mine on. She tied my obi and I decided to leave my hair down like Hinata. With no head protector my hair reached well past my waist towards my ankles like my mother had hers before. We left our shoes off and ventured to the table, Hiashi had Hinata on one side of me with Neji on the other side. Steeling myself, I could do this I thought to myself. Hiashi took a look at us and a small smile graced his face, "You two look beautiful tonight" he said complimenting us.

Blushing I thanked him as did Hinata "You do look very beautiful" Neji whispered in my ear lightly. My face burned brighter while my heart thumped in my chest loudly reverberating in my ears. Looking down let my hair conceal my flaming red cheeks. I could feel him smirk from beside me, Hiashi had the food brought out as well as something to drink. Hanabi was watching us through cold eyes as if she didn't see what I see in Hinata. A member of their clan fell holding his head in pain, Hanabi looked at him impassively. Taking a deep breath I stood my back rigid straight as I looked at Hiashi who looked at Hanabi concerned. "You will release him now" I said my voice mixing together with that of a leader. Hanabi shocked released the man and stared at me confused then looked at the man concerned, "I will be borrowing this one. Hina heal the man" I said my ANBU tone coming out as I grabbed Hanabi by the shoulder and left with her in a poof of smoke.

"How could someone that's friends with Hinata be able to affect me to stop what I was doing" Hanabi asked guarded. "Because I'm not normal and your sister isn't what she seems to be either Hanabi. Sit" I said pushing her onto the couch beside my spot as I grabbed the Hyuga clan book off the shelve. "Do you know what I see in your sister" I asked her gently as I sat beside her. "A weakling. Someone who needs to be protected" she scoffed, rolling my eyes I smacked her upside the head. "No. I see a bright caring sister who would do anything to ensure that her sister never gets the curse of the rest of her clan. I see the strong powerful respected woman she will become. How old are you Hanabi" I asked her seriously.  "I'm 9. Why do you have a book on my clan" she asked tense. "This book was given to my mother and your clan regularly updates it with a special seal. I am obviously the last of my clan in this village so because of that this book is my responsibility. You are at a proper age we can discuss these things" I said opening the book to a picture with her parents, Neji's parents and my parents all together laughing.

"Father used to laugh" she asked seriously. "Yes he used to laugh a lot child. Your mother was exactly the same way Hinata is now. Except my mother didn't have to get yours out of the shy shell that Hinata was in. Hinata is one of my closest friends, so close we are like sisters. Hanabi I know all about you as Hinata talks about you a lot. Yet you know nothing of your sister, you have listened to those clan elders long enough" I said sighing as Hanabi looked at me in surprise. "But if you knew everything about me then why ask about how old I was? What do you mean that Hinata is different" she asked curious. "What we discuss and what you decide unless you decide to not listen to me will have to wait until the chunin exams" I said seriously. She nodded her head in understanding clearly wanting to know, "As I am sure you are a observant academy student.  So much so that you hear Konohamaru when he talks about someone named Naruto Uzumaki. You have probably even tried to find this Naruto and what was it you found" I asked her an eyebrow raised. "I found a boy ignoring glares and stares of the villagers" she said in comprehension. "Yes well that same little boy ignoring their glares, stares and words is me. I henge into a boy everyday so that no one knows who I am unless I want them to know. Do you know the way this village treats me is the exact same way your clan is divided" I asked her quietly.

"But you're so calm and cool why would you want to let that happen to you" she asked.

"Because Hanabi, there will come a time when this village will see me for me and who I truly am. Only few people like your sister know better, I do what I do to protect those close to me. Much like your sister, before you were born a man tried to steal your sister for his village by his elders not his kage. He drugged your sister in her sleep and when she awoke your father had killed him, now this villages elders demanded his body and tried to not let their kage catch wind of their actions. Your sister began to grow shy and in on herself because Neji's father took your father's place and nobody realized the damage it was doing to the two of them. Neji grew colder than I had ever seen and your sister just withdrew herself, then you were born and she found a purpose. The elders were talking about branding you as a child with the curse seal so your sister began to mess up on purpose. She knew that you were more important than a seal, I found Hinata at 5 getting bullied and I beat them. I began train her in secret away from everyone, she only let some talent show so the elders could not demand a seal on either of you. You are to much like your father is now, cold emotionless empty" I said watching the young girl stare at me in shock.

"Why would she do that? Why? Its clan tradition and I don't want to be the clan head" Hanabi exclaimed her emotionless shell breaking. Tears were gathered in her eyes, "She would rather get herself branded than watch you go through the pain that is inflicted on those with the seal. I won't allow either of you to get the seal" I said sighing. "But how would you be able to do such a thing. My sister cares about me? I...I have been so mean to her" she asked the tears falling from her pale eyes. "Because I'm an Uzumaki and I plan to help your sister fix the clans mistakes. One day I will remove the seal from everyone in your clan, that's a promise Hanabi. Your sister cares about your wellbeing over hers, I think she got that from me.Now what do you think" I asked her honestly. "I want to believe in you and my sister. I won't activate anyone's seal anymore and I will help you however I can" she said determined. "Good. I really would have hated to take you to Inoichi. Now you can not tell anyone about this whatsoever. You must promise to remain this way until the end of the chunin exams but you may keep your promise to not harm anyone with the seal. This is a s rank secret and Neji does not know I am Naruto" I said closing the Hyuga book and placing it back on the shelf. "Of course Naru" she said composing herself and becoming emotionless again. Nodding I made is disappear and appear in the dining area, nodding my head at Hiashi he sighed.

"Hanabi as a child you are not allowed to activate any persons seal. In the presence of Naru you are never to activate someone's seal. This is a law, she will react violently to it from here on out. Thank you Naru for not harming one of my children" Hiashi said nodding at me. Nodding my head back at him I smirked, "I did not do that one on purpose. We were playing at 5? Really can no one let things go" I said dramatically. "What do you mean can no one let things go" Hiashi asked a normal conversation striking up between the five of us. "Last night I had the Yamanaka clan over and Inu my ANBU brought up the misunderstanding about kidnapping clan heads children. It is not my fault Shikamaru forgot to inform his mom" I said defeated. Hiashi chuckled, Hanabi smiled, Neji chuckled and Hinata laughed.

"No their conversation was much different" Hinata exclaimed before recounting the conversation I had with Kakashi the night before. She used Inu and left out the brother sister bonds on purpose. Hiashi was full blown laughing by the point that Hinata finished. Hanabi was laughing quietly and Neji was chuckling. "You kidnapped a clan heir at 6" Neji asked apparently remembering the village crisis, "I did not kidnap him. We were playing and went to my house with an ANBU team of course and it's the lazy asses fault for not saying anything to his mom. Like seriously a Nara is the only one who could think it's too troublesome to tell your mom you're leaving" I said seriously. Hinata was snickering beside me, "At least I never did that" Hinata said. "No you didn't I really thought Jiji was mad at me because of that. Nope he was laughing and couldn't show that it was humorous in front of me" I said laughing slightly. Hinata snorted under her breath, "You actually get in trouble that would be the day" she said lightly. 

"Take that back" I exclaimed pointing at her, "I won't do that" Hinata said pushing my finger down. "I'm serious Hina. Bad things happen when you guys say things like that. Last time you said that it would be the day Ichiraku ran out of ramen. He ran out that next week" I said waving my arms around. "Your being dramatic" Hina said shaking her head, "I am not. Inu actually has the authority to ground me. Not this fake stuff but actual like grounding grounding whatever that is" I said seriously. "Why does an ANBU have the authority over you" Hanabi asked breaking our argument off. "I'm an orphan, I have been since a few hours after my birth. My parents died and I was kicked out of the orphanage for reasons. When I discovered who my parents were Inu decided to be my caregiver until I make chunin or turn 16. Even then I don't think he'll leave" I said muttering the last part of my sentence. Hiashi nodded his head thoughtfully as I began to think of a seal that might counteract the side effects of the 100 strength sealing.

"Oh" Hanabi said seriously thinking over that I had said, "I brought dessert again" I said changing the subject and unsealing three boxes of sweets this time. One had banana muffins and brownies, one was entirely dedicated to cinnamon rolls and the last was cake and dango. Hiashi thanked me as Hinata still the box of cinnamon rolls. "I spoil you" I said sighing against my hand. Neji looked at me confused, "Hinata is addicted to Cinnamon rolls. Much like I am to ramen, but if I can't have ramen all the time she can't have cinnamon rolls. This last week she's had cinnamon rolls a lot" I said sighing again as Hinata blushed and slowed her cinnamon roll intake. "You are the same way when we let you have ramen" Hinata said. "I'll have you know I had ramen earlier this week and did not act this way" I said stating a fact. "Oh I heard about that. Ayame stopped me" Hinata said giggling, "Heard about what? I just had ramen" I said not noticing Neji blush and look away. Hinata giggled more, "Nothing. I'll explain it to you later" she said smiling at me. Rolling my eyes fondly, Hiashi and Hanabi were just watching the two of us interact, this was the most they had ever seen Hinata express herself. "It is late Naru. Will you be staying here tonight" Hiashi asked me suddenly. "I will, thank you Hiashi. Tomorrow morning I will be gone with Hinata before normal breakfast we have our training to get in before the team training" I said seriously.

"Of course. Be careful girls. Goodnight" Hiashi said bidding us goodnight as Hinata pulled me to her bedroom giggling the whole way there. "We have guest rooms if you would like one" Neji said from behind us. "That's nice of you to offer but Hinata would just drag me to her room anyway because of nightmares" I said softly looking at the ground. "Oh, of course. Goodnight Hinata sama, Naru" he said smiling at me softly. "Goodnight Neji" I replied smiling back at him lightly sleep was sounding really good right now I thought to myself. I gave him a look that said I'll see you tonight. He nodded softly smiling at me as Hinata bid him goodnight as well and we disappeared in the room. "Even still your going tonight" Hinata asked calmly, "I would be making myself a liar if I didn't go and I won't do that. I'm finally able to see him face to face Hina I can't just not go" I said smiling softly at her. She nodded as we changed for bed and fell asleep for a quick nap.

Walking up at 11:30 p.m. Hinata told me to be careful as I snuck out the compound Kou smoking at me. Stopping at the lake Neji joined me a few minutes later, "I wasn't sure if you would actually show tonight" he said. "I don't go back on my word" I said lightly smiling softly at him. "You looked tired though. How much sleep do you get" he asked concerned. "I get enough sleep Neji. No need to worry" I said closing my eyes lightly. "That doesn't sound very convincing Naru. I just worry... what is it that you see in Hinata sama that I do not" he asked lightly. "There are many things I see in someone you don't. I don't see through fate driven glasses or hate filled glasses. Even after everything I've been through I don't see the same way others do. I view things with optimism, hope, faith and hard work" I said honestly. "What do you mean" he asked raising an eyebrow. "Well you see Tenten as someone who is hard working but inspiring for a far away dream. I see someone who is torn between two dreams. She wants to be like Lady Tsunade but she also wants to be a weapon specialist. I can see her being a damn good weapon specialist with every type of weapon as long as she does this right and across that she will need a few ninjutsu to help her get there" I said looking at the star filled sky.

"I see, I think" Neji replied his gaze still on me. "It's okay if you don't. Maybe one day you will" I said to him a small smile in my face. Laying back on the grass it was a cool night but not that bad, Neji laid beside me silently. Not paying much attention I fell asleep quickly with a sense of security.

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