The Mermaids Secret & The Boy...

Από DeesOnlyDirection

117K 1.2K 269

Under major editing!! Read if you want but just a heads up some of it going to be mixed around and chuncks of... Περισσότερα

Runaway (new version)
Awfully Wonderful Memories (new version)
Tradgic Reunion
Jealous Much
What Really Happened
How They Met
I Hate That I Love You
Suspicious & Secluded
Simon Cowl
Unwanted Visiters
Interview With Marina
More Discoveries
New Rivals
The Twist
Second Chances
Over Again
The End

A Picture Says It All (new version)

7.6K 74 4
Από DeesOnlyDirection

"Cause you were mine for the Summer
Now we know it's nearly over
Feels like snow in September
But I always will remember
You were my Summer love
You always will be my Summer love-" 

"Cut! Great job Niall! Perfect! you can go hang with the guys now! 30 minute break people!" The director yelled jovially as Niall finished up his part for their new surprise video they were making for their super dedicated fans. Niall stood up handing his guitar to one of the workers on set. He walked over to his friends that sat on the large pile of rocks that separated the north and south beaches, whipping all the sand that magically appeared on his clothes luckily he wasn't wearing shoes on set or else his shoes would have been filled with the stuff!

"Hey lads! What do ya wanna do for the next half hour?" Niall said jumping up on the rocks where they were sharing banter between each other. Harry was the closest to him, sitting on the edge of a rock dangling his feet over the side. Liam was sitting crisscross on top of the rocks next to Louis who was laying flat on his back like he was getting a tan from the blazing August sun. 

"Let's go find Zayn and we can go get a bite to eat." Harry spoke first, playing on his phone.

On twitter no doubt. Niall thought.

"What's wrong with him now? Where did he go?" Niall asked curiously. Every time the boys had come to this beach Zayn always got upset and distant. Like he was in his own little world and didn't want to be bothered. At first they all just thought it was because Zayn didn't like the ocean but Niall knew it was something else because Zayn only acted like this when we were at this beach in Malibu. So what was wrong with him? Well Niall was past determined to find out what it was.

"He went that way." Liam said with worry laced in his words as he pointed to the opposite side of the rocks behind him..  

"Is anybody else slightly concerned for him because he's always acting like this when we're here?" Louis said voicing his worry as well.

So I'm not the only one...

"Yeah I was just thinking the same." Niall said looking to where Liam was previously pointing at but saw nothing but sand and big rocks placed around the beach randomly.

"Let's go talk to him. Maybe we can cheer him up some how..." Liam said already making his way down the other side of the rocks Louis following him eagerly. Niall got up to join them.

"Hazza you comin'?" He asked the younger boy as he was still on the phone. Harry looked up for the first time.

"Of course..." He said softly placing his phone in his in his black pants pocket. Niall noticed he was some for some reason.

"Is everything okay mate? Is it the gay rumors again?" Niall said thinking back to their private conversation the other night feeling slightly useless because there was nothing he can do to stop it. Niall couldn't shield his brother from those who clearly have no heart. All he could do was hug him and hope for the best.

Harry doesn't deserve it. He's human just like everyone else.

"No it's this article about me sleeping with yet another girl I have never met before. I don't get it honestly." Harry chuckled hopping of the rocks and following Liam and Louis who were a few yards ahead of them as Niall trailed behind his friend.

"Don't get what?"

"How I'm gay one minute and then a womanizer the next. I wish the media would just lay off for just a minute..." He trailed off as they got closer to their friends. Knowing that Harry didn't want talk about it anymore he dropped the topic and brought his attention to Zayn, who was siting with his knees pressed against his chest and his arms holding them tightly together. He stared into the ocean with an almost longing look and watery eyes like he was going to cry at any moment. Niall honestly was at a lost of words. He hadn't seen Zayn this distraught since his grandfather died.

  "Zayn..." Harry spoke first, taking a seat next to the tense boy. "What's wrong?"

"And don't say its nothing either. We're not stupid nor blind mate."  Niall said taking the seat on the other side of him.  He didn't want Zayn to give him a bullshit reply he wanted the truth. Liam and Louis joined their half circle in the sand all sharing worried gazes.

"I'm fine. I swear I just need time to myself guys...," Zayn said his voice cracking just a little.

"If this is about Perrie..."

"It's NOT Perrie trust me I'm done with her I told I never loved her like she wanted me to..." That's when it all became clear to Niall.

He was in love with another girl...

"Who is she then..." Louis said taking the words right out of Niall's mouth. Zayn looked at him in genuine shock. Zayn went into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet and silently pulled out what looked to be one of those picture strips you get at a carnival or fair. Zayn stared at it for a moment then handed it to Harry to pass around.

"Wow she's beautiful...Who is she?" Harry said looking at the pictures then passing it to Liam. 

"Marina...that was taken a few years ago when we went to a carnival that was held on this beach, this was a while before I met you guys." Zayn said finally opening up about his past a little. "We had been able to sneak away from the kin- her parents house that night and it was our first carnival we had ever been to." Zayn continued as the picture finally made its way into Niall's hands. The picture had six black and white pictures on it an had the date 05/04/2009 in the bottom right corner.  He couldn't help but giggle at the goofy faces they made in the first couple of frames, it was the last one that made Niall smile the most. The girl had black hair with blue-green eyes and skin only a little lighter then Zayn's. Her cheek was pressed up against a younger version Zayn's cheek and they both had happy, cheeky smiles on their slightly glowing faces.

"Whoa, you look two so....happy." Niall said trying to form better words.

"Being in love does that to you mate." Louis informed Niall with a lopsided smile on his face probably thinking of his girlfriend Eleanor.

"But what happened? Why are you just sharing this with us? What happened to her? Why didn't you tell us sooner? Does she live here? Maybe we can meet her?" Niall rushed out, not able to stop his word vomit once it started.

"Whoa there Ni, don't bombard him with so many questions. We're lucky he even told us this." Liam stated clapping Niall on the shoulder telling him to calm down. Niall apologized to Zayn, he smiled at his Irish friend letting him know it was okay and answered his question in a bitter tone that showed how distraught he was.

"I did something fucking stupid. We had a huge fight and many words were said that shouldn't have been said and she told me to leave. I haven't seen her since I moved back to Bradford...and no Niall she doesn't live here." Zayn answered. Niall sensed a slight undertone in his voice like Zayn knew something and wasn't telling them. Niall handed the picture back to his friend who gently placed it back into his wallet.

"You cheated...didn't you?" Harry said looking at his fingers that were aimlessly playing a small pile of sand in between his thin legs. Zayn looked out into the horizon many emotions passing over his face at once and Niall could have swore he saw Zayn's eyes go black for a split second, but thought it was only his vision playing tricks on him.

"Yes...and no, but that's a whole different story for a different day." Zayn says forcing the best smile he could muster as he got up stuffing his hands in his pockets waiting for his friends to get up as well.

"But Zaynie I want to know more!" Louis wined as they followed Zayn back to their video shoot. After  a good minute of Louis' high pitched whining, Zayn's ears couldn't handle it anymore and neither could the rest of the group.

"Okay, okay! I will tell you..."

"How you first met!" Louis said excitedly rubbing his hands together like he was an evil genius does when his diabolical plans finally work. "And please don't spare the juicy details." Zayn stared at him like he had just discovered that santa wasn't real.

"That's gross man. We were only children at the time." He shouted as they climbed the rocks. They all were about to take a seat so Zayn  could tell his story when their director yelled through a microphone that it was time for the final shots. They all groaned at once and jumped off the rocks.

"I'll tell the story after this is over."

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