The Mate at the Wedding (sequ...

By PainterOfTheStarsXx

49.6K 1.5K 479

~This is the sequel to The Werewolf in my English Class, if you haven’t read that this story might be confusi... More

The Mate at the Wedding (sequel to "The Werewolf in my English Class")
Prologue: Mate at the wedding -Sequel to The Werewolf in my English Class-
Chapter two: How to reach a dream...
Chapter Three: How to prepare for the unknown

Chapter one: The road that leads you to me

7.6K 286 54
By PainterOfTheStarsXx

Chapter one: The road that leads you to me

Justin’s P.O.V.

Soft pitter patter was all around me, little feet running towards me. I turned around a happy feeling overcame me, I turned and turned until I saw the source of the pitter patter, 4 children, 3 of them older than the forth, but the small one, the youngest was what I was happy about, beautiful sandy colored hair hung in soft curls around her face, it was such an enchanting girl I just wanted to scoop her up and hold her to my chest, she put her arms up, signaling she wanted me to pick her up. She smiled, reavealing her present and missing teeth, she was about six, meaning she was already switching. Her eyes a dark blue, exact replica’s of mine. This was my daughter. A smile grew to my cheeks as I realized this small perfect bundle was my little girl. I held her to my chest and kissed her head. She put her hands on my chest and stared at me for a moment. A funny smile appeared on her face just before she let her tongue slide over my cheek and she burst out in giggles.

I laughed and smiled down at her. I sat her on my right arm as I looked around for someone else, her mother. The little girl pointed to the edge of the meadow where we had been standing, I saw Jenn, her belly big again and I guessed she was pregnant again, tears were streaming down her face, not happy tears, but tears of sadness and horror, she was talking to another woman, I studied the other woman, her sandy colored hair and soft girl. The mother of my child. I walked over, to see her but also comfort Jenn. But as I walked over everything around me slowly went black.

“Daddy!” I heard the girl scream but she was pulled out of my arms before I could react, I ran toward the woman with the sandy hair, my mate, but she sank to the ground and disappeared in the darkness. Jenn held out her hands to me.

“I’m sorry.” She said before fading slowly into the darkness, out of my reach. I screamed into the darkness, for my little girl, my mate and my best friend. I also screamed for Kyle, he hadn’t been there, he wouldn’t leave Jenn alone… Out of the darkness an arm appeared, it’s long fingers coming from far away, wrapping around my neck and pulling me into the darkness with it, I screamed.

I woke up, screaming my head off, relieved it had been a dream.

I laid back into the pillows, my hands under my head and stared at the ceiling, the girl in my dream, she had been so real, so vivid, so warm… I wanted her, nearly as badly as I wanted the mother, but since the girl had a face my mind and heart were chasing after her. I sighed and sank further into my bed, reliving every second of the dream, wondering why Jenn had seemed so sad and sorry, sorry about what?

Ring ring ring

My alarm went off, 8 am, time to head off with Jenn to shop for a bridal dress… I jumped up, suddenly glad, I wanted to talk to her about my dream to see what she thought.

I stripped of the boxers I had slept in, changed into clean ones pulled on black trousers and a white button up shirt. I wanted to look nice, people who sell bridal gowns can look incredibly mean when you look sloppy. I pulled on black socks and shoes and grabbed my wallet and keys before heading out. A coat would be advisable for humans on a day like this, it was raining. But since I was a werewolf, I felt superior to mother nature, however, only slightly.

I jumped into my car and drove the few miles to Kyle and Jenn’s house. I arrived and Jenn ran out right away, covering her head and stomach from the rain. Kyle stood in the doorway and gave me a stern nod, his arms crossed over his chest. I knew it was hard on him, letting me go with Jenn. The past has learned I might put her on a plane to go for a trip…

But this time I didn’t kick him in the royal jewels (not the sparkly kind) to have him realize what Jenn meant to him. And this time there is no Alexander to take into consideration.

“Hey,” Jenn greeted with a kind slightly sleepy smile.

“Hi.” I said and nodded to Kyle. I drove off.

“How are you feeling?” I asked Jenn seeing she held her hand to her stomach protectively.

“Great but they have been throwing a party.” She says meaning the babies. Her smile showed how much she loved her children, it is a look no one but a mother can produce, fathers also have a specific look but nothing like that of a mother.

“Maybe you should ground them.” I laugh and Jenn joins in.

“Great idea, sweethearts, you are grounded until birth, you hear that?” She said while patted her stomach lightly.

I smiled, my thoughts wandering back to the dreams and trying to think of how I would start that conversation. But knowing Jenn, that problem would be solved soon.

“What’s wrong, you seem to be thinking really hard?” She asked right on que.

“I had a dream last night…” I said.

“Good dream of bad dream?” She asked.

“Both.” I said softly.

“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked.

“Yes,” I said, “Very much…” Jenn nodded and I pulled over into a deserted parking lot at the beginning of a forest path, a place never used much but even less when it rained.

“So… what was it about?” Jenn asked as she unbuckled her seatbelt and turned towards me.

“About me, I was standing in a meadow and I heard… pitter patter, little feet and I turned to find 4 children running towards me 3 older than the last but I can’t recal their faces, the forth was a beautiful little girl with curly sandy hair and dark blue eyes like mine, she was about six and she smiled I picked her up and I just know she was my daughter and then she pointed to where you and a woman with the same sandy hair stood next to you, you were pregnant again and crying and then everything started turning black, the girl was ripped away from me the woman who was her mother sank to the floor and disappeared and you reached out to me and told me you were sorry before disappearing and when I was a lone, a big arm pulled me into the darkness as well.”

Jenn stared at me, waiting for the rest when she realized there wouldn’t be more.

“That was when you woke up?” She asked.

“That was when I woke up.” I confirmed her question.

“That’s great!!” Jenn said.

“How is that great?” I asked her with slight anger and confusion.

“Easy Justin, you now know you’re looking for someone with sandy hair and you will have a beautiful daughter one day! Dreams don’t mean anything really, they are there to please or scare us. You are probably scared of never finding your mate so she disappeared before you saw her face and afraid that when you find her your family will be ripped away from you. I cry all the time when I’m pregnant and it was just a dream.” She said making relieve wash over me.

“You always know just what to say huh?” I asked.

“Of course I do.” She said as she pinched my cheek and spoke with a funny voice.

I laughed. She had managed to relieve me a great deal, but a lingering feeling told me that it wasn’t correct.

I shook it off and held on to the feeling of relieve, as well as to the comforting words of Jenn. Jenn buckled her seatbelt again when she realized something.

“Did you see my kids?” She asked. “The other three, they were mine right?

“I believe they were but I only saw them in a flash.” I said.

“How old do you think they were?” She asked.

“A year maybe two older.” I told her. “Why?”

“Werewolf children grow as normal children when out of the womb right?” She asked.

“Yes… what is this leading up to?” I asked her.

“Simple, if they were about a year or two older you should be meeting her soon, the pregnancy takes 3 to 4 months, so if there was only a year between them you should meet your mate within the next year, give or take a season.” She said and that thought made me forget everything else.

“You think?” I asked, my voice slightly higher than usual, dripping with raw excitement.

“Yeah totally!! Sandy hair right? I’ll help you look!” She said happily. I grabbed Jenn’s shoulders and pulled her into my chest I squeezed her in a tight hug and I felt warmth in my stomach. The day was drawing near.

“Justin,” Jenn started and made me look at her. “Don’t get to excited, it might still take two years, so don’t expect to find her any second now.” She said with a serious face and I knew she was right. I would be disappointed or scared if I didn’t find her while I was so excited. I nodded forcing my thoughts back into reality and let Jenn go.

The warm feeling in my stomach didn’t go away though…

Unknown P.O.V.

Colors, all around me colors!! I danced through a forest and sang to the birds in the trees I had never seen before. I couldn’t name the colors,  I had never seen them before. But I knew they were every bit a beautiful as I had always dreamed they were.

I laughed, I sound I knew very well. I looked at every inch of my body I could see, my long hair falling over my shoulders in soft curls. As my laughter faded into the forest a giggle took its place. A high pitched but lovely giggle. I turned to find the source and saw a small girl on the strong arms of the most handsome man I had ever seen. His messy blonde hair and blue eyes captured me, pulled me in. I wondered why but I knew these colors, they were colors imprinted into my mind, I had to know them recognize them for some reason. The girl in his arms pointed towards me, her eyes were like his, so were her nose and her jaw line. Her hair however was just like mine. Her pink lips formed a perfect cupid’s bow and as I traced my fingers across my own lips I noticed they were like mind as well. The man looked my way and his face lit up, his sharp jaw line was somehow tender, his broad shoulders relaxed he walked towards me, the girl still in his arms. When he had reached me he used his free hand to cup my face before letting it slide down my neck and arm to take my hand, he leaned forward and kissed me tenderly on the lips.

I awoke from that perfect dream with a sigh. After the sigh came panic. No more colors, no more perfect children or perfect princes. I closed my eyes, knowing now how it felt when they were closed or open. I tried to call back the face but I couldn’t. But I now knew two colors, blonde and blue, they fit him perfectly.

“Mom!!” I called and she soon entered my room.

“What is it sweetheart?” She asked.

“What color is my room?” I asked.

“It’s green, honey.” She told me.

“Could you paint it blue?” I asked.

“I’ll have someone do it right away, but sweetheart?” She asked.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Why blue?” She asked.

“I dreamed about blue eyes.” I told her.

“You dreamed with color?” She asked knowing I normally dreamed only voices and shadows, outlines of how I thought people around me looked like.

“Many many colors! I saw my own hair, not quite blond, it has curls and the man with the blue eyes had blonde hair!” I told her with a lot of enthusiasm.

“Marvelous sweetheart! Do you want to tell daddy or should I?” She asked.

“You tell him.” I said, still feeling bubbly inside.

“Alright then.” I could hear from her voice she was surpressing happiness but I wondered why, but before I could ask she walked away until she was out of, what she thought, my hearing range.

“SWEETHEART! Kaelyn dreamed about her mate!” She yelled so I could heard it loud and clear. I had always had great hearing but over the years, as I got older and stronger it got even better.

“She what?!” I heard my father yell and I heard him run towards my mother.

“She dreamed in color, about a man with blonde hair and blue eyes!” My mother told him, now softer but I could still hear them.

“This is wonderful!” My father exclaimed.

“Yes it is, she awoke and asked me what color her room was, when I told her it was green she asked if it could be painted blue because she now knew that color.” She said and I could hear she was almost crying.

“We have to find this man, what else did she dream about?” My father asked.

“I forgot to ask her, she just said colors…” My mom said.

“I’m going to ask her.” My father said and I heard him coming into my room.

“Hi dad.” I said and I knew it startled him.

“How did you know It was me?” He asked.

“I know by the way your feet sound on the floor, much heavier than moms steps and bigger than those of Brother, when is he coming home?” I asked. I loved my brother, I always had, he never thought about me being blind, he told me stories took me out of the house for trips and was always kind to me. He had been gone for quite some time now.

“We don’t know, hopefully soon.” He said, it was what everyone said when I asked them and I sighed just as I always did when I heard that answer.

“Mom just told me about your dream Kaelyn, could you tell me about it please?” he asked and I told him all about the forest, the man and the girl he was holding. By the way my dad was breathing I found out that he was happy and excited.

“What a wonderful dream Kaelyn.” He said when I was finished, I didn’t tell him about the kiss though, I told him he just held my hand. For some reason I didn’t want to share that part with my dad…

“It really was…” I sighed and I let myself sink into my pillows. And then a question popped into my head. “Is there anything blue in my room?” I asked looking at where my father sat on the side of my bed.

“Yes there is, a few things.” He said.

“Could you give them to me?” I asked.

“Of course,” He got up and moved around the room a bit, I heard my mother enter and whisper, asking him what he was doing. He replied that he was looking for blue things my mom jingled something and my dad took it by the sound of it. he moved around a bit more and then went back to my bed.

“Here, ducktape holder, a pencil, a stuffed dolphin, a book, a scarf and this one is special.” He said with a pause and I heard the jingle again.

I reached for it and my dad put it in my hand. I felt it, it was familiar in my hand. My mother’s necklace, the one she had gotten from my grandmother who in her turn had gotten it from her mother when they got married. Small stones connected to each other, the biggest one in the middle in the shape of what I was told was a heart, a sign of love. My mother had told me that during every generation a new gemstone was put in by the previous. They would lend it for the wedding and receive it as a gift during the reception. I also recalled me mom saying all the stones were blue.

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.

I felt water well up in my eyes and I opened and closed them several time to make it go away.

“Thank you.” I said into the room, not knowing where my mother stood. But I heard her cry softly as well in return. My father pulled me in for a hug and my mother soon joined us.

Hello readers!
I hope you enjoyed the first official chapter to this story, i sure do enjoy writing it, it's about as long as i want it to be and i'll try to make every chapter 3 or more pages so you get to read more!!

Let me know what you think :D

Greetings from the PainterOfTheStarsXx

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