Tomedd One Shots

By VainJayTomatoredd

49.4K 951 758

Tomedd one shots (Some may be a 2 parter) There is a few NSFW chapters, But mostly fluff and angst More

Till I die
you were never a mistake
he loves me, he loves me not
eddie and the beast
were cat
greens and blues
after a monster and super hero fight
galaxy bois
dress? alternate
use a fork
skyrim au
Happy Valentine's day


2K 38 3
By VainJayTomatoredd

"I don't know why you decide firing guns at me just cause your mad is something people do." Tom huffed, picking the cola boy's jacket off the ground. "Tord gets to do it." Edd jokingly replied, giving the other male a small, almost embarrassed smile. "Now I have to get a new visor. I can only see a little, maybe a little more if I ignore the huge ass crack right here." Tom continued to complain, gesturing to his visual aid dramatically. "I said I'm sorry.." The shorter brunette pouted, looking at the ground. Tom thought about whether he should continue on about his scratched up face and other minor injuries he received from the other, but decided against it and thought about how he could use it as leverage to win an argument later. The taller of the two pat the other's head, receiving a startled look of confusion, "Are you still mad at me?"
Tom sighed, "I couldn't stay mad at you if I tried."

Edd held onto Tom's arm as they walked home, smiling sweetly at him, "You're too soft."
"You're too spoiled." The other replied, smirking. Edd pursed his lips before sticking his tongue out at the drunk, who copied his action. "I'ma get you one of these days." The shorter brunette huffed, narrowing his eyes.
"I don't doubt that. But for now, you are mine." The eyeless boy smiled wolfishly, earning a small chuckle from the smaller of the two. "Whatever, Tom." He grinned, pecking Tom on the cheek, who blushed slightly, pursing his lips so not to smile,
(although, he has a very cute smile).
(Edd agrees, Tom has a very cute smile.)
"I love you.~" Edd winked at him, wanting to provoke a certain reaction from the other, which he got, "I hate you." Tom huffed, embarrassed by the other's words.
"Noo~ You love mee~" The green hoodied boy giggled, bouncing about in a childlike manor. "No I don't." The other responded, pulling away. This of course didn't deter Edd, who kept chanting his words over, eyes seemingly getting wider and more lively with each chant.
"Ok, ok. Fine, I Love You. Are you happy now?" The checkered Tom admitted, looking away. "Yeee!" The other cooed, hoping into Tom's arms, who nearly dropped him by surprise, "Geez, excited much?"
"You're weird."
"I love you."
"Huhu, I love you too."

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