You're okay now sweetheart {...

By KpopFangirltrash

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Min Yoongi is 19 years old and homeless. The only way to survive is to give the men that pay him what they wa... More

Character introductions
Chapter 1 ~ we won't hurt you
Chapter 2 ~ shopping with a cutie
Chapter 3 ~ Can't forget
Please read and comment! ~A/N
Chapter 4 ~ Butterfly (Yoonkook)
Chapter 5 ~ Confrontation (Yoonseok)
Chapter 6 ~ Blackmail
Chapter 7 ~ Awake (Namjin)
Chapter 8 ~ Old faces
Chapter 9 ~ I trusted you
Chapter 11~ Shorty (Yoonmin)
Chapter 12~ Imperfect
Chapter 13 ~ Get you the moon(Taegi)
Chapter 14 ~ Save me
Chapter 15 ~ Sunset (Yoonjin)
Chapter 16 ~ Midnight cravings
Chapter 17 ~ Unknown number (1/2)
Chapter 18 ~ Antidote (2/2)
Chapter 19 ~ Mint choco (Yoonkookhope)
Chapter 20 ~ Pillow forts and blankets (Taekookgi)

Chapter 10 ~ Teddy bear (Namgi)

4.2K 122 102
By KpopFangirltrash

Read the start of the A/N and comment please <3

Yoongi's POV
I wake up expecting Jungkook to still be next to me but I realise I'm alone in the bed. I can't hear anything in the house and I start to wonder if they've left me alone. Then I hear a crash from downstairs. I can already tell who it is.

I laugh softly and roll out of bed, landing on the floor in a weird crouched position. I stand up straight and tiptoe down to the kitchen. I can see Namjoon standing with his back to me. Smirking, i  creep up behind him. He's making pancakes so I wait for him to put the pan back down before scaring him so he doesn't burn himself or me.

He places the pan back down to finish off the pancake after flipping it and I go right behind him and hug him from the back. He jumps slightly but doesn't give much of a reaction. I pout and he turns round so we are facing one another. He looks down at me, I frown at him and humph, looking away from him.

I squeal as he suddenly lifts me up. He puts me on the counter and he leans down slightly. He smiles and I bit my lip to try and stop my smile but I can't stop a giggle from escaping my mouth. He smiles even bigger and kisses my forehead. He stands between my legs as I sit on the counter and he just hugs me for a moment. ''Do you smell burning?'' He immediately releases me and takes turns off the heat. He stands there for a moment just staring at it. I get off the counter to see what he was looking at. I look at his dumbfounded expression and then I look at the pan. I snort and burst out laughing. Tears are rolling down my face I'm laughing that hard.

''I can't believe I did it again, Jin's going to kill me.''

''Don't worry, we can go get a new pan and get rid of the old one and also what?'' I reply getting louder at the end

''It was a long time ago okay! The rest of the guys will be out until late tonight as well so that's lucky.''


''They're busy doing some more training but I don't need anymore and we're still trying to find you a new trainer."

''Why don't you train me? I mean I trust you and I bet you would be a great teacher.''

Namjoons mouth drops. ''Why did nobody else think of that, i'll talk with the other guys.''

I smile widely and kiss him on the cheek, jumping to reach it. He smiles at me ''Luckily that was the last pancake so we still have breakfast. Can you get out the mugs from the cupboard please?'' I nod and open the cupboard. The mugs are on the top for some fucking reason so I stand on my tiptoes and reach up as high as I can. I see a hand go above mine and grab them down. ''You're so small'' he coos. ''I'm not small'' I exclaim looking up at him. He raises an eyebrow. ''I'm just vertically challenged is all.'' He laughs at me. ''It's cute, chill''

I feel a blush on my face so I walk over to the table before he can notice. He soons joins me and I shove a forkful of food in my mouth. He looks at me anxiously. My eyebrows go up and I look at him in surprise. ''This is fucking amazing.'' I cram more into my mouth. I'm in a state of shock, from what jin told me, Namjoon's cooking is poison but this is amazing. His dimples are on full show and he seems surprised himself.

How dare he call me cute with them dimples.

We finish eating and get ready to go out shopping. We get in the car and I turn the radio on. Jiggle by DJ rapture blares from the speakers. Namjoon starts the car and i can see a smile on his face. I dance in my seat while laughing. I can Joonie laughing but he's still focused on the road.

We pull up outside of (*insert place that sells pans*) and get out of the car. We go into the store holding hands and it doesn't take long for us to find the pans.  Namjoon pays for it and we're walking out of the store when I see a poster for a fair. My eyes linger on it but I keep walking.

Namjoon's POV
I see Yoongi look at the poster and I can tell he wants to go. I act like I didn't notice him look at it but in my head I'm just trying to remember the name of it so I can google it up later.

I drive us home and Yoongi sings along to the songs on the radio, I don't know how he managed to memorise every lyric but somehow he has. I open the front door and let Yoongi walk in first. He goes to the kitchen, shouting over his shoulder that he's going to make some sandwiches. I sit down on the couch and get out my phone. I google the fair. I read the information and then Yoongi calls me for lunch.

Now all I've got to do is keep him preoccupied for seven hours and also get him there without letting him know what I'm planning. Sounds easy enough.

We eat lunch and I look at the clock. ''Hey want to watch a film?'' I ask him, secretly hoping he'll say yes. He nod, licking his fingers  and I celebrate silently. We go into the living room and he sits on the couch. I put on a film and sit next to him. Yoongi leans into my side and I pull him onto my lap. A squeak escapes his mouth in surprise and I laugh at the adorable sound. I wrap my arms round his waist and rest my chin on his shoulder as he relaxes into my chest.

We watch that film and then another 2. I glance at the clock a lot more than necessary and i'm surprised Yoongi hasn't noticed. It's about 30 minutes before I plan to leave and now comes the harder bit.

''Hey Yoongs?''

He hums.

''Do you want to go for a drive?''

''But you're comfortable.'' he whines, snuggling his head into my chest.

''Come on, I promise we can cuddle for as long as you want to afterwards.'' I cross my fingers.


''Yep, now we need to get changed''

''Alright then but you're carrying me upstairs''

I smile although Yoongi can't see it. ''Deal''

I get up off the couch with Yoongi clinging to me like a koala. He wraps his legs round my waist and I hold onto his back as I walk to our bedroom. I drop him carefully on the bed and look for something he can change into.

I go to the bathroom to get changed into my own clothing.

I get changed and meet Yoongi downstairs. I grab my wallet and keys and we go out to the car and I start driving. A small smile rests on my face as I glance at Yoongi. He's staring out of the window, daydreaming.

I can see the lights of the fair in the distance but Yoongi hasn't noticed it yet. I turn the radio up slightly so the music coming from ahead of us can't be heard. I park in one of the designated fields and now Yoongi looks away from the window. He looks at me, confused at why we stopped and then he looks forward. His mouth opens and I see his eyes light up. ''You brought me here?'' ''Of course I did, who else would I bring? I could tell you wanted to come earlier.'' His smile lights up his entire face and we get out of the car. He immediately grabs my hand and pulls me toward the entrance. I laugh at his eagerness but allow myself to be pulled along. He's pretty much bouncing as we wait in the line to get through.

Eventually we are let through and we stand there for a moment as I let Yoongi decide where to go. He pulls me over (I had to stop writing for a good minute to try and remember whether It was over or other-I've officially lost my last brain cells) to a photo-booth. He drags me inside and I put a coin in. For the first picture we just smile, for the second we both pull a funny face, the third I kiss his cheek. Then for the last one he jumps on me and rests our foreheads together. We're smiling at each other and we barely even realise the photo's been taken. I want to kiss him but i want him to make the first move so he doesn't get uncomfortable and besides I was thinking our first real kiss could be later...

We eventually pull apart and collect our photos. I put it in my wallet and then Yoongi grabs my hand once again. We walk around for a few minutes just absorbing the atmosphere when I see Yoongi's eyes drift to the game stalls. I smirk and pull him over to them. The first game is one of those things where you have to knock the stack of tins down. I let Yoongi try first and his concentration is adorable. He pouts when he doesn't manage to knock anything down. Then I have a go. I manage to knock them all down and I choose to get a cute little kitty teddy(stuffie/plushie) I smile at Yoongi as I give him it. His eyes crinkle up as he gives me the most adorable gummy smile I've ever seen. We continue playing more games until Yoongi is carrying 8 different stuffed toys. We decide mutually that we'll play one last game- Yoongi wants to win something by himself and I don't think we can carry anymore toys. Yoongi furrows his brows as he concentrates and he giggles cutely when he wins. He gets a me a little teddy bear and I smile widely at him. I hug him tightly and kiss his forehead. I pick up most of Yoongi's teddies and he carries two in his hands. We see a little girl pouting after missing on the game she's playing and Yoongi goes over and gives her two matching fox teddies. She giggles and hugs Yoongi tightly before going back to her dad who smiles at us. Yoongi takes his cat teddy and holds it in one hand. He follows me as his head twists side to side trying to take in everything. I buy us tickets for the Ferris wheel and we get into our seat and put the teddies between us. Yoongi grips my hand as we start going up. We watch the world below us get slowly smaller until we reach the top. I look at Yoongi and there is pure euphoria on his face. He leans in and out lips collide. It's a soft kiss and we are only together for a few moments but it is pure bliss. We separate and I open my eyes. There are fireworks exploding above us but I hadn't noticed them until now. Yoongi's eyes slowly opened and I swear I could look at him forever. We stay like that, just taking in each other until it's time to get off the ride.
We go on a few more rides before Yoongi's eyes start drooping. I notice that it's got a bit colder so I take my jacket off and put it on Yoongi. It drowns him but he looks adorable. I give him a piggy back ride to the car. The journey home is almost silent as Yoongi is half asleep. We make it home and I carry all of the teddies into the house, leaving them on the sofa. Yoongi has already gone to get ready for bed. I follow his lead and strip down to my pants and put on a pair of shorts. He is laying in bed with his eyes shut when I walk back in after getting changed. I thought he was asleep but then I saw his arms come out of the covers, wanting to cuddle and I join him in bed. I didn't think he would forget my promise. Then we fell asleep cuddling, our bodies pressed against each other with our hands intertwined.


I'm going back to school tomorrow and I actually want to cry.  BUT anyways - HAS ANYONE GOT ANY REQUESTS - please don't ignore - of DATES OR WHATEVER to happen next/in the near future of this story? I'm going to do a date with every member and then some ?group dates? maybe...   And I should be asleep right now because I have to wake up earlier-oops....

QOTD: Do you like ASMR/ watch(listen) to videos?

AOTD: I've actually started watching one channel in particular it's called 'Tingting ASMR' and it does help me go to sleep actually. I was actually pretty surprised about that because I've watched a few videos before but they didn't really 'help' me (you know what I mean....maybe).
AND I may or may not have fell down a hole of Yoongi doing ASMR. Have you guys seen the clip from Bts run where Lil meow meow... I mean Yoongi... no I don't...was whispering because oh my god. His album reviews from a while ago have also killed me :)

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