
By SummerRainFalls

125 16 25

Waking up without your memories and with no idea of who you are or where you are. This is what "Anthony Carte... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three

Chapter Two

37 5 4
By SummerRainFalls

Upon awakening I find myself swept off my feet, dressed in a simple attire of blue trousers and a white shirt, into the dining hall.

Kids of my age, younger and older, all  sit around the room, chatting away. A staff member of Casava Orphanage sits me down next to a very noisy little boy.

The boy looks at me curiously and then goes back to chatting to his companion.

I look around the room more carefully, looking for what you should always find. A bully and the popular girl. I spot them immediately.
Him, sitting in the back of the hall, laughing with a whole lot of his gang. He catches my eye and scowls at me. We hold our gazes until a girl runs over to him and turns his face to her for a kiss. And that was her.

I roll my eyes. I don't know anything from my past, but there is an instinct in me. I guess I'll find out what I can do when I actually have to do it.

The staff member comes back with a steaming bowl of... White, sticky, slimy porridge. I eat it anyways because another instinct is that here, in an orphanage, you eat what you get, because that's all you get.


The children file out of the orphanage to go to school. Obviously, I'm new, so I haven't been assigned to a school yet.

I'm not alone though. There is another boy. He seems happy, even though he has just been transferred to an orphanage.

I walk over to him. He looks at me and his smile vanishes.

"Uhh... Oh hey," he says awkwardly.

"Not happy to see me?" I ask him, smirking.

"No, no, it's just... Ugh. They told me not to say anything but I can't help myself. People have been talking about you. And some of those people you don't want talking about you," he says to me, falling over his words.

I scowl irritatedly. Gossip is a dangerous thing if it got out of hand.

" What were they saying?" I asked him slowly.

He was shaking his head now.

" Oh, just how they thought there was something more to your story than a homeless kid," he said. "I mean, they see your scars and injuries and some people think there could be more to it than living out on the streets. And a girl said that she saw you inside your room topless. I mean, you have a six pack man!"

This boy was speaking so quickly now that I had only caught a few words. More to your story than a homeless kid... Scars and injuries... Girl said she saw you topless ... Six pack.

I pull up my shirt in curiosity. Surely enough there is a rock hard six pack staring at me. I look up again at the kid and his eyes are bulging. I let my shirt fall down again.

"Didn't have a clue," I mutter.

The kid's eyes are still wide.

I hold out my hand in greeting and say, "Anthony Carter."

He finally looks up at me and momentarily forgets about my abs and shakes my hand and says, "George."


We had spent most of the day exploring the campus. I had found out a bit about George. He was exceptionally clever. He would often talk about new theories. He was also crazy about Mozart's music and loved to play the piano.

When he asked about me I had said, "I don't know."

"How don't you know?" he had asked me.

"Well.. I don't know," I had said and then laughed.
He had laughed along with me but the question had hung in the air. I had felt uncomfortable.

Now we are sitting in the dining hall again and people are spilling into the the room. They are laughing, chatting and even some crying. I wonder when I will go to school.

Now I realise people are looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and contempt.

I ignore it and go to get some lunch. They are giving us sandwiches today for lunch. I sit down again next to George who also has a sandwich in front of him.
I dig in.

Soon everyone has eaten and is going to do homework.
A staff member comes up to us and says, "Boys, seeing as though you have been doing nothing at all today, you wouldn't mind helping out with some cleaning."
He hands me a bucket and gives George a mop.

"Have fun!" he says.
We sigh, but get to work and start to clean the hall.


I sigh as I lay down in bed and start to think. All that has happened to me in less than 48 hours. I still don't even know my true identity.
I shrug it off and decide to get a good night's rest. Beside, I've been entered into a high school. Parker High is the name. I don't know what to expect.
I settle down and rest my head against the pillow. As soon as my eyes close, I fall asleep.


My breathing is cut off. The arm pulls my neck tighter. I claw at the unknown attacker and try to breath. Suddenly he let's go and I see my assulter more clearly.

It's that bully. He and his gang are laughing. Somehow he got me outside and now he had me backed against a wall.

"That'll teach ya' to not look me in the eye without permission," he says to me and smirks.

I scowl. My heartbeat slows. I look at him and something rises to the surface of me. Not a memory, an instinct.

I stand up and grin at them. I have blood on my hand from being thrown onto the ground and so when I wipe my face, I smear blood on myself.
They look at me. The bully with contempt, the others with slight fear.

"C'mon, boys. If it's gonna be a fight, let it be fair," I say. "One against one.. Choose your fighter."
I grin. My adrenaline is racing. My heart is beating fast.

Mr. Bully steps up.
"I will," he sneers.

"Well then," I say. And faster than he can blink, I have charged forward and, using my elbow, knocked the wind from him by jamming it into his stomach. He doubles over and so I hold his head steady and bring my knee up into his nose.

There is a sicking snap as I break his nose. I let him fall to the ground, blood gushing out of his nostrils.

The gang looks at me and then at their leader and then they take off on the opposite direction.

My heart slows down and my adrenaline stops pumping. I see what I have done.

I look at my hands.

Where did I learn to do this?

Thank you for reading the second chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Please Comment, Vote and Follow me. I really appreciate all the support I have been getting.
Happy reading!

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