teared • hyungwon

By thebiasgotmedeceased

154K 10.9K 7.4K

in which a psychiatrist falls for a patient. ©thebiasgotmedeceased extra warnings: if you're sensitive to cer... More

i n t r o
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t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
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t h i r t e e n
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f i f t y t w o
f i f t y t h r e e
f i f t y f o u r
e p i l o g u e
n e w s !
s e q u e l

t h i r t y e i g h t

2.2K 172 134
By thebiasgotmedeceased


"how do you feel about that minhyuk-ssi?" she asked with a smile, trying to hide her tired eyes.

he moved harmonically on the couch, his shoulders were loose and his general aspect was much better. "great! actually... i want a whole chocolate cake dr. park... i think i am ready."

they both laughed at the same time. "take it easy minhyuk-ssi... baby steps." she said with a reassuring tone.

he smiled widely. "all thanks to you... i feel like a new person." he said confidently. his eyes shined with a happier glow.

"not at all... 90% of this progress is you – she said pointing at him – you've been working so hard because you want to get better and that's the important thing."

minhyuk smiled widely as he nodded, hugging one of the cushions on the couch. "have you been taking your medications?" she asked. he nodded like a little kid.

"great. that's what will help you to keep yourself balanced... you also need to take your vitamins... and remember, even if you can eat sweets now, you can't abuse. all extremes are bad."

but minhyuk had already memorized this. soon had told him plenty times that he now understood the real meaning behind.

"i now dr. park." he said nodding.

soon glanced at the clock behind him and realized their therapy session had ended. "it's now time for you to go to your chess club, have fun." she said smiling, walking with him to the door.

once again he thanked her as usual, especially this last month, where he had showed amazing progress and finally soon felt as if there was actually some hope for minhyuk.

if he kept progressing like that, eventually, he'd be able to go back to society by himself.

"dr. park?" she heard someone knocking on the door, she turned to look at hoseok. he had a shy smile.

"can i come in for a second? he asked.

"sure hoseok-ssi, please." she said pointing at the couch. he shook his head. "i won't be here for long... i just came to tell you that hyunwoo is getting better and... he'll return with us in a couple of weeks." he said with a warm smile.

soon's eyes lightened. "seriously? well that's such great news. i am so happy for him." she said.

he nodded. "yes... you see- he said scratching the back of his head- since he's the veteran nurse in here – he chuckled shyly – we're preparing a dinner party for him, for when he comes back... i was wondering if maybe you-

soon knew exactly what he was asking and she knew answer already. "sure. totally! count me in." she said nodding.

hoseok's cheeks changed colors as he nodded and bowed slightly. "thank you dr. park. it means a lot." he said smiling.

she smiled back. "he'll be happy to come back to work. we all are." he said nodding.

"i know... i bet you really miss him, i can't imagine the amount of work you have right now." she said.

hoseok nodded but then his face changed. "dr. park... about hyungwon-ssi-

"don't worry – she quickly said – it hadn't been your fault." she said with a reassuring tone. hoseok finally nodded and smiled at her.

"thank you dr. park... i'll leave now, won't take more of your time." he said with a humble tone.

"it's no problem." she said.

once hoseok bid his goodbye, she let herself fall into her chair and sighed.

she knew she had therapy that day with hyungwon. she had been avoiding it, lately. it had been a week since she watched the tape and even though she had attended the clinic, she have moved hyungwon's therapy to other days, days that she knew he had other activities, so that he couldn't assist to her therapy.

soon knew by heart all of her patient's schedules inside the clinic and she knew that nurses practically forced them to attend their activities first.

for nurses, therapy could be managed and scheduled anytime and anywhere since the doctor was most of the times there, but soon had moved his therapy for a whole week now.

she knew she couldn't keep up doing it any longer, it was time to finally face him, and she had all the intention to face nam gun too. she needed answers of it all.

she's been thinking about it, that whole week and she knew there was no right or wrong way to approach the subject. she just had to do it and that's it.

the soft knocks on the door indicated her that it was 4:00 p.m. already. she knew rowoon would come inside, being followed by hyungwon.

he looked pretty relaxed today, he even made eye contact with her for a couple of seconds. "dr. park." rowoon said with a reassuring nod, all three people knew the procedure by now. rowoon would be waiting outside of the office just in case.

she knew it today more than any other day. she knew it because she came with intentions to face nam gun.

"hyungwon-ssi... how are you today?" she started, as she cleared her throat, managing to look calmed.

she didn't want him to think she was overly excited over seeing him after a week. "is that all you're going to say to me after a week?"

soon tensed and looked up slowly, to find inho's eyes staring at her with intensity.

hyungwon wasn't there.

"inho-ssi." she said making eye contact, defiantly.

"about that... i am terribly sorry- she said putting down the pen and the notebook, removing her glasses and staring at him – i've had a busy week, as you know... we doctors have plenty responsibilities. i deeply apologize."

he swallowed hard and she soon noticed how his jaw clenched. "is that it? what was so important to you that you've been avoiding me for over a week?" he asked, pointing at his own chest.

she tilted her head. "i've been... busy." she simply said.

inho moved on his seat and she noticed how his chest went up and down faster. "i can't believe it... - his eyes widened.

"what is that?" she asked confused.

"so now you choose when do you want to see me and when you don't want to? is that how this works?" he asked, pointing between themselves.

soon frowned. "what do you mean?"

his eyes widened as if he almost couldn't believe his own ears. "this thing? – he asked again, pointing at both of them – between us? are you going to deny it dr. park?" he asked with a mocking tone.

soon sighed as she put on the glasses again. "it was a mistake that can't happen again. now can we please focus on the therapy session?- she stopped talking when she noticed he stood dramatically from the couch.

"you can't do that."

"do what?" she asked, following him with her eyes.

he walked in circles in the middle of the office, running a hand through his now, longer hair. "you can't pretend nothing happened." his tone raised as his body language became more and more aggressive.

soon held onto the chair as her body tensed. "i am not pretending anything. it did happen but it was a mistake-

"why!?" he exclaimed.

"because i am you doctor and you are my patient and it's wrong." she said, glancing at the door, fearing that either rowoon or kyunji would listen to their conversation.

"why didn't you see me last week? give me a good reason." he demanded again.

"and don't give me that doctor-patient bullshit. you didn't care the second time... i can't see why you would a third or a fourth." he seemed determined and confident. he looked at her with widened and defiant eyes.

soon felt her heart racing. even though she hated it, he was right.

"is it because of your fucking fiancé? are you seriously in love with him? does he know about us?" he almost didn't breathe between the questions.

soon stared at him shocked. "no. it's not that-

"then what is it?" he demanded the answer, he took a step towards her but still kept certain distance.

she left the notebook on the small table next to her and stood from her chair. the height different was considerable, even if they were apart.

"i... i took my time to research about nam gun." she finally admitted. the first part of the plan was now on march.

he took a step back, frowning. "what?" he asked confused.

"you see... i've talked with the others... including hyungwon but i've never talked with nam gun and i've been worried."

he frowned, clearly confused. "worried... why?" he asked, his tone lower.

soon shrugged. "i need to meet him."

"i told you... he's dangerous." he quickly refuted. soon nodded. "i know... but i need to have a conversation with him... for my records."

he immediately shook his head. "i am afraid that won't be possible nor necessary. i can ask any question to him and bring you the answer. it's safer that way."

soon sighed. "i am afraid it doesn't work like that inho-ssi."

"stop calling me like that." he added between a long and heavy sigh.

"i thought that was your name." she said taking a step back.

his eyes widened and she noticed how the muscles under the sweatshirt tensed. "it is... but i don't like when you're formal with me."

"i am your doctor and this is a clinic. i need to be formal with you." she added as if it was obvious."

he closed his eyes and turned around, giving his back to her. "please don't."

she remained silent for a few seconds, expectant of what he could do. but he remained motionless, staring at the book shelves.

"for a second i worried." he admitted, after a long minute. soon paid extra attention to him.


she noticed how his broad back tensed. "i don't know... i thought you lost interest in me." he said softly.

"i am afraid that is impossible... you're a very interesting person."

he stayed motionless, only his shoulders moved up and down, a sign of his breathing pace. "are you being honest with me?"

"why would i lie about that or anything for the matter?"

"i don't know? to make me feel alright?"

she chuckled. "i wouldn't dare."

they both remained silent for a second. she noticed the form of his neck from the back was just as attractive as the rest of him. his long black hair fell seductively and the elegant form of the base was almost an invitation for her lips to place soft kisses on it.

but it was wrong and she couldn't' do it.

she looked away, pushing away all of her temptations and finally cleared her throat. "do you think i can talk with nam gun for a second?"

he didn't say a thing. "i know you care about my safety but i don't think he's dangerous at all... none of you are."

the only thing moving were his shoulders, softly paced. "listen... if anything happens, i know you won't let him have his way... and remember rowoon is right behind the door. he'll come inside any second." she said taking a step ahead but somehow keeping her distance.

"inho-ssi?" she asked but didn't receive an answer. nothing.

it was as if she was alone in the room, admiring a beautiful sculpture of a beautiful and troubled man. "inho?" she asked finally, removing all kind of formalities, maybe that way, he'd react but he remained motionless, still staring at the book shelves.

naturally she didn't know what was happening through his mind but she was dying to know so she approached him, walking around him until she finally caught a glimpse of his side profile.

"i see you have a very positive concept of me soon." he turned around and when his eyes met hers, she felt a cold shiver running down her legs.

those eyes.

she have seen it before. it was him.

"nam gun." she muttered.

the way he looked was completely different from the others. she knew it by heart. the way the others looked at her or at things in general, they all had certain glows.

but nam gun's look was completely dark and empty, as if she was staring at a pair of dark and deep wells.

"ah... i see you're good at recognizing people, i am actually impressed – he said but then tilted his head – well... not completely but – he looked at her and smirked – let's say partially impressed."

the air around him immediately changed. it was as if he had become taller and stronger. she swore his muscles looked different, his back wider and his jaw sharper.

"i-it is a pleasure to finally meet you." she admitted, trying to keep herself calmed. somehow trying to take baby steps backwards, in an attempt for him to not notice.

she was really scared.

he chuckled. "are you? because... i honestly don't think you are... but i wouldn't judge you either way. i know i am not everyone's cup of tea."

she noticed this identity was bolder and way too more confident than inho or the others.

"why did you never come out before?" she assumed she wouldn't have too much time with him since it was the first time he appeared on her office so she knew that time was gold and she had to take advantage of it.

he shrugged but didn't move from his spot. "i simply wasn't interested."

"in what?" she quickly asked.

he smirked. "in any of this... for me therapy is absurd."

"why would you say that?"

"because it is what i think." he simply said, as if it was obvious.

"therapy can help... if you have the right tools and a good doctor, willing to help you." he chuckled again, this time with a mocking tone. "are you sure about that soon? i believe you are a naïve doctor, if you ask me."

her eyes widened for a second. "i am only trying to help hyungwon."

he stopped smiling and tilting his head. "he doesn't need your help."

she remained quiet for a second, her eyes fixed on his. his chest went up and down faster. "and you admit that... just as how you admit other things?"

his eyes widened slighting, jaw clenched at the mention of her words. "what do you mean?"

"you admitted killing someone."

he opened his lips to say something but regretted it immediately. his eyes narrowed for a second as he took only one step towards her. "i am all ears." he finally said when the silence in the room became almost unbearable.

soon didn't know if it was the right time, after all, it had been the first time she met nam gun and of course, she didn't want to scare him away in a way he wouldn't come out in the future, ever again.

but she knew she had to face him. she needed to, for the sake of the case and the patient.

"you admitted killing haejun's girlfriend in the past." she finally said out loud, releasing all tensions with it.

he remained silent, staring at her for almost a minute but then the corners of his lips lifted in a malicious smile.

and then he started laughing.

laughing uncontrollably, as if he had heard the funniest joke ever. as if he hadn't laughed in years.

soon stared at him with confusion and frustration. she was starting to not like him. "nam gun-ssi?" she called his name when she realized he had been laughing for a few seconds now.

"excuse me, it's just i find all of this hilarious."

"what is so funny to you, may i ask?" her tone was serious just as her general expression. he wiped away some tears that had fallen after he laughed so hard.

"it's just – he said shrugging, wiping the tears away – i thought you were naïve but now i am completely sure about it."

her eyes narrowed but she remained silent, giving him time to explain himself.

"you see... that is all true. i killed haejun's girlfriend." he said with a wide smile, standing straight and looking at her with a malicious glow.

her eyes widened after she heard the murderer admitting it. "why would you do that? where is she? who is she!?" she asked, getting desperate and almost yelling at him.

for a second she felt bad about the poor girl. she imagined her, all scared and unprotected, alone and dead.

haejun's girlfiend, who had been his first love, being murdered by the hand of a cold-blooded killer, living inside him.

he laughed once more but this time it lasted less. it was quick and now he stared at her and shook his head softly.

she noticed how his eyes now looked familiar to her, the way he looked at her, as if he knew things she didn't.

"i had my reasons... she's herehe said pointing around the room and smirking her name is park soon."


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