Matchmaking Disaster

By _fearlessdreamer

184K 3.3K 235

Sapphire Anderson, a 19 year old rich girl. She had everything she ever wanted. A perfect family, a best frie... More

Matchmaking Disaster (1)*
Matchmaking Disaster (2)*
Matchmaking Disaster (3)*
Matchmaking Disaster (4)*
Matchmaking Disaster (5)*
Matchmaking Disaster (6)*
Matchmaking Disaster (7)
Matchmaking Disaster (8)
Matchmaking Disaster (9)
Matchmaking Disaster (10)
Matchmaking Disaster (11)
Matchmaking Disaster (12)
Matchmaking Disaster (13)
Matchmaking Disaster (14)
Matchmaking Disaster (15)
Matchmaking Disaster (17)
Matchmaking Disaster (18)
Matchmaking Disaster (19)
Matchmaking Disaster (20)
Matchmaking Disaster (21)
Matchmaking Disaster (22)
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Matchmaking Disaster (25)
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Matchmaking Disaster (44)

Matchmaking Disaster (16)

3.3K 58 4
By _fearlessdreamer

I’ve been gone for a week. I know.. So, I’m not going to waste any of your time now..

Here’s chapter 16.


Matchmaking Disaster (16)

I drove at night around seven. My only companion was the moon and the stars high up in the sky.

Finally, it’s summer. I’ll be spending my vacation with my family. I missed them so much; my mom, my dad and my little sister Emerald and my bed too. Well, I missed everything and everyone there.

My high school friends just studied at the community college at the town. But me, I decided to attend a university at New Jersey. It was my dream school. Actually, it’s my dream and Harry’s to attend that school… together.

I belonged to a rich family and sending me to some school outside town was just a piece of cake for my family. They could afford at any cost.

I didn’t mean to brag but I meant by any cost, literally by any cost. It’s my dad’s habit to give me and Emerald what we always wanted.

That’s why I had this Porsche, not to mention- its violet. It’s my dad’s gift for me when I graduated from high school. So, I was taking good care of this car.

I put my earphone to listen to my voice mails.

Voice mail 1: Monica

“Sapphire call me when you arrive there, kay?! Love yah!”

Wasn’t she caring?! That’s my best friend alright.

Voice mail 2: Zac

“Hey.. uhm. Well, see you after break. I think I’m going to miss you so much. So yeah. Take care. Have a great summer”

I sighed. I didn’t know what happened to us. We became distant to each other after the annual celebration.

I removed my earphone from my ear. I felt my lips curved up into a smile. I was driving around town now. I couldn’t wait to be home. After almost eight hours of driving, finally, I was in town.

After a little turn here and there, at last I saw out house. It’s the biggest one. Well you could say it’s not just a house, but more like a mansion.

It had a fountain at the center that had lightings. The house was redone for the nth time. I could see new pillars at each side. The front door was brown with a touch of vintage designs. The paint at the side of the door was removed, but it was now bricks. There were lightings at the footsteps and at the plants.

I pulled over exactly at my parking spot. I saw Frank walked towards me.

Frank was our butler before I could even remember. He’s fifty years old something. He’s hair was white, I think it’s because he’s old, and getting bald, too.

“Welcome home Sapphire,” he greeted me, and I couldn’t help but to grin.

“Thank you Frank. I missed everything and everyone here. I only brought few stuffs, can you please carry it on my room. Thanks.” I smiled to him and walked through the front door. I couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted to give mom, dad and Emerald the biggest hug I could give.

When I entered, there was mom and dad, sitting at the couch. They stood up and went to me, and I did as well.

“Mom, dad. Oh! I missed you so much.” I hugged both of them. I was squished at the middle. They hug me too tight. “Mom, dad, I can’t breathe.” I informed.

“oh Sweetie. I missed you too. “My mom cupped my face and started pinching my nose. She loved doing that because she knew I hated it.

“Mom!” I whined, brushing her hands off of my face.

I turned to my dad and he gave me another hug. “I missed you pricess.”

We pulled back from the hug. “Where’s Emerald?” I asked excitedly. I think she’s still asleep since it’s still early dawn.

“She’s sleeping in her room Sweetie, and she doesn’t know you’re coming today. You know her, if she knows about it, she’ll stay up late just waiting for you.” Mom exclaimed as if reading my mind. Sweet! I could pull a prank on her. I was such a good sister.

Dad gave me a side hug. “I know you’re tired. You should get some sleep,” he kissed my forehead and so was mom.

I ran to my room almost squealing at the excitement that I was feeling. Finally! My room! Oh I missed it so much.

I immediately plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. My glow in the darks thingy was still there.

I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. After that, I fell asleep.

* * * * *

I was dreaming. I was in a carriage, making my way to a palace when suddenly the wheel ran into a rock. With every turn, there’s rock. I was rocking and rocking until my head bumped at the ceiling of it.

‘Ouch that hurts!’ I thought to myself, eyes still closed.

“Sapphire.” Someone shouted my name. The voice was so soft. “Sapphire!” It called again. This time, it was louder. “Saaaaaaapphire!!” I jerked up.

My eyes snapped wide open. There she was, at my bed, jumping and giggling. That explained my dream.

“Sapphire! You’awake! You’re awake! Oh! Goody-goody!” she clapped her hands in amazement.

I grabbed her and started tickling her side. “You’re so cute. I missed you so much.”

“Sa—pphire… sto—ooop i---it..” she laughed at every word. I did as I was told. I gave her a bear hug. “I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too,” she grinned. Those set of gray eyed complimented her smile.

“How about we visit the horses? I missed Alexander. Have you been taking care of it?” I asked her.

She giggled. “Of course. I was taking care of Alexander and Prince.”

Alexander was my horse and it’s white, while Prince was Emerald’s.

I put on a white tank top and skinny jeans. I braided my hair to the side and wore my knee-high boots. I also told Emerald to change so we could ride our horse today.

I waited for her downstairs. I dialed Monica’s number and pressed my phone to my ear. “Hello.” I sang-song, feeling all the enthusiasm. I made my way to the kitchen where I could smell freshly baked cookies.

“Sapphire. How was your trip? What time did you arrive there?” she asked.

“The trip was okay, so there’s nothing to worry about.” I munched on the cookie I was holding.

“Is that Monica? You should invite her tonight. Your dad and I are preparing a welcome party for you.” Mom inserted.

“Yeah sure mom.” I went out of the kitchen and sat on the couch. “Well Monica I’ll talk to you later. Emerald and I will go horseback riding.” I pressed the end button and left my phone at the coffee table.

We ran outside and made our way to the stable where Prince and Alexander was.


Boring. I know.

Sorry if I was gone for a week. My week is so hectic. I have a very tight schedule. And next week I’ll be busy as a bee again. We have a project due at the end of the month so I really need all the time to finish it. I hope you will stick with me. I PROMISE that the next chapters will be longer and good.

So, you know the drill.. Vote, Comment, Fan. Thanks.

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