I want your Pain (BoyxBoy)

By XTwistedTylerX

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Marilyn Manson and twiggy fan fic, based on school times and brutal love. More

I want your Pain (BoyxBoy) Updated, on going series
Maybe were victims of fate
The big black bus
chapter 4: Hells pass
Beneath your skin
The two sides of you
Putting holes in happiness
Dead is what he is
I fell into you
Tainted love

Chapter 2: My sweet prince

1.3K 34 10
By XTwistedTylerX

“Here, I’ll get you something, you drink?”

Jeordie nodded, half smirking.

“Well, what do you want?, My parents liquor cabinet is packed. There’s burgundy, wine, Black Douglas, Johnny Walker, Rum….. Oh and I think there's some jack left...”

“Daniels... Please.”

“Oh nice choice, and Stephan?”

Stephan raised his empty glass towards Brian.

“More rum I’m presuming?” he said retrieving the glass.

“Correct, Brian receives ten points for asking a stupid question he already knew the answer to.”

He shook his head and left to fetch the drinks.

Jeordie heard the toilet flush and a door slam.

More people?

A boy appeared from the hall way, he was wiping his nose on the bottom of his shirt. 

He looked about as old as Brian.

His hair was blue, and tied in a short pony tail.

“Oh, Hi. I'm Scott.”

He navigated his was past the lounge to shake Jeordie’s hand.

“I think I’ve seen you at school….”

“Ahh... Yes, I’m Jeordie.”

“Pleased to meet you, Brian invited you?”

Jeordie nodded, and Brian walked in, passing a drink to Stephan, and one to Jeordie.

“So Jeordie is that a guitar in your case?”

Scott trying to be friendly, gestured to the case jeordie hadn't let out of his sight since he got here, not that he didn't trust anyone , just it is Jeordie’s prize procession 

“Well it's actually a bass.”

“Oh, really that's sick, well I play guitar.”

Jeordie smiled “I do too, but bass is my thing.”

“Come on play something.”

“ Hmm... I'm not that great...” Jeordie suddenly got nervous.

“Go on, be quick coz I got to go soon.” Scott mumbled while looking at his watch. 

Jeordie didn't argue any more.

Scott looked back at him after he got his bass out. 

Jeordie started on a riff. 

“So, where are you going anyway?” Jeordie looked up and smiled.

“Well my girlfriend and me ...”

“I.” yelled pogo 

“....My girlfriend and..... I-” Scott restarted his sentence.

”....Are going out to the movies...”

“And when's this?”

Brian interrupted the conversation. 

“Is this sweet child of mine?”

“Yeah.” Jeordie gave out a little laugh.

“And oh shit I'm late.” Scott said while getting up and running out pass Stephan who didn’t look up till Scott slammed the door.

“Hmm.” he mumbled. 

“My watch says 7 ....Your clocks wrong Brian!” He yelled.

“Nope your watch is wrong; my father likes to keep updated on the time. So it's right.”

“So it's actually 7:30. Are you serious?”

“Yeah.” Jeordie reinforced the message. 

“Shit!” Stephan drained his glass gathered his thick books up and ran towards the door. 

“Sorry there's a doco on The Cosmos by Carl Sagan on at 8 and I got to go bye.”

And then the door slammed shut. 

“What a nerd.” Brian chuckled

Jeordie smiled. 

“What’s wrong with nerds?” Jeordie asked

“Ha-ha nothing, why?”

“Do you like Starwars?” he asked, eyes wide and sparkling as he looked up at Brian.

“Hmm... Yes I enjoyed it, the plot was well planned and everything.”

“Why are you a space nerd?”

Jeordie giggled and nodded, pointing to the Bobba Fett sticker on his guitar case.

Brian tucked his long black hair behind his ear, and he took a long sip of his red wine.

Jeordie also sculled his whiskey.

“Wow, so you DO like drinking?” Brian looked at the boy, trying to comprehend how someone who looked so innocent, could drink that fast.

“Well, yes. Yeah. I get lonely...” He clasped his hands together and his eyes fell to the floor, thinking about past memories. Bullies, sleepless nights, no one to hold him...

“I know how you feel, I think we as outcasts are the ones who actually see past the hypocrisy of society.” Brian stated, his mood drifting into a pleasant buzz. 

They talked for hours about what they want to do with their life’s, death defying experiences, Starwars and music.

“Its getting pretty late.” said Jeordie, glaring at Brian with his brown puppy eyes.

Brian stood up and sat next to Jeordie.

“It is.” he smiled softly and brushed the permed black hair out of Jeordie’s face.

Their eyes were glued together, for what seemed like eternity.

Jeordie put his hand on Brian’s shoulder, stroking the back of his neck.

Brian put his arm around Jeordie, pulling them closer together.

Jeordie’s heart was racing. 

He leaned in and kissed him tenderly.

They pulled away, but their noses were still touching. 

Jeordie’s hands were combing through Brian’s long black hair.

“I know its only early...” whispered Brian. “But...I love you.”

“I love you too Brian...I have to go now though...there’s school in the morning.”

“Aww shit.” Brian grumbled.

Jeordie stood up and grabbed his stuff, and walked to the door.

“Oh, can I walk you home? If you want?

Because, you know, there are strange people out there.” Brian asked.

“Yes please, that would be nice, thankyou.”

Brian offered to carry Jeordie’s guitar case.

Brian used his free hand to hold tightly onto Jeordie’s. 

When they got there, they held each other in a tight warm embrace.

“I also know it’s only early, but you’re defiantly the best thing that’s happened since I moved here.” Jeordie beamed at the tall skinny boy.

Brian smiled and they exchanged a goodbye kiss before Brian started his walk back home.


Chapter 2 :) 

its directly linked to the end of chapter 1, but i didnt put it all in that chapter becuase its to long :P

this is mostly dialogue but there is more Brian and Jeordie goodness to come, so hang in there XD

Much love Ty and Libby (ISirStoleYourCookies) 

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