The Price of an Alphas bite (...

By JRG915

1.4K 104 24

Sequel to Blood is thicker than Water Two months since Stiles was taken from us... Two months he's been in a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Authors Note!
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Seven

76 7 0
By JRG915

"This is scary." Liam whispered, halfway hidden behind Stiles.
"Just don't move." He spoke softly whilst he squeezed his lovers hand.
"I didn't know any living thing could take so much abuse." Lydia stared wide eyed.

"I give!" Derek coughed as he fell, the nozzle of the keg being turned off. Malia remained as she had been, one arm hand standing on the other keg, chugging the amber alcohol.

Malia finally dropped, smiling at the three friends staring at her.

"I am the best. I know."  She stumbled before face planting in the dirt.

"Should we help her?" Liam asked.

"I think we should just make sure she's not gonna choke. I don't trust her to not bite one of us if we move her. Ever try waking her up?" Lydia looked between the two buys who just nodded in agreement.
"You're sexy. You know that?" Scott slurred, leaning against Isaac who he had pinned against a tree. "You're so fucking hot." 

Isaac just blushed, not nearly having as much to drink as the dopey eyed alpha.

"Thanks babe." Isaac smiled. "Maybe you should stop drinking?" 

Scott pouted before finishing the last inch of beer in his cup.

"But I'm partying. I never get to party."  He gave Isaac his signature puppy dog eyes.

"Okay but I'm not holding your hair back later." He winked knowing perfectly well that he would be doing exactly that.


"So what have you guys been up to lately?" Erika asked, sipping her drink.

"Nothing really."  Jackson answered. A beer in his hand and the other around Cuybers shoulders.

"Yeah we just train a lot. Like literally all the time. Nothing but training." He rolled his eyes. He leaned over and kissed Jackson cheek.

Jackson pulled away looking at him.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"Nothing?" Cuyber said. "I was just saying that we spar and train all the time."

Jackson stood abruptly. "Well sooorrryyyy for not being fully comfortable with myself and not wanting to do more than train."  Jackson began walking toward the house.

"Jackson! Come on babe!" Cuyber yelled.  "I didn't mean it like that!"  He sighed getting ready to stand when Cora took his wrist and kept him seated. The four of them had been sitting together.

"Just let him calm down. There's no good side to approaching a love hurt wolf."  She leaned back.

"He'll be okay." Erika assured him.


"Again?" Stiles moaned as Liam kissed his neck. The two of them now downstairs in the training room, sitting on the couch. A movie was on so they wouldn't be heard.

"What?" Liam laughed. "You don't want to?"

Stiles flipped him over, now kissing Liam's neck before whispering into his ear.

"Absolutely no problem. Just wanted to make sure before I continued to try and suppress my hard on." He chuckled.

The two of them began to rip each other's shirts off when the basement door flew open. It slammed shut before Jackson entered, fuming.

"Stupid fucking Cuyber being stupid. Sorry I don't wanna fuck. Sorry I freak out and panic. Sorry I'm not perfect."  Jackson went to the punching bag and began hitting it before dropping to his knees.

"Umm..." Stiles stood up, walking over to Jackson. "Everything okay there asshole?"  Stiles leaned down and put his hand on Jackson's shoulder. He was shaking. No. He was sobbing.

"I'll be right back." Liam rushed up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Stiles called after him.

"To fix this." 

"You were right. This did help."  Jackson sobbed, taking another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

"Yeah I ate a lot of ice cream when stiles was under his coma spell. And when he forgot me from the other spell. And when he was in that second magic coma." Liam looked confused for a second before looking at both of them. "Damn. I ate a lot of ice cream."

The other two boys chuckled. The three of them on the couch watching what was now Finding Dory.

"Who would have thought it would be us left by the fire?" Derek asked, sitting next to Lydia.

"No one. No one in a million years would have thought of it." She gave him a squinty two faced smile.

"Oh. Right. Guess you're still mad about the whole Stiles thing."  He sighed. "I can never undo what I did. But I'm trying to make things right. The boys and I are on speaking terms and keep in touch." 

Lydia sighed. "I guess if they can forgive you then so can I." She smiled.

"Really?" Derek half heartedly smiled.

Lydia's face went cold. "No..."

Derek's face scrunched. "What the hell? I thought we were having a friend moment??" 

Lydia's eyes snapped to attention as she looked at Derek. "No not you. Him!" She pointed behind Derek toward the woods.

Derek turned, seeing a familiar face stumble out of the woods. Covered in blood.


"What the hell are you doing here?" Lydia stood. "What's wrong!?" She began stepping toward him.

"Run...." he muttered. "He's. He's coming. My brother. He's here in Beacon Hills." He said before dropping to the ground. Lifeless.

And just as with the other supernatural deaths in this town. Lydia did what she was meant to do.

Lydia screamed.

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