Humanity's Hope || Levi Acker...

By Kapichica

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Marta Moller joins the 104th Trainee Squad because she has no where else to go and holds no regard for her ow... More



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By Kapichica

The next two weeks of training with the Captain was hard, a lot of cuts and bruises happened in those days. It wasn't all bad though, slowly but surely she was becoming a better fighter thanks to Levi and the days where he did hurt her badly he would also treat her wounds.

Levi didn't act like it but he was a gentleman and as he and Marta got closer through their short but sweet conversations, he'd do little things for her like handing her a towel after their fights when they were both sweating like pigs and making sure to sit beside in the mess so she'd remember to eat all of her meals. Marta just smiled as their shoulders brushed sitting at the wooden table.

It had become clear to everyone staying at the castle at that point in time that there was a strong friendship growing between them, even Eren figured it out, someone who Marta considered to be extremely oblivious (considering Mikasa.) Their friendship surprised everyone, Marta was someone who could befriend anyone and cared a lot whereas Levi, on the outside at least, seemed cold and uncaring. But, of course, if you got to know the man you'd soon find he cared more than he let on.

It was just that he showed he cared a little more with Marta.

Everyone there could see it, but could only be happy for the two because Levi was being slightly less harsh than usual to the cadets who annoyed him. He was beginning to think Marta's presence was softening him.

Hanji being the energetic scientist she was, needed to see this friendship herself but made the mistake of squeezing in between the two friends at a meal time. Eren, Petra and Oluo, who were also sat at the table, watched as Levi's face darkened but Marta just smiled at her. "Hey, Hanji."

"What do you want, shitty glasses?"

"Just thought I'd sit with my two dear friends," Hanji replied to Levi, wrapping her arms around both his and Marta's shoulders.

Hanji was quickly shrugged off by Levi who muttered a "get off me, you filthy brat."

"He appreciates me really."

There was quiet whispering between the three at the other side of the table before Eren, Petra and Oluo all stood up and left to go sit with Gunther and Eld at another table, not wanting to get involved in the fight that was bound to ensue. Hanji and Marta talked amongst each other while Levi sat getting a nice view of Hanji's back every time Marta tried to involve him in the conversation. She gave up quickly so Levi just sat and sipped his tea, trying to mask the annoyance growing within him.

"Hey, Marta, I'm actually feeling pretty thirsty... can I have some of your tea?" Hanji asked.

"Yeah sure, I'll actually go make some more." Marta replied, sliding her cup over to the eagerly awaiting scientist who was just using it as an excuse to get some alone time with Levi.

Hanji jumped across to the other side of the table, eyes burning with curiosity. "So, what's going on between you and Marta, shorty?"

"What are you talking about?" Levi looked over at said girl who was tapping her foot and whistling to herself while waiting for the water to boil then looked back to see Hanji following his eyes.

"Come on, everyone's been talking about your special friendship and I for one know you're not very good at making friends." She teased.

"Tch, we've only known each other for three weeks."

"Love at first sight, how romantic," Hanji placed her head in her hands, looking up to the sky like a love struck girl sarcastically. "I think you like her."

"Brat-" Levi looked up to see Marta back at the table, pouring the black tea into their three cups gracefully before sliding into the seat next to Levi again.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked.

"The upcoming expedition," Levi stated quickly, saving himself from the embarrassment Hanji would be more than happy to put him through.

"I almost forgot, I've been so focused on fighting the past few weeks. I'm worried about my friends from the Corps," Marta thought aloud, looking down at her hand swirling a teaspoon in her cup.

"I'm sure they will all be fine," Hanji said cheerily while Levi remained silent.

"How can you be sure? You're always so happy when it comes to Titans... don't you ever get scared?" She asked the other woman whose mood changed from cheerful to serious with the snap of a finger. "You know, I've lost my fair share of comrades to Titans. You wanna know how I'm not scared? I've studied my enemy for years now, the only thing that scares me about them is their unknown aspects."

Marta looked pensive for a moment before a lightbulb went off, "I guess I understand then." She was now thinking about what she was scared of, losing her friends and her mother. Her friends dying wasn't something she could understand unless she came face to face with it, something she hoped never happens.

"Ahh... I forgot to mention, you and Eren are going to be performing some experiments in the next few days." Hanji diffused the serious atmosphere, she herself had created.

"Prepare yourself," Levi sighed sarcastically.

"Should I be scared?" Marta asked none of them in particular.

"No! I'd never hurt you not like those-"

"Yes," Levi's breath in her ear interrupted Hanji's words from reaching Marta's head whatsoever. His eyes caught hers for a second and neither could part them just like that day after the trial. Hanji's eyes, however, flicked between Marta and Levi's like she was watching a particularly interesting game of tennis. "Let's go, Marta." Levi finally said, swiftly getting up from the table and leaving Hanji in the dust.

And off they went, Marta following behind the short man like a lost puppy for their next training session with using 3dmg.

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