Unforgettable Love

By Percypeetaluver

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Lyric Wright is a strong Christian teenager,. Strengthened by many trials in her life, God is her everything... More

Unforgettable Love
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 5

247 15 0
By Percypeetaluver

Chapter 5

  Lyric opened her eyes and saw her dad sitting next to her. What had happened? Where was she? She then remembered, Jason had been kidnapped. “Jason!” she screamed suddenly sitting up.

“Whoa! Lyric honey.”  Drew said putting his hands on her shoulders to lay her back down; Lyric felt sick to her stomach, she couldn’t slow down the sobs erupting from her body. She looked around the room. She must be in a hospital, “WH-where am I.” she said between sobs. Drew pushed her hair back from her face and answered

“You are in the hospital. You passed out at school and hit your head on the floor. The doctor said you had a concussion

    “How long was I out?” she asked wishing you could pass back out. The pain in her head was unbelievable.  And worse of all was the thought of Jason. She couldn’t believe he was gone, he couldn’t be gone she must be imagining it. She closed her eyes, maybe when she opened them it would all be a dream and she would be next to him in the skating rink, or studying together at the library. But when she opened them she was still in the hospital, Jason was still gone.

 “You were out for about a day. We were all so worried. Joshua and I have been taking shifts considering I can’t leave Ella alone with Rosemary. Lyric I know this is hard for you; it is hard for all of us. But Lyric you need to be strong for Jason.  They have police and investigators all over it. God has a plan.”

  “Does he really?” she yelled at her father “Does he really have a plan?” she closed her eyes again and dropped her head in her hands “Dad I’m sorry it is just…”

“Shh… it is okay you don’t have to explain. I know it is hard. But like I said we need to stay strong.”

“I know.”

“Get some rest tomorrow is a new day.” he kissed Lyric on the head and snuck out.  He met Joshua in the Hallway.

“How is she?” Joshua asked

Drew shook his head “It is going to take time. She is hurting a lot. Only God can heal her wounds she just has to turn to him.”

“Dad, we should pray for her.”

“Would you like to start?”

   The next day Lyric was released with orders to stay in bed for the next three weeks. Everybody did their best to keep her comfortable. But Lyric couldn’t keep still. She spent most of her days and nights tossing and turning, constantly haunted with visions of Jason being killed.  They family took turns sitting by her bedside praying over her and keeping her company. One of the nights when it was Joshua turn to stay with her Lyric had a nightmare. She sat up screaming Jason’s name. Joshua jumped awake and ran to go comfort her. He sat on the bed next to her stroking her hair. After she calmed down she spoke

“Joshua, why am I constantly tortured by these nightmares?”

“Honestly Lyric I don’t know.”

“God does. Joshua I can’t keep being like this I need to give my fears to Christ and trust that he will take care of Jason.”

  Joshua had tears running down his face “I agree. We have been praying for you Lyric that you would give your fears to Christ. Do you want me to pray with you?”

“Yes I do.”

      Lyric spent one more week in bed and was then able to walk around.

“I feel so weak and helpless.” She said to Kate one day.

  “I know. It will be like that for awhile. That is how I felt right after I had Blair; I expected things to just go right back to normal! I thought I would be able to start running races but that didn’t happen. It was so hard to feel out of control. I realized though how much I should rely on God. You see when we are healthy and normal we tend to focus on what we want and “need” but when we are sick, weak, and out of control we see that what we really need is God. We see that we can’t do it without him, because without him we are always weak and helpless.

“Kate, God is really working in you. I would have never guessed that a year ago you would be helping me and teaching me. Thank you for your words of encouragement. You are to be a great mother.” Lyric added with a smile.

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