Payday: The Heist - Heist 1:...

By bryceaston

696 11 6


Payday: The Heist - Heist 1: First World Bank - Part 1: Infiltrate and Collect

696 11 6
By bryceaston


     "Alright guys, listen up-" Bain's voice could be heard form each of the four men's earpieces. "Good news and bad news:" he continued. "We got a go from our insider... he hid the drill and the thermite in the server room- but he bailed. The bank manager's got the key card to get in there- let's get it on." He paused before instructing them to enter the bank.

     Dallas threw his half-smoked cigarette on the concrete steps outside of the First World Bank and put it out with his shoe. He turned to the three men accompanying him and nodded quickly. Chains, Hoxton, and Wolf nodded back in reply, signaling that they were ready. Dallas then led them in, each waiting for a moment before entering.

     Bain's voice came to their earpieces once again. "Find the bank manager- then tie him down or shoot him and get the key. Destroy any of the security cameras that you see."

     Four pairs of eyes scanned the lobby for a man matching the bank manager's description. There was no such man here.

     Dallas pressed the button on his earpiece and whispered an order, "Chains and Wolf go right. Hoxton and I will go left."

          "Who put you in charge?" replied Chains, the irritation in his husky voice obvious, complying as the other men did anyway.

     Dallas remained silent and headed towards the large room to the left, tailing Hoxton. The small office area to their left was deserted, and to their right was a desk next to a metal detector, and beyond these was a gate blocking off the hallway to the vault. Both men moved on to the second level via a set of stairs to the left of the gate and continued their search there.

     Chains and Wolf found themselves in a cafeteria with an office area to their left. Not seeing the bank manager, they continued up the stairs to their right, past a conference room, and into what seemed to be the management corridor off the balcony over the cafeteria.

     Wolf glanced into the first office on the right as Chains passed him. Inside was a man approximately fifty to sixty years old, his gray hair balding at the top, leaning back in his chair, speaking on a cell phone with his feet up on his desk. He matched the description of the bank manager perfectly.

     Upon his entry to the elderly man's office, the man set his cell phone down and said with surprise, "Who are you?" Wolf didn't reply, walking closer to the bank manager, taking his B9-S out from the inside of his suit coat. "Security!" called the bank manager. Before he could call out again, Wolf hit him the the butt of his pistol, knocking him down and out. He then searched the man's pockets and retrieved the key card.

     A guard rushed in, his pistol drawn. Wolf opened fire, hitting the guard in the chest twice, causing him to fall to the ground. By this time, the bank was in a panic. Dallas, Chains, and Hoxton had all donned their masks and drawn their pistols, Hoxton with a B9-S, Chains and Dallas with Crosskill .45s, and began firing at guards and yelling at citizens to hit the ground and stay there.

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