Roomates and Music

By LetMeSing

36 0 0

What happens when hot headed Aslin gets accepted to the school of her dreams? Well she becomes roomates with... More

Roomates and Music

36 0 0
By LetMeSing


First off you probably don’t care but im LMS (Let Me Sing) but call me Que everyone else does, this is going to be first book that I finish! I get terrible writers block but I hope that you guys will help me along by giving me ideas. I called it part one because I think I have a good idea for a second book that would only be related not a sequel. Make sense? Any ways I dont plane out what I write I just write down points to put in a chapter, want to know that ones for this chapter? OK! Here they are.

1) A reckless hard headed main character

2) Snobby enemy

3) Hot teacher

4) Past friend

5) Elite music school

6) Hints for a dark past

What you think? Tell me after you read the chapter! Oh, and everything is fictional lol, so don’t be looking for any of the places listed J I only say that because more than once on a different site I have seen people read stories based in real life with fictional places and have people like, “That places doesn’t exists!!” so it’s just a warning but you guys are smart so I’m sure you could have figured that out.

>> To the side is Ryan>>


Chapter One: Roses and Pixies

**Aslin’s POV**

The sweet smell of freshly cut lawn and rain filled my nose as my feet hit the ground in soft thumps, my breathing was getting heavy but I didn’t care, my lungs burned just like my sides and my thighs. I could see my breath on in the chilly air as Metallica’s One started its soft paced intro in my ears and soon I couldn’t hear my feet on the dirt path as I listened to the music. I saw a figure with a rather large dog ahead and slowed my pace for a moment, I quickly decided that I wasn’t in any dengue and speed up to my previous pace. The trial I was one went through a park and lead into a densely forest area, my overly protective motherly insisted I carry pepper spray when I went jogging because of the large amount of muggings that have happened on this path way. Passing the man and his dog I nodded at him when I recognized him as the couch for the nearby high school’s football team. I quickened my pace going for a fast jog to a full run, enjoying the feel of the burn I wanted to laugh in joy as the endorphins filled my blood but I didn’t but I could feel the large smile on my face as I jumped over a fallen tree not losing speed.

The song ended and switched to a slightly faster paced song that I matched my running to, I saw the curve in the path and internally sighed, it meant my freedom from the house was almost over. It didn’t take more than fifteen minutes to run the remaining three miles back to the heart of the park. I looked around and noticed a few early morning dog walkers, joggers and sports teams floating about the park and I started to stretch and ease out my muscles before walking over the restored 1961 Corvette. Slipping in the front seat I looked at the picture of my dad and mom taped to the dash board, the car was my baby and it had been my dad’s before he died in a mugging on the very path I ran every day. He loved to run as much as I do but he ran at night which is much more dangerous. Starting up my car I drove a little recklessly home reaving the engine and sighing not with happiness but sadness, I would trade the car just to have my dad back. Slipping into my house quietly I smiled at the old and skinny gray hound that was my moms. “Aslin May Richards!” My mom’s shriek filled our tiny cottage like house and I looked at Talsa, the dog, who covered her eyes with her paw and I sighed and shook my head. “Where have you been? How many times do I have to tell you to text or leave a note if you leave! Or just don’t leave!” she continued screaming as I walked into the living room the same time she wheeled herself into the room. Her dark gold curls bounced down on her shoulders as she huffed at me her clear blue eyes accusing. Smiling sweetly at her she glared but I could see that she was having a hard time keeping her anger intact.

Padding into the kitchen I got out eggs and the precooked white rice and made over easy eggs and rice cereal, “I was running, don’t start,” I interrupted her before she could start a new lecture, “I took the pepper spray, here you go.” I said softly my clear and musical voice making its way to her as she sighed, I set her breakfast on the table before sitting down myself. We ate in silence; I looked at her and like every other day looked for myself in her face but couldn’t find anything that resembled me. Mother always said I took after my dad; creamy tan skin and rich midnight black hair that curled at the ends. I suppose I could have gotten my delicate bones and body shape from her but she was taller than me if she could stand and I guess my eye shape was the same but not really, hers were more almond where mine were more doe shaped. My eye color was also way off from either parent, a light and almost unheard of pale jade with a star like ring of dark green right around my pupil. My doctor always commented on them saying that he was surprised that neither of my parents had that color sense it would be a dominant trait but both parents had pale blue eyes. “Am I adopted?” I asked without thinking, my mom choked on her egg and stared at me with wide and scared eyes and I knew the truth but I just smiled and laughed, “Sorry that’s not possible is it?” She just shook her head and hurriedly rinsed her plate and bowel and left the room.

Feeling betrayed I walked up the stairs to my room, I choose to live in the attic it was peaceful and it was very different. I loved it. I grabbed some clothes before going to the dark rose and gold themed bath room to take a shower, the hot water made me feel better and the loud rock music oddly helped me think. Getting out I peered at myself in the mirror, at seventeen I looked a lot younger then I should. My body had curves but I was tiny and delicate boned my eyes were the main feature of my heart shaped face and my nose was tiny and tilted upward, under it were my lush lips but no matter how you looked at me I appeared fourteen. Grumbling at the reflection I pulled on my black leggings and thigh length dark purple flannel, checking the time when I slipped upstairs into my ‘cove’ or room I found it was only eight and I didn’t have plans until ten, sighing I pulled out my laptop and nestled into my ‘bed’ which was just a pile of blankets and fluffy pillows.

I clicked on to my blog and accurately titled my new post ‘Adopted’ before going on a rant about how I had been lied to my whole life. I didn’t care about being adopted but I would have just liked to know the truth sooner and without having to pretended I didn’t know. Closing the laptop I groaned and wanted to go and yell at mom but I just slumped on my bed and cuddled with my favorite stuffed penguin Mr. Shuffles. “Assy! Assy! God damnit its cold open your window!” cam the muffled voice of my best friend Ryan, she slipped in through the five foot by five foot window that lead to my room as soon as I had it unlocked. “Look!” She squealed handing me a envelope with “Jordan Music and Arts” written in fine cursive on the front, I smiled. I had applied for a semester transfer meaning that for the second semester I would go to there instead of Robertson Generals High School. I was nervous to open the envelope, if it said I was accepted I would be moving three cities over and would have to live by myself or in a dorm. “Open it or I will!” Ryan yelled, I smiled at her, I doubt she could speak in anything but squeals and yells but I didn’t doubt she would open it so I did. I ripped it open and read the first sentence carefully.

Then I looked sad and read the sentence out loud, “Miss Aslin Richards I am…” I trailed off to make Ryan frustrated before I smiled brightly, “Glad to inform you your transfer has been accepted.” I finished with a happy yell before jumping up and doing a happy dance that Ryan copied. “Wait…Didn’t we have plans at Ten?” I asked her and she shrugged and I knew she had been bored and stopped by and grabbed my mail on the way in. Shaking my head I laughed harder and clutched my side. Early January I would be going to the most prestigious and elite music school in my state in the country actually. “Oh…Fuck, now I have to tell mom…” And she became pale and hide under my blankets, Ryan had meet her once and sense then has refused to come in the front door or spend any time near her if she didn’t have to, they really don’t get along but I guess all moms would be more then a little upset if their daughters best friend was a twenty-three year old transgender. Yes Ryan is a male but he prefers ‘Ryan the girl’ better and dresses cute in name brand jeans and semi fitting tees, his hair is long and really does look like a flat chested girl even when he doesn’t wear makeup like he wasn’t right now.

“Fine I will go tell her by myself sense my best friend has abandoned me and he/she simply gave me a thumbs up from under the blanket and I giggled at him. Walking to the sun room which doubled as my mother’s room I looked at her staring across the frosted grass. “Momma, I was accepted.” I stated softly and she turned to me and nodded sadly, “I’m going to pack, I need to find a place to stay while im there.” She sighed before wheeling over to me and touching my arm I sat down on the arm chair knowing this was what she wanted me to do. Looking deeply in my eyes she started to cry.

“You were you fathers daughter I married him when you were a few months old.” She explained and I stared before nodding. “But I always thought of you as mine.” She sniffled and let go of me before turning away. I stood up and shuffled away my brain in a fog. If the person I had always thought was mom wasn’t who was? Who did my dad have me with?? I thought to myself before rushing up to my room and glaring at Ryan who had gotten out my dark purple and green suit cases and started packing. She was such a strange person. Looking around my room I scrunched my face because a lot of my things had also been packed in the old steamer trunks I collected. He smiled and waved before continuing his/her work. Looking in the already packed things I noticed it was all separated by how frequently I wore it or used it. It was kinda great having a OCD best friend who moved like once every other month so he could pack like no other.

Sitting down on a trunk I let him finish as I looked up places I could rent, noon of which I could afford until I reached a article looking for a roommate, who didn’t have to pay but had to know how to clean and cook. It gave a number to call, “What do you think? To good to be true?” I asked and I could see Ryan go from being his lovable girl self to protective best guy friend, it’s crazy because he literally got manlier don’t ask me how that happens. He looked at it and scanned the article before calling the number on my cell. When the person answered he handed it to me with a smirk, “Uh, hello?” I said softly into my cell. “Yes?” a girly voice answered.  “I’m Aslin and I’m wondering if you still need a roommate?” I asked and heard the girl giggle, oh no, I thought and closed my eyes. “I’m not it was my older brother who posted and yeah he does, He forgets to keep his cell charged which is why he put mine in the article. I’m Paige.”  I sighed happily, “Umm, I’ll come by tomorrow to meet you and your brother?” I asked and she quickly agreed and I smiled at my phone after I hung up.

Ryan had finished my packing and was talking on her cell, “Yes, 45009 Caven Road.” She finished and I raised my eyebrows, “I set up a time for a moving truck to come get your things, it will be on Wednesday!” she clapped her hands and I shook my head with a small smile on my pouty lips, I really couldn’t think bad thoughts around her, it didn’t matter if she was ‘Ryan the boy’ or ‘Ryan the girl’ she and he were just an amazing person. It was Monday and she was way over estimating if I will get the spare room in the guys apartment. “I know I know your thinking “What if I don’t get it?” Am I right?” She asked and I blushed, “Well you will I  mean the guy would have to be gay not to want to look at you every day and even gay guys like having pretty room mates!” She scolded and I laughed, yeah she is defiantly something else.

“I’m glade its Christmas Break or else I would be screwed when it came to moving because their start day is in a week!” I yelped and she tisked, “At least I spent Christmas with mom.” I smiled at the memory, Christmas was always something at my house, I got a pair of Doc Martins and an old fashioned military trench coat along with over a thousand dollars worth of gift cards and like three hounded cash. I looked at my packed room and sighed deeply and Ryan pulled me into his chest and held on tight. “I have to drive three hours to go meet them and then drive back…” I say softly and he chuckled and I knew he was thinking differently. “You packed me an over night bag didn’t you?” I accused only to get a playful smile and I laughed. “Hey its like twelve…Starbucks pretty please?” I fluttered my eye lashes his way and he nodded happily before climbing out my window.

He was already in my car when I got outside and I slipped behind the wheel and started her to life and rumbled happily at me, “I sure hope Chase is working!” Ryan moaned and I stared at her with amusement and disgust. Chase was her crush and I groaned remembering his girlfriend Krystal. She was a real bitch. “Aww hunny last time he worked they got in a fight and that was only a day ago I’m sure that she won’t be there.” Ryan cooed at me like she was dealing with a five year old child instead of her best friend of seventeen. Driving to the nearest Starbucks I walked in happily to the warm shop and walked up to order only to hear an obnoxious laugh and knew Krystal was here. Making a face I saw Chase smile and wink at me and I realized that he had caught my look, I looked at him closely and when he reached for something I noticed the bandage on his wrist and I frowned. We use to be friends until he got hot, popular, and started dating the girl who picked on me all the time. I knew he cut and I knew that if he was cutting it meant he was depressed and I sneakily looked at Krystal who was showing off her new ‘Toy’ named Troy the captain of the football team. Clicking my tongue I looked up at the menu trying to decide what I wanted sense Ryan had already ordered and was sitting.

“Here” I heard Chase say breaking me from my thought process, in his hand was a latte, “Carmel and white chocolate mocha with raspberry syrup and chocolate whipped cream.” He stated so self confident with a sexy smirk, I guess it is easily for him to predict what I would want because I haven’t changed my cold day favorite sense the Starbucks came to the town when I was thirteen. Sticking my tongue out at him I walked away and could feel his eyes on my ass as I walked away and I heard his low chuckle that had always made me shiver in delight when he did it. Ryan had been watching the interaction and she sent me a playful glare at me, when I turned to look at Chase I caught a look of pure death from Krystal who I smiled at before sending the still staring Chase a teasing smile which I knew he would know was just to infuriate The ‘Queen’.


Next Day…


After a hot shower I got dressed in cute jeans that clung to my ass and thighs but delicately released my leg as the neared the floor in a straight leg cut, I slipped on black ballet flats and a gray thermal long sleeved shirt with a dark purple Pea Coat. I allowed my hair to dry naturally after I brushed it and did simply make up to accent my eyes, looking at myself I grabbed the overnight bag and went to wake mom because today I might not be coming back. “Mommy?” I said gently and I saw her stir, “Im leaving don’t wait because if I get the place im staying there, Ryan and the moving people will be by tomorrow around ten if I get it if not I’ll be back by five. I love you.” I said and texted her the same thing in case she wasn’t really awake but as I closed her door I heard a soft ‘I love you to.” And a stifled sob.

Walking to my car I spotted someone in the passenger seat and I tried not to feel scared and I grabbed a hold of the pepper spray in my purse as I opened my door to see a sleeping Chase. Getting in I glared at him and shoved him hard against the door, “Ouch!” he glared back at me, “Ryan said you were leaving so I thought to come say good bye!” She pouted and I tried not to smile but he was just to cute. His dark gray eyes sparked with happiness and he leaned toward me and hugged me tightly and kissed my neck. “I missed you and I am going to visit you with Ryan!” he warned and I groaned out loud and it made him pout again but this time his eyes were on my lips. I stifled a longing moan and raised brow in his direction that made him blush scarlet. “I gotta go…Be good.” He said quickly before practically running from my car to his mustang that was on the curb.

It was a long three hours that was passed quickly with a mixture of Metallica and Korn along with a few other artists blasting from my cars speakers. I parked in the town Starbucks to get a coffee and to wait to meet them, Paige had said she would wear a bright pink shirt with a cream sweater so when I walked in a saw a russet haired beauty in her described clothes sitting next to a white haired boy that I instantly new from many magazines that said he was the most beautiful young model. “You gotta be kidding…” I sighed and went to get my coffee getting my regular before walking over to them and sitting down. “Paige?” I asked and she stared opened mouthed at me and her brother, Cobalt looked me up and down with a scowl. “Im Aslin?” I said and I watched as both their faces scrunched with thought. Oh god this couldn’t be good. I said and started to panic, “Never mind I’ll go.” I mumbled and stood up quickly.

“Wait, Can you cook and clean?” I heard Cobalt say in a oddly rough and tantalizing voice, nodding I sat back down he looked at me over before grabbing my purse quickly and taking out my wallet before I could respond, “Seventeen…” He said and looked at me carefully. “You don’t look it…” Paige nodded finally seemingly to become unfrozen. Looking at her up close I realized he was Paige Rose the youngest published and well known writer. “You can stay.” Cobalt said with a shrug and I smiled gleefully and both seemingly became statues again. Groaning I raised my eye brows only to find that there were amused looks on their faces and I understood that they were messing with me.

Paige stretched and looked at her phone, “I have to go but I was nice meeting you, Your very pretty but so is my brother so I hope your useless to!” she giggled at me before skipping out of the store.

I laughed at the resentful look Cobalt sent at his sisters back, “Cobalt Rose?” I giggled even more and he tried to glare but ended up laughing to, it totally didn’t match the ‘hard core punk’ image he portrayed in his modeling gigs. “How far is your house or apartment from Jordan’s? I asked and he looked at me shocked, “What surprised that I go it?” I teased and he flipped me off and gave me an arrogant smirk before standing up.

“Find out, my address is on the business card I placed in your wallet.” He said and walked out, I followed him and saw him stop and stare at my car as were a lot of people. I pushed past him and unlocked my door and went to slide in when he grabbed my arm, “It’s yours? How?” He growled scarily and I shook in his grasp and he let go of me and covered his eyes with his hand seemingly frustrated.

“It was my dad’s…” I said softly giving him the picture from the dash and Cobalt stared at it with a frown on his face. Before taking it with him and marching off to the street bike not parked to far. “Wait I want that back!” I growled at him and he acted as though he couldn’t hear me. MY gawd the boy is bi polar! I though with a frown before getting in my baby and driving to his address, the doorman let me in and I went to his place and my frown deepened, how was I supposed to get in? So I checked the door knob and found it open. Walking in I saw that it was relatively clean but the fridge was empty I simply walked away and inspected the apartment. It had three rooms, one of which was occupied by ‘him’ the other a beautiful grand piano the last was musty and empty so I dropped my bag off in there and sat on his couch. I soon fell asleep.

**Cobalt’s POV**

When Paige had told me that she had posted on a site saying I had a spare bedroom to whoever could cook and clean for me I had laughed doubting we would fine anyone but only moments afterward her phone was being blown up but she told everyone no until I heard a delicate little voice come out of her speaker. It was unsure and scared and Paige said yes to meeting her and I couldn’t help but groan I mean its like Paige is trying to pimp me out! I had spent the rest of my day in a photo shoot with the camera snapping and the girls practically devouring me with their eyes, it was annoying and Paige had said yes to a girl. A girl!. Waiting the next day had been horrible and Paige kept joking that I was like a man on my wedding day and I kept yelling at her, then she walked in. A delicate little girl with dark hair and big eyes that were so green I could tell what color they were when she entered the door. Her outfit screamed relaxed without lazy and I was thinking about talking to her until I noticed just how young she looked. I slumped in my seat and I could hear Paige giggle beside me, she knew what I looked for in girls and knew that she caught my attention. Then I heard the chair moving in front of me and a sweet delicate voice.

“Paige?” Seeing the girl I was eyeing in front of me I just stared as did Paige, the girl was stunning, young, but stunning. I scowled because it was just my luck that she would be the person I had been waiting for. “Im Aslin?” I scrunched my head in thought, what a unique name and I saw Paige do so to but I knew it was for a different reason. “Never mind I’ll go.” He mumbled and I wanted to reach out to her. So I asked if she could cook and clean, she hesitantly nodded and sat back down.

It wasn’t a long first meeting, I decided she could stay after I made sure she was as old as she had texted Paige she was earlier because they had been talking thought the day. Walking outside I saw my dad’s prized Corvette, well it was. He had pictures up everywhere when I was little but he lost it in a bet so when I saw it I started to get mad, its dark purple paint shimmered in the fading light. When the sweet little pixie unlocked the cars door I practically exploded and she looked at me her frightened eyes and I just wanted to leave, It was horrible to scare a girl specially if they are as delicate as her. When she handed me the photo of her dad I glared at it before getting on my bike and leaving my blood was in my ears, I made it to my family home in recorded time and marched in I was angry and I threw the picture on my dad’s desk. “Who is he?” I asked my anger starting to cool, my dad just stared at the photo and smile forming on his lips and he laughed heartily.

“This is Michael Even Richards, he was a great man well a great bad man. Changed when he got married, Married Tabathia Marks and had a little girl but Tabby died in child birth taking the little ones twin brother with her.” My father said softly, “I heard he moved a few hours away day later and remarried, I think he died a ‘mugging’ doubt it was that simple. I think his new wife was paralyzed because of the incident. Why?” He finally asked looking up at me. He eyes bright with curiosity, I swear if you don’t tell him something he will find out anyway, he is just that good.

Slumping in a chair I stared out the window and sighed deeply when I heard him clear his throat, “Paige placed an ad online saying that I have a room free to board whoever can cook and clean and this little girl calls and we meet her and shes beautiful but looks really young and is going to Jordan’s. And she has your Corvette and she gave me the picture to show me who her dad was. She has theses amazing eyes!” I rambled and he caught him smiling knowingly. “They are such a light jade green but right around her pupil is a darker green. They are just amazing.” I finished blushing. “Oh and I said she could stay.”  My dad burst out laughing and I glared but he continued to do so until my mom walked in and he got calm and gave her and adoring smile and she giggled like a school girl.

Waving at them I left and returned home, I hadn’t realized how late it had gotten and when I entered my home I saw her curled up on the couch her rich hair spilling on the cream leather making me stare at the contrast. Gently I picked her up and carried her to my bed and pulled off her jacket and shoes. She mumbled at me grumpily but I laughed down at her beautiful face, I realized that I cared for her but nothing more then a friend. I didn’t even feel lust for her and she had an amazing body. After I covered her with blankets I got comfortable on the couch only to have my door bell ring loudly. “What?” I yelled as soon as my door was open to reveal the laughing face of my friend Steven who was also a teacher at Jordan’s which I would be sharing with Aslin soon. “Dumb bastard.” I mumbled as he walked in and jumped in to the stop I just left.

“Why is it so loud?” a cute sleepy voice called and both me and Steven turned to stare at Pixie, “Oh…Who is he?” She asked me staring at Steven; he was very handsome I knew that. He had dark curly hair and a tall and well muscled form and Bright turquoise eyes. Many girls liked him and apparently she was no different. Steven winked at her and she scowled and I wanted to laugh at the baffled look on his face. “Arrogant fool,” She muttered while marching back to my bed room and I heard her jump into my bed.


Hey! SO if you are wondering why I go back on fourth about calling Ryan a He and She its because Aslin cant decide if he is a boy or a girl and somtimes She acts like a girl more or a boy more.

Also I need help with a cover and a picture for Cobalt because I wanted to have him on the side for my next chapter. If you guys think I should continue?

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