i just need enough of you to...

By minancholic

23.5K 847 692

Jimin is sweet and soft, and the image of him standing in the shady tattoo shop is both absurd and oddly beau... More

Surprise! [Original Beginning]


5.7K 230 213
By minancholic

There is something oddly satisfying about the pain the needle creates on Yoongi's skin.
He's already used to it; the many tattoos on his skin are enough proof for that.

Maybe it wasn't his best idea to tattoo the anemone on his right hand with his left hand since he's right handed, and the tattoo is therefore destined to turn out shit, especially since Yoongi has already turned off most of the lights in the studio and his only source of light is now the green neon light in the room; a sign that says Sorry Mom!

Jeongguk hung it up when they first started the shop. Up to this day, Yoongi is convinced that the only reason for that is because Jeongguk's parents were never fond of the idea that their son wanted to become a tattoo artist instead of a business man.

Yoongi is so used to the pain that he doesn't flinch once, not even when the needle stings his skin right where his wrist bone is underneath. What he does think though is that he should've asked Namjoon to stay longer and maybe finish the tattoo for him. Maybe then it would've looked better than it does now.

Yoongi turns off the tattoo machine and leans back, eyeing the new motive decorating the back of his right hand and his wrist for a while.
Then, he sighs and grabs the antiseptic and applies it, then he takes a band aid and puts it on the tattoo.

The bell above the entrance rings and Yoongi's eyes immediately dart to the clock hanging on the wall.
It is past ten already, technically the shop is already closed, but it seems like Yoongi has forgotten to turn the little sign hanging on the door around – it still said opened!

He rubs his eyes and sighs as he gets up and leaves the little studio and walks up to the front counter.

A guy stands there, pink haired and smaller than Yoongi; he kneads his own fingers and glances around nervously.
He is wearing an oversized, white sweater and light blue, ripped jeans. As Yoongi lets his eyes wander down, he realizes that the guy is wearing pink socks with white, slightly dirty sneakers.

He certainly does not fit into this shop, Yoongi thinks. Maybe that is why he is so nervous.

"Hi," the guy greets him, and Yoongi is a bit startled at first. His voice is high, not unpleasant, but unusual. It suits him, though.

"Hey," Yoongi says, "How can I help you?" He doesn't say that the shop is actually already closed and that the only reason why the guy is talking to Yoongi right now is because Yoongi was too stupid to remember to turn the sign around.

"I wanted to make an appointment," the guy says. He sounds so timid, Yoongi almost feels sorry for him.
"What for?" Yoongi asks, and then he adds, "Tattoo or piercing?"
What he really wonders is why the guy couldn't have simply called.
"A piercing," the guy says, and Yoongi almost laughs; he is standing there, fiddling with his sweater paws and he has pink hair and he's chewing on his bottom lip and is demanding a piercing – all that Yoongi can imagine is a septum or snakebites on the guys face, and it almost cracks him up.


"A piercing," Yoongi repeats and bends down a little to get the book calendar they keep underneath the counter.
"A helix, actually," the guy quickly adds, as if he knows how odd Yoongi thinks this is.
"I already have earrings, I –" the guy stops, probably wondering why he is telling Yoongi this.
"I see," Yoongi says and opens the calendar.

"You could get an appointment next week, if that's okay. Wednesday?" And the guy nods.
"Yeah, that should... that should work."
He smiles at Yoongi, and Yoongi smiles back, because part of him feels sorry for the guy. He looks more than uncomfortable.

"Great. Name?"
"Park Jimin."
Yoongi nods and writes the name down at Wednesday – "Is 4pm okay?" "Yes." – and adds a 4pm behind Jimin's name. Then, piercing; helix.

"A helix costs around 40,000 won here," Yoongi tells him as he leans against the counter, "But we'll inform you about everything else on Wednesday."
Jimin nods, a bit eagerly, and smiles brightly. "Okay, thank you."
"Sure thing. See you next week."

Jimin leaves, then, and Yoongi waits for about a minute until he walks up to the entrance and turns the sign around.


Taehyung is there on Friday. Taehyung's always there on Fridays.
His classes end at 2pm and then, he spends his day at the tattoo shop.

Jeongguk has never understood why exactly Taehyung would rather be here, at the shady (Namjoon always fights him about this one – "It's our aesthetic, Jeongguk, appreciate it."), small tattoo shop, than at his own apartment, especially since it lies in the other direction from the university.

But Jeongguk doesn't ask. He doesn't mind Taehyung's presence, none of the three men do (Sometimes, when Yoongi is especially grumpy, he claims that Taehyung is getting on his nerves and tells him to leave, but he is never serious about it and everyone knows it).
Jeongguk and Taehyung have been something like friends for a while now, and since they barely get to see each other due to Jeongguk's job and Taehyung's art major, Jeongguk thinks that these Fridays are necessary to maintain their friendship.

Jeongguk glances at Taehyung from where he's standing, bend over the counter, working on a new design for a costumer.
Taehyung just lies there on the large, black couch. He's staring at the drawings hanging on the wall while his fingers run through the cat's fur; Minho is his name. Namjoon found him on the streets a while ago, and ever since then he's been living in the tattoo shop.

Jeongguk doesn't mind the cat. They all have to make sure he doesn't settle in one of the studios, though, because hygiene, and at night they have to lock him in the backroom.
But no, Jeongguk doesn't mind him, and he is even willing to buy cat food and a nice toy every now and then.

Taehyung loves Minho. Sometimes, Jeongguk believes the cat is the only reason why Taehyung ever comes here.

The design Jeongguk is working on is simple but abstract. It is a triangle, the lines and the edges always bend so it remains a triangle, yet it is impossible.
An optical illusion.
Jeongguk looks back at Taehyung. "Do you want to get dinner with me later?" he asks.
Taehyung halts his movements and glances at Jeongguk. He nods and smiles.

Jeongguk nods, too, and looks back down at the paper in front of him. "Good," he whispers.

The cat jumps down from Taehyung's stomach and lands on the floor with a thud. Taehyung gets up a few seconds after, wiping the cat's fur from his shirt.
"God, is Minho ever going to stop molting?" He walks over to Jeongguk, stops right next to him and glances over his shoulder.
"Who would want a tattoo like that?"
Jeongguk shrugs, not averting his gaze from the sketch. He can feel Taehyung's breath hit his neck.

"Bet his name is written down somewhere, go check if you're that interested," he mumbles. Taehyung lets out a half-hearted laugh. He stares at the motive, at Jeongguk's fingers and the pen, Jeongguk can feel it. A shiver runs down his spine.
When Taehyung then starts to absentmindedly tug at his belt loop, he softly pushes the hand first and then Taehyung away.

"Think about where you want to get food later. I don't want to waste too much time on deciding," Jeongguk tells him.
Taehyung stands there for a moment, then he walks around the counter again and plops down on the couch.
"Alright," he mumbles, leaning his head back, "Will do."

And Jeongguk glances at him.


Taehyung decides on some take-away place. It isn't the closest place Taehyung could have chosen, and by the time they arrive the sun is already setting. Jeongguk checks the time – 10pm. It is summer, the air is warm, and he is still sweating although the temperatures have already dropped.

There is something odd about the situation, he thinks as he stops the engine and gets out of the car, Taehyung following him.
"The sky is pretty," Taehyung notices. Jeongguk looks at him, halts for a moment, then looks up at the sky.
It is pink and red and lavender and orange and so much more.
Jeongguk looks at Taehyung again. "You say that every time we're outside."
"Because it's true," Taehyung says. They reach the door, Jeongguk pushes it open.
"You'd realize it yourself if you paid more attention to it," Taehyung continued, "I just want to remind you of the pretty things in life."
Jeongguk doesn't know why he feels a lump in his throat.

There is a group of three people in front of them, waiting for their order. Jeongguk buries his hands in his pockets, looks down at his sneakers.

He always gets dinner with Taehyung on Fridays. It has become a routine ever since Taehyung decided to spend his afternoons at the tattoo shop.
Apart from that, Jeongguk and Taehyung rarely ever do something together. Jeongguk knows they should, but it never happens, and he isn't sure if it's only because they both don't have enough time or if it is something else.

The group in front of them pays and leaves, then, and Jeongguk and Taehyung step up to the counter.
"I want to have sushi," Taehyung says, so they order sushi, Jeongguk volunteers to pay, and Taehyung grins at him while they are waiting for their food.
"Don't look at me like that," says Jeongguk, leaning against the counter, "You're paying next time."
But of course, that doesn't stop Taehyung's boxy grin.

It's almost dark by the time they leave the shop and get into Jeongguk's car again, Taehyung on the passenger seat.
"Do you want me to drive you home?" Jeongguk asks like he always does, starting the engine.
Taehyung frowns at him.
"I thought," he breathes deeply, "We can eat together, right?"
Jeongguk halts. "Sure," he says, "But, I mean, should I drive you home? We can eat there, or at my apartment, I don't care –" "I want to eat here," Taehyung says, propping up his feet on the dashboard.
He always does that, always always. At the beginning, Jeongguk used to tell him to stop it, which eventually died down until there were only little, uncomfortable glances. Now, Jeongguk just stays quiet.
Taehyung does what he wants, that's it.

Jeongguk loves his car. It took him a while and the help of his parents to save up for it, and he wants to take care of it and keep it clean as good as possible. Feet on the dashboard are forbidden, that's a rule – but he guesses he can make an exception for Taehyung.

"Yeah," he says, "We can eat here."

They unpack their food and shortly after, the car smells like sushi and Jeongguk doesn't mind one bit.


Park Jimin returns on Wednesday on 3.54pm.
Yoongi is standing at the counter doing absolutely nothing other than listening to the faint purr of the tattoo machine Namjoon is using.
The bell rings, Park Jimin walks in, and for a moment, Yoongi is sure not to hear anything at all.

Jimin looks way more confident – if that is the right word to describe him – than the last time Yoongi saw him.
Today he is wearing a rose shirt with a little pocket on the chest. There's a black cat printed on the pocket.
His jeans are light grey and just a bit baggy, the trouser legs are rolled up. The socks are pastel blue this time, and again, the white sneakers.
Yoongi doesn't think he's ever paid so much attention to a stranger's outfit.
He doesn't think he's ever even paid so much attention to his own outfits – he is pretty sure he owns at least five of these black short-sleeved shirts, so he just threw that on this morning, and his ripped skinny jeans are equally black. Even his boots (it is summer and Yoongi wears boots; they're year-round shoes) are black. Huh.

"Hey," Jimin says, smiling. Yoongi smiles back. "Hi. Park Jimin, right?"
Jimin nods. "I'm here for the helix, I made an appointment last week –"
"I know, " Yoongi interrupts him calmly. He doesn't even have to check the calendar, but he pretends to do so anyways.

Jimin keeps on smiling and fiddles with his fingers. Not in a nervous manner; more as if he is aware of how adorable he is.
He is wearing nail polish, Yoongi notices. Pastel blue, like his socks.

"Here." Yoongi slides a paper and a pen over to Jimin. "I need this for your consent. Just to make sure."
Jimin takes a moment to read over the document, then takes the pen and signs it.

"Just follow me," says Yoongi and walks into one of the empty studios.
The light in here is a lot brighter. It's unpleasant, but the best light to work with.
Jimin follows him and Yoongi closes the curtains.
"So, a helix," he says as Jimin sits down on the tattoo couch.
"You came back so I'm assuming you really want this piercing, huh?"
Jimin nods. "Otherwise I wouldn't have made an appointment, right?"
"Oh," Yoongi chuckles, "Believe me, there are enough people who make an appointment and then never come again. Especially the ones who want a tattoo."
He walks to the counter in the back of the studio and opens one of the wardrobe doors.

"Really?" Jimin asks, "That doesn't make any sense."
"It kind of does," Yoongi disagrees.
"You can remove a piercing at any time, but a tattoo – it stays. And if you don't have the money or the pain tolerance to remove it you're fucked."
He returns with a box and a tablet full with the needed equipment.
"Here." He opens the box and gives it to Jimin.
"Choose one. Don't worry, you can change it after around eight weeks."

Jimin is quiet while he chooses the stud. Yoongi puts on gloves and starts sterilizing the equipment.
"All of these pieces of jewelry are titanium," he tells Jimin, "It's the least reactive metal. Do you have any allergies or are you taking any medication?"
Jimin shakes his head. "No – I think I'll take this one."

Yoongi nods. "Okay. I'll draw a dot where I'll put the helix and you tell me if you'd like to have it there or not, alright?" Jimin hums as a sign that he understood, so Yoongi takes a pen and carefully draws a dot.
Just as he's about to stand straight again, he spots the shadows above Jimin's eyes.
It's make up, he realizes, pink and shimmery and very delicate.

Yoongi tells him to look in the mirror and Jimin gets up.
"I like it there," he says.
Yoongi sterilizes the stud while Jimin sits back down again.
"This is different from normal earrings, the ones you already have. They are done with a gun, but now I'm gonna use a needle. Alright?" Jimin nods.
"It's not going to hurt a lot. I'll only start after you tell me okay, though, so you can relax –"
"It's okay, you can start," Jimin giggles, "I'm not as sensitive to pain as I look like."
Yoongi doesn't tell him that he talks like that to all of his costumers, simply nods and cleans the area around the dot with an alcoholic wipe, then he takes the needle, glances down at Jimin and pierces his ear.
Jimin doesn't wince.
"It didn't hurt," he tells Yoongi after they're done. Yoongi stares at the shimmery eyeshadow.
"Yeah," he says, "Told you."

They walk back to the counter after Jimin has told him countless times how happy his new piercing is making him.
Yoongi just smiles to himself.

"Okay, that's 40,000 won."

Jimin takes out his purse and then gives Yoongi the money. It's quiet as Yoongi opens the register to put the money away.

"Is that your new tattoo?"

At first, Yoongi doesn't register that Jimin is talking to him. But of course he is, there is no one else around them.

"Uh," Yoongi says, "Which one?"

Jimin points to his right hand, where, a few days ago, a band aid was on.

"Oh, yeah, actually." Yoongi nods, keeping his eyes on his wrist, as if this is the first time he sees the tattoo, the flower. The anemone.
It healed well, and although Yoongi was concerned that it would turn out ugly, he is quite satisfied now.

"How'd you know?"

Jimin shifts from one foot to the other.
"I saw the band aid the other day and, I don't know, just guessed."

Yoongi glances at him, then looks back at the tattoo. "Yeah, it's new," he says.
Jimin nods once. "I like it. It's an anemone, right?"

"It is." Yoongi looks at him, confused, squints his eyes. "You're an expert on flowers, huh?"
Jimin shrugs with a sweet smile. "Kind of. I work at a flower shop."
Of course he does, Yoongi thinks. "Really?"
"Yep. Local Flower Meadow. Have you ever been there?"

Yoongi snorts. "Do I look like I've ever been there?"
Jimin giggles. Yoongi feels a shiver down his spine. Jimin's giggle is a cute sound, he allows himself to think as much as that.
"You never know. Maybe you secretly have a hidden soft spot and like to go to flower shops in your free time. Maybe you get your doughnuts with the pink icing and you secretly liked the Unicorn Frappuccino, although everyone else hated it."
Jimin giggles again and Yoongi chuckles.
"Oh, you got me there," he murmurs.

Then, he says, "I bet you like the Unicorn Frappuccino. Admit it."
Jimin frowns and shakes his head. "I don't, actually. It is way too sugary."
Yoongi raises his eyebrows. "You think it is too sugary?"
"Yeah... I know, I look like someone who would absolutely adore that drink, but no. Thank you." Jimin sighs and smiles.
He glances at the clock, and suddenly, his pretty smile disappears.

"Oh, no, I have to go now. My afternoon classes start soon." He breathes deeply and then gives Yoongi an apologetic look.
"Sorry, Yoongi-ssi –"
"Hyung is fine."
Jimin seems taken aback for a moment. He nods.
"Yoongi hyung. Sorry. It was nice talking to you, but I have to leave. University, you know."
He bows his head once, just a bit, the smile returning to his plump, red lips.
"Maybe I'll come back one day to get a tattoo, who knows!"

Then, he turns around and leaves.

Yoongi realizes he didn't even have a chance to ask Jimin what he is studying.

Another time, maybe.


"I want to get a tattoo," Taehyung says on another Friday.
Jeongguk is leaning against the counter, his phone in one hand, Taehyung is lying on the couch.

Jeongguk looks at him. "A tattoo," he repeats.

"Yes. You sound surprised." Taehyung glances at Jeongguk and sits up. "I like yours and Yoongi hyung's and Namjoon hyung's, too. I think they're cool, and I've thought about it for a while now."

"You already have a tattoo," Jeongguk notices.

"I want another one."

"It's expensive."

Taehyung frowns. "Funny how it's you out of all people who tells me that," he says. Jeongguk looks down at his arms. "I did most of them myself, I didn't really need to pay for that," he remarks.
Taehyung lies back down with a sigh. Somewhere, in another room, Minho meows.

"You could tattoo me for free," he suggests. Jeongguk can see the grin on his lips. "We're friends after all, right?"
Jeongguk doesn't say anything for a few seconds. Taehyung lifts his head, cranes his neck to catch a glimpse at him.

Jeongguk locks his phone and lets it disappear in his pocket. "Right," he says, "We're friends, and that's why I'm not going to tattoo you."

Taehyung sits up again, a bit faster, even gets up. "What? Why?"

Jeongguk walks around the counter.
"Because you're my friend."

"You tattooed Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung as well."

"That's different."

"It's actually not."

"They already have many tattoos, it doesn't make a difference. If anything, I just helped them out."

"They already have many tattoos? How is that supposed to make a difference?" He walks over to the counter, leans against it, right next to where Jeongguk is standing and looking through the calendar.
Jeongguk senses the hurt in his voice. Or maybe he is just imagining it.

"If I fuck up, then it doesn't matter. No one will notice," Jeongguk chuckles.

"So that's it?"

He looks up, meets Taehyung's eyes.

"You're scared of fucking the tattoo up?"

Jeongguk feels the heat rush to his face.
Don't blush, he thinks frantically, trying not to look too tense.

"'course not," he murmurs.
There's a small smile playing around Taehyung's lips.
"Sure. You're not," he says softly.

Jeongguk stares at his lips. They're pretty, he realizes. They would make a good tattoo design.

"Fuck off," he mumbles. Taehyung chuckles.
Jeongguk lowers his head to look at the calendar again. There's a costumer coming in soon, and he knows that it is Namjoon's, but Jeongguk is really tempted to take care of the costumer instead.
He'd do anything just to get away from Taehyung and his lips right now.
They make him uncomfortable.

Much to his luck, it says small tattoo; writing, no sketch behind the costumer's name, and for a second, Jeongguk believes that fate loves him.

"Can we go get dinner again tonight?" Taehyung asks. His fingers are softly tapping against the surface of the counter.
"I'll have to take care of the next costumer," Jeongguk says. He looks up at the door.

"Oh," Taehyung says, frowning, "But that doesn't answer my –"

The bell rings and a young woman walks into the shop. She wears jeans shorts and a white crop top and converse, her ankles and calves and a part of her right thigh are covered in tattoos.
Her hair is long, dark. Red lipstick is on her plump lips.
Jeongguk smiles at her as she walks up to the counter.

He greets her, she greets back. Taehyung stays quiet.

"I called a few days ago and made an appointment for a tattoo. I think I talked to Namjoon... is that you?" she asks with a confused smile.

"Uh." Jeongguk glances down at the calendar. Park Sooyoung.
"That's my colleague, actually. But since it is just a small tattoo, right?" – Sooyoung nods – "I can tattoo you, too, if that's okay with you. Namjoon's busy right now."

The girl doesn't even contemplate for a second, simply nods and smiles. "Sure! I don't care who does the tattoo as long as it looks good."
She looks at Jeongguk's tattooed arms.

Jeongguk smiles at her. "Okay, great. Then just follow me into one of the studios."
He turns around. Taehyung is staring at him. Glaring at him. Jeongguk ignores it, simply walks past him; his arm brushes against Taehyung's.

But he does not pay attention to it, at least he tries his best not to, and him and Sooyoung disappear in one of the empty studios, leaving Taehyung behind.


Sooyoung is attractive. Jeongguk is lonely.
Some things happen sometimes, he can't change it.

And so it happens that, after the tattoo on Sooyoung's left upper arm is done and Jeongguk has sterilized it and taken care of everything, they stay in the studio and talk.
And they talk a bit more and it is probably already around six and they are both obviously attracted to each other, so Sooyoung sends Jeongguk a cheeky grin and Jeongguk leans forward and kisses her on her plump, red lips.

They kiss and feel nothing but heat and arousal as Jeongguk moves his lips softly at first, then harder and faster and kisses Sooyoung breathless and pushes her until she's almost lying on the tattoo couch.

They can't do anything in here, not when a curtain is all that separates them from the counter front.
Jeongguk pulls away again, they both stare at each other a little out of breath.
"Not here," he whispers. Sooyoung understands, nods.
"How close do you live?" she whispers back.

"Pretty close. Doesn't matter, though, I have a car. Come on." Jeongguk grabs her hand and pulls her up. She giggles when he pretends to listen for strange noises at the curtain, then he pulls it open.
Namjoon is standing at the counter.
He turns around as soon as he hears Jeongguk's steps.

"Oh," he says, "Are you leaving?" Then, "Are you two leaving?"

"Is that okay with you?" Jeongguk asks.

Namjoon shrugs and nods. "Sure."

Jeongguk grins at him, then him and Sooyoung hurry through the shop and leave, Sooyoung clinging to Jeongguk's arm as if he was her lifeline.

They don't notice that Taehyung wasn't leaning against the counter anymore. Jeongguk doesn't ask himself why Taehyung wasn't lying on the couch.
He doesn't think about Taehyung and about dinner and about his lips.


It is a Saturday night and Yoongi is alone in the shop.
In the backroom, to be more precise. Minho is curled up in a ball right next to him, purring and sleeping.
Papers are spread on the table Yoongi is sitting at, some covered with little sketches and doodles that could've turned out as new tattoo motive ideas if Yoongi hadn't been feeling too unmotivated and mentally drained.

The fluorescent lights are too bright and hurt his eyes, he doesn't even know what time it is, and he should probably head home soon.
Yet, Yoongi stays and keeps trying to come up with good ideas.
He always feels the most inspired when he is at the tattoo shop. There is still a little bit of hope left in his mind that he will actually draw something tonight, and he knows that, if he went home now, he wouldn't come to any result at all.

His apartment is not inspiring at all.

Yoongi draws a little something in the corner of the paper right in front of him when the bell rings.

He freezes. Did he mishear something?
He glances at the clock – half past twelve. The shop is already closed.

Yoongi tabs his pencil against the table, his eyes lingering on the clock.


Just as a familiar, timid voice sounds Yoongi remembers; he forgot to turn around the sign again.
Then, he realizes that he has definitely just heard someone speak, so he gets up fast, startling Minho awake.
The cat lifts his head tiredly.

Yoongi leaves the backroom and glances at the door.

Park Jimin is standing there. He relaxes when he sees Yoongi.

"Jimin," Yoongi says, eyebrows raised, and walks around the corner. Jimin is breathing heavily, he notices.
"Sorry." Jimin holds his breath for a second.
"Excuse me, Yoongi hyung, I didn't mean to startle or disturb you."

He turns his head and looks outside, cranes his neck to look around the corner of the building. Yoongi narrows his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" he asks, "The shop is already clo –"

"I – can you maybe lock the door?"

Yoongi raises his eyebrows even more. "Why? What happened?"
He moves forward to the door, gets out his key; as Jimin fiddles with the sleeves of his jacket he locks the door.
"I think," Jimin takes a deep breath in, "I think someone's been following me."

"You think?"

"I know it. I know someone did." Jimin sighs.

Yoongi's jaw clenches. "Who? Did you know them?"

Jimin shakes his head quickly. "No. I – I went to a club today. With a few friends. But then I... wanted to leave early and go home because, I don't know, I wasn't really having fun. This guy must've noticed. He was kind of creepy and way older than me. Followed me and... talked to me, I guess. I ignored him, but I didn't want to take the same metro as him, and then I remembered that this place was pretty close. I came here hoping that someone would still be here."
He lowers his head.
Yoongi bites his lip. "You can stay here, it's okay."

Jimin smiles slightly. "Thank you."

"Didn't plan on leaving soon anyways."

Yoongi walks back to the backroom and Jimin follows him hesitantly. "Were you still working?" he asks as he spots the papers all over the table. Yoongi huffs.
"Not really. I tried, but I can't come up with anything." He collects the papers and stores them away in one of the many drawers of the small kitchen area (nothing fancy; a rice cooker, a microwave, a sink, a coffee machine, cupboards, drawers).

"Sit down. Do you want to drink something?" Yoongi asks, opening a cupboard. Jimin shakes his head. "I'm good, thanks."
He walks around the table and wants to sit down on the bench that is right in the corner, then he gasps.

Yoongi turns around so fast, he almost knocks down one of the glasses standing by the sink.

"You have a cat!" Jimin whisper-shouts excitedly.

Yoongi blinks. "We do, yeah."

Jimin sits down and starts running his fingers through the cat's fur.
"His name is Minho," Yoongi tells him. He sits down next to Jimin, watching him pet Minho.

"He is amazing. I love him."

Yoongi chuckles. They just sit there, then, don't talk. Jimin keeps petting Minho who looks more than comfortable and Yoongi watches Jimin's hand and his face.

He is wearing a bit more makeup today. His skin is flawless; there's a soft blush on his cheeks, and they are glowing.
His lips are coated with a glittery gloss. They look even pinker now, and they are shining under the fluorescent lights.
The bronze-colored eyeshadow on his lids is glittering as well and suits him beautifully, Yoongi thinks.

God, he realizes, Park Jimin is breathtaking.

His outfit consists of a white, short-sleeved shirt that says Baby in big, round and pink letters, tight black jeans, an oversized, distressed denim jacket and white converse.
Yoongi's gaze travels down to his thighs.


"It's warm in here," Jimin notices. He stops petting Minho and takes off his jacket.
"I love cats."

"I'm not surprised."

Jimin grins at Yoongi. "Yeah... I know. I have a cat myself. Her name is Mochi."


"I love rice cake." Jimin shrugs. Yoongi makes a mental note of that.

"Minho used to live on the streets. Namjoon – my colleague found him one day, but his landlord doesn't allow any pets, and Jeongguk and I don't feel capable of taking care of another living thing." They both chuckle.
"It's nice that you let him live here," Jimin says quietly. Yoongi smiles slightly.

"How long have you been working here?" Jimin asks. It is probably just to keep the conversation going, but Yoongi doesn't mind. He likes Jimin's voice, likes listening to it.

"Oh. Almost three years. I started this thing with Namjoon, actually."

Jimin looks at him with raised eyebrows and an impressed expression on his face.
"Really? At such a young age?" Yoongi nodded.

"Wow. And I'm still going to university." Jimin lets out a breathy laugh.
Minho gets up, stretches; then, he jumps down to the floor and leaves the room. Jimin and Yoongi look after him until he's disappeared around the corner.

"I've never gone to university," Yoongi mumbles, "It is good that you're going. 's a good thing. Makes everything easier that comes after."

Jimin purses his lips. "I'm a literature student," he says, as if that would contradict what Yoongi has just said.
"Really?" Yoongi asks.
"I thought you were more the art type. Or music, maybe. Dance is another option."
He tries to imagine Jimin reading poetry books and old, classic novels. Then he realizes it is actually not that absurd.

"I like books," Jimin says. He's staring at the wall, his eyes taking on a dreamy look.

"They make me happy. Allow me to dream. I like that. I like diving into a story and not wanting to let go."

Yoongi hums and nods. "I've never been that much of a reader, but I get what you mean."
Jimin turns his head and grins at him. "I can read you something, one day," he suggests, "My favorite books, maybe."

Yoongi presses his lips together. "I'd like that, I think."

"What do you like, hyung?" Jimin pulls his legs up to his chest and leans his head back.

Yoongi blinks. "Music," he says, "Tattoos. That's it, I guess."

"Music," Jimin repeats, "Yeah, you look like that."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing bad." Jimin chuckles. He closes his eyes shortly. "You look cool. You look passionate. Music fits, that's what I'm trying to say."

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment," Yoongi says. Jimin nods. "It is one."

His eyes travel down Yoongi's neck and his arms. "How many tattoos do you have?"

"Someone's being talkative, huh?" Yoongi teases. Jimin grins, scratches his elbow.
"I like talking, I guess," he says and looks down at his hands, "I'm sorry."

Yoongi doesn't mind. He prefers it over silence between them.

"I don't know how many I have, actually," he says, stretching his arms out and looking at them.
"My arms are full of them, as you can see. Have some on my neck, my hands... on my legs, chest as well. And one on my back. Everywhere."

Jimin reaches out. He halts right before his fingertips touch Yoongi's skin. "Can I?"

Yoongi can do nothing but wordlessly nod.

Jimin's fingers are cold. He feels goosebumps all over his body.
Jimin traces the outline of the anemone and the compass and the spider web and the skull, stops at the angel with the black, frayed wings. Then, his fingers leave Yoongi's arm and move up to his neck.
Yoongi inhales sharply.

"I like them," Jimin whispers as he runs his fingers down the word S U F F O C A T I N G that is tattooed top bottom on the right side of Yoongi's neck.
"Thank you," Yoongi breathes back.
Jimin halts, locks eyes with Yoongi. "Can I see the one on your back?"

Yoongi believes his heart stops beating for a second.

He doesn't say anything as he fiddles with the hem of his shirt and then takes it off and slowly turns around, so his back is facing Jimin. He can hear a quiet gasp from behind.
Namjoon tattooed the dagger that looks like it's digging into Yoongi's left shoulder blade a while ago.
It has to be one of Yoongi's favorites.
He had thought about it for a long time before asking Namjoon for help, and luckily, he hasn't regretted it up to this day.

Jimin stays quiet as he touches the tattoo and keeps his cold hand on Yoongi's hot skin for a while.
Then, he pulls his hand away again and Yoongi turns around, about to put his shirt back on when Jimin stops him by grabbing his wrist and stares at his chest and his stomach.
There are less tattoos on there, but Jimin keeps staring, as if he is seeing something that Yoongi keeps missing.

"Yeah," Yoongi says, just to break the silence, "I have quite a few tattoos."

He looks at Jimin, notices he is leaning in. He doesn't mind one bit, just keeps his eyes on his pretty, glossy lips. His own lips are parted slightly.
"I love them," Jimin whispers. His left hand is on Yoongi's shoulder, his right hand moves up to cup his cheek.

Yoongi catches Jimin's lips in a wet kiss. His eyes flutter shut; so does his mind.

Jimin breathes loudly as he moves his lips against Yoongi's and slowly, carefully climbs on his lap. Yoongi's hands find his hips to pull him closer until Jimin's body is pressed against Yoongi's half-naked one.

They kiss harder, faster. Yoongi moves them until Jimin is lying on the bench and he is hovering above him, kneeling between his legs.
They have to break the kiss to catch their breaths, but Jimin keeps Yoongi close by wrapping his arms around his neck and exhaling against his ear. Yoongi shivers as he plants kisses down Jimin's jawline and to his neck.

His left hand searches for Jimin's jacket that's still laying on the bench to throw it to the floor, so Jimin can lie down more comfortably.
A giggle escapes Jimin's lips when Yoongi accidentally pets his head as he tries to reach for the jacket. Yoongi glances up, finds it, throws it off the bench; presses his lips to Jimin's. Jimin gasps.

It is quiet around them, but Yoongi swears he hears an orchestra play when he grinds down and his middle meets Jimin's.

Jimin breaks their kiss and gasps again. His eyes are closed, his mouth hangs open.
Yoongi has to steady himself against the backrest so they don't fall off the bench.
"This is... uncomfortable, right?" he asks quietly. Jimin's eyes remain close, his hands run up and down Yoongi's spine.

"We'll make it work," he manages to say. He moves his hips against Yoongi's again and again, and pulls Yoongi down into another, sloppy kiss.
All that Yoongi can think about then is how he is going to ruin the pretty gloss on Jimin's lips.
He is going to ruin the gloss, and the beautiful glow of Jimin's cheeks, and his flawless skin and he is going to ruin Jimin.
He can't stop thinking about it, not when Jimin kisses him like that, not when their tongues are touching and fighting for dominance, not when Jimin is moaning into his mouth.

Yoongi can't get himself to stop.

His hands slip underneath Jimin's shirt and he caresses the soft, hot skin there. Jimin whimpers quietly when Yoongi presses his middle against his.
"How far do you want to take this?" Yoongi mumbles against his lips right when he is about to take Jimin's shirt off.
"I –" Jimin kisses him again, "I have protection. In the pocket of my jacket."

Yoongi wants to pull away, give Jimin an unbelieving look because that's how he is feeling right now; Jimin looks so, so innocent. Too innocent for that.
But he doesn't pull away, just presses his lips to Jimin's and then moves back, pulling Jimin's shirt off.
He doesn't even get the chance to look at him since Jimin is moving forward again to kiss him. Yoongi grunts.

"Come on," Jimin mumbles, "Come on come on." He tries to open Yoongi's pants. His hands are shaking.
"Wait." Yoongi pushes his hands away, kicks off his shoes and quickly takes off his pants then.
He manages to take a quick glance at Jimin; his narrow waist, his pretty stomach, the way his rips show when he is squirming under Yoongi's gaze.
He has a belly button piercing. Yoongi's mouth waters.

"Fuck," he hisses, "You didn't tell me about that one." He leans down and presses kisses to Jimin's bare chest and down to his belly button.
His tongue licks the piercing and then he takes it between his teeth, pulls it. Jimin lets out a breathy moan.
Yoongi's hand travels up to Jimin crotch, palming him through his tight jeans as he continues to pepper his stomach with kisses.

"Hyung," Jimin whines. "They're too tight. Take them off, please, pretty please..."

Yoongi glances at Jimin. His cheeks are flushed. He looks so aroused, it sends a shiver down Yoongi's spine.
Yoongi opens Jimin's pants, takes them and his shoes off as fast as possible.
They're both only in their boxers then.
Yoongi can see Jimin's erection pressing against the fabric of his boxers. It does something to him; something inexplainable.

"Touch me," Jimin whines, "Please, please, hyung... I –" He squirms.
Yoongi can only stare at him, wide-eyed. Jimin's so, so sensitive, he's never met someone like that, has never been intimate with someone like Jimin.

And God, Yoongi is intrigued by it.

"It's okay," he whispers, kisses Jimin through his boxers.
"I'm going to take care of you."

He doesn't know why he's said that; he doesn't feel weird, though. It feels just right.
"God," Jimin pants. His fingers tangle in Yoongi's hair. "God, hurry up please."
Yoongi can feel Jimin's erection growing, and he himself is getting harder with every new touch.
"Okay," Yoongi mumbles, pulling Jimin's boxers off and then, right after, his own. He throws both to the ground before crawling between Jimin's spread legs again and leaning over him.

"You've got protection?" he makes sure and Jimin nods.

"Yeah. My jacket pockets."
Yoongi eyes Jimin up and down.
There is so much going through his mind at that exact moment and Yoongi wishes he could put it into words.
But it's not that easy, and he knows that. There is one thing though that he believes sums everything up quite well: Park Jimin is beautiful.

"Jacket," Yoongi breathes. He blinks and nods. "Jacket..."

Yoongi leans down a bit clumsily, almost falls off the bench. Jimin laughs, grabs his shoulders to prevent just that.
Yoongi gulps and grabs the jacket, then fishes the condom out the pocket.
Jimin immediately takes it from him and opens it. Yoongi notices that his hands are shaking a bit.

After a few seconds of struggling, Jimin manages to open the package and sits up. He grabs Yoongi's cock, moves his hand up and down two times until it's fully hard, then he rolls the condom over it.
Yoongi hisses at the touch.

Jimin lies down again and spreads his legs, Yoongi kneels between them and lingers above him. His right hand is on Jimin's hip, his left one braced right next to Jimin's head.
"Ready?" Yoongi asks, "Do you need prep –"

"I'm okay," Jimin interrupts him, shifting around nervously, "I'll be alright. Just... try not to go too fast, yeah?"

Yoongi opens his mouth, but other than a few stuttered noises nothing passes his lips.
He leans down and kisses Jimin, then he wraps one arm around his waist to lift him up a bit and aligns himself just right.

He pushes in. Jimin whines.

"Oh," he gasps, "Oh my God."

Yoongi inhales sharply as he tries his best not to move too fast. It's not hard for him, he simply has no idea how much time Jimin takes, but, with a look at his contorted face, Yoongi can only guess that he still needs a moment.

"It'll be okay in a few seconds," Yoongi promises and kisses Jimin on his forehead, then the corners of his eyes, kisses away the tears that have formed.
Jimin's left leg trembles, his hands frantically run up and down Yoongi's back, desperate to find something to hold onto.

"Move," he suddenly presses. Yoongi obliges almost immediately. He squeezes his eyes shut as he starts moving slowly at first, then he gasps and buries his head in Jimin's neck.
Although everything inside of him screams at him to go faster, his mind is telling him to wait, wait, wait, until Jimin tells him it's okay.

A moan slips past Jimin's lips. "Hyung, you –" he whimpers, "It feels good."

"Talk to me," Yoongi breathes, "Talk to me, Jimin."

"Go faster."

Yoongi quickens his pace, tightens his hold on Jimin's waist. He kisses Jimin's neck, nibbles and sucks at the soft skin.
Jimin wraps his arms around Yoongi's neck and arches his back.

"Faster," he whimpers breathlessly, "Oh my – go faster, please, please."

Yoongi's breath quickens, he starts thrusting in and out even harder, goes deeper, and suddenly, Jimin lets out a noise that is probably the most incredible thing Yoongi's ever heard in his entire life.

He whines and moans at the same time, raggedly, and throws his head back.

"There, right there, please," he stammers.

He spreads his legs even farther and rests one of them on top of the table, he looks so desperate, so aroused and so needy.
Yoongi feels something build up in his stomach, something intense and tightening.
He hits that spot inside of Jimin again and again until all that Jimin can do is lay there, slack-jawed and with closed eyes.

"You're so beautiful," Yoongi grunts, and he means it. He means it.

"You're so beautiful like this, so pretty for me."

"I'm going to come," Jimin whimpers.

Yoongi feels similar, so he quickens his pace even more, goes deeper, deeper, faster, harder, deeper, grunts at the exhaustion that starts to wash over him, and wraps a hand around Jimin's cock, stroking him fast.

"Come on, come on..."

Jimin moans loudly and arches his back when he comes all over his stomach and Yoongi's hand, then his whole body starts trembling.
Yoongi comes right after him, the sight of Jimin's face and Jimin's hole clenching around him just being too much.
His eyes are closed as he slows down his movements and eventually just collapses on top of Jimin. Both of them breathe heavily; Yoongi can feel Jimin's heart beat fast.

When he opens his eyes again, he notices Jimin is staring at him.
"Huh?" he asks. Jimin smiles and shrugs. His cheeks are flushed, sweat beads cover his forehead and his fingers are tangled in Yoongi's hair.

"Nothing." Jimin looks up at the ceiling.

"This just... this felt good. Really good. I don't regret it."

Yoongi kisses Jimin's chest. "I'm glad."

A wave of fatigue hits him then. It's in the middle of the night and all he wants to do is to sleep, but then again, he wishes he could just stay here.

"I didn't think this is how my night would end," Jimin giggles. Yoongi hums. "I don't mind the outcome," he mumbles against Jimin's skin.
"Just come over anytime, and we can do it again."

Once he has said these words he realizes the weight of them. But he doesn't move, doesn't act surprised, doesn't try to correct himself. Just lets it be. He doesn't know why.

"I'd like that," Jimin whispers. He cups Yoongi's cheeks and pulls his head up; then, he kisses him softly.
"Okay." Yoongi kisses him again.
Once they break apart, he keeps his eyes locked with Jimin's for a moment before sitting up and grabbing his shirt that's lying on the ground. Then, he wipes the cum of Jimin's stomach and his own and his hand. He throws the shirt away again with a grin at Jimin and pulls off the condom, then knotting it and getting up.

"It's already late," he says. Jimin sits up, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah," he replies, "I think I'm going to head home now."
Yoongi nods. "Me too. I can drop you off at home if you want."

Jimin glances at him. "Okay," he says, "Sure, why not."

And Yoongi can only do so much as smile at him.


Namjoon realizes that there is something odd about Yoongi the next day.
"Okay," he starts, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Yoongi looks up at him in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"Why are you so..." Namjoon huffs and lifts his arms, then drops them again, "So happy? I know you've been at the shop until late yesterday, you can't have gotten that much sleep. And usually, that makes you unbearable. What happened?"

Yoongi looks away. He doesn't think he wants to talk to Namjoon about his sex life.

"Can't I be in a good mood for once?" he asks in return. Namjoon raises his eyebrows.

"Sure. Just thought it was weird." He leaves Yoongi alone after that.
Yoongi grins.


"No way."

Jimin giggles. "Yes way."

"No way. No way did you do that."

"Yes, I did. Yesterday. I left the club early, remember?"

He hears his friend, Seokjin, sigh. The grin on his lips grows and he starts nibbling at the sleeve of his white sweater.

"Park Jimin, you're full of surprises."

Jimin's bus arrives. "I'm not." He enters.
"Kind of. You look like a baby."
"Hyung, stop," Jimin whines. He leans his head against the cool window. It's a sunny day, the sky is blue, the streets are busy. He smiles.

"So how does he look like?"

"I already told you," Jimin mumbles.

"Tell me again, then."

"Fine." Jimin sighs. "Uh, bleached hair? Kind of messy... Many tattoos and a lip piercing. Dark clothes, usually –"

"Oh my God," Seokjin gasps, "Jiminie got himself an emo!"

"Stop it, hyung," Jimin hissed, "He's not – not like that. You have to see him, I can't really explain it."
"Fine," Seokjin says, "Take me to that shop one day. I'm even getting a tattoo, for all I care."

"You wouldn't do that."

"Correct, I wouldn't, I just want to see your little punk boyfriend."

"Seokjin!" Jimin groans, "Stop it! He is not my boyfriend, we just – we had sex, yeah? That's all. Nothing more."
"What was his name again?"

Jimin worries his bottom lip and hesitates. "Yoongi."
He doesn't realize the huge smile on his lips until his cheeks hurt.

"His name is Yoongi."


Taehyung doesn't come on Friday.

Jeongguk waits and waits and then, he is busy, but he still waits, even while he is busy.
Taehyung doesn't show up, not even after Jeongguk texts him, 'Where are you?'
He wonders if it's desperate, his messages, but he is only worried, that's all. Taehyung and he were friends after all, right?

To Jeongguk, it was already weird when Taehyung had just disappeared a few days prior, without even saying goodbye, and although they still wanted to get dinner.
Sure, there had been the thing with Sooyoung, but Jeongguk had returned to the tattoo shop right after and Taehyung had been gone.
When Jeongguk asked Namjoon, he said that Taehyung hadn't felt good and had decided to go home.

Ever since then, it has been quiet. Jeongguk has tried to call Taehyung and texted him a few times, but there was no response.

"You look grumpy," Yoongi notices. Jeongguk hums. "I do?"

"You've been wearing that frown all day long. Is it because Taehyung's not here?"

"I don't care if Taehyung's here or not."

"Wow," Yoongi says and raises his eyebrows, "You care a fucking lot, that's what I'd say."

"Shut the fuck up."

"No need to get all defensive," Yoongi murmurs, hands raised, "It's okay. You two are friends. I get it."

Jeongguk sighs and rubs his eyes. "Sorry," he says, "I'm a bit stressed."
Yoongi cocks his head to the right. "About?"
Jeongguk hesitates. "About Taehyung not responding to both my messages and my calls," he tells him. A costumer enters.
"Huh. And you're worried," Yoongi concludes and Jeongguk nods.
"Maybe go to his place, then. You know where he lives, right?" Jeongguk nods again.

He has already thought about going to Taehyung's place before, but he isn't sure if that's not too much. Maybe nothing bad happened and Taehyung would think it's weird that Jeongguk is stressing so much. Maybe he is just too busy at the moment.

Jeongguk sighs, then he smiles at the man in front of him. "Can I help you?"

"I made an appointment for a tattoo," he says, "I talked to Yoongi, I think."

"That'd be me," Yoongi says, raising one hand, "The studio is right over there."

He waits until the costumer has walked away from them, then he leans close to Jeongguk's ear and quietly says, "You're friends. Go to his place, check on him. Oh, and –" He furrows his brows and thinks for a moment. Jeongguk squints his eyes.


"Do you know a flower shop called Local Flower Meadow?"

Jeongguk nods hesitantly. "I guess... It's close to that one bakery you used to like so much. Remember?"

Yoongi thinks. Then, suddenly, his eyes widen, and he nods. "Oh, yeah, I remember. Thanks."
And with that, he turns around and hurries after his costumer.

Strange, Jeongguk thinks, Yoongi and flowers. An odd combination.


He does end up going to Taehyung's place.

He almost didn't, but now he is standing at the front door, searching for the right bell.

Taehyung lives in an apartment complex together with his roommate in a house that's full of students. The apartments are cheap, the location is close to the city center and the university and the whole building is in an acceptable condition. Taehyung's really lucky.

A crackle sounds, then a, "Hello?" That's undoubtedly Taehyung.
"Hey," Jeongguk responds and steps closer to the intercom, "It's – It's Jeongguk."
Taehyung is quiet for a moment.
"What do you want?"
Jeongguk raises his eyebrows at the annoyed tone of Taehyung's voice.

"I wanted to check on you," he says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"You didn't answer my calls and my texts. And –" He taps his fingers against his thigh.
"You weren't there today. At the tattoo shop."

Taehyung's breathing is all that Jeongguk can hear for a few moments.

"Oh," Taehyung says then, "Right. My phone died, and my charger is broken. I didn't have time to go buy a new one, sorry."

"It's okay," Jeongguk says, "Just wanted to see if you're alright." He looks down at his feet.
"Do you mind if I come up?"

Jeongguk's been at Taehyung's place before, more than once. There is nothing weird about his question.
But it is weird that all Taehyung does after this is hang up. No response, nothing.

Jeongguk is about to walk away when the door buzzes. He winces, turns around and pushes it open.
There is no elevator in the building, but luckily, Taehyung does not live on the sixth floor.
It's only the fourth, and Jeongguk chuckles to himself as he starts making his way upstairs.

Taehyung is already waiting at the door of his apartment.
He is wearing a black and olive-green zip up hoodie and black sweatpants.
His brown hair is tousled, he looks something between annoyed and tired.

"Hey," Jeongguk says after Taehyung lets him enter.
Taehyung just nods and closes the door.
The apartment is a bit messier than usual, Jeongguk notices, but nothing too bad. One of the jalousies in the living room is down and Taehyung's easel is in there. His paint tubes and brushes lie spread on the table and some even on the floor.
But other than that, it is normal.

"So you have been busy," he says, still looking around curiously.

Taehyung frowns. "What do you think I've been doing? Relaxing?"

Jeongguk shakes his head. "No. That's not what I meant."
They walk into the living room.
"What do you want?" Taehyung asks. He doesn't sound rude though, rather calm.
"You weren't responding to any calls or messages," Jeongguk tells him again, "You didn't show up like you usually do. I was just a bit –" He almost says worried and he doesn't know what stops him from doing so. Taehyung glances at him and Jeongguk looks at his lips.

"I thought something had happened. I thought you were mad at me."

Jeongguk is surprised when Taehyung's gaze softens.
"Sorry," he mumbles and rubs his eyes, "I had some stuff to do for university and... I don't know. It's getting harder, exams are coming up soon and I just want to make it, you know?"
Jeongguk nods. He knows.

"And my phone died," he repeats from earlier, "I would've responded but... yeah. Sorry for worrying you." There's a small smile on Taehyung's lips that keeps Jeongguk from disagreeing with him that no, he did not worry about him.
"Yeah," he says instead, "I get it. It's fine."

He looks over at the easel, at the canvas. The painting is not yet done.
Red, orange, blue brushstrokes. That's all that Jeongguk can recognize.
He doesn't ask about it, though. Instead, he asks, "How about we get dinner now?"
Taehyung crosses his arms and leans against the table. He slowly starts to nod.
"Yeah," he mumbles, "Okay, let's do that."
Jeongguk glances at him. "Alright," he whispers.

They're friends. It is okay to get dinner with them, with friends. And Taehyung looks like he is in desperate need of food and any kind of human interaction, and Jeongguk starts to wonder how much time Taehyung has actually spend locked in his apartment. Then he figures that he doesn't want to know.

Taehyung has to get ready after that, leaving Jeongguk in the living room, alone.

Luckily, Jeongguk doesn't have to wait for too long, and he spends his time leaning against the table and staring at the paint-splattered canvas across the room.

He spends his time staring at the painting and listening to the repetitive buzzing of Taehyung's phone on the table when his roommate calls him.
It buzzes and buzzes and keeps buzzing, it just keeps going, and Jeongguk wants it to stop, he wants to lean over the table and reject the call, but he just stares at the phone until the caller gives up and stops trying. Only then does Jeongguk catch a glimpse at the status bar, at the battery percentage that reads 84%.

Taehyung returns, wearing a dark green, old-looking sweater and black pants. He smiles.
"We can go," he says.
Jeongguk looks at him, moving his tongue and pressing it against the inside of his cheek.

"Someone just called you. Your roommate, I think," Jeongguk says, pointing back at the phone.
Taehyung's smile disappears and slowly, the realization starts to sink in.

"I don't think you should make him wait for too long, huh?" Jeongguk huffs, then he pushes himself off the table and walks past Taehyung.

"Come on, let's get dinner!" Jeongguk says loudly and energetically opens the door.
Taehyung stands there for another moment, frozen still, then he turns around and blinks.
"Yeah, right," he says, "Dinner."

They leave, and neither of them brings up the phone call again.
Jeongguk wishes Taehyung would, he wishes Taehyung would apologize and explain why he ignored him and then even lied to him, but he doesn't push it.
Taehyung will have his reason, he tells himself, so he keeps his feelings and thoughts to himself.

They enter his car, fasten their seatbelts, and Taehyung props his feet up on the dashboard.

Jeongguk halts.

"Don't do that," he says, starting the engine, "It'll get the dashboard dirty."
At first, he thinks Taehyung hasn't heard him. But then, slowly, Taehyung pulls his feet down again. He stares at Jeongguk, yet doesn't say anything.

They drive in silence.


Yoongi doesn't know how he ends up standing in front of the Local Flower Meadow.

He's there, suddenly, at five in the afternoon on his day off.
The sign above the shop is white, the letters of the name are pink and in italics and round.
The shop itself doesn't seem to be huge, and from the outside it looks almost invisible in between all the other stores and cafés and restaurants with the bright neon signs and the colorful windows and the music that blasts and that Yoongi can hear even on the street, outside.

Then, Yoongi sees Jimin there, watering some flowers. Yoongi sees his pink hair and salmon-colored shirt and the apron he is wearing and the light blue pants.

A small bell rings when he enters the shop. Jimin looks up; his eyes widen when he sees Yoongi.
He sets down the watering can and wipes his hands on his apron before walking over to him.

"Hey," he says, "What're you doing here?"

Yoongi looks around. The back of the shop is pretty dark and there are no lights turned on. The sunlight from outside is the only source of illumination.
"Hey," Yoongi says. His eyes linger on the flowers Jimin has just watered.
"I, uh – I just wanted to come by."

"Decided to change your aesthetic a little bit?" Jimin asks with a grin that turns his eyes into crescents.

"Yeah," Yoongi chuckles, "Exactly. We're into pink now." Then, he shakes his head.
"No, I just wanted to... see where you're working at."

Jimin raised his eyebrows. "And...?"
Yoongi shifts uncomfortably.
"Maybe... wanted to ask for your number," he mumbles. He reaches out and touches one of the flowers that's closest to him.
Jimin looks surprised. But he smiles.
"My number?" he asks. Yoongi nods.

He takes a crinkled piece of paper and a pen out of the pocket of his apron, then he raises his knee a little and lays the paper on top of his knee, quickly writes down his number, then adds a small Jimin ^.^ underneath.
He gives the piece of paper to Yoongi.

"Here. Just text me later, okay?"

Yoongi nods quietly.

"Anything else?"

Yoongi looks up. "Yeah," he says, "Do you happen to have anemones?"

And Jimin smiles.

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