Every Ninja needs a Geisha (A...

By Jaylee_CJ

58.7K 1.8K 274

A 15 year old named 'Erica Avery Perry' is just your typical New Yorker gal, Partier, Tuff, Strong, got a lit... More

Chapter 1: Erica
Chapter 2: Brothers will always Bother the others
Chapter 3: Party People, or should I say...Party animals
Chapter 4: New Friends, New enemys.
Chapter 5: Kitty kitty
Chapter 6: New Feelings.
Chapter 7: Little Things
Chapter 8:: Taken: Part One
Chapter 9:: Taken: Part Two
Chapter 10:: Taken: Part Three
Chapter 11:: Taken: Part Four
Chapter 12: Last Night
Chapter 13: Meh, The Day After.
Chapter 14: Questions
Chapter 15: Moment O_O
Chapter 16: New Students
Chapter 18: Geez I'm sorry! Okay?
Chapter 19: Oh Boy, This is Complicated
Chapter 20: What Are Friends For?
Chapter 21:: Mission P.1
Chapter 22: This Is Very Stressful Y'know!
Chapter 23: The Feels
Chapter 24: Deception
Chapter 25: WHAT!?!?!
Chapter 26: The Finale pt. 1
One Year Anniversary
Chapter 27: The Finale pt. 2
Chapter 28: Raphica, I guess?
ENNAG Epilogue
9 years

Chapter 17: Geez I'm sorry! Okay?

1.5K 42 7
By Jaylee_CJ

What? What did he mean? The power has been in me the entire time? As in, I can be a cat if I wanted to? Then why hasn't it happened yet? But Sam could possibly be right, I've discovered alot about me in the past 2 or so months. One, it's possible to turn into a mutant freak, two, Turtles can talk when they're covered in mutagen, 3, you can have a crush on a turtle, 4, I have the weirdest life ever. Oh, that's not all. I can name a thousand more things I've discovered but those are the basics.

I have no idea where Sam went now, I don't even know if he's lost. He likely is unless he can use his cat nose in his human form. One thing I know is I need to be a cat, I need to try, I don't have that much patience! Considering the fact my heart beets twice as fast when I turn into a cat, so my patience runs low. Yeah that made no sense. UGH I'M TERRIBLE AT EXCUSES!!!

I walked into class and took my usual seet in the back. I kinda wish April was in this class, or atleast Avery, Jenny or Trixie. I wonder what's going on today with the Kraang's decoding. I mean it was a pretty huge stack of papers! Not to mention the font size was like 8! That's like 7'000 letters per page!

Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. My ears perked and I made that little 'Pureh!' noise, you know when you surprise cats? And I immediately turned around and saw the guy I was least expecting.


Oh no...the party...the humiliation...his arrogance....

“U-uh c-can I help yoouu?" I asked in a nervous tone trying to hide it. I don't think I did very well. “Yes, didn't you hear Ms. Weevil? Your my partner now." Bryan cockily told me. He sloppily pulled out the chair on my left and sat in it. I looked down at my desk. Boy this is awkward...I mean the thing that happened was so awkward, but I'm totally over him!

“Hey Erica?" Brydan asked awkwardly. Well atleast he broke the even more awkward silence. “Yes?" I asked confidently. “I'm sorry for what I did last month, I was being REALLY childish, do you think you could ever forgive me?" Brydan asked me. I blinked twice.

Since when does a jerk like him have consideration for anyone who is below him? He's obviously trying to hurt me again! “Yeah, well, whatever." I retorted. I heard him deeply sigh.

“Erica! Brydan! Please stop jabbering on and listen to the presentation please!" Ms. Weevil snapped at us. I rolled my eyes and rested my chin on my hand with an unamused look on my face and sighed outwards. This was gonna be a long class, even though every class is an hour and a half...oh I just ruined the perfect ending to that paragraph! Whatever.


As soon as that annoying class ended I ran out like I've been locked up in prison for years. Brydan made it worse by trying to make conversations about Ms. Evil in class, but now it's time for Biology. I guess I'll be talking to April. I sighed. This is my last attempt! This has been going on for too long now! She's gonna have to forgive sometime soon or I'm gonna lose it!

“Heeyyy Ererrrr!" Trixie popped next to my side making me jump. She slung her arm over my shoulder. “Trixie, never call me that. EVER. AGAIN." I panted taking her arm off of me.

“Sorry; Erica." Trixie sadly replied. I sighed once again. “No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't of snapped at you like that, I'm just in a bad mood." I said. Trixie gave me a sympathetic smile. “What's wrong? You've been kind of distant with me lately." Trixie asked. I shook my head. “Nothing, I'm fine, just stressed, you know with all the studying of Highschool..." I lied. Trixie stopped. This is my class, I-I'll talk to you later." Trixie stammered and skipped into her class. It really hurt to lie to Trixie, but I can't tell Trixie the truth! She'd either, A. get furious at me for not telling her, B. think I'm insane and tell the school's psychologist, or C. Tell Alicia and everyone would find out. Well actually, she never really ever gets mad at me. Come to think of it, the longest fight we've ever gotten into lasted only a day and that was when we were 10! I think... Also, Trixie would definitely never ever think I was lying about that, and even she was, SHE'S WAY TO CRAZY TO GO TO THE PSYCHOLOGIST! She thinks they're lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating people who ruin your happiness. Yeah her parents tried to get her into counseling...And she would never tell anyone my secret as big as big as that! Her secret keeping ranges from keeping a secret about sticking a piece of gum under a desk to murder! Even someone as close to Trixie as Alicia, she still wouldn't say anything...UGH! WHY AM I GIVING MYSELF REASONS TO TELL HER! Ughhh my life is so complicated. Oh look! There's Jenny!

“Hey Jenny!" I yelled as I ran next to her. “Hi Erica." Jenny said. “What class are you going to next?" Jenny flipped through her schedule and her eyes lit up. “I'm going to Biology 312." Jenny replied. “OMG ME TOO!" I laughed. We high fived eachother as we neared the class. Oh, and there she is, April, walking in all confident with her friend I can't remember the name of. Wow I sound so shallow. “Do you know April O'Neil?" I asked Jenny. “No, why?" Jenny asked me. “No reason." I replied.

Her and I walked into class and she looked for a place to sit since there were two seats filled next to my usual seat. Jenny pulled her sweater over her head and pointed to two empty seats in the corner, in the corner of the front row near the windows. We walked over to the seats, all eyes on us with the occasional “Hi! Are you new here?" and “I feel bad for that goth girl, having to be with her." Well then!

“Try to ignore the people here." I whispered to her in our seats. Jenny smiled. I turned my head to the front of the class to pay attention, and I swear I thought I saw Jenny roll her eyes at me. Probably at the people giving me a dirty look, but whatever. Mrs. Winston stood in front of my desk, tapping her fingers rapidly with a smirk on her face.

“Can I help you?" I asked. “Your homework." Mrs. Winston said a-matter-of-factly. I have to admit, she is actually a really cool teacher. Sometimes she was serious to me, sometimes I was to her, but Mrs. Winston always helped me out either way.

I pulled out my folder and took out the two pages of homework she assigned me. Mrs. Winston smiled at me and walked to the front of the class to quickly check it over.

In that breif ten seconds of the eyes off the new girl and nobody I scanned the room for April. She sat in the way back near a stack of books all by herself. I then scanned the room for Kasey. He wasn't around either. That's weird.

Just as the teacher stood up, Kasey Jones bursted into the class. Jenny jumped a little and I giggled. “Care to explain?" Mrs. Winston asked annoyed. “Uhhh I was- well- uh I mmmh hmm I-" Kasey repeated. “Oh gosh." April face Palmed herself.

“Get to a seat." Ms. Winston sighed and shut the door behind Kasey. He went to the back and likely sat next to April but I felt to awkward to look at the back of the class again. “Well then!" Ms. Winston clapped her hands once. “Shall we begin?" Mrs. Winston asked and went back to the front of the class.





Question of the day: What is your top 3 favorite TMNT books (not including mine :3) Mine is Four Witch Sisters and TMNT, I knew you were  trouble, and drum role please... TMMT TEH NEXT GENERATION! I even made them a cover :3


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