Recovery // Seth Rollins

By cjleighwrites

127K 2.2K 276

"Do you fear me?" "No, I fear loving you" Caitey Gillon has the opportunity that some could on dream of and... More

- important -
Seqeul is up


1.9K 40 3
By cjleighwrites

"So the reason I've gained weight isn't from the potato" I paused, pulling the belt from behind my back. "It's because there's a mini champion on the way" I said as I wrapped the belt around my stomach.

Colby's mouth fell open as he looked from my face to my stomach.

"Are you- you're" he stuttered, reaching out to touch the belt that matched his. I saw a flash go off and knew that the moment he touched the belt was captured.

"I'm pregnant" I whispered.

My breath hitched in my throat as I nervously looked at Colby for an answer. He seemed in shock has eyes kept flicking between the two belts. I knew that Jon and Joe were standing behind the door, I could hear Joe telling Jon to shut up.

"C-Colby?" He had to say something.

His fighters ran over the two belts once again before finally looking up at me. "Is it mine?" He whispered.

My eyes widened and part of me wanted to slap him. "Of course" I said without trying to sound hurt.

"We're having a baby" he whispered again. Okay, they weren't joking when they said baby steps.

I grabbed his hands, "yes Colby, were having a baby."

His face lit up and touched the belt one more time before pulling me into his arms and twirling me in the air.

"Were having a baby!" He yelled as he spun me around. Jon took this moment to open the door and join in.

"A shield baby?!"

Colby sat me down on my feet, but kept hold of me. "Yes, ambrose, There's a mini Rollins on the way."

"Rollins? Who said it was a mini you?" Jon asked with his arms crossed.

"Me" Colby replied simply and shrugging.

For once I didn't care about the small crowd that gathered. Colby hoisted me into the air once more, letting the photographer take as many photos as they wanted. I'm sure there would be one in there for an announcement photo.

"I can't believe there's a mini champion in there" Colby whispered into my ear as he held onto me tightly. "Let's get you back to the hotel, fed, and to bed" he declared as he placed me back on my feet. And just like that, old Colby was back.

"You should name it Dean" Jon said as we walked into the car park.

Colby shook his head, "no way am I naming my son after you."

Jon scoffed, flipping his hair. "Who even said it was a boy, Rollins?"

I giggled at the Ambrollins interaction, opening the boot to put my bag in.

"No" Colby growled from behind me, dropping his bags and picking up mine.

"I can pick up a bag Colby" I sighed.

"No, no heavy lifting."

I huffed as there was no point arguing with him. I sat in the passenger seat of Colby's car and waited for him to finish his little session with Jon.

"For your information ambrose, it is a boy, I know this" Colby stated, shutting the boot. Jon laughed at him, raising his hands in defeat.

"Whatever you say" he said before getting in the car with Joe.

Colby got in the driver seat, but didn't start the car. "My mum wants to meet you" he said quietly.

Oh god, not parents.

"Oh" I said quietly, fiddling with my hands.

"Not for a while though, but we should probably tell them about the pregnancy before you start showing." I nodded and we drove in silence.

Colby had taken my announcement pretty well, but there was something in his eye that said he wasn't as happy as he made out he was. He was keeping something from me. I just hoped that it was my mind playing tricks on me. My mind was saying that there was someone else whilst I was finishing my degree, but my heart just said that he was shocked. If Colby had been with someone else whilst I was still back home, that would be the end of us. I would be on the first flight back home. I would raise this baby on my own.

For the sake of the baby, I hoped my mind wasn't right.

"What are you thinking about?" Colby asked, sitting behind me, his hair still wet from his shower. I didn't even hear him get out of the shower.

"Oh nothing, just thinking about the baby"'I said, running my stomach. Rubbing my stomach had become my comfort mechanism as oppose to bubble baths and moscato.

Colby sighed. "I know when you're lying" he whispered, kissing my neck.


"It's just, I'm still settling in."

"You'll get used to it babe, the road takes some getting used too" he kissed me again.

Now's the perfect time to ask him what he did whilst I wasn't here.

"So what did you do whilst I was stuck in my room surrounded by textbooks?" I tried I act as normal as possible, like I wasn't finishing to see if he cheated.

Colby looked down at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Well, I did shows, worked out, and spent most of time at black and brave, why?"

I shrugged, "just wondered if your life was more interesting than mine."

But Colby didn't buy it.

"C, just ask whatever it is you want to ask" he sighed, knowing what I was going to ask.

I bit my lip, wishing I didn't say anything. "Did you see anyone whilst I was back home?"
I asked so quietly I barely heard me ask it. Colby's arms tightened around me as he breathed deeply.

"No c, I didn't cheat."

I could feel the frown on his face as he buried it in my neck.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, feeling tears form in my eyes.

"Don't be, I kind of expected it" he admitted, kissing me neck again. "I was thinking the same thing if I'm being honest."

I looked back at him confused.

"I know you wouldn't, but I guess that's just what you do when your partners on the other side of the world." Colby connected our lips, not letting go of me.

"When we get back to Davenport, do you wanna come to black and brave with me?" I nodded and reconnected our lips.

I felt out of place as I walked into black and brave with Colby, hand in hand. All of Colby's students stared at me as we walked over to a bench near the ring.

"Sit down and relax" Colby kissed my cheek and went over to his awaiting students.

I did as Colby said, sat back and watched Colby train his students. It was a different side of Colby that I hadn't seen before. He was playful but serious. Watching Colby almost made me want to learn to wrestle, but I couldn't. I couldn't wait for our child to be old enough for Colby to start teaching him or her moves. No doubt, as soon as they can crawl he'll have them suicide diving into cushions.


I looked up to see Marek, Colby's business partner holding his hand out to me. I stood up, taking his hand noticing the whole gym had stopped and was looking at me. He lead me over to the ring and everyone went back to what they were doing, sort of. A stool was placed at the side of the ring and he motioned for me to get in.

Colby was in the middle of the ring waiting for me with a smirk on his face. What was going on?

"C" he greeted me, holding his hand out.

"Colby" I mocked taking his hand. I saw someone behind us with a camera, what was Colby doing?

"You know you're beautiful right?" He whispered, holding my hands.

"I know, you tell me nearly everyday" I laughed.

"No you really are" he said more serious. I giggled nervously.

"I love you so much, and I love you even more now that you're pregnant with my child."

Everyone had stopped and gathered around the ring.

Is he?

He lifted my left hand up, pulling off the promise ring, placing it on my right hand.

"Catalina" he breathed, getting down on one knee.

Oh my god.

"Will you marry me?" He held open a black ring box, with the biggest diamond I had seen inside.

"Y-yes!" I yelled, still in shock. Colby smirked and put the ring on my finger, picking me up and twirling me around.

"I love you so much" he said in between kisses.

"I love you too."

I re wrote this chapter three times because I just couldn't let Colby cheat.

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