Psychotic interests *Finished...

بواسطة 6Tim_Wright9

8.2K 275 111

This job was starting to wear on you, being a Pyro you loved it so much, but when you forgot your medications... المزيد

Chapter 1 Mental Relapse
Chapter 2 Self Control
Chapter 3 Strip Poker Night!
Chapter 4 The Voices
Chapter 5 Burning Passion
Chapter 6 Another Week
Chapter 7 The Other Medic
Chapter 8 No More Serects
Chapter 10 Declaration Of Love
A Little Bonus For Chapter 10!
Chapter 11 Snowy Vacation
Chapter 12 Snow Covered Flame
Bonus Chapter (1) New Friend
Bonus Chapter (2) OKTOBERFEST!

Chapter 9 Figuring It Out

339 13 7
بواسطة 6Tim_Wright9

Your Pov

My head hurts... I sigh tossing and turning in my bed. I have no idea what time it is, but Solider wasn't up yet so it was somewhere before 5. You did something. I know. What did you do with the Blu Medic? I don't know! I groan sitting up rubbing my head. What could I have done? Something bad. Naughty maybe~? I whine. Maybe I did.. But how would Medic be able to tell that I did something? It's not like I meant to... At least not my conscious self. I kept talking with them to try and get some Idea of what I could've done. Maybe you Fucked him? No. That is a possibility you know. No I couldn't have! He's- Doesn't mater, you could've seen him as our own little medic at that time~ I groaned rubbing my temples. She has a point... then maybe you didn't exactly have sex with him, but you could've done something close to it... "No..." Yes. "No." Yes! "I SAID NO!"

I nearly jumped off my bed when my door was slammed open. Medic, Scout, Soldier, Spy and Heavy were all standing there...I'm sure Demo, Sniper and Engie were there too, but I couldn't quiet see them. Everyone looked concerned and heavily confused. I was talking out loud while arguing this time... "Pyro are you alright?" Spy asked trying to get an answer for whatever they heard me saying.

"Y-yeah...." I nod. I supposed that was a good enough answer for them to leave, because that's just what they did, leaving me alone. Where they already up or was I screaming? I sigh getting ready for the day. No matter what everyone was up so it was time to start the day properly, even if those two kept talking in my ear, trying to help. This is why I don't want you help... You work me into a frenzy some times... But not always. We're getting close. Not soon enough, let me just try to get close to medic myself. Oh fine, we'll keep quiet while we work. Well...It was some kind of compromise.

---(Time skip provided by the Afterburnner)---

I did my best to avoid everyone today, I even went and took my breakfast to my room to eat. Of course everyone was trying to ask questions, I think. I just wanted to have time to think of what to say to Medic. In truth I couldn't think of anything. I could barely focus on eating. I didn't even remember how most of the day went, I assume we came out with more victories then Blu, because it seemed everyone was in good spirits. I don't even know if I blanked out or not. Whatever. I was back in my room, staring out the window looking a little birds that were flying around.

Your hurt. "No, I'm not. I would've gone to Medic if I was injured." I mumbled out. Just trust us and go see Medic. Something is broken, and we don't need to being to week to do anything. "I'm not your little puppet." I growled. We know, but please go see him. Your getting a little loopy from losing blood. "No I said I'm-" JUST GO ALREADY. I huff and get up. The only way to keep them happy.

No one spotted me, so that was good. "Medic?" I called, tempted to rest my head against the door. I closed my eyes hearing foots steps, again my head was hurting, but it was from just being uncomfortable about this.

"Pyro?" That wasn't my Medic. "Kirsten, Geh weg von ihr!" That was my medic.. I looked finely and there was the Blu medic trying to back away from me. Well... I was going to try and pounce, but my Medic put himself in between Him and I. I was so confused especially when my Medic pulled me into his lab.

Why the hell was the Blu Medic here? I didn't have to wait long to get an answer "Before you ask, he's here helping mein vith Something zhat zee others don't know about." I just nod a little, he definitely didn't want me to tell anyone about it ether..."Now vhat do you need?" he asked in quiet a serious tone.

"Well, I.... um..." I mumbled. Well I didn't know what, they didn't say said was broken just that something was. He sighed telling me to go sit on the examination table, and said something to the Blu Medic. I just kept quiet, only answering whatever questions Medic asked.He had me take off my suit which I was fine with, even in fount of the Blu Medic.. I was wearing a shirt today along with not so short shorts. I kept an eye on him, and he stayed well away from me and my Medic.

"Does zis hurt?" Medic said pushing against my rips. I winced feeling a sharp pain once he pushed against me. I didn't have to say anything. It was oh so clear it hurt. Then I finely noticed a very clean cut in my shirt. Haha, my shirt was just the right shade of red that the blood only make the shirt look like it was a little wet. He lifted my shirt just enough to see the wound I had, and I couldn't see it. I could sort of feel him lightly touch it, I whinced again even though I was trying to hold still.

He mumbled something, before letting my shirt down. He looked over at the Blu Medic "Das ist deine handliche Arbeit, also warum reparierst du es nicht?" (This is your handy work, so why don't you fix it?) He said walking away from me. I titled my head watching him walk away.

"Ja, ja in Ordnung... " (Yes, yes alright...)The Blue Medic huffed, grabbing a few things... Was- Was he going to be the one to patch me up? I couldn't help, but growl a little. I'm sure he could hear me, he twitched a little when I started. I watched him carefully.. First sedatives, and after a few moments he started sewing the wound close. He was carefully trying to avoid eye contact with me.

What am I worried about? He's not going to do anything to me, not when I'm burning him with my gaze and my Medic in the same room... I sighed a little once he finished. At least this was over with. No it's not. WHY! He's cute isn't he? Shut up! They started giggling at me, and I knew my cheek were going red from how frustrated I was with them.

"Pyro?" I twitched looking at my Medic.

"Y-yes?" why am I stuttering?

"Are you alright Farulein?" I nodded. No I'm not alright, I can't control my own thoughts and the perverts inside my head. Again he looked at the Blu Medic saying something I couldn't understand. The Blu seemed to relax for some reason. I didn't like that. 

"You don't remember anything from today do you?" the blu asked. I titled my head a moment before nodding.

"Sollte ich derjenige sein, ser sie diese Fragen stellt?" (Should I be the one to ask her these questions?) What are they on about? My stomach was going in a knot waiting for whatever they were talking about.

"Ja, ich muss ihre Reaktionen sehen." (Yes, I need to see her reactions)

The blu sighed looking at me properly. He kept asking questions... They felt carefully worded for some reason. They're trying to figure out if you remember what you did. oh no.. Not oh no! Medic knows you act differently when you black out like that! He's just making sure you really weren't in control of yourself at the time. I mentally groaned, still trying to keep up with the questions I was being asked. Eventually the questions stopped and both Medic's talking for a few minutes.

Oh my head was hurting, listening to them and the voices in my head. It all hurt. So much. "Pyro." Finely. I perked up a little ready to hear whatever it was he had to say. Please let it be something good... But no. I get to hear just what I did with the Blu Medic.,no,no. I couldn't really think straight, just trying to keep myself still in my seat. Whatever he might've said or done after telling me all that, I wasn't paying attention to. I felt like I was gonna puke and my heat hurting didn't help much ether.....

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