Fire and Rain (You drive me i...

By crimsonn17

27.2K 407 67

A Bechloe Fanfic w/ a little bit of twist This is just a figure of my imagination don't hate me. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

3.3K 58 2
By crimsonn17

After eating Beca threw all the waist and Chloe washed the dishes they used.

Beca decided to take a shower to freshen up and also to ease up the heat she's feeling.

While Beca was taking a shower Chloe sat on her single couch and surfed her net. She has a big grin on her lips while scrolling on her instagram feed. She had a sudden thought and searched for Beca on instagram.

She immediately found the girls profile because of the "verified" icon. She kept on scrolling on Beca's posted photos being careful not to like any of the photos.

She put it of "list view" so she could just scroll down on the photos, She would smile on some of the photos of Beca and Emily, Sometimes with Stacie.

She stopped on one of the photos of Beca from a photoshoot where the girl is wearing nothing under a jacket and the girl is looking really hot for Chloe. She kept on scrolling on the photos and the further she check it the more sexy photos are showing with Beca's cleavage and with her Abs, Chloe is feeling a bit hot staring at the photos. As she heard the door from the bathroom open and closed she immediately locked her phone and waiting for Beca to surface, When the girl did. She was surprised to see the girl wearing just a jacket with No Bra and shirt but still wearing her black ripped pants, Just like how Beca looks on the photoshoot photos she just saw moments ago.

"Hey, Uh. I hope it's not wierd but, I kinda dropped my bra and shirt in there and they're wet, I have no more spare left. I wonder if you could let me borrow some? Just a shirt will be fine" Beca asked while looking at her holding her indeed wet shirt and bra.

"You don't need one" She whispered almost inaudible and gulped. She heard Beca chuckle which brought her back to her senses.

"Like what you see?" Beca asked in a husked voice that made Chloe gulped again. Beca started ealking towards her. She's starting to get nervous

"Uhh, Wha-what are you doing?" She asked stuttering

"Walking towards you" Beca answered. "You're looking really hot right now" Beca added. "You could've changed while I'm in there you know. But you decided to still wear your robe with nothing inside it, And I just want to be honest, I was able to caught a glimpse of what's inside, And I must say. Still looking the same way like what I've witnessed 3 months ago"

"Wha-what?.. Y-you.. S-stop" She tried making some sentences but she can't. "dammit" She said under her breath. Suddenly they were caught by a Beca's phone ringing and Beca immediately picked it up.

"Sup?" She said still looking at Chloe's eyes not bothering to greet whoever's on the other line

"Hi Becs! I'm home! Where are you? Will you be coming home?" She heard Emily say on the other line.

"Hey Em. Yes I will be. Give me 15 mins?" She answered still not breaking eye contact with Chloe, She did notice how Chloe's face dropped with what she said to Em, Which made her grin thinking that Chloe is disappointed that she's going

"Awesome! I already had dinner though. You need me to make you one?" Em asked

"No that's fine. I already Ate. Thanks tho! Don't wait for me okay?" She said

"Take care" Em said and they ended their call

She placed the phone on her back pocket and started zipping her jacket midway her body still showing her cleavage

"Sorry to disappoint you red, But I'm going" She said and picked up her shirt that she dropped on the floor earlier

"Huh? Oh errr. Y-yeah. Sh-shirt?" Chloe said stuttering and she cleared her throat before speaking again. "Do you still need me to get you a shirt?" She asked

"No, That's fine. I kinda figured that you like me this way so I should not wear Shirt whenever we see each other" Beca answered smiling widely which made Chloe blush

"Stop teasing" Chloe said

"I need to get going. Lock the door when I leave okay?" she advised and the redhead just nodded.


As Beca went out of the apartment Chloe came with her.

"I can go on my own you know, You don't have to walk me to my car" She said

"Well I want to" Chloe answered.

"Suit yourself" She said and placed her hands on the pocket of her jacket. Chloe stared at her for a sec before talking.

"Don't you want to wear a shirt under that?"

"Well I want to but I'm trying to impress a certain redhead with my body" She answered smirking anf Chloe just smiled.

"You don't have to. She's already impressed since the day she saw you on the DJ booth 3 months ago" Chloe answered which surprised her and as she was about to say something. Chloe immediately kissed her on her cheeks which made her blush.

"So cute when you blush!, Take care now" Chloe said while waving at her. They're now next to Beca's car. Before Chloe turned to her feet back to the apartment she immediately grab the redhead's hands.

"Wait! Uhh.. When will I see you again?" She asked hopeful for an answer that's soon as possible.

"Anytime" Chloe answered and continued walking inside the elevator, She just smiled widely while looking at Chloe's sexy back. When the redhead spun around to see her, She blew a kiss just exactly as the elevator door closes and Beca's smile even grew wider.

Beca drover to her house smiling like a kid who just got a star for answering a question in kindergarten.

Chloe on the other hand can't stop herself from smiling as well. She can't believe that she said that to a famous DJ but still she's quite relieved that she got a positive reaction from the DJ.

She's currently laying in bed holding her Phone trying to compose a message for Beca and once she has a sentence typed, She would erase it thinking that she sound like a complete dork on her message or a wierdo or even a creep.

As she continued staring at her phone a message came in and she squeled like a teenager.

[10:37 PM from Beca: Hey Red, I'm home. Did you lock the door? Have a goodnight 😉]

She smiled at the text, It's just a simple message yet she finds it sweet. She immediately typed a reply.

[10:39 PM from CHLOE: Hi! Glad to know you got home safe. I would lock it yes but I didn't just incase you think about coming back and spending a night 😉]

She can't help but flirt at Beca, The girl is making her feel good in all the right places of her body. She giggled at Beca's reply

[10:40 PM from BECA: Is that an invitation?]

[10:41 PM from CHLOE: It can be. Buuut this building has it's curfew, No visitors from 10 to 7AM, Unless your a member or incase of emergency they'll call the unit boarders]

She explained. It was true indeed. Sounds Lame but it's true. It's what she liked about the building. It's secured. They don't let anyone come in, The visitors must be picked up by the person their visiting to make sure that they indeed know each other.

[10:46 PM from BECA: Boooo 👎🏻👎🏻 Well that's good then. But still a boo for me. Totally crushed my dreams of having a sleepover]

She laughed at Beca's humor.

[10:50 PM from CHLOE: Next time 😉 I need to get some rest now. I'm really tired and I feel so sore from all the lifting, Thank you for helping me out today Becs! I appreciate it.] She replied.

[10:51 PM from CHLOE: P.S don't you dare think that I forgot about that massage you promised me earlier! Goodnight 😉💕]

Beca smiled at Chloe's reply. She just sent a quick Goodnight an she also got ready for bed. She suddenly felt tired.

"Are you serious?" Beca said pissed at Emily. They are currently having breakfast and she's trying to convince Emily of singing something that she wrote. She can't think of anyone fitting to sing it but her sister.

"Yes I am Becs, I'm kinda not ready, I can sing it for sure but just here at your studio. Not infront of people" Emily answered her not even glancing, She just sat there sipping her coffee while reading

"Come on! Please!!! It has always been your dream to be a singer and a song writer. I'm already a DJ and an almost "producer" please. I want you to be my first client" She said begging Emily

"Becs, I want to help you I really do but this shit scares me, And I still have studies. Just wait until I graduate atleast" Emily once again answered her without looking at her

"Em. This has been something that I have dreamed of since I was just a little kid. It's happening now. Please help me turn my dreams into a reality" She said again with sincerity, This time Emily looked at her with a serious face and released a deep sigh

"Fine Beca. But if this doesn't work. I won't do it again okay?" Emily said asking for assurance

Beca's face immediately lit up

"Yes! I promise!!! Thank you! Thank you" She said can't help but get teary eyed. She kissed Em on her head and excused herself to call her manager

Beca's career has been going sky high, It has been 2 months since she went back to California and went back to L.A to do some radio tours and after a month doing that she went back to California to continue of working on her first ever Solo Album with all her original mixes and some songs that she will be singing herself except for one and who will be sang by Emily.

"That's great news Beca, But remember this is a Big deal for you and it's a risk letting Em sing it. I trust her voice. I've heard the girl sing, I'm just worried with this risk" Amy told her on the other line

"Trust me. This will become Big. And I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing this for her. Her dreams" Beca answered

"Something tells me this is no longer your dreams that your working on" Amy said on the other line

"It still is, I just have an opportunity to help her reach her dreams and I won't waist it" She answered with a sigh.

"I understand. And I trust you! Let's crush this!" Amy said on the other line. They exchanged a few talks. Amy is in L.A. setting up some interviews for her. Beca is a famous. But she's mostly known for her Mixes. She did some collabs with artists yes but she wasn't singing on those she didn't produce them as well. She has always been the "featuring" that you see on music videos. But it still helped her career. At the time she was okay with it and things have changed this past months, She was feeling a lot of inspiration so she started writing songs which she has always been doing since she can remember. She would record some of it and would let Amy or Em or Stacey hear it. They have been supportive of Beca and have asked her to release it but Beca has always been doubtful of the songs she made so she didn't agree with them. But now she's feeling more comfortable in the industry and she won't stop until she reach her dreams of being a music producer.

On the other hand her and Chloe has been going on strong. Since the night she helped Chloe in her apartment they have gotten more closer. They went out a few times and sometimes would stay at her home or at Chloe's place but she must admit that they haven't slept together. There are times that she's tempted to but she can't 'cos she respects Chloe so much and she sees the redhead a different way than how she see the other girls that she's dated. Not like they're dating, Or are they? Beca doesn't know what her and Chloe's status is and Stacey nor Em is helping her figure it out since the two has been telling her they are indeed dating and that Chloe likes her but she's never heard it coming from the redhead. Or maybe she hasn't figured it out herself if she wants more. She's sure though that she feels something for the redhead and it isn't just a normal crush.

And that made her think of a song she created for the redhead. She quickly dialed her number. After 3 rings the redhead answered

"Hey Becs!" She heard Chloe say on the other line still husky from her sleep.

"Hey Good Morning Sleepy head" she said smiling

"Good morning.. I'm sorry. I was up late last night because of a certain someone who kept on insisting that you can never tilt a taco when you're eating it" Chloe said referring to their conversation last night when they had Taco Bell at Chloe's place and she saw the girl tilt her taco and she got scared because all the good stuff in it fell, She couldn't let it go until she had gotten home and they talked on the phone again about thr incident. She laughed at the thought.

"Hey. You never ever tilt a taco when your eating it. Get a burrito instead you wierdo" She answered. And Chloe laughed. She smiled hearing the girls giggles.

"Anyway, I called 'cos I'm bored" She said making Chloe laugh again

"Your always bored Beca" Chloe answered still giggling

"True that, So anyway. Do you want to go for a ride with me? I want to show you something" She said a bit nervous now that she thought about it.

"Ofcourse! What time are you picking me up?" Chloe asked.

"Hmm give me an hour? I'll bring the food" She said

"Good 'cos I haven't had anything yet" Chloe answered.

"Yes maam" She said and bid Chloe goodbye.

She started getting ready for her plans today. She's now nervous as hell since she's never done anything like what she's about to do ever, But she has too. She wants this more than anything right now. Well except the producing stuff but you get the point.

She took a basket on their kitchen top and loaded it with foods. She has Strawberry jam which is Chloe's favorite, She got also made toasts and have a peanut butt as well. She sliced some fruits, Pineapple, Apples, Oranges and she brought water for both of them. In another container she has their meal for their lunch. She made pesto, some garlic bread, she also mixed some veggies and have a roasted chicken on the side. And lastly a bottle of wine.

When she though that everything's settled. She went to her car and drove to Chloe's place.

As she was about to pull over she saw Chloe walking out of the building and smiled at what thr girl is wearing. It suits her a baby blue sundress and flats she also has a little handbag for her essentials.

"Hey pretty lady, Need a ride?" She said as she lowered down the passengers window. Chloe smiled when she recognized her

"Err sorry. I'm waiting for someone" Chloe teased and her face dropped.

"No your not. You have a date with me" She answered and Chloe laughed

"Easy there tiger. I'm only kidding" And Chloe got in her car.

She smiled when Chloe kissed her cheeks and she started driving off. Chloe does it alot. She would kiss Beca on her cheeks when she has a chance to. Only on her cheeks though and it pisses Beca off as much as she doesn't want to admit it. She likes it but she wants to taste Chloe's lips.

"Soooo?? Where are we going?" Chloe asked.

"Secret" She answered and Chloe sat in defeat with a heavy sigh

"Beca, We've been driving for 2 hours now and I'm feeling hungry. Don't you dare say that Cheetos we bought at the gasoline station is a food 'cos its not" Chloe deadpanned and Beca laughed.

"I know M'lady. Don't worry we're here" She answered and pulled over on a wide area beside a small cabin

Chloe looked around and she can't help but admire the view. The grass that's turning into a light brown color, She can see a lake with a view of the mountains

"This is amazing Beca, How'd you know this place? Wait! Are we allowed here? Does the owner know?" She rambled afraid to be kicked out of the place

"Don't worry. This is mine. I have a caretaker who cleans the place so everything inside is clean I swear. I called her last night to clean the place since I'm planning on visiting this place" She answered as sshe's guiding Chloe out of the car. She took the basket and the container she brought then her and Chloe started walking to the house.

"Could you hold this for me? I'll open the door" She asked Chloe to hold the basket

"Ofcourse, So how'd you get a place like this again? I mean I know your famous but damn" Chloe said as they laid the container and basket at the kitchen counter.

"Too many questions" Beca chuckled. "I actually got this from my grand father on my mom's side. This place has been under my name since I was six. But I wasn't allowed to have it completely until my legal age of 18" She answered

"Wow. You're like really really rich" Chloe answered

And she chuckled again. She took Chloe for a tour around the cabin

"That's the mastersbedroom it has it's own toilet. I swear" Beca chuckled as Chloe was about to say something. When she showed the girl the guestroom that doesn't have it's own toilet the girl rambled about having to have it's own restroom instead of the guest going out of the room to pee "And behind that door is a studio, I often come here to think snd make music" She continued

"How come you never brought me here before?" Chloe asked

"Because I've never had anyone come here. Not even Em or Stacey" Beca answered and Chloe just mouted an "oh"

"Yeah, Your the first person I brought here since this is a special place for me" She said after a few silence. She took Chloe's hands and guided her inside the studio. Chloe immediately looked around and adored the small studio.

"This is amazing Beca" She said under her breath. The Studio is overlooking the lake

"It is" Beca answered but not at the view nor the studio but to her. Chloe caught her staring snd blushed.

Beca cleared her throat and took a guitar next to her and strum, She was feeling the guitar first before strumming some chords to a song. Chloe was just standing there staring at her then Beca started singing a song she wrote for Chloe

I hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time deep inside
It was a rush, what a rush

'Cause the possibility
That you would ever feel the same way about me
It's just too much, just too much

Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I've just got to know

Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way you do?
'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

She started walkinh to Chloe still holdig the guitar and looked intently at her blue orbs

Has it ever crossed your mind
When we're hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends?
Is there more, is there more?

See it's a chance we've gotta take
'Cause I believe that we can make this into something that will last
Last forever, forever

Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way I do?
'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I've just got to know

Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way you do?
'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
This crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

As she finished the song Chloe is wiping the tears that fell from her eyes.

"I hope you listend very carefully at the lyrics 'cos that's how I feel about you. This is not just a simple crush. I really like you. I really really do. It has been months since we first met. Those blue eyes, the red hair" She said tucking some hair strands behind Chloe's ear "The night you told me you want me to take your virginity, That little speech you made, You made me feel things, It wasn't lust. Well at first it was but your special. Your different and I want you. I want you all to myself and I will lose my mind if won't have you" She said and holding Chloe's both hands to her lips and kissed it "Chloe Beale. Please be my girlfriend" She said staring straight to Chloe's eyes.

Chloe is not crying and sniff, Beca wiped some of the tears on her cheeks.

"I hope those are happy tears" Beca said again after a few moments of silence and all you can hear is Chloe's soft sniff.

"Say something Baby" She husked on Chloe's ear which sent shiver to Chloe's body

"Sorry.. I.. I can't help it. I'm so happy right now. And ofcourse, I'll be your girlfriend. I want to be your girlfriend" Chloe finally answered recovering from her soft sobs

"Really?" Beca said and couldn't believe of ehat she's hearing

"Yes really. Now kiss me to seal the deal" Chloe said and Beca immediately held Chloe behind her neck and pulled her in a passionate kiss. It was just a long kiss at first, But slowly they started moving their lips in a ryhthm

"God, I've been wanting to kiss those lips again ever since you walked out of my apartment 5 months ago" Beca said when they pulled away catchig their breath, Their heads are pinned at each other. Chloe giggled at what she just said

"It's yours now" Chloe answered.

"It's mine. Mine.. Mine" She said and Kiss Chloe again but it was just a peck this time.

"Come on, I know your hungry" She said guding Chloe outside of the studio

"Finally foods" Chloe said "As much as I'm loving the moment I can't concentrate much because of my stomach" She continued and Beca chuckled.

"I can hear it actually" Beca teased referring to Chloe's stomach. It was just a joke ofcourse which earned her a slap on her shoulders

"Hey!" She said "We haven't been together for 5 mins and I'm already a battered girlfriend" She hissed and Chloe laughed. She just laughed as well and let Chloe sit on one of the stools at the kitchen counter.

"So I brought your faves, PB&J, Toast and your fave tea" She said "I'll just heat up water" She said which getting the electric kettle

"I love this. Thank you baby" Chloe said making her own sandwhich now.

"Baby.. I like that" She said when she finally got the kettle going. Chloe just smiled at her and started eating. She would share Chloe's sandwich at times and she prepared the fruits. A few minutes later she gave Chloe her cup of tea

"Thank you" Chloe said sipping her tea. "This is amazing. 2nd best day of my life" Chloe said and Beca furrowed her eyebrows

"2nd? Excuse me Beale but I didn't brought you here and planned this shit just to be second" She hissed. Chloe laughed "Stop laughing. This is serious. Who's the first huh. What did he do huh?" She said getting jealous

"Your the first silly" Chloe answered and asked her to come near the girl "You want to know what's the first?" Chloe asked her in a low seductive voice and Beca immediately got the idea.

"I think I already know. But I'd rather you show me?" She answered on her seductive voice as well. She kissed Chloe on the lips and started trailing kisses on her cheeks to her earlobe to her neck Chloe hummed in approval of the sensation

"I'd rather your remind me how it became first" Chloe answered and that turned Beca's arousal sky high. She sucked on Chloe's neck living a mark. 'cos you know what they say, 'Mark your territory'. She held Chloe on her lips and let her sit on the Counter while she placed herself inbetween Chloe's legs.

"fuck, Your so gorgeous" She said when she started trailing kisses down Chloe's chest, Chloe arched her back to give her more access. She carressing Chloe's legs up and down while Chloe's hands are on her hair pushing her harder and deeper to the girls chest.

"Come on baby, Bedroom" She said on a low husked voice and carried Chloe still to the master's bedroom. Chloe wrapped her legs around Beca's waist for support and didn't stop kissing the girl.

Beca can't thank her grand father enough for not having stairs on the cabin. It's a bungalow type of cabin so all the rooms are on the same floor. She flung the door open and kicked it to close it, Then layed Chloe genty on the Bed. As she did that she took her jacket off living her on her tank top and kissed Chloe again this type full of hunger. She didn't take her time caressing her girl. She gently took off her dress and threw it on the side leaving Chloe in her underwear

"I'm loving this sight" She said and Chloe giggled

"Well this sight is getting impatient" Chloe answered her pulled her for a kiss again. She smiled on the kiss and she unzip for pants and took them off. leaving her on her panty shorts. She placed herself in between Chloe again and she could feel the hot sensation between the girls legs. Chloe moved her hips upward making contact with Beca's growing bulge and they both groan with the sensation. Beca kept on kissing Chloe down to her neck and she unclasped Chloe's bra and threw it again somewhere around the room. When she finally got to see those breasts again she waisted no time and dive on them. Nipping and sucking her on Chloe's breasts making Chloe moan. She's caressing the other on and continued sucking on the other one. When she's done. She gave the same attention to the other one. Chloe is getting more and more turned on every time Beca flicks her tongue on her nipples.

Beca started moving south and licked Chloe's navel while taking off Chloe's underwear. Chloe on the other hand took Beca's tank top off and unhooked her bra's as well. Before she could even do anything Beca already got her very naked underneath and parted her legs again

"So sexy" Beca said and continued kissing her downwards. When Beca's face is finally infront of Chloe's wet sex she sniffed it and moaned at how fresh she smells, She parted Chloe's legs even wider and took her tongue out of her mouth and licked Chloe's wet folds. It was just a light lick but it sent shivers on Chloe's body.

"fuck, Still taste great like the last time I had this" She said and before Chloe could answer her, She licked Chloe agsin but this time it wasn't a light lick. She buried her face in between Chloe's legs and she would look at Chloe who is biting her lips with eyes closed and the sight is turning her on even more. She inserted her tongue to Chloe and started licking her there. Chloe this time screamed with the sensation she's feeling and guided Beca deeper inside her. Beca got the signal and draw her thumb to Chloe's clit and started rubbing Chloe. She rub her Clit in circulsr motion and when she's not satisfied. She suck of Chloe's clit and inserted one finger inside. She started moving in and out of the girl and Chloe moving her hips to meet her thrusts.

"Stay still baby" She said holding Chloe firm with her hands. She inserted another finger and thrust even deeper inside. She continued on that pace and she would sometimes suck on her clit. She felt Chloe tighten around her fingers and moved in a faster pace.

"ffck.. i'm.. I'm coming" Chloe said and Beca positioned herself on Chloe's wet folds while thrusting even faster, Chloe held her hair tight and her folds tighten and after a few seconds she screamed Beca's name sign that she's reached her climax, Beca took her fingers out and replaced it with her mouth, She inserted her tongue again inside Chloe and licked her inside making Chloe convulse while she's on her high. Beca licked her sweet juice. Chloe is whimpering because of the situation she's still moaning and still on the verge on her high and she can feel she can go again of what Beca is doing down there.

But before she could held Beca even deeper on her crotch. Beca stood up and took her last clothing off showing how hard she is at Chloe. She climbed on top of Chloe and kissed Chloe letting the girl taste her own juice.

"That's what you taste like baby" She said and Chloe moaned, She trailed kisses on Chloe's neck down to her shoulders while she's lightly scratching her arousal at Chloe's still wet folds and it's making Chloe more wetter.

"St..stop teasing please baby. I want you now. All of you" Chloe said and that's beca's undoing. She slowly slid inside Chloe and she can't help but groan at how tight Chloe is meaning the girl haven't slept with anyone

"I see you've held yout promise" She husked on Chloe's ears "Still so tight baby" She roared and moved deeper. Chloe is moaning underneath her. She groaned when she fully entered Chloe. She stayed there a for a few seconds letting Chloe adjust and when she felt Chloe relax a little, She started moving inside and out of the girl.

"ahh.. Fck.." Chloe moaned "Baby"

"What baby? Tell me what your need" She husked in Chloe's ear still moving slowly

"I need you." Chloe answered "Ahh, Ohh" Chloe moaned.

"And what do you want baby?" She asked

"Fuck me" Chloe answered. "Show me more"

"My pleasure" She answered and she thrust hsrder on Chloe making the girl moan even louder.

She is thrusting Chloe harder now. Ignoring Chloe's whimper, She can feel Chloe's folds become to lossen and it's giving her more access. She continued thrusting Chloe until she felt the girl moan even louder and her folds started tightening

"Come with me baby" She said and She slammed their sweaty bodies even more, She can feel herself building up

"I'm coming" She whispered seductively on Chloe's ears and Chloe held her hands for support and she grip Beca felt her tighten and the sensation made Beca reach climax. Both girls reached their high as they fell on the bed holding each other catching their breaths.


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