By AlexDylan99

51 2 0


Where it all began
What it takes to be on the top
Academy of magical warcraft
New Powers
One of a kind
Face off
Sub Zero
Top Guardians
Exile Invasion
Fight or Die
Red Ghost

When the Lion Cub Attacks

2 0 0
By AlexDylan99


When the Lion Cub Attacks

[ Kazuki Akira ]

"Go" Yoshii said. I looked at Yoshii and Shun. The rain was still pouring down and showed no sign of stopping soon. "If we are in trouble i promise you that we will call you" Shun said as Yoshii helped me up to my feet.

I let out a defeated shy. "Better hurry Akira" a voice said. I looked at his face to notice he was staring to his left. I followed his gaze to see Exile's running towards our direction.

"Go Akira!" Shun said activating his molten skin powers. Yoshii let go of my hand and his eyes turned black as the shadows around us began to raise. "Believe in us" Yoshii said. Against my heart i began to run towards the camp. "I'm counting on you two!" I yelled as i ran into the forest "Yeah!" Shun yelled. "We won't let you down!" Yoshii called.

It hard to run faster as the mossy wet ground was slippery. I stopped at an opening to look around. All of a sudden i heard a branch break. I stood in attack. "Show yourself!" I yelled. A shadow began to walk out and i sent an electric ball flying towards it. He dodged and walked into the light. My eyes widened.

"Sheesh. We are on the same side this time" Hikaru said giving me a glare. His dripping wet long hair was tied up to a bun. "Ah!! I'm so sorry!!" I cried. "You two?" Another voice asked. I looked to see Seiji walking over. "I guess all of us had the same idea" Hikaru said looking away. "But.. we are all lost aren't we" I asked with a chuckle.

Seiji giggled nervously as Hikaru blushed as he looked away. "I guess it's the perfect time i showed up" another voice said. We looked to see Jou stand up from behind a bush. "How long were you hiding there?" Seiji asked. "Pretty long" Jou said.

"You have plant based magic right?" Hikaru asked. "Yup!!" Jou said as a tree grew from underneath him and hoisted him up. The three of us exchanged looks.

"Camp is that way! Follow me" Jou said jumping down and running. We followed him. "I hope everyone is fine" I said as we ran. "They will be fine" Seiji said. Jou stopped underneath a cliff. "It's up there" Jou said.

"How do we get up there?" Hikari asked as i looked up which could be a 20 feet cliff. "Leave that to me" Jou said stretching. All of a sudden a huge tree rose from beneath us boosting us up.

I had to sit on one knee to not fall off. As we surpassed the cliff we saw the entire campsite destroyed. The bad guys sent a laser type attack at our teachers whom were tied up. We jumped off of the tree towards the camp. Me and Seiji attacked with ice attacks to counter attack the laser. It caused a smokey explosion. We landed in front of our teachers in the smoke. "Oh? So the Top Guardians are here? That was quick" A voice said.

A strong wind gust cleared the smoke revealing us standing in front of the teachers staring at them. "What is this?" One guy with blue skin asked. "You guys! Run away!" Shoko-Sensei called from behind us.

I looked over my shoulder at them. They had their hands, feet and neck tied with power ties which refrain them from using their powers. Jou reached out to them but i grabbed his hand. "Don't try to attack them with your magic. If you do they will multiply and shuckle you too. The only way is to type in a password. But with every wrong password they will get tighter" I told him.

"What is this? We asked for Top Guardians. Not some stupid Guardian Wannabe's" The guy in red skin called out as the guy in full black stood a bit back just staring.

"Why you" Hikari traced off as i grabbed his hand. "Being angry won't help. Calm down" I told him as i took 4 steps ahead of everyone. "What is your purpose here?" I asked the Exiles. "Haha young girl thinks that she can boss us around" the red skin called laughing. The blue skin let out a huge water ball and shot it towards me. Inches from me i froze it and turned it to snow.

There was a moment of silence. The only sound to be heard was rain hitting on the ground. "What is your purpose here?" i repeated more sternly this time as i put my hands down. The blue skin guy took a step back.

"Hey hey hey. What is going on here. Who is that little girl?" The red skin called out. All of a sudden Seiji and Jou ran from both my sides towards them. My eyes widened.

"Stop!" i cried but before i could take a step someone grabbed me by the hand and yanked me back. I looked to see Hikaru.

"Wait" He said standing in front of me. "What do you mean wait? They could get hurt" I said looking at him. "Akira. With them we can see how the Exiles fight" Hikaru said. "Wait so you are just using them??" I asked. " Better than all of us losing magic at once" Hikaru said which shut me up. "And besides it was a plan Seiji made while you distracted them" Hikaru said. I looked at Seiji and Jou taking on the two as the full black guy just stood there.

"Kids" Shoko called. Me and Hikaru turned to look at Shoko. "Listen kids. You need to leave to get help" He said. I looked at Mieko who was passed out.

"We can't just leave everyone" I told him. "Besides. Getting out would be suicide it self as this entire place is crawling with Exile's" Hikaru said shifting to a side.

All of a sudden Seiji and Jou was thrown off the cliff from both our sides. "Shit" Hikaru said as we turned. I saw a laser attack coming right at us. I countered with a water attack. From the corner of my eye i saw a red movement. I turned to see the red Exile with his fist coming at me. Before i could react Hikaru kicked him away.

It took me a moment to realise what just happened. "Akira" Hikaru said taking my hand. I looked at him. "Do you recall what Anzai-Sensei said? Guardians work better in duos. Which also have to balance Long distance and Close combat attacks. I know that your strength is Long Distance attacks. You know mine are Close Combat attacks. If we work in sync we can hold off till help arrives." Hikaru said in a low voice.

Immediately i knew what he had in mind. Which was weird but i knew what he meant. "You already know how i fight. I already know how you move. We can't talk to give away our moves but let's try to stay in sync" Hikaru said. I nodded and with him i looked at the Exile's re-grouping.

"All i need is for you to trust in me. Can you trust me Akira?" Hikaru asked. I looked at his eyes. "Can you?" He asked. "Yeah. I can" I said smiling. We turned to the Exiles. I stood in attack as Hikaru stood a few steps ahead of me facing the Exiles.

"You two!" The blue one said attacking with his lazer attack. I counter attacked with ice and sent a strong lightning attack which hit them. "Multiple attacks? She must be the White Fang" The blue one said. The red one charged in with his skin glowed bright red. He came towards me but Hikaru blocked him and i shocked him with a lightning attack causing him to fall back. I stood with my heart pounding loudly against my chest.

"I see. Take her alive huh?" The blue one said. All of a sudden the red one disappeared. "What the" I said as i looked around. "Akira!" I heard shoko yell. I turned to see the red one running up from behind me.

My hands engulfed in fire and i positioned me hands to absorb most of the force. As he punched me i went sliding back as my feet dug into the ground uprooting the dirt.

My hands hurt like hell as i put them on the ground. I saw Hikaru take the opportunity to see the red one focusing on me and charged in. I looked at the blue one getting ready to attack Hikaru.

I froze his legs and electrocuted him. He yelled as i ran to Hikaru. "Hikaru!" I called. "I know!" He called. With sparking fists i punched the ground and Hikaru jumped up so that he won't get electrocuted. We both regrouped near the teacher as the Exiles were recovering. "Hold on... ok Akira" Hikaru said as he noticed me breathing heavily.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I said wiping the rainwater off of my face ignoring the throbbing pain on my hand. "Do you have any ideas on how to take these people down?" I asked him.

"The red guys weakness is long ranged attacks. And i'm guessing the blue guy isn't strong close combat. But there's another person we have to be worried about" Hikaru said eyeing the full black guy. "He hasn't said a word. And you are right. We have no clue what his powers are. So we can't really go all out on the other two" I said staring at the black guy.

All of a sudden he looked up and his red eyes gleamed at us. "What in the" Hikaru said taking a step back. His eyes was Snake like with the slit black pupil and scaly red texture. "Is he Animal based?" I asked unable to look away from him.

"Look out!!" Hikaru called. I turned to see the red guys fist inches from my face. Crap. I don't have time to counter with magic and Hikaru didn't have time to run over to me. I rose my hands to block my face and his fist collided with my hands. The force sent me flying into a rock. The rock itself had cracks on it due to the force. Before i could get up i was lifted up by the powers of the blue guy.

It got tight around my neck and i choked. I could feel that he was taking energy from me. "Akira!" I heard Hikaru call out.

I was slowly losing strength. All of a sudden i was dropped down. I touched my neck as i lifted my head to see both the red guy and the blue guy attacking Hikaru.

I quickly got to my feet and ran towards him. I let out water with lightning power in it. After that i showered them with sharp icicles. As the attacks fell down on them i grabbed Hikaru's hand and pulled him up to his feet.

"Akira" He said leaning abit on me. "We go in full throttle. Next" I told him. He nodded. The smoke cleared and the two charged at us. I grabbed Hikaru and pulled him behind me as i stood in front of him.

I held out both of my hands and began to glow. "AAHH!!" I yelled as a huge lightning strike came from the storm clouds and struck them. The entire cliff shook and even cracked cause of the power.

"Akira!" Hikaru said. "Yeah!" I called jumping over him and then jumping back as Hikaru charged in with his hand bones enlarged. I stood in attack as he struck them. I helped with another dose of lightning to disable them. I was running out of power but we couldn't give up. We had the upper hand for now.

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