Silver Lining

By DontConcealTheFeelz

12K 409 17

This will not be your typical Sterek fanfiction ~When all is bad,and when everything goes wrong-there love is... More

Chapter1:New beginnings
Chapter 2:Your What
Chapter 3
One Week To Go
Assumptions and Falling Action
The Irony Of The Situation pt.1
The Irony Of The Situation pt.2
The Irony Of The Situation pt.3
One Way Or Another Im Gonna Find Ya!
Trust Who Can Be Trusted
Mood Swings
Unexpected Surprises
Unexpected Surprises: Part 2
Do you like it?
Unexpected Surprises:Part 3
Unexpected Surprises:Part 4
ThankYou My Children
Trapped In A Personal Hell
Different Day,Every Day
Goodbyes Are Hard
Who's There? Fate?!?!

Chapter 5

626 16 0
By DontConcealTheFeelz

Lucas POV

The Pack seems very nice.Peters nice.I trust Peter and Derek,and Scott seems trustworthy.But that Stiles kid,i don't know,something seems off about him.Im not sure if I could trust him quiet yet.Isaac seems pretty cool,we have something's in common so we get on well.His boyfriend is weird though ,nice enough but weird.Lydia and Allison say that they like me because I'm a more stereotypical gay than the other gays in the pack.There kind of odd.The twins flat out scare me and I don't know which one is which.Danny is very quiet,but he gets me out of stuff when the pack is being weird which is awesome.I found out Scott use to be Peters beta,it kind of made me jealous.Not in the way your thinking though.Its like if your parents had a child they favored more or of your the youngest and they treat the other one better.Its something like that.Peter assures me that he barely even likes Scott because he helped in making him lose his Alpha status.That made me feel kind of better.I learned Allison's dad is a former hunter(that's my last name :)) but he's on our side now because the pack doesn't kill innocents.Peter opened up to me about everyone he killed and everything he's done,he said he's trying to change,but I don't want him too.He seems kind of decent.I learned that Jackson and Lydia used to have a thing.Anyways there's a lot of things I have learned basically.Sheriff Stilinski is Stiles dad,Stiles Is not his real name,Scott and Stiles shared there first kiss in seventh grade and I really didn't need to know that,i learned that Derek's whole family burned in a fire,there was a Darach who went on a killing spree ,also an alpha pack which Ethan and Aiden used to be apart of had a killing spree,basically there was a lot of killing.

I'm sitting on the couch and just thinking of everything ,it's a lot to take in ya know.That my Alpha,let's just take it to a halt.I have a freaking Alpha ,I'm s freaking werewolf.Before this I was just a quiet boy with an attitude ,an abusive psychotic father and a rich mother who was never home.Now I have a father figure,i have so many people who just accepted me into there life so easily.They all have there own story ,each and every pack member.Ive talked to all of them individuals and there story's really touched me.Aiden,before apart of the Alpha pack he was always in shadow of Ethan.Ethan was always the better brother ,nicer,better looking.Aiden said he joined them so willingly because It was a chance to be equal,to not have to hide in the shadows of his brother.After the Alpha pack ,and this pack took him in,Aiden said that he realized that he never had to be in the shadows,that It was just his own jealously and anger overriding his love for his brother.Ethan,Ethan told me that he only joined the Alpha pack because of his brother.His brother was always he main priority and he never had a life of his own until he was taken in by Derek.Now he's living his own life,but he still keeps time for his brother.Then there's Jackson.Jacksons parents died when he was very young.He was adopted but only rebelled because he was so hurt that he didn't have his own parents ,his biological parents like everyone else.So,he did what every other teen would do.He channelled his anger on his adoptive parents and became a rich stuck up prissy.Being In a pack changed him though ,he realized blood doesn't make you a family.Hes still teased sometimes about it though but it's all out of fun.Lydia is a simple case.She just simply wanted to fit in.The pack helped her become her own person.Now Allison.Allison simply wants power,she craves being powerful ,but it's all for the right reasons,to help.Danny.Danny is still closed off from me a bit.I can tell that he doesn't trust people easily.I admire him for that,you cannot just willingly trust people easily.Scott,my favorite story.For someone who's dad walked out on him,he trust people super easily.I have heard many people have screwed him over.Its just in his nature though ,he believes there is a good In everyone,he always wants to help.Scott wants to be able to save everyone.I think he has that type of potential but it's very unlikely.I admire him for his outgoing behavior ,and his mentality to always strive to help.Stiles.I don't know much about Stiles.From how I can see him carry himself,hes an odd person.Theres just something off.Theres so much strength and love that revolves around this family and I'm happy to be partially apart of it.

"What you thinking about Luca,you seem in deep thought",Peter asked taking a seat next to me on the couch.I turn to look at him.He looks at me and raises an eyebrow.I just shake my head."Nothing,just about everything",i reply honestly.He purses his lips and nods."Everything,is a lot to think about,why are you thinking about everything",he asks.Why am I thinking about everything?"Im not sure,i guess it's just all kind of coming to me,its like that wow moment,before the bite I was just some stupid little kid no meaning,and now I guess I just have the strength and mindset to actually help people,to be someone,to have meaning",i reply."When did you get so deep",he asks chuckling."I seriously have no clue",i state chuckling with him."Well do you want to come eat dinner with the pack,you've been thinking about things for about an hour",he asks.Damn an hour."Yea",i stand up and stretch my muscles.We walk towards the kitchen.Everyone turned towards us.Well hey there."Erm hi",i reply awkwardly.Derek rolls his eyes pulling out a chair for me to sit on.I sit next to him happily,Peter sitting on my other side glaring at Derek.Whats that all about.When I look up there is a plate in front of me and everyone is still staring at me.

"Why are you guys staring at me",i ask."They are just weird",Peter mutters making me smile."My pack isn't weird,Peter just smells",Derek replies.?"What do you mean smells",i ask."I mean as in emotion Peter smells like-",Peter cuts him off."Nothing,Peter smells like nothing",Peter growls making everyone laugh.Ok then."Dont laugh at him Derek",i snarl.Whoa,where did that come from.Dereks laughter comes to a halt while everyone is now staring at me again."You say the word and he stops,ive been trying to get him to listen to me since we met",Stiles mutters making me smile and smirk at his jealously.

"Don't make the human jealous he might kill you with his magic water thingy",Peter says laughing slightly.Stiles glares and makes water hit Peter in the face.I look at him and coo."Awww you look like a wet puppy",i coo.He smiles falsely.Peter growls at Stiles."What you gonna do Pete get your omega on me",Stiles taunts making me growl."Im a bet-",I was about to say but Derek cuts me off."Dont call him an omega or say anything bad about him at all,dont taunt my uncle I rather you not be shredded into pieces,Peter don't underestimate Stiles,Luca you sit there and be a good little beta",Derek commands patting my head."Fine",i huff."Fine Daddd",Peter mutters."Yea yea ,leave Psychotic Peter and his new boy toy alone",Stiles says."Stiles",Derek growls."Fine,fine,im leaving",Stiles says leaning the kitchen.Well."See what you did",Scott yells while he goes with Lydia to find him.

I sigh leaning on Peter.He wraps his arms around my waist.Ive only been here a couple of days and I'm already causing trouble.Yay for me!

Stiles POV

That stupid little kid thinks he can come in here and steal Derek.I hate him so much ,they treat him like a baby.Hes not an actual puppy ,like c'mon.Gosh he sucks and I wish he was never here.

"Stiles,stop walking",Lydia tells me ,her heals clinking as she follows me into the living room.I sigh sitting on the couch."Whats got you so upset",Scott asks sitting next to me."Hes just so stupid,hes stealing Derek from me,him and Peter are all mushy over him and I hate it,hes like a little lost puppy who needs looking after,i don't care if I'm being inconsiderate or overreactive but he can go fuck himself,ive never despised someone so much before ,he makes me want to shoot myself",i huff.

"Wow if that's how you feel then",Luca says slamming the door.Oops?Derek and Peter followed by the rest of the pack come out of the kitchen.Peter and Derek glare at me."I was trying to help him have a better life,why do you have to go and ruin things",Peter says leaving and slamming the door."I thought you were better than that Stiles,and to think I was actually looking froward to being mated to you",he says in disgust leaving.Ouch that hurt.I sigh curling into the couch involuntary tears streaming down my face.What the fuck did I just do.

Peters POV

Why did Stiles have to ruin everything.Luca lived a horrible life before the bite and Stiles knows that.He is so freaking jealous and I don't know why.He already has him as a mate and besides ,Derek is just his protector there is no way in Hale(sorry😂😂) I would let Derek date Luca.Not because I'm jealous just because,if you haven't noticed Derek's relationships never work out no matter what ,like there really shitty.

"Do you know anywhere he might've gone",Derek asks looking around.I roll my eyes."Stop being a dumbass and find his scent",i tell him."What makes you think I know his scent by heart",he asks."Do you",i ask raising an eyebrow."Yes",he mutters."About two blocks to the left,lets go get him",Derek says.Wait."Two blocks to the left",i repeat."Yea why,where is that",he asks eyebrows furrowed in confusion."He went home".

Scott's POV

Luca was on my good list until he made Stiles upset,that officially puts him on my bad list.

"Are you ok stiles",i ask rubbing his back.He sighs but nods."I deserved everything Derek said about me",he says biting into his lip."No you don't,you probably shouldn't have said those things about Luca though",i reply honestly.He scoffs."Wow so your on the side to ,what a great bestfriend",he says.I sigh dragging my hands down my face."Stiles what you said was mean and rude and I'm sure you hurt him,he hadn't had the best life before the bite,he almost died-",I was about to continue but he cut me off."I almost died too,everyone in this house almost died",he replies."You know it was on different circumstances though Stiles,Peter is only acting that way towards him because he is his Alpha,his only father figure or his only semi functional one,Derek is acting like that because he is his protector,hes suppose to feel the need to protect him,rather it's from harsh words or not ,no ones taking Derek away from you,Stiles he is bound to fall in love with you,im not a bad bestfriend I'm just telling you the truth ok,call me when you get a grip",i reply walking upstairs.I cannot believe him.

Lydia's POV

"Well,since the talk with Scott didn't go ,as planned ,why don't you tell Lyds what's up",i reply putting my arm around him."I just,I've been trying to get Derek to listen to me and I've been trying to get everyone change for the better ,and he just comes in and steals all my thunder ,and possibly my man",he replies."You can't steal a mated man,he didn't steal your thunder he's just younger and needs to be looked after,he never had that type of environment growing up ,so they have to show him hun ,you like helping people right ,well try and help him love while I go figure out who's going to die next in beacon hills",i say strutting off.

Derek's POV

"What the hell do you mean he went home ,why would he go to the place that almost got you killed",i ask.What in the hell is going through his head."Derek what do all seniors plan to do but never do to all there teachers who treated them like hell In high school",Peter asks.Him and his riddles."Revenge",i state."Either he's lounging at home eating Pizza or he's ripping his father to pieces",he states.And with that we took off running in wolf speed to his house.

Once we got there the door was ripped off the hinges.I look to Peter and he just shrugs.I hesitantly step into the house."Luca,you here",i call out.The house just echoes it.I catch a sent that isn't Lucas.I look to my left and Peter isn't there anymore.Great.I follow the sent to the room.I end up in a room with a King sized bed with drapes over it.I continue to walk into the room,only to find Luca sitting on the floor next to a dead man.They were both covered in blood and Luca was weeping."Hey,what happened",i ask softly bending down next to me."I was coming over here because I had no other place to go and on my way here he hit me with his car and dragged me in the house,he was beating me so I just let my anger get the best of me ,my mom oh my gosh my mom,and I ,oh my gosh I can't believe I killed someone",he sobs.I gently pick up the small boy.He curls into my chest sobbing harder.

Peter walks in holding a women covered in blood also.I sigh."Ill take care of the dead bodies,get him home",Peter says walking to pick up Lucas dad.I nodded and sprinted off to the house.

Once we got home ,Lucas sobs had subsided a little but there still audible.I walked in the front door and I heard multiple gasp."What happened to him",Lydia asks letting stiles go from her grasp to come over to me."He thought that no one wanted him here because he "caused" too much trouble so he went home,he got beat and then he killed his parents to protect himself so he's had a pretty bad day",i reply putting emphasis on the caused."Oh my gosh",Lydia says gasping again.I nod."He will be fine,i hope",i reply kissing his forehead.I close my eyes and take a deep breath before pulling away.No child should have to suffer what he went through tonight."Im just going to go wash him", I say walking upstairs.Before I do I look over at Stiles.He mouths 'I'm sorry'.I scoff and roll my eyes before going upstairs.Sorry my ass.

I undress the now sleeping boy and I run some water.When it's the right amount and warm I put him in.He flutters his eyes open."Derek",he croaks,his voice sore from crying."Hey bud,how ya feeling",i ask cupping some water and pouring it over his shoulder."For a guy who just killed his parents,pretty good I guess",he replies.I nod not taking the conversation further.I take a good amount of soap and wash over his arms."Wheres Peter",he asks."Disposing the bodies",i reply washing his legs."Oh", he says.I nod."Did you tell the others what happened",he ask."Just Lydia and Stiles",i say rinsing off his body."Why doesn't Stiles like me,i haven't done anything",he asks me while I lather some soap on his back."He's jealous that I listen to you,hes jealous peter is turning good because of you ,he's just jealous of you",i reply."But why,there is no need to be jealous",he says."Yea I know,thats just stiles though",i tell him."Close your eyes I don't want soap getting in them",i tell him.He closes his eyes.I pour water over his hair and I get it soapy.I massage his hair with my fingers.He relaxes and leans into my touch.I keep massaging for a minute or so before rinsing."Your towel is right here ,I'll put a pair of sweats ,boxers,socks and a tee shirt out for you on the bed",i say standing up."Thankyou Der",he says unplugging the drain.I just smile before leaving and walking downstairs.

"Is he alright",Lydia asks from her place on the couch."He's fine ,I gave him a bath ,he's getting dressed right now",i explain."You bathed him",Lydia asks looking at me skeptically."Um yes",i reply confused."Derek you do understand tha-",Lydia was cut off my Luca."Der m'cold",he says walking down the stairs.He looks adorable in my clothes.His nose is a little red and his hair is mused up a little bit.Soooo adorable.Im going soft.

Stiles looks at me frowning.I look away and avert my attention to Luca."Cuddle",i ask opening my arms.He smiles and runs into them squeezing my torso.I sit on the couch with him in my arms,his head nuzzled into my neck."Aw that's so cute",Isaac coos walking downstairs."Shut it Isaac",i growled.Isaac smirks and sits on the couch next to Stiles."You should shave your stubble",Luca recommends."No I shouldn't",i reply hastily."Why not",he whines."Because I said so",i say."Im an Alpha here me roar",he mocks.Isaac chuckles.I roll my eyes.

"Psychotic Alpha is back",Peter says sarcastically walking into the room."Peter",Luca mumbles letting go of me and hugging Peter."Hey pup are you all right",Peter asks.Stiles scoffs and Lydia coos."Im fine,are you okay,you seem tense",Luca asks."Im just fine pup",he says running his hand through his slightly damp hair.Luca nods pulling away from him.

"Thanks for getting him home safely and washing him",Peter says."Its my job,and my pleasure",i reply.He nods.

I was about to ask Luca what he wanted to do for the remainder of the day when Lydia screams.Fucking Loud too.I cover Lucas ears and I try to tune out the sound.When she stops I remove my hands and I look at her."Lydia who is it,whos going to die next",i ask."Cyrus,whos Cyrus",she says her head tilted in confusion.Lucas breath hitched."246 Lichen Archly Lane,second house on the left ,please save him ,I can't lose anyone else",Luca pleads.Peter looks at him with sorrow filled eyes.We both know that Cyrus is a goner,Lydias screams are never wrong."We will try",i state pulling Peter out of the house."What the hell Derek,you know damn straight he's not going to make it",Peter roars."The hell with the rules,when do we ever play by them,lets go save him,whenever there's a rule it can be broken",i reply getting in the Camaro."You coming or not",i ask him.He growls and gets in the car.

Once we get there Peter tears the door down."Why do you always have to have an dramatic entrance",i ask.He shrugs."Makes me look awesome",he states as we both walk in."Cyrus",Peter roars."Come out to play",he roars again."Um hello who are you",a boy ask coming out of a room.He has raven black hair,fierce blue eyes,pale skin.He's wearing blue skinny jeans and a black tee-shirt and black socks."Im Derek Hale,this Psycho is Peter Hale",i reply."What are you guys doing here", he asks."We know Luca",your Cyrus right",i ask."Yes I'm Cyrus",he says rubbing his wrist.I look at them and I see rope burns.He was tied up."Peter go check the room he was in",i tell Peter.He nods."What the hell",Cyrus says."Who tied you up",i ask."No o-one",he stutters his heartbeat rising immediately.Peter comes out of the room holding a rope."No one tied him up ,he was going to kill himself",Peter exclaimed.Cyrus sighs and nods."Fine ,you caught me ,what are you going to do kidnap me",he replies sarcastically.I look at Peter.Then we attack.


"Where the hell are we going",Cyrus asked tied up in the backseat."To see Luca would you like that",i ask."No",he mumbled.Well than.

When we get there I untie Cyrus and I drag him by his arm into the house."Damn he's hot",Lydia mutters.I roll my eyes."Thank you ,thank you thank you Der",he exclaims hugging me tight."Peter helped to",i tell him."Thankyou thank you thank you Peter",he exclaims hugging Peter.Peter chuckles and ruffles his hair.

"I'm still here ya know",Cyrus says.Luca squeals and hugs Cyrus.Cyrus doesn't hug back at first,but after what seemed to be a million apologies and a puppy dog face he finally gave in."I missed you",Cyrus whispers."I miss you more Cy",Luca whispers back.They pull apart after a bit.

"Cyrus id like you to meet Derek",he says pointing at me."That'd be me,sorry we didn't meat on the right terms but I'm not gonna hurt you,promise",i say holding my hand out.He shakes it firmly."Id also like you to meet Peter",Luca says."Im Peter",Peter says shortly weakly shaking his hand.

"Oh and Erm that's Stiles",Luca says awkwardly pointing to Stiles."Oh Stiles as in the Sheriffs son,didn't we go to school together In like 7th and 8th grade",Cyrus said."Oh yea,its nice to meet you again ,how's life been going ,still hanging on to the dream of becoming an artist",Stiles asks."Yea,yea of course ,I want to study at NYU",Cyrus replies."No way,me too",Stiles say smiling.Oh great.This is gonna be a problem.Luca looks pissed.I walk towards him draping an arm around his shoulders."Dont get upset ,just let them be ,besides with Cyrus occupied we,as In me you and Peter can hang out more often",i whisper in his ear.He chuckles,leaning into my side.

"So,is Derek like your boyfriend",Cyrus asks Luca.I smirk and chuckle a bit.Luca laughed a bit."I feel flattered that you think I could score a guy like Derek,but I feel like I want to punch you because you are like the millionth person to assume that",Luca replies."A guy like me",I ask.He blushes."Yea you know tall dark and handsome",he answers."I'm not that tall",I reply."Your taller than me,and plus the Camaro makes up for you not being so tall",he says.I hum and nod.

Cyrus punches Luca in the arm."What the hell was that for",Luca asks."Luke,you leave for two days without a trace of you,there's a police report filed because your parents are missing,you've been hanging out in this fucking mansion,and did I mention YOU HAVENT TOLD YOUR BESTFRIEND SINCE DIAPERS ANYTHING",he yells."Ok,so maybe I did deserve it",Luca answers.Cyrus mutters out a small 'yea'."Watching this is better than Twilight",Lydia says."How can you even compare this,to a vampires lovers quarrel",Cyrus asks."I was being theoretical,theoretically thinking you two are lovers/friends and one is supernatural aka werewolf it's better than twilight if you ask me",Lydia chewing her gum obnoxiously loud.Cyrus groans."Anyways,I think we should call the pack down here,clear up the ya know problem",Stiles says."Did you just refer to me as a problem",Cyrus asks with his eyebrow raised crossing his arms.Stiles was most likely about to reply when he was cut off by the pack walking downstairs.

"Who's the kid",Scott asks."I'm not a kid,I'm 17",Cyrus replies.Scott looks at him before nodding."Who's the young adult",Scott corrects sarcastically."The name is Cyrus,I'm Lucas best friend",Cyrus explains."I'm Scott,Derek's right hand man",Scott introduces."Your not my right hand man Scott ,if anyone it's Isaac or Peter",I reply amusedly."You are very mean Derek",Scott pouts.I just shrug.

"Stiles how ya doing",Scott asks."So your talking to me again",Stiles asks Scott."Yes,you may be a total fuckup and an idiot,but your still my best friend,my fucked up idiot of a friend",Scott replies."Thanks man",Stiles says.

I feel bad for what I said to Stiles,but he was mean and no one hurts Luca.I thought we established that already ,so it's going to take more than some half ass apology to make me forgive him.

"Derek",Peter asks."Yes",I reply."We need to take Luca shopping ,as cute as he looks in your clothes he's going to need his own ,and a phone and some shoes",Peter says.Oh I totally forgot about that."You don't need to buy me all that",Luca says."We want to ,plus don't worry about the cost we are loaded ,like billionaire loaded",I tell him.He sighs and reluctantly nods."Good pup",Peter says ruffling his hair."M'not a puppy",Luca whines.

Cyrus raises an eyebrow.I just shrug nonchalantly."You look like a puppy",Peter taunts.Luca huffs blowing some hair out of his face."Oh stop taunting the boy",Allison says putting her hair in a pony tail."Shut it arrow",Peter replies."Arrow?",Allison asks."It's your new nickname ,ya know cause you use bows and arrows",Peter replies."Wouldn't Bow,or Bows be better because she's a girl",Isaac asks."What did I do to be picked on this much",Peter asks.Stiles raises an eyebrow at Peter."That was a rhetorical question dimwit",Peter says."Dimwit ,really Peter are we twelve",Stiles asks."Obviously",Peter replies with an eye roll."You guys are weird",Cyrus says.

"Told you",Peter mutters."I have a question",Cyrus says."Why do you call this a 'pack'",he asks.Luca looks up at me and then Peter with pleading eyes."No",Peter snarls at Luca.I glare at Peter stepping in front of Peter.Peter just rolls his eyes."No,never,ño,not in a year,never in time ,not even if pigs could fly,absolutely not",Peter repeats.I frown at him.Luca looks at me pleadingly."You can tell him",I reply."Derek",Peter says sternly."Just let him Uncle Peter",I ask."Fine",he groans.

"Okay so I've been Erm away because Peter turned me into a werewolf after my dad tried to kill me",Luca says."You lying right",Cyrus asks."No I'm telling the truth",Luca replies."I want proof",Cyrus asks.I slowly wolf out ,my eyes red.Cyrus screams and runs.Jackson grabs him and puts him on the couch.He trembles."Hey Cy,Derek won't hurt you I promise",Luca says to him."How do I know I can trust him",Cyrus asks,his trembles subsiding."He's my protecter ,he protects me he won't hurt you ,ok ",Luca reassures."How do I know that,he tied me up to get me here",Cyrus yells."He did what",Luca growls turning to look at me."It was Peters idea",I say quickly."Seriously Peter",Luca says."Well he wasn't coming with us any other way",Peter defends."So you tie him up",Luca screams.Peter huffs in annoyance and Luca sighs."There not gonna hurt you,if they do I won't ever talk to them again",Luca says quietly."Okay",Cyrus replies relaxing visibly and falling into Lucas arms."Are you sure they won't hurt me,that Peter guy kind of freaks me out",Cyrus mumbles."S'okay he freaks out everyone",Jackson says comfortingly."No he doesn't",Luca growls.Jackson raises his hands in surrender making me chuckle."We won't hurt you unless you make yourself untrustworthy ,we will protect Luca and everyone he cares about ,sorry about the initial way of getting you here,we were just trying to do Luca a favor",I tell Cyrus while I puff some hair out my face.He looks at me skeptically before nodding."Ok,I trust you".


Sorry for the late chapter I had registration and all that crap for high school.As of Monday I'm freshmeat,right back at the bottom of the foodchain.

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