Incompatible Love

By Justcandyyy

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Chapter 2

Chapter 1

30 5 1
By Justcandyyy

Kehlani POV

Hey, my names kehlani Parrish and, It's my first week here in Atlanta. It seems cool so far but I haven't did much. I moved here with my aunt because she has a new job , which means better opportunities for her. Ever since my mom has been on drugs and got locked up I have been staying with her and she has been taking amazing care of me. My aunt is like my best friend and I don't know what I would do without her. So I have to start school today, I'm not so fond of that but I just want to get it over with.

So it's 7:45 am and I just caught the bus to school. My car is being transported here so the bus is how I will get around until it gets here. So I go into the office and get my schedule.

"Hi, my names kehlani Parrish.. I'm new here, I came to get my schedule."

"Good morning kehlani, my name is Mrs.Thomas and your schedule will be printed out shortly . Please have a seat and I will call you when it's ready."

"Thank you , Mrs.Thomas." I said as I took a seat in one of the chairs. So I just sat down and scrolled through instagram.

So 10 minutes pass and I look up once I hear my name be called and, I walk towards the desk to get my schedule.

"Have a great first day, and if you need anything please come to me or any of the staff here." Says Mrs.Thomas.

"Thank you", as I get get my schedule, I see that I have a lot of elective classes. At my old school I didn't have regular classes, I'm very smart , I skipped a grade and I'm in the 12th grade now. I just turned 17 the middle of the summer in July. And it's still the beginning of the school year it's only October. I'm guessing since I don't have to take any special classes they gave me some extra ones because all I have is AP English, AP Biology and then I have elective classes, my first class is media production, this should be fun.. Hopefully.

As I'm walking I end up bumping into somebody and I fall to the ground.

" Oh my gosh , I'm sorry I should have been watching where I was going , here let me help you." The girl tries to help me up.

" no, it's not your fault, I was looking at my schedule."

"Well since you have a schedule, I'm guessing you're new? I've never seen you around here before. My names Jasmine by the way."

                        ( This is Jasmine)

" I'm Kehlani, and yeah I'm new, it's actually my first day."

"That's good, this school isn't bad as long you aren't in drama or anything bad. Can I see your schedule? I can help you find your class."  I give her my schedule and she looks at my classes. " well you have first , second and fourth period with me and lunch, so if you want you can hang with me, I mean you barely know me so it's obviously up to you. " she says and she laughs a little bit.

" okay, sure I don't know anybody here and you seem very cool to be with."

So with that being said.. we walk to first period, the halls are mostly clear because class already has started. So we walk in class and all eyes are on us.

" Ms Brooks, we have a new student , her names Kehlani." Says jasmine as we walk over to the teacher.

" okay, thank you jasmine, please take your seat. Kehlani, welcome to media production, I'm Ms.Brooks. So where are you from?"

" I'm from Oakland, California " I say as I look around the class, and their just staring.

" That's great, I love California, I went there on vacation . But anyways, please take your seat. You can sit in any seat that's empty". I smile at her and as I take a seat near jasmine I see she's talking to a boy and, he looks at me and smiles.

" hey girl, your very pretty, your tattoos are bomb asf, I'm Jordan by the way."

" hey , and thanks , I'm Kehlani " I say as I smile.

                     ( This is Jordan)

"Jordan is cool asf, he's super funny and he will be with us , if u decide to hang with me" says jasmine.

" okay cool ,  no problem" I say as I look at the front of the classroom, as Ms.brooks starts talking.

About 30 minutes later, a boy walks in the room. He's very tall with sunglasses on and curly hair. He's cute but I'm not worried about relationships and stuff right now. I gotta focus  on me right now.

" good morning Anthony, your late again, so please have a seat" says Ms.Brooks

" I apologize, I was dealing with my nieces and I had to take them to school." Says Anthony.

" it's ok, just try to be in time next time" Says Ms.Brooks.

( this is Anthony)

As he's walking to his seat he smiles at me and I do a small smile back to be polite and I continue writing in my notebook.  This class is very fun so far, it's like a music class but with more to it. I love to write and sing so I know I'm going to love this class. As I'm writing Anthony taps me and I look up to see what he wants.

" What exactly are we doing? I'm Anthony by the way."

"Oh um, I'm Kehlani and we're just writing about anything we want to be honest, and close to the end she will choose people to share if they want to."

" oh ok, thanks love" he says as he smiles at me and begins to take out his notebook.

So it's a few hours later and school is over and I'm about to go home.

" So, Kehlani what you about to get into? Wanna hang out? I can show you around Atlanta " Says jasmine , as we walk out the school building.

" I have to get home and finish unpacking and everything, but how about another day maybe by the end of this week or so."

"Okay, that's fine, we'll imma let you get home, I don't wanna hold you up. See you tomorrow "

" okay, I'll see you tomorrow." We hug and go our separate ways. I start walking to the bus stop . As I see the bus pulling up, I see Anthony walking across the street with his arm around someone.

"If he has a girlfriend, why did he keep smiling at me?" I say as I step on the bus.

A half hour later ,  I get off the bus and I see my aunts rental car and some other car that isn't mines in the driveway. As I walk in the house I see my cousin and I scream and jump on her. I missed my cousin Kianna so much, she's 20 years old and she's in college. She's more then my cousin, she's my sister.

      ( Nicole -kehlani's aunt- & Kianna)

" oh my gosh, Lani I missed you so much". Kianna says as she hugs me tight.

"I missed you more, hows school going.?"

" school is tough, but that's life. Did you enjoy your first day?" Kianna says as they sit on the couch.

" it was ok,  nothing bad happened. I met this girl named jasmine , she's super cool, and this boy named Jordan, he's cool to."

" you don't need to be worrying about boys lani". My aunt said in a joking way as she came from the kitchen and sat down.

" I know aunty, I know but it's not like that at all and plus it's my first day. I'm not dumb enough to straight up fall for someone I barely know."

"That's good, focus on school. Both of y'all". Nicole says .

"We will". Me and Kianna say at the same time.


So this is the end of the first chapter. Do y'all like it? Y'all can give me ideas and things like that if you would like.

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