Split or String

By jbhoodenpyle

39 0 0

A mysterious intergalactic phenomenon tears the fabric of space and time, pitting multiple universes against... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

9 0 0
By jbhoodenpyle

        The crew hauled the crashed aircraft into the hanger bay . It had gracelessly landed on the port side of the battle carrier, which didn’t suffer much damage. At least none compared to the foreign vessel that donned a broken starboard wing and crunched nose. The entire exhaust was missing, and jagged holes peppered the metal sides. The style of the craft was similar to space shuttles on this earth. Even the markings on the tail were in English.

            Before bringing it inside, the aircrew tried to contact the pilots or anyone inside the ship. Thermal radar indicated that there were two human life forms inside, but they concluded the subjects were incapacitated. Agent Hill ordered the craft be brought inside for further inspection. Mechanics were opening the panels of the ship to look at the engine as Agent 13 and Agent May approached.

            “And you said there were no Particle M067 readings?” Agent 13 asked the technician next to her. He glanced at his tablet and scrolled through the data.

            “No, not Particle M067,” he said, pushing up his black-rimmed glasses. “But we did find a new substance.”

            “Like another Particle?” Agent 13 guessed.

            “I suppose. We still have to collect a sample and run tests and—“

            “Simmons!”13 interrupted the agent and turned to look for Jemma. Agent Simmons was a few feet behind her looking at a tablet with two other technicians.

            “Yes?” she responded.

            “Will you accompany this agent and head the research on the new particle?” Agent 13 motioned towards the agent standing beside her.

            “Of course,” Simmons was about to follow him, but she hesitated for a moment. “And what are you going to do?”

            Agent 13 glanced at May, wondering if she was amused by Simmons curiosity. May just raised an eyebrow, waiting to see how Agent 13 would handle the query.

            “I’m going to board the ship and figure out who – or what - it belongs to,” Agent 13 said finally.

Simmons frowned.

“Is there a problem, Agent?” This time,13 raised her eyebrow.

“No, it’s just that..” Jemma paused to organize her words. “We don’t know anything about this spacecraft and for all we know, there could be a radioactive disease behind that door.”

Agent 13 tried to hide a smile. “I know. We have dozens of protocols and procedures to check for all of that. Surely you would know some of those.”

“Well, yes,” Jemma glanced to the side. “I just wanted to be sure you did.”

“Simmons, go to your lab,” Agent 13 was doing her best not to laugh. She really liked Jemma, especially her polite insubordination.

Agent Simmons nodded and left with the other technicians.

“Is she always like that?” Agent 13 said to May after Jemma left the hanger bay.

“She likes you,” Agent May responded. “She sees you as a part of her team.”

“I see,” Agent 13 stared at the hull of the craft. They stood side by side as they waited for the crew to finish running diagnostics and open the hatch. “Does she have the same attachment to you?”

Agent May blinked. “Yes.”

“Do you return the sentiment?” Agent 13 observed the stoic woman beside her.

“Yes,” May said without changing her expression.

Before Agent 13 could respond to her seemingly imperturbable counterpart, a turbulent rush of air spilled through as the mechanics lowered the alien craft door. The ramp lights lit automatically, revealing the cargo hold.

“Are you ready to board, ma’am?” A technician addressed Agent 13, who answered by drawing her weapon and nodding. Agent May also drew her firearm and they stood at the bottom of the ramp.

“The only two organisms are near the cockpit,” the technician continued as he pointed to the thermal radar screen in his hand.

“Got it,” Agent 13 stepped onto the craft. She and May slowly walked further into the space craft. The air inside the cargo hold smelled different. May scanned the walls. Besides the two parachutes mounted to the left, there was nothing else in the area.

“Area secure,” May announced when she finally reached the door to the rest of the ship.

“There’s nothing in here,” Agent 13 said as she joined May. “Not even extra weaponry.” So far, the plane seemed to have similar features of their own small aircrafts. The ramp markings were even the same.

“Do you think this could be an escape pod of something?” Agent May considered.

13 shrugged. “No way to find out until we get to those pilots.”

As they turned to the door, they heard a commotion at the bottom of the ramp.

“Wait!” The technician from the hanger bay ran up to them. “The life forms are moving!” He waved the tablet. He showed them the thermal radar screen and the red figures that were once still were moving. They appeared to be standing.

Just then, Agent Hand’s voice crackled in 13’s earpiece.

“Agent, do you have any progress to report?” her deep voice said.

Agent 13 huffed before she responded.

“No ma’am,” she retorted. “I will give you an update as soon as I know something.”

            “Perfect timing,” Agent May commented.

            Agent 13 rolled her eyes. “I’m going to worry about these pilots first. Hand can get a briefing later.” She turned back to the technician. “Thank-you, we’ll take care of it from here. Please make sure all other agents and crew are at a safe distance until we clear the aircraft.”

            He nodded and ran back down the ramp. 13 looked at May, who slowly opened the door. The emergency lights lit the rest of the vessel as the agents proceeded. They passed through the cabin, and May noticed that the area was about as empty as the cargo hold. The lack of supplies potentially indicated a rushed takeoff, affirming May in her theory about an escape pod. Agent 13 stopped abruptly in front of her. Muffled voices came from behind the next door. As they grew louder, Agent May and Agent 13 took a stance and aimed their guns at the door.

            “--I don’t know, but I’m bleeding all over the place!” one voice said.

            “Yeah, it’s gross and you got some on me,” the other said.

            A beep sounded as the door slid open, revealing two women in fitted black uniforms, not unlike the blue Kevlar and Beta-Cloth uniforms that 13 and May wore.  One was holding her left arm as blood seeped through her fingers. The other was wiping blood from her hand as they saw the guns pointed at them. They stopped abruptly.

            “Whoa,” the second woman gasped.

            “Set your weapons on the floor and put your hands in the air,” Agent 13 ordered.

            The bleeding one fumbled with removing her gun as her left arm seemed to be completely unusable. She kicked it across the floor, and May halted it with her boot.

            “Identify yourselves,” 13 said once they complied.

            “Um, can I keep pressure on my arm?” the injured woman asked. “I’m kinda bleeding and also I can’t raise it.”

            Agent 13 and May exchanged a glance.

            “Just don’t do anything dumb,” Agent 13 replied. “Who are you?”

            The unhurt woman cleared her throat.

            “I’m Agent Grice and that’s Agent Hancock.” 

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