Bring Her Home


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Rick and Kate have been married for two years now, but a sudden tragedy leaves them broken and hurtful. thing... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Agent Will Sorenson, you are under arrest for the abduction of Joanne Castle…." Kate had not realized what was happening until she opened her eyes and saw Agent Jordan Shaw cuffing Wills hands behind his back.

And suddenly, she couldn't understand anything, when did Agent Shaw join the investigation? How on earth did Castle find Joanne? She turned to look for Castle and found him drinking a glass of water at the kitchen counter.

She looked at him questioningly, but he didn't say a word… she then looked at Will and said "What the hell is this Will! Do you mind explaining yourself! How could you?!"

She was disgusted; she didn't have to know the reason behind his actions, just knowing that he could do such a thing, disgusted her.

He finally looked up and spoke, with no regret in his voice "you weren't supposed to leave me Kate, we were going to be so good together. I knew if I took away the one thing the both of you lived for, that it would cause some uneasiness between the two of you, and I had to take my chance again."

Kate was outrageous; she wanted to beat the life out of him. "So you took away my baby? You know what you are Will, you're an animal! I could never love a man like you!"

Kate wanted to say so many more things, but she was beyond shocked at this moment. Shocked that this man had tried to ruin her relationship with her husband by taking away the most precious thing in their lives! she wanted to go over to him and slap him, but that would mean letting Joanne go and she couldn't do that, she was going to be holding on to Joanne for a long time now.

She turned her back to him and began walking away, cueing Agent Shaw to take him away

"You know what Kate, I don't know what I saw in you. Buts its clear to me now, your nothing but a filthy whore, sleeping around with so many guys and then finally leaving them and settling for a Rich best-selling author who can't write for nuts"

Kate hadn't heard Castle put the glass down, but suddenly, he was in sight, walking angrily up to Will, "That's enough Sorenson, I've had enough of your non sense"

and then his arm pulled back and he punched Will straight in the face. Will winced in pain.

"That's for kidnapping my daughter"

then he pulled back his arm again and this time threw a harder punch in his face, a cry of pain filled the room as will fell to the ground. "And that's for calling my wife a whore!"

Castle then looked at Agent Shaw and said "get him out of my home before I lose it and kill him here!"

it was 9 pm now, and there was comparatively less commotion in the Castle household.

Kate had only let go of Joanne when Martha, Alexis and Jim wanted to hold her, but then she was glued to her for the rest of the evening.

After Will was taken away and all evidence that the FBI had resided at their house was cleared out, the whole family finally sat down and castle had explained to them how he managed to find out that will was the kidnapper.

He told them all of how he noticed the phone calls that Will was answering which were preceded by the ransom calls. He told them of how he tried to push the thought away as his over imaginative mind making up crazy theories, but he still had to check.

So he got in touch with an old friend of theirs, Jordan. Agent Jordan Shaw had helped him track down Wills calls and they were led to an old stranded building uptown. And there, they found Joanne kept in a s,all room with a guard to watch her.

Castle had to fight unarmed with the guard because agent Shaw and her team were searching in the other parts of the building.

And when they finally caught up with him, he had hit the man unconscious, but not without getting a scar on his head himself.

It seems Joanne was so relieved to see her Daddy; she had jumped into his arms and held him so tight. Castle had kissed her so much, delighted to see her breathing, happy, alive. After that, Castle had held Joanne close to him right up to the minute he handed her to Kate.

And now, here they were, all of them huddled around the table in the living room, silently basking in the joyous presence of their little angel.

Kate couldn't help but notice, the smile that Castle had on his lips, was not the real deal.

He was so tired, his stubble was so prominent, and he had not said one word to her ever since he came walking in through that door with their baby girl. She knew he must still be angry with her. And he had every right to be.

As she thought about it now, she wanted him to yell at her, to scream at her for not trusting him, for not listening to him; she wanted him to vent out on her, because she deserved to be yelled at. She'd been married to him two years now, and known him all too well for 5 years prior to that. & 7 years of being together, and she all but ridiculed him when he tried to tell her what he thought was going on.

Her eyes began to tear up again, thinking of her foolishness, she was looking at him now, and he stole a glance her way and she's sure he noticed the tears welling up in her eyes.

He looked away then, and Kate turned her attention back to her two year old. Joanne yawned, signalling to everyone that it was now time for bed. Of course she had been really tired.

So Kate stood up and after Joanne said a "goodnight" to everyone, Kate took her upstairs to bed. When she entered Joanne's room, she sat in the comfy sofa chair that was kept there for the act of nursing Joanne. Kate had stopped breast feeding her a few months ago, but it always helped Joanne sleep when she was rocked in her mommy's arms in that chair. So Kate held her close to her heart, and hummed a soft melody to her ears, eventually, she felt the little girl give in to a deep slumber. She laid her down in her bed and leaned in to place soft kisses all over her face.

She the whispered to her "Your daddy and I love you so much honey… don't ever scare us like that again ok."

She smiled at the sleeping child and then walked out of the room. just as she was closing the door she felt a body behind her. The shadow of that built and height told her it was him.

She turned and looked up to him and said "Rick..." he didn't let her complete. He moved past her, saying "let me say goodnight to her"

Kate watched from the doorway as Castle walked into the room and then lifted his baby in his arms, he kissed her like she was the most delicate little goddess. He whispered some soft words in the baby's ears and Kate smiled when Joanne stirred a little in her sleep, and then smiled. Of course, only castle knew how to make you smile in your dreams. Only Castles words could enter your soul and touch your heart. He had his ways.

And she was lucky to have him. Her mind once again filled with the events of the past two days, and she felt her heart clench.

she had hurt this beautiful man, her husband, she had hurt him so bad, and she really wanted to make it up to him now. She just prayed he would forgive her.

Kate was pulled out of her train of thought when Castle walked back up to the doorway and passed her by to make his way to the bedroom. She followed him in and closed the door behind her. He was taking his shirt off. She could see the muscles on his back. He was tired, so exhausted. She could see it in the way his muscles flexed when he moved. She wanted to walk up behind him and massage his shoulders. He loved it when she did that. He had said once that her hands worked magic on his muscles. She smiled.

He dropped his pants to the floor, and then walked straight into the bathroom. Kate changed into a lose t-shirt and slacks and sat at the edge of the bed. She was going to talk to him when he got out. She was going to apologize and win him back. She couldn't take the silence anymore; she needed him to talk to her.

When he walked out of the bathroom, she began to say "Rick, we need to talk, rather, I need to tell you something…"

"Oh, so I'm Rick again. You keep changing that around so conveniently" he had walked to his side of the bed now.

She replied "Rick, that's not the point. The point is... I was wrong…"

he had picked up his pillow in hand, and was now peeling of one of the sheets. Kate was confused "what are you doing?"

" I'm getting ready to sleep."

He began walking towards the bedroom door.

"Rick, where are you going, we need to talk… please"

she was pleading with him. Because right now, he was walking out, he had planned on sleeping alone tonight. He wanted to be alone. He didn't want to be near her and the pain that shot through her heart was so similar to the one she felt when she was shot by that sniper.

Her tears were unstoppable now.

He finally stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at her.

And all he said was "I'm sleeping on the couch tonight. I need some space. We can talk tomorrow. Night Kate"

he turned and walked out, leaving a crying Kate behind.

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