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"THE EARTHKINGDOM city of Omashu." Aang spreads his arms, introducing us to the massive non-ice made city. instead, a walled city resting atop a huge rock platform.

"I used to always come here and visit my friend, Bumi," Aang informs.
"Wow. We don't have cities like this in the South Pole." Katara says in amazement.
"They have buildings here that don't melt!" Sokka jumps up and down pulling me with him. "Look Saki! Look!"

"Sokka I see it. Now, will you please let go of me?" I ask annoyed, smushing his cheek with my hand, forcing him to look in the other direction.

"Cmon slowpokes! The real fun is inside the city!" Aang launches himself off the ground, running for the gates.

"Aang wait! It could be dangerous. What if people find out you're the avatar. Remember what Oyagi said? We shouldn't just go around showcasing you two off." Katara argues.
"We need a disguise," Sokka adds.

"So, what am I supposed to do? grow a mustache?" Aang sarcastically asks.

Sokka's eyes widen and He snaps is finger with an idea in mind.


"This is not going to work." I cross my arms.

"Ugh! This is so itchy. You live in this stuff?" Aang talks to Appa. In which He replies with a grunt.

"Great! Now you look just like my grandfather." Sokka claps his hands together wiping off whatever dirt or hair he had on them. "Technically, Aang is 112 years old." Katara crosses her arms making a point.

Aang picks up his staff, and uses a fake 'old man' voice, "Now let's get to skippin', young whippersnappers! The big city awaits."

We follow the clear path to the gates of the city, occasionally Aang will talk about Omashu, but if I'm being completely honest I'm not paying attention. I haven't really been involved with the group ever since Kyoshi.

I don't think they've noticed though.

We hear a rough voice ahead making us all stop in our tracks. I've realized the gates have become 10x clearer. What looks like an old man trying to get in the city with a cart of... cabbages?

"Rotten cabbages! What kind of slum do you think this is?" The guard yells. He crushes the green orb in his hand. He then earth bends a sharp lump in the ground under the cart of cabbages knocking it high into the air and over to the side of the access road. The cart along with the cabbages plunges hundreds of feet to the valley floor below.

"Noo! My cabbages!" The man dramatically pulls his hair and sinks to his knees.

"Just keeps smiling," Aang whispers to all of us through his teeth.

Aang walks forward with a big smile. Katara titters uneasily, but she, Sokka and I follow. The guard who just obliterated the cart meets Aang near the edge of the gate. He earthbends a huge boulder out of the ground and holds it over Aangs head.

"State your business!" He yells. I can almost feel his breath from here.

Out of my surprise, Aang starts spitting out exactly what my grandfather would have said, "my business is my business, young man, and none of yours! I've got half a mind to bend you over my knee and paddle your backside!"

The guard drops the boulder beside Aang in shock. Katara, Sokka and I are all terrified with Aangs choice of words.

"Settle down, old-timer. Just tell me who you are."

"Name's Bonzu Pipinpadaloxicopolis, the third, and these are my grandkids." Aang points to us three. Katara now smiling serenely, "hi, June Pipinpadaloxicopolis. Nice to meet you."

The gate guard points directly at Katara stating, "you seem like a responsible young lady. See that your grandfather stays out of trouble." He then looks to me, "same applies to you. Enjoy omashu." He motions us to pass. Aang, Katara and I move forward with Sokka trailing behind.

"Wait a minute." Just as we pass the entering point the guard pulls Sokka by the collar.

"You're a strong boy. Show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandfather's bag."

"Good idea!" Aang plops the bag in Sokka's arms making him groan.

We approach the three movable interlocking stone walls. They emerge open, one by one revealing the great city of omashu. As we walk through they begin to close behind us, locking us from the outside. My eyes widen at the view. Rows and rows of houses with roofs painted in earth kingdom green. The chutes are crisscrossed all over the city, leaving me speechless.

"This is the Omashu's delivery system. Miles and miles of tubes and chutes. Earthbending brings the packages up and gravity brings them down." Aang explains.

"Great, so they get their mail on time." Sokka shrugs. "They do get their mail on time, but my friend Bumi found a better use for these chutes."

Aang closes his eyes, leaning on the rail. He breathes in.

I look around realizing Sokka and Katara are nowhere around me.

"Guys? Katara? Sokka? Aang-" I'm interrupted by two boys talking near the chute entrance.

"Look around, what do you see?" A spiky-haired little boy asks.

"Umm... the mail system?" Aang crosses his arms and adds a shrug.

The little boy I don't recognize elbows Aangs shoulder, "instead of seeing what they want you to see, you gotta open your brain to the possibilities." He taps Aangs temples making him giggle. I smile at the two friends feeling warm inside.

"I still don't get it. I just see a package sending system."

"Or..." he jumps on the railing spreading his arms with a cheeky smile on his face, "the world's greatest super slide!"

Aang chuckles, "Bumi, you're a mad genius." Aang softly places his hand on his shoulder. Bumi still hasn't wiped his toothless smile off his face, he laughs and snorts. I quietly giggle at the two friends.

I breathe out, now seeing all my friends again.

"Cmon! Follow me!" Aang gestures us to come along.


"One ride and we're off to the north pole, airbenders honor." Aang bows his head to us signaling he's serious.

"This sounded like fun at first, but now that I'm here, I'm starting to have second thoughts!" Katara warns.

As a response Aang tips the bin, shooting us down the long chute. We rocket through the city, as we accelerate down, getting faster and faster I notice out of the corner of my eye another chute has become visible behind us. It is clearly going to merge with the chute our group is in. A rack of spears has fallen from another bin from above us. Almost taking Sokka's head if he didn't duck.

Sokka and Katara are making distressed noises, while Aang and I share looks silently communicating.

"I'm on it! I'm on it!" Aang starts rocketing the bin back and forth, he soon derails is out of our bin to freefall onto a rooftop below.

Guards seem to be having some sort of training lesson that is rudely interrupted by the four of us falling into another bin seemingly close to the sight.

Katara has Aangs foot in her face, Sokka is in the back hanging on the edge for dear life, while I hold my self in place using katara's braid and Sokka's bicep.

Aang airbends is out of the bin for the second time sending us high into the air, but shortly back down on the disoriented cabbage cart from earlier.

"My cabbages! You're going to pay for this!" The old yells at the top of his lungs.

Aangs disguise is now completely gone, and we now have four guards surrounding us.

I sheepishly smile, "two cabbages please."


We are guided into a green-tinted chamber, with an aged king sitting on his throne smack middle of the room. Guards still surrounding us as we come to a halt.

A bizarre sense takes over my mind,

I've seen this man before.

I thought.

The guards pushed us down making us bow to the elder.

"Your majesty, these juveniles were arrested for vandalism, traveling under false pretenses and malicious destruction of cabbages." The escort explains.

"Off with their heads! One for each head of cabbages!" The old man's voice rings through the room.

"Silence! Only the king can pass down judgment. What is your judgment, Sire?"

The king looks at every single one of us, Sokka trembling, Katara putting her hands together looking hopeful, Aang acting as if he was invisible, and I doing my best to not make any eye contact.

"Throw them... a feast!" He smiles a toothless grin. Men make noises out of surprise, while the cabbage loving old man screams in frustration.


We all sit at a large table, full of foreign foods Sokka Katara and I have never seen before.

"Heheh," The king laughs, "the people in my city have gotten fat from so many feasts, so I hope you like your chicken with no skin." His server offers the plate of skinned chicken.

"Thanks, but I don't eat meat." Aang waves his hand declining the offer.

"How about you? I bet you like meat." His beady eyes meet mine.

I freeze, "uhh... no, thank you." I'm not really all that hungry anyways. He targets Sokka still offering the plate. Sokka takes it of course since he's a meat lover.

Katara leans into my ear, "is it just me, or is this guy a little crooked."

A blanket of silence is thrown over us since we don't know what to say.

"So, tell me, bald one. Where are you from?" All three of us dart our heads at Aang, who's thinking of some lie to tell.

"I'm from... kangaroo island."

"Oh, kangaroo island, eh? I hear that place is really hoppin!" The king Jokes, the awkward silence is broken by Sokka's laughter. Katara, Aang, and I look at him like he's crazy.

"What? It was pretty funny?" He shrugs innocently. I shake my head, feeling really uncomfortable.

"Well, all these jokes are making me very tired. Guess it's time to hit the hay." The kind yawns.

As he ends his words, he suddenly darts a drumstick at Aang, who airbends it to a standstill, though he looks very shocked. It spins in the air in front of him. The guards gasp in surprise.

"Aang. What are you doing?" I whisper yell.

"There's an Airbender in our presence and not just any Airbender, the Avatar!" The king stands. Aang drops the piece of meat acting as if he did just reveal himself.

"Now, what do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Pipinpadaloxicopolis?"


"Okay! You caught us! We're the avatars, doing avatar things, keeping the world safe!" My eyes widen at what Aang has just said.

"Everything checks out," He looks under the table," nope! No firebenders under here. So, good work everybody."

Aang puts his arm around Katara and I with Sokka closely by.

"Love each other, respect all life and don't run with your Spears. See you all next time!" We backed up close to the door only to be stopped by more guards.

"Did you just say 'avatars'?"

Aangs face went white, "What! No! Of course not. Did I- did you hear me say 'avatars' saki? Nope, I think not." Aang did his best to cover up his huge mistake.

"You can't keep us here. Let us leave!" Katara snapped.

"Lettuce leaf?" The king busted into loud laughter while taking a bite from his lettuce on his plate.

"We're in serious trouble. This guys nuts." Sokka panics.

The king turned very stiff and serious, "tomorrow the avatars will face three deadly challenges. But for now, the guards will show you to your chamber."

One guard speaks up, "my liege, do you mean the good chamber or the bad chamber?"

"The newly refurbished chamber." The king answers, "wait, which one are we talking about?" The guards asks.

"The one that used to be the bad chamber until the recent refurbishing that is. Of course, we've been calling it the new chamber, but we really should number them. Uh, take them to the refurbished chamber that was once bad!" The king declares.

I feel a guards hands around my wrists, I struggle a bit, "let me go." I kick.

"Just make this easier on us." The guards shove all of us in the direction of the 'newly refurbished chamber'.


We're lead in another green-tinted room with four seemingly comfortable beds. The room is very beautiful and spacious.

"This is a prison cell? But it's so nice." Katara breathes in awe.

"He did say it was newly refurbished." Aang smiles.

Sokka crosses his arms, "Nice or not, we're still prisoners."

"I wonder what these challenges are going to be." I think out-loud.

"Saki, I'm sorry for dragging you into this." Aang apologizes, "I didn't mean to rat you out like that." He looks down, ashamed of himself.

"Aang, you didn't rat me out. You didn't drag me into anything. We're in this together." I place my hand softly on his shoulder, offering my forgiveness. He returns with a smile.

"We're not going to stick around for these challenges tomorrow. There's gotta be a way out of here." Katara crosses her arms just like her brother, looking around the room.

My eye wonder intel the suddenly fill my head with an idea, "the air vents!" I smile, pointing to the small holes in the wall.

"If you think we're gonna fit through there then you're crazier then that king," Sokka argues.

"We can't but momo can!"

Momo is sprawled out of the bed licking an apple. I run-up to the flying lemur, "momo, I need you to find Appa and bust us out of here!" I say with much excitement.

He simply sits, stuck, in the air vent.

"Ugh. This isn't working." Katara groans as she sits on her chosen bed. I make my way over to the one next to hers, getting comfortable.

"Eh, how was Appa supposed to save us anyway," Sokka asks me.

I shrug, "Appa is a ten-ton flying bison, I'm sure he could figure something out." I defend my idea.

"Well, no point in arguing about it now," she pulls the tight sheets over her, "Saki, Aang? Get some rest, looks like you'll need it for tomorrow." She lies down slowly drifting off to sleep.

Aang walks over to the bed beside me, "I'm still sorry for getting you involved." He sighs.

I look down, fiddling with my fingers.

"Well, I'm not."

Aang shoots up, looking at me with a confused expression written all over his features, "What?"

"I'm not sorry. I don't care what those challenges are, or how crazy this king is. I care about Sokka, Katara and you. We're all in this together. Stop beating yourself up for information and facts you can't control."

Silence seems to be our friend tonight.
Aang doesn't say anything, I turn my attention back down to the floor tile letting my mind take control.

"We're in this together."


I lie awake, and I assume Aang does too.

We haven't really spoken much considering we both don't know what to say.

Also, with Sokka's snoring, I couldn't really fall asleep.

The room suddenly shakes as an earth bender opens the 'door'.

I sit up as fast as possible to be greeted by empty beds, all who are left is Aang.

"Sokka! Katara!" Aang panics, "Where are my friends?"

"The king will free them if you completed your challenges." He informs both of us.

"And if we fail?" I ask.

"He didn't say," He turns to Aang, "your staff please."

Aang hesitantly gives the guard his staff.

He leads us out of the chamber into the same room we were in before. Now the table is gone and the king sits atop his throne wearing an awful purple, blue, and light green robe.

"first, avatars, what do you think about my new outfit? I want your honest opinion."

Aang and I keep silent, having no reaction. Someone coughed, making this seem more awkward.

"I'm waiting."

"Uh... it's fine I guess." I answer.

"Excellent! You passed the first test!" He extends his hands clapping as well.

"Really!" Aang smiles.

"Well, not the deadly tests. The real challenges are more... challenging." He smirks.

I feel a sudden gust of wind, Aang is now in the king's face,

"I don't have time for your crazy games! Give me my friends back!" Aang yells.

"Aang! Shut up!" I yell after him.

"Mm. I thought you might refuse."

As if in on cue a door open with Katara and Sokka being held by two guards. They put two crystal looking rings on their fingers. They struggle from trying to remove them, but they fail.

"... so I gave your friends some special souvenirs. Those delightful rings are made of pure genemite, also known as creeping crystal. It's a crystal that grows remarkably fast. By nightfall, your friends will be completely covered in it. Terrible fate really. I can stop it, only if you two corporate." He explains.

The ring has already taken up most of their hands.

"Saki!" Katara yelps.

"Fine. We'll do whatever you want." I cave.

"Mmm!" The king grins evilly.


We follow this so-called 'king' to our first challenge.

My jaw drops at the view.

A seemingly beautiful waterfall.

The king stands on a balcony with his guards and our friends.

He starts to laugh, "it seems I've lost my lunch box key and I'm hungry!"

I squint my eyes to finally see the key hanging on a chain in the waterfall.

"Oooh! There it is! Would you mind fetching it for me," He pauses, grinning at both of us. He looks like he's trying to decide something, "Saki."

"What! No, we're supposed to do this together!" Aang argues.

"I'm sure our young avatar can handle herself." The king smiles.

I take a deep breath, ignoring Aangs protest.

I run onto the water, letting my foot touch the surface turning it into ice.

Moving my arms in swift motions, I bend a whirlpool shooting my self higher up to the rapids.

I land on a flat surface, locating the key.

"I need to get closer," I say to myself.

You can't just jump in, the waters only going down at such pressure.

You can't climb the rocks, they're too slippery.

I pause, thinking of a plan.

"The crystals are only getting bigger!" The king sings.

I pierce my eyes closed Ignoring his taunting.

Taking a leap of faith, having no idea if this will work, but I still go for it anyways.

Jumping towards the rapid falls, I take my arms perpendicular to my body, then moving them out bending the water, giving me an opening. I dive for the key, pulling off the chain. I then jump, but not fall. I am met halfway by Ice catching my feet.

I land on the balcony throwing the king his key.

"There. Enjoy your lunch. Now I want my friends back."

I connect eyes with Aang, I have no idea how he got up here.

"Ah, ah, ah." The king wiggles his finger.

"I need help with another matter, it seems I've lost my pet flopsy." He turns his attention to Aang.


We are lead to another dark room. I don't necessarily pay attention to my surroundings. I'm more focused on Katara and Sokka.

"Are you two okay?" I ask frantically. I haven't really been able to see them.

"Saki! I had no idea you could do that kind of stuff! Well, I did when you're in the avatar state." Katara smiled.

"You have to teach me!"

"Maybe when we can get out of these crystals she can!" Sokka snapped.

The creeping crystals are already taking over their arms and shoulder and to the other half of their bodies.

"It's all right. We'll get you out of here and I'll teach you some moves I know." I honestly still have no idea how I did all that. I guess under pressure is when my skills are at their peak.

"Okay, I found him!" I hear Aang yell. I move over to the edge of the balcony, looking down to see Aang holding up a little bunny.

"Bring him to me! Daddy wants a kiss from flopsy!"

I cringe at the king's words.

He begins to head for the king but gets interrupted by a huge monster landing behind him.

The bunny he's holding jumps out of his hands and runs away.

"Flopsy wait! Flopsy!"

I have a stomach feeling that flopsy is actually right in front of him.

Aang chases the bunny while the monster chases him. The king is cackling manically.
The bunny runs into a hole in the wall, making Aang come to an immediate stop. He shoots his arm into the rabbit hole and rummages around. I'm sure he's finding nothing. Meanwhile, the big furry monster closes in on Aang. Aang flips his head around, coming face to face with it.

He tilts his head, putting two and two together.


The bunny looking monster wags its tail.
Flopsy picks up Aang tenderly, making gentle noises. Aang was caught by surprise and starts screaming. He suddenly stops when Flopsy engulfs Aang with his tongue.


He rubs Flopsys head, then being dropped to the ground. The enormous bunny then scales the wall, meeting the king at the top.

Why couldn't I have this challenge?

Aang swiftly jumps up, meeting Katara, Sokka and me at the top of the balcony.

"Are you guys okay?" Aang says mostly talking to Katara and Sokka.

"Other than the crystals slowly encasing my body, doing great." She sarcastically notes.

Sokka struggles with keeping his balance, having crystals almost talking over a half the side of his body, he falls over.

"Come on! We're ready for the next challenge." I yell.

The crazy king starts to laugh maniacally again.

The big doors open, revealing nothing but darkness. Apart of me thinks another beast is going to come through and tear us to shreds.

"Your final test is a duel. As your special treat, you may choose your opponent. Point and choose."

Two enormous gladiators all made of muscle appear. One holding an ax. One with mammoth skin, and a nasty grin.

Aang and I share a look of fear.

"Who is this challenge for?" I ask.

"Both of you. I want both of you to pick wisely." He has a smirk plastered on his face. He wants us to do something. Or he knows we will.

"You." I point, "I want to fight you."

"Hahaha! Wrong choice."

The king lets his signature cackle fill the room as he rips off his robe, and stands tall.

He isn't a fragile old man.

He slams his foot into the ground, letting a chunk of earth come hurtling towards Aang and I.

"Saki, jump!" Aang says as he leaps out of the way. I throw myself to the right of the arena, completely separating myself from Aang.

"Hold on Saki! I'm coming!" Aang yells.

"No! Stay over there! It's two against one. If we split up we have a better chance of getting him off guard."

I yell across the arena. I see Aang nod, signaling he got the idea.

"Smart one you are." The king complements while sending a landslide my way. I jump off the rocks, gently landing on the ground, "you do move like an Airbender!" The king laughs once more.

They set out buckets of water for me I'm assuming.

I move my hands in swift motions, creating ice cycles shooting at the king.

He sinks into the ground, ducking them completely and letting them hit Aang instead causing him to be pinned to the wall.

"Ooo. Sorry, Aang!"

"Oh, you'll have to be more creative than that!" The king brags, lifting up a boulder and slinging it towards me.

It hits me in the stomach, making a rush of pain flow it's way in my veins.

"Saki!" Aangs voice is muffled, as my eyes slowly become heavier.

One hit? One hit! Oh my god, you're pathetic!

I think.

I try to push myself up with my elbows, "Wow young avatar. I'm impressed. You fight with much determination and strength..." he smirks, "but you're too weak to carry on." He then turns his attention back to Aang, chasing him around the perimeter.

And overwhelming sensation hits me as everything goes black.


I open my eyes due to the blinding lights of the arena.

"W-what happened?" Aang is by my side, reminding me of the first time we met.

"The king hit you really hard and you blacked out." He simply explains. I still feel the hit, like it's happening all over again as I stand.

"I think he broke my rib." I joke. Aang engulfs me in a hug. "Ow."

The king clears his throat, interrupting.

"You two have passed all my tests. Now, you have to answer one question." He smiles, closing his eyes.

"That's not fair! You said you would release Katara and Sokka when we finished your dumb tests!" I say with anger laced in my voice. I quickly wince after, I guess yelling is something I can't do for a while.

"Oh, but what's the point of a test if you don't learn anything."

"Oh come on!" Sokka groans beside me.

"Answer this one questions and I will release your friends," he pauses, "what... is my name?" Both Aang and I are stumped.

"From the looks of your friends, I'd say you only have a few minutes." Katar and Sokka are now almost completely covered in crystal. Only their heads are in view. The king then walks away.

"How am I supposed to know his name?" Aang begins.

"Think of the challenges, maybe it's some kind of riddle." Katara points out. I nod at her guess.

"I got it!" Sokka does his best to jump up and down.

"He's an earthbender, right? Rocky!"

Silence follows his theory. I let out a cough due to the awkward eerie stillness.

"We're gonna keep trying, but that's a good backup!" Katara says, trying not to discourage Sokka.

"Okay So back to the challenges. I got a key from the waterfall, Aang saved his pet and we had some sort of a duel." I say.

"And what did you guys learn from those?" Katara asks.

"Well, for one thing, everything was different from what I expected." I shrug.

The crystal begins to grow up Katara's cheek, "And...?"

"And they weren't straightforward. To solve each test, we both had to think differently than we usually would..." Aang walks back in forth in front of us.

Realization sweeps his features, something clicks in my brain as I remember my vision.

Aang smiles, "I know what is his name is."


"We solved the question the same way we solved the challenges. As you said a long time ago, you must open your brain to all the possibilities." King Bumi laughs and snorts the way he did in my vision. I couldn't help but smile at how happy they both look as they reunite.

"King Bumi, you're a mad genius." Aang brings his lifetime old friend into a hug.

"Ahh, Aang. It's good to see you. You haven't changed a bit. Literally."

Katara and Sokka are still encased in crystals, "uhh! A little help over here."
I look over to Sokka who only had is mouth visible, "over here?"

King Bumi pulls both of his fist back, shattering the crystals, having them float back down to the ground.

Genimite is actually rock candy." He bites into a crystal he caught in mid-air, "mmm delicious!"

Katara helps Sokka prepare Appa for our long journey. I shove some supplies the servants gave to us as a kind gesture.

"Hey. I haven't really felt like I've seen you since Kyoshi." Katara suddenly says.

"Are you doing alright?"

"Yeah. Everything's fine." I lie. No, not everything is fine. A war is happening and apparently, it's all up to me to make sure Aang stays on the right path and guide him into the spirit world.

"Young avatar." A voice startles me.

I swiftly turn my head to face king Bumi.

I kindly bow to him with respect, in which he does the same.

"You are a powerful individual. A great teacher and guide." He smiles. I tilt my head in confusion.

"I know exactly your part in ending this war. I've prayed to the spirits for years for a return. And they didn't let me down."

"Aang will be the real hero." I humbly state.

"He's a hero alright, but you're just as great." He gently lays his hand on my shoulder.

"So strive."

He then walks back into his castle, laughing and cackling.


I apologize for taking this long to update. This chapter honestly took so long and I have no idea why.

Whoever is reading, hope you enjoyed. More chapters to come soon. :)

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