Forbidden Love : pcy ff

By emilxy_

19.2K 1K 546

《 completed 》 You, Kim Eun Na, studies in Seoul with your brother, Suho. You are completely different from yo... More

|| FIFTY - FOUR ||


263 18 12
By emilxy_

If you guys din realise I changed how I write my story and now there won't be your pov whatsoever.
No third person view and just you and that other particular persons view.

Sorry for any errors in this chapter :)

-The next day-

         I decided to sleep in today because it's a Saturday, duhhh.
I'm not going to simply waste it.

I'm going to catch up on my beauty sleep.

Just then, Suho barged into my room with a bright smile on his face which annoyed me.

"Wake up Eun Na!" He smiled as he spoke.

"It's the weekends and I have the day off so let's go out." He continued.

Immediately, I glared at him which did not scare him away but caused him to pull me out of bed instead.

"Oppaaaa!" I whined as I left my soft bed.

"Get out of bed Eun. Don't get wasted." He said.

"I want to do what I want to do." I sighed.

"And is to sleep?!" He questioned and I nodded my head in agreement.

On point.

"Come on. Pleaseeeee." He pleaded and I sighed.

"Get out then." I said and he was shocked.


"I mean get out cause I want to change!" I face-palmed myself and he laughed like a fool before leaving my room. Finally.

I stood up and went into the bathroom to do my morning routines and changed into a pair of jeans and top before walking out of my room.

As I walked out, Suho oppa was already ready to leave.

"Kaja." I told him but he continued to seat on the couch. I eyed him weirdly before joining him on the couch.

"Wae? Aren't we going?" I asked him.

"Your probably going to hate me but... I invited the guys to come along." He said in a rush but I still caught it.

"I'm fine with the boys but Chanyeol..." I told him but he sighed.

"I thought about it yesterday. Maybe you should give him a chance. I heard his side of the story already and also yours so I guess it's only fair to give him a chance." He said.

"But he accused me of something I didn't do and also made out with some other girl. I can't accept the fact that he kissed another girl..." I was close to tearing but I held it back.

"It's not for me to explain. It's best to hear the entire story from Chanyeol himself. Now, we go out and have fun." He insisted.

And as soon as he said that the bell rang.

I turned my hear around to look at who it was at the door when Suho opened the door.

The boys...

They were all dressed casually with masks on.

"Anneyong." They greeted as they entered.

The last who entered was Chanyeol. He was wearing a plain black shirt which looks so big. Apparently if I wear it, it would be a dress for me.

Along with his ripped jeans and cap.

He looks cute / hot to me.

"Shall we go?" I asked totally ignoring him as I smiled at the rest.

They sighed and gave me a nod before leading the way to their car.

As I walked out of the house I stopped walking suddenly which caused the person behind me to bump into me.

"Oh mian." He apologized. I recognize that voice anywhere. It's Chanyeol.

I didn't reply him and quickly boarded the car.

"Eh? Where's Sehun and Luhan?" I asked as I realized they weren't here.

"Erm... They didn't want to come so they stayed at home along with Tao." He said awkwardly but I allowed it to slide.


"Em does anyone know where we're going?" I asked.

"You will find out soon." Suho told me but I didn't like it.

"Someone better tell me or I'm gonna scream." I told them in a sassy tone.

"Woah princess get a grip of yourself. We ain't kidnapping you." Baekhyun played along in a sassy way as well.

I laughed at him and the rest giggled.

"It is because I don't know where we're going. Technically, I'm being kidnapped, gay boy." I joked. The fact that when he uses his sass, it makes him look and sound gay. Not to mention how it acts around the other exo members.

I've seen it all.😂

"Yah! I ain't gay!" He shouted only to make me laugh even harder.

"Quiet down. I can't stand all these rackus." Kris said and we only quitened down.

When he speaks it's pretty scary like how oppa is angry.


               "The cafe?" I asked as the car came to a halt.

"I need my coffee." Xiumin said as he got off.

"So we drove for 15 minutes just to get xiumin oppa a cup of coffee?" I questioned.

"Suck it up princess." Baekhyun smiled as he hopped off.

I chased him down the car just to smack him." I'm a queen."

"It's called Princess temper Eun Na." Baekhyun said.

Maybe because I'm shorter than him. Maybe...

I then tiptoed and smacked him on the head.

"Ouch..." He groaned in pain and I stuck out my tongue.

"I'm not complaining." I laughed as I ran inside.

"XIUMIN OPPA!" I laughed while I ran towards him.

"YAH! KIM EUN NA!" Baekhyun shouted while chasing after me.

I quickly hid behind Xiumin Oppa as he protects me from Baekhyun Oppa.

"Yah enough. We're in public." Xiumin said and Baekhyun nodded while I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Oppa, I want a mocha please." I said to him and he added it to his order.

"Gumawo." I thanked him as I went to join the rest who was seated near the windows.

As me and Baekhyun arrived, Chanyeol didn't look happy whatsoever.

Maybe because of me?!
Why am I even caring?

I went to sit in between Suho and Kai as Baekhyun sat beside Chanyeol.

Soon, Xiumin came back with our orders.

"Gumawo." I thanked him as I took my coffee from him.

"After this where are we going?" I asked as I sipped on my coffee.

"Theme park?" Baekhyun suggested and we all agreed.


             We reached the theme park's entrance. "I will get the tickets." Chanyeol said as he left to the ticket counter.

"So... About you and Chanyeol." Xiumin started off a conversation because we were both standing beside each other.

"What about him?" I asked.

"You planning to forgive him?" Xiumin asked but I shrugged. I actually don't know.

"Should I?" I asked him.

He laughed and answered," It's all your choice, not mine."

Maybe I should forgive him...

But before I could think further, he came back with the tickets.

"Thanks." I smiled at him when he passed me my tickets.


Now, it's time to play.


           We were done with the theme park. Now, were all separated.

I was left with Chanyeol. Awkward.

I turned to look at him but immediately, he turned away.

"Oi!" I snapped and he turned back with a shocked expression on his face.

"Follow me." I told him and lead him to the nearby beach.

The sunset was about to happen and there was a strong gust of wind blowing. I tried my best to keep my hair in place but the wind sent it flying into my face.

"Aish..." I cursed as I quickly grabbed a rubber band which was hanging on my hand and tied my hair into a messy ponytail.

"You look pretty when your angry." He spoke and I looked at him.

I could feel myself blushing but I can't help it.

"I'm sorry for making things hard on you. I was unreasonable." I lowered my head.

"It wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself."

"It was..."

"Have you actually signed those papers?" I asked which caught him off guard.

"Excuse you!" He exclaimed and I gasped.

"Of course I haven't. I told you I was sorry." He smiled and I smiled back.

"So we're cool?" I asked and he nodded.


            After the sun setted, I looked at Chanyeol who was looking so handsome at night.

His smile...


"Wanna see some magic?" He asked pulling me out of my thoughts.


He hands then clenched into a fist and he told me to give it a blow and I did.

He opened his hands and I gasped. It was our rings.

"HOW? Didn't you throw it down the building?" I asked in shock.

"You didn't look carefully, honey." He cooed.

"I didn't throw them." He smiled and I simply face-palmed myself for being a fool.

"I'm the fool." I whispered but because it was too quiet at the beach he heard it.

"And your my fool." He whispered back.

I got a feeling I'm gonna write a shitty ending. SO JUST WARNING.

This may actually already be a ending but I can tell you... IT'S NOT. Of course I don't want it to end so quickly.

Thank you for reading this chapter.🙈♥

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