Drunken pain

נכתב על ידי Majestica98

216 4 1

Drunks can cause a lot of physical pain/death to others. It can also hurt people mentally knowing someone who... עוד

Drunken pain
Moving on
The only way to go from here is up
Honest Liars
Drunk death
Unthinkable twists
Split life


4 1 0
נכתב על ידי Majestica98

Emma wakes up in a crowded hospital room, Leo is on the bed next to her nearly in tears and she whispers, "I choose you as long as you let Seamus and I stay friends."

"Of course my dear anything for you. I am so glad you are not dead my dear. You are my everything." he says.

"What day is it? Who is running the place?" Emma asks jerking up making sure the wench is not around to see her quick recovery and thankfully she is nowhere near here.

"Today is your birthday my angel which reminds me I have to do something." Leo gets down on one knee with a smirk.

"Leo, I am eighteen," I say.

"Yes, I am aware but now we are both adults and you have made my life so much better we have been on quite a few secret dates even though we did not call them dates until this last one and I realize I want to spend my entire life with you. Through the pain of miserable foster parents, to the agony and thoughts of loosing you. Late night texting, and zinger kisses it is you where I have found a place to call home. Will you Emma Stankowsky do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asks with a tear rolling down his cheek and pulling out a black ring with a red ruby in the center of it.

"Yes!" Emma says and then he puts the ring on her and she kisses him slowly and passionately and everyone claps and then leaves giving them some privacy. She finds herself kissing his cheek and makes her way back over to his lips but he slips and starts kissing her neck and then slides down to her revealing legs with his hands tickling her spine and they separate as a doctor walks in. He lies next to her smirking.

"I am sorry to interrupt, it seems you are recovering very well. I am here to provide you with cream to address the wounds and an antibiotic for the trauma and you should be good to go. We did your stitches while you were passed out which did not take very long. You have a nasty scar but other than that you are perfectly fine and ready to get out of here," The doctor with crimson hair and green eye shadow says handing her a bag and persription medications.

"Thank you doctor Carly, this is my fiance by the Leo," Emma says smirking.

"We are sorry you walked on us I know that is disturbing sometimes," Leo says turning bright red.

"It is young love, I remember what it was like so please no need to apologize," she says winking at Emma as she escaped the room.

Leo turns around as Emma gets dressed in an orange dress hanging in the closet that she is sure he paid for and the she asks "Will you zip me up?"

"Of course my darling?" he says and slowly zips up my dress and then caresses my back. Milly walks in right as they were about to work.

"I do not want to hold more interviews for that place but I cannot just give up my job," she says nearly panicking as they make their way to the closest elevator.

"Leo would you take the position," Emma asks in the elevator. He pauses as the doors open then has finally come up with the best reply Emma assumes he can think of.

"I would but my job for this software  company pays so well they pick from my brain and give me 90,000 annually. I could buy the place and hire the best but I will not do that considering the owner is my best friend's father. My job at the station was only until they were back up and running and they just gave me a call." he says with no pauses.

"Emma then it must be you, I can call the station. I am sure Talia will understand, you give live in the big house on the hill with your husband and kids, you will triple your pay," Milly says happily.

"I am not even sure they all know me how do I know if the could respect someone not too much older than them," Emma says in the car. There is silence the rest of the ride. As soon as they get there, there are signs out front welcoming Emma home and saying congratulations on the engagement.

"Good thing you did not say no," Leo smirks

"Yes and I will turn this place around," Emma says and Milly hands her a name tag with her name on it.

"I knew you would say yes," she says and begins to cry out of happiness.

Everyone claps as she gets out of the car and gives her a huge hug. Leo follows her out  and grabs her up swings her and sets her down for a kiss.


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