The Hunter and the Hunted

By xBinksx

547 3 4

[Slow Updates] Abbey Miller. Average name. Average girl. Average house. Average school. Average friends... More

The Hunter and the Hunted
Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:

Chapter Three:

17 0 0
By xBinksx

Chapter Three:

Smiling the woman made her way over to me and hugged me tightly to her chest. "My baby is finally home!" she said happily. I was starting to freak out because I didn't know this woman. Thankfully her daughter told her to let go. "Now, how was the flight?" she asked stepping away. All eyes where once again on me. I don't talk, I wanted to shout it out and carve it onto my forehead. Instead I rolled my eyes and stalked off. People piss me off. All they do is stare and judge you. I hate people.

Once in my room I slipped on some pajamas and sat at my window seat. It had those cool windows that open like doors, and I could sit on the roof. While I was reading 'Insurgent' there was a faint knock on the door. Obviously I didn't tell this unknown person to enter, they did it anyway. Looking up I noticed the woman's daughter standing there looking around my room in awe I couldn't blame her, this room was perfect. "Sorry about my mom. She's a bit over dramatic." she said shrugging and sitting by me. "Also Caleb told us how you don't talk so I had him give me your number. I hope that's fine?" she said looking at me.

I just nodded and looked out at the woods. "Scary isn't it?" she whispered while looking at the woods. I wanted to laugh at her. The woods always made me happy, granted I've never been in the woods. Mother would never allow it. I just nodded my head, there was a part of me that agreed with her, the woods where unknown and mysterious. I liked that, but it also terrified me so much. "Our dads hunt in there a lot. They tell me story's of all the dangerous animals that live there." She whispered as if someone was listening to us. I nodded in understanding, in reality I didn't understand her. What could possibly put there? Bears, wolves, and maybe some bobcats? They aren't that bad. A bear is possibly the worst thing.

Rolling my eyes I sighed and pushed myself away from the window. Standing I placed my book on the stand beside my bed and sat on my bed. Turning to the chalkboard I wrote Chloe a message. 'Are you staying her..?' She read the message and laughed. "I live here. Didn't your dad tell you that?" She asked confused. I shook my head and wrote something else. 'We haven't really "talked" since I've been here' she nodded in understanding. "Yeah. Our dads are like brothers and since they work together, they live together. My parents sleep on the right side of the house, it's like a second home over there. It has everything, living room, kitchen, it's own garage. It's awesome." She said sitting on my bed with me.

After "talking" with Chloe for another two hours, she decided to head to bed. Once she was gone I turned out all the lights and laid quietly on my bed. Looking at the window to my left I noticed the moon was almost full. 'Maybe a few more days?' I thought as I turned on my left side and closed my eyes. Drifting off to a peaceful sleep. "Abbey, Abbey wake up." I heard someone softly say as I was being shaken. Groaning in response I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Sorry to wake you. Your dad said to take you shopping for school supplies." I opened my left eyes and squinted at the boy in front of me. He looked like Chloe but with brown curly hair instead of blonde straight hair. He had these beautiful green eyes I couldn't really look away from. Nodding me head at him I stood out of bed and walked to my closet. "Alright well I'll be down stairs with Chloe. Oh by the way I'm Cole." He said before leaving the room.

"You don't really need a backpack, maybe like a big purse or something." Chloe said as we walked down the backpack isle. Nodding I looked at the purses on the other side. Seeing a tan bag that would work well I grabbed it and placed it in the cart Cole was pushing. "Nice choice Abbey!" Chloe said while putting in notebooks and folders. "Your dad gave me his card so get whatever." Cole said as we walked to the clothes. Nodding me and Chloe started picking out clothes. After about two hours of shopping we where headed home. "Good thing I took the truck" Cole laughed as we stopped at a red light.

My window was down and the slight breeze was welcoming. A very nice sports car pulled up beside us at the light. Looking over I saw a brunet boy sniffing the air. Looking at him confused I sniffed as well. Once my eyes opened I noticed him looking at the truck with a longing look. Still confused I pushed it away as we drove off. Looking back I noticed the took a left into the city. "Ugh. So glad he didn't see me." Chloe mumbled. Tapping her shoulder I shrugged and waved a hand for her to elaborate. "Oh. Well I dated this guy, Max, for a little over three years. Umm, something happened and we had to break up." Nodding I sat back in my seat.

"Wow. What'd you do? Buy the whole store?" Seth joked as him and Cory placed all of my bags in my room. I just smiled and shrugged. "Alright well, Cory and myself are going on a short hunting trip tonight. We will be back Wednesday for your first day of school. Jasmine and Caleb will be here if you need anything. Cole is also leaving for a few days to his friends. So you and Chloe behave and listen to Jasmine and Caleb okay?" Seth said as he hugged me tightly. This time I could hug back. Nodding I smiled at him and shooed him away so I could put my things away and pack up my bag for school Wednesday. That was four days away. I was actually happy to start a new school, I know I'm weird, but it's like a fresh start for me and I like it.

Chloe and I spent the past four days watching movies and going shopping for little things I could put in my room. We went and got pictures taken of us together and frames to put them in. We've become really close the past few days and I'm happy to start school with her tomorrow. Seth and Cory came home a few hours ago. They where currently in Seth's office talking about who-knows-what. "I'm going to bed Abbey. Night!" Chloe said before hugging me and leaving my room. After showering and changing I opened my window a little before laying down in bed. I always open the window when it's a full moon. I've done it since I was six years old. Mom always said its because I was waiting for my Prince Charming.

Hearing my alarm go off at 5:30am I groaned and cursed the inventor of school in my head repeatedly as I got ready. After doing my bathroom routine I dressed in a white high-waisted skirt, light grey long sleeve shirt, tucked in, and black TOMS. Pulling my blonde hair into a ballet bun I smiled at myself them pulled on my black thick glasses, and yes I actually need them. Grabbing my bag I walked downstairs into the kitchen where Jasmine was cooking breakfast. "Morning Abbey!" she said happily as she piled on some pancakes and bacon for me. I smiled and waved as I began eating. "Hey Abbey, hey Jasmine!" Chloe said as she sat beside me. "Cole slept as his friends so I'll drive us to school." she said looking at me. I nodded as I sipped on my orange juice.

Once at school Chloe looped her arm with mine and walked me to the main office. Her heels made a light clicking noise as we walked. She was explaining everything to me and telling me what clubs to join and all this other good stuff. After getting a map of the school, along with my locker number and class schedule. Chloe disappeared to her first period English class. I of course had stupid Math first. Yuck. It was on the second floor in room 213. Walking my way up the stairs I noticed a few jocks standing around the large window that looked out onto the quad. Of course the cheerleaders where down there. Rolling my eyes I walked past them.

You know in the movies when the main characters lock eyes for the first time, and everything goes in slow motion? Yeah that happened when I locked eyes with a pair of deep brown eyes. Everything seemed to slow down. My breath hitched and my heart skipped a beat. Why? Why did that happen? I asked myself as I blinked and walked away. 'That was weird.' I thought as I entered my Math class. "Morning. You must be Abbey, I'm Mr. Walker. Please have a seat." Mr. Walker said as he smiled politely at me. Smiling back I took a set in the back left corner by the window. Sighing I took out my notebook and marker. "Please write your first name and last initial into the front of your books." Mr. Walker said as he handed out books.

Once the school day was finished I sat on the bleachers in the gym as Chloe practiced Volleyball. I guess the had summer tryouts or something because she was already on the team. I'm not 100% against sports but I also didn't do a lot of them like her and Cole. She not only was on the Volleyball team, but she was trying out for Soccer and Basketball. I loved Soccer so she agreed to help me learn some of the schools plays. Cole was on the Football team, boys Soccer team, Basketball, and Lacrosse team. "Come on Abbey!" Chloe yelled as she waved me over. She was now dressed in her school clothes and her hair was wet and braided to the side. I smiled as I walked over to her.

"Great" she mumbled as a brunet boy walked over to us. "Here are the keys. Wait for me?" she asked handing me the keys. Nodding I walked to the car and sat in the passenger seat. Looking back at Chloe I noticed she was in a heated conversation with the boy. I also noticed he was the boy from the sports car. Her ex boyfriend, Max. I wanted to yell at him but that thought left my mind as she slapped him and stomped to the car while wiping tears away. "Ugh." She groaned as she drove us home. "Boys suck ass" she yelled as we stopped at the only stop light. Nodded in agreement I grabbed her hand and squeezed. "Thanks" she mumbled and drove us home. I don't really know why she is upset but I do know I hate this Max guy for making her cry.


[ video of Chloe on the side!! ]

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