Mute By Choice

By BlighttLightt

30K 682 1.5K

Fairy Tail AU Lucy Heartfillia- A girl who hasn't spoken to anyone besides her friends since her mom died in... More

How They Met (Prolouge)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Finale)

Chapter 1

4.5K 102 360
By BlighttLightt

Lucy's p.o.v

"Lucy-San wake up. We have to go to school in an hour!" Wendy called knocking on my door. Erza, Levy-Chan, Juvia, Wendy, and I only ever talked to each other, rather then that no one else has ever heard us speak. I got out of bed brushed my hair and went to the kitchen for breakfast. We had a small apartment that we payed for with our money that we got from our part time jobs. It wasn't the best thing ever but it helped.

"Morning Lu-Chan!" Levy-Chan said.

"Morning!" I said. "What's for breakfast?"

"Wendy made eggs." Erza said eating a bite of her sunny side up egg.

"Juvia thinks that the eggs are delicious." Juvia said.

"Thank you Juvia-San." Wendy said.

I took a plate of sunny side up, put some bread in the toaster, and poured myself a glass of orange juice. After my roast was done I grabbed my toast, some utensils and ate my food. "Juvia is right these eggs are good, Wendy"

"Thanks Lucy-San." Wendy said smiling. After we all finished eating we took turns brushing our teeth and we got ready for school. I went to my room and changed and was slipping on my shoes when I went to the kitchen to wait for everybody.

Wendy was already there "You look nice Wendy." I told her.

"Thank you Lucy-San. You do too." Wendy said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Hey Lu-Chan!" Levy-Chan called. "Did you remember your slate.

"Don't worry Levy-chan its in my bag."

"What about you Wendy?" Levy asked.

"I have it Levy-San." Wendy said.

"Nice dress Levy-Chan." I said.

"Thanks Lu-Chan!"

"Juvia is here!" Juvia said making a dramatic entrance. We all laughed.

"You look nice Juvia-San." Wendy said.

"Juvia thinks Wendy looks nice too." Juvia said.

"Thanks." Wendy said.

"Is everyone ready?" Erza asked entering the room. We all nodded. "Then let's head to school." She said.

"Juvia thinks that Erza looks nice." Juvia said.

"Thank you Juvia." Erza responded.

We all grabbed our bags and headed to school. I sent a text on our group chat.

Lucy: Are you guys ready to enter and be beat up?

Juvia: Juvia is never ready but she'll brace herself

Wendy: I hate this

Erza: We should be used to this it happens everyday but I agree with Wendy, I hate this.

Levy: Here we go.

We took out our slates and I opened the doors and we all entered.

"Oh look it's the dumb girls, literally." Said Adam Smith he was part the most popular group in the school was standing near the door. The members in this group were George Brooklyn, Jack Parker, Adam Smith, Gregory Smith, And Kyle Oscar. Since we didn't talk we were 'mute' and another word for that is dumb and people used that word to make fun of us. We just ignored him and walked past.

"Hey I'm talking to you." Adam said standing in front of my way. The rest of the group was standing in front of my friends, George in front of Erza, Jack in front Juvia, Gregory in front of Levy, and Kyle in front of Wendy. 'Excuse us but we need to get to our lockers'  "How about no?" Adam said. My phone buzzed.

Wendy: What should we do? What should we do? WHAT SHOULD WE DO?!

Lucy: Wendy you need to chill

Levy: We need to make a plan.

"Hey we're talking to you!" Gregory Smith said. We ignored him.

Erza: One Of us can try to run to make a distraction.

Juvia: Juvia will do it!

Wendy: I could try...

Lucy: You sure?

Wendy: not really.

"Hellooooo?" Kyle Oscar asked waving his hand in front of Wendy's face. "Is anyone in there?"

Just then an announcement went off. " Will Lucy Heartfilia, Erza Scarlet, Levy McGarden, Juvia Lockser, and Wendy Marvell. Please come down to the office"  we looked at the boys and for they let us leave. As soon as we were near the office my phone buzzed.

Wendy: ARE WE IN TROUBLE?!?!?!

Juvia: Juvia dosen't mean to be rude but she thinks that Wendy should calm down.

Wendy: Right, sorry.

Levy: Its okay.

Erza: We're here.

We all put our phones away and walked inside the office. "Hello, girls." the office lady said. we just waved in response. "You're probably wondering why I called you here," we all nodded in response. "Well, there are some new kids and I think that you five would be the best ones to show them around. You have the same exact schedule as the boy that you show around, so if they follow you they're just heading to class." we all looked at each other then nodded at her. "Boys, you can come in now!" five boys came in. One had raven black hair and a silver necklace on, he stood across from Juvia. One had blue hair and a tattoo under his eye, he stood across from Erza. One had spiky black hair and had piercings (like a lot of them) he stood across from Levy. One had pink hair and onyx eyes, he stood across from me. And one had dark purple hair and was wearing golden bracelets.

"Boys introduce yourselves." The office lady said.

"I'm Jellal Fernandes." The blue haired one said with a slight smile.

"I'm Gray Fullbuster." The one with the necklace said slightly annoyed.

"I'm Gajeel Redfox." The one with piercings said like he really didn't care.

"I'm Natsu Dragneel." The one with pink hair said with a wide grin on his face.

"I'm Romeo Conbolt." The one with braclets said with a smile.

"Erza you will show around Jellal." The office lady said.

"Who's Erza?" Jellal asked. 'Me.' Erza wrote. "Okay, please continue."

"Juvia will show around Gray."

"Who is Juvia?" Gray asked. Juvia raised her hand. "Okay please continue."

"Levy will show around Gajeel."

"Who is Levy?" Levy wrote 'me' "oh."

"Lucy will show around Natsu."

"Who is Lucy?" I wrote 'me' "oh please continue."

"And Wendy will show around Romeo."

"And you're Wendy?" Romeo asked Wendy and she nodded in response.

"Please go show them around now." 'Follow me' I wrote And Natsu and I exited the office.

Wendy's p.o.v

Romeo and I went down the hall. Apparently we had the same schedule so I had to show him around. 'This is our English class with our teacher Mr. Williams' I wrote down and showed it to him.

"Cool, hey how come you just write things on that slate?" He asked me. 'I don't talk to people' I wrote. "Why?" 'Personal reasons.' "Okay then... my locker number is 632, where is that?"

I started walking ahead and showed him where his locker was. His locker was right next to mine, his locker was on the even side of the two locker walls across from each other and mine was on the odd side because mine was 633. I opened my locker and got all my things for class.

"I'm guessing thats your locker." Romeo said. I nodded and closed my locker.

We walked to the gym. 'This is the gym' I wrote. "Do you guys have a basketball team?" I nodded. "What's it called?" 'The Fairies' he burst out laughing. "What type of name is The Fairies?" 'Our school is called Fairy Tail' I wrote. "True."

We walked to our math class. 'This is Math with our teacher Miss. Jones.'  "Cool," Romeo said. "Is she nice?" I nodded. "Great." He smiled I slightly smiled back. As soon as I finished the tour we the bell rang. 'To science.' I wrote.

We went to science with Mrs. Brown. "Class we have a new student. Please introduce yourself."

"Hi I'm Romeo Conbolt." He said awkwardly waving.

"Please take a seat next to Wendy over there, she will be your lab partner for the rest of the year," He nodded and sat next to me. "Okay class open up to page 36 in your text books please." And we did as told.

ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ Time Skipᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

Levy's p.o.v

It was time for lunch. Lu-chan, Erza, Juvia, Wendy, and I all went to our lockers. The boys lockers were close to ours so that might also be why we were the ones that showed them around. We opened out lockers to get our lunch and a slip of paper fell out of each of ours. We each opened ours. Mine said YoU ArE sOoOoOo DuMb LiTeRaLlY 'what sloppy hand writing' I thought. But I couldn't help but being hurt. I don't know why we get these regularly but, it still hurt to read them. I looked at the one Lu-Chan got YoUr JuSt AnOtHeR dUmB bLoNdE lItErAlLy I saw that we all were looking at Lu-Chan's, and before we all were looking at mine. FiRsT pErSoN eXsItS fOr A rEaSoN Juvia's read. Juvia always wrote on her slate in third person, just like how she would talk in their person at home. We all looked at Wendy's and it said YoU'Ll NeVeR gEt AnYoNe To LoVe YoU fOr ToO rEaSoNs 1. YoU'rE cHeSt Is TwO fLaT 2. YoU cAn'T eVeN tAlk Wendy was very sensitive about the comments about her chest size. We all looked at the final one, Erza's WhY dOn'T yOu AlL dO uS tHe FaVoR oF lEaViNg EaRtH? With that I looked at all of our sad expressions.

^^ like the pictures above^^

We all slammed our lockers shut, and we ran to the bathroom. I tried holding in my tears but the others were way better at doing that then me. We ran into the bathroom and collapsed onto the floor in tears. I texted on our group chat.

Levy: They call us dumb, they don't even know the difference between two, too, you're, and your.

I heard them slightly laugh. We all continued to cry and then we all had a group hug right on the bathroom floor. Then we all got up, wiped away our tears, and walked back outside to lunch like nothing happened. We always had to make it look like it wasn't affecting us because we couldn't give everyone the satisfaction of being able to make us cry.

We got our lunch bags and went to lunch with our slates and markers. We sat down at our usual table in the corner of the room. Everyone called our table the loner corner for some reason. It doesn't really make sense considering we are not alone at the table because we have the company of each other, but I don't correct them in fear of getting a punch in the gut or the face.

Erza opened up her lunch box first.

Then Lu-Chan.

Then Juvia.

Then Wendy.

And lastly me.

We all opened our lunch boxes to find some Mac and cheese that Wendy had made. Wendy liked to take care of all the cooking and baking so she normally did that, but if there was cake involved then Erza would join in. We opened our lunches and started eating.

"Hey shrimp, can we sit here?" Gajeel asked. 'My name is LEVY' I wrote he just ignored it.

"Sorry about him," Jellal apologized. "Can we sit with you everywhere else is full. We all looked at each other and then we nodded saying that they could sit with us.

"Thanks." Natsu said with a wide grin. We had one side of the table and the boys had the other side. Whoever showed around the other person was sitting across from the person they showed around. 'Just my luck.' I thought. 'I'm in front of Gajeel'  we didn't talk during lunch of course we just sat there in silence. 

We finished our lunch before them so we just decided to go to our lockers and get our stuff for the next class.

Juvia's p.o.v

Juvia started walking to class. "Hey Juvia, wait up!" Juvia turned around to see Gray he caught up to Juvia. "What's our next class?" He asked. 'History' Juvia wrote.

"And where is that?" Gray asked. Juvia pointed to the door that she was standing in front of. "Oh." Gray said. And we went into the class room.

"Class today we have a new student," Ms. Levin said. "Would you like to introduce yourself?"

"My name is Gray Fullbuster." Gray said.

"Go take the seat next to Juvia over there," She said pointing to Juvia. Gray day next to Juvia.
"Okay class please open up to page ten in your history books." Juvia opened her book and so did the rest of the class.

★彡Time Skip★彡

Erza's p.o.v

We walked to our lockers. School was done for the day and we needed to get our things and go home. We all opened our lockers to see someone had vandalized pictures of ourselves that we put in last years year book.

I felt hurt. Stuff like this happened everyday how could I not? But I didn't cry, I had to stay strong for the others. I looked at Levy's

She looked extremely sad. I don't blame her of course. I was sad too. Levy saw mine and then we both looked at Lucy's.

Lucy hated being called a dumb blonde. And we hated when she was called a dumb blonde because she was one of the smartest people that we knew. Lucy looked at ours then we all looked at Juvia's.

People made fun of Juvia because she would write in third person just like how she would talk in third person. Juvia saw all of our pictures and then...


Wendy had slammed her locker door shut and ran to the bathroom in tears. We all looked at each other and I picked up the picture that she got.

We all looked at each other, shut or locker doors and went to the bathroom to comfort Wendy. We were all very protective over Wendy because she was younger then all of us.

We arrived at the girls bathroom just too bear crying from a stall. I knocked on the stall. "Wendy?" I asked quietly so that no one outside would hear me.

"Yeah." She whispered sniffling.

"Come out." Lucy whispered. Wendy opened the stall door and was wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. We all have her a big group hug, and this may sound cheesy but the hug had some extra love in it.

After Wendy calmed down we went to our lockers and got our stuff. And we started walking back to the apartment. All along the walk my only thought was 'Why is this our school life?'


That's the end of chapter one! Sorry for it being a little bit depressing. This has nothing to with the story but this is awesome. Its about the dragon slayers.

I hope you liked the chapter. Chapter two will come out eventually. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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