By jdbsangel

100K 2.9K 939

"I wish you never texted me that day" - A Jason McCann love story More

*Before you read*
*unknown number*
New bestie or what?
"I know everything"
Sweet Dreams Princess
Horny Surprises
Fuck you
Spontaneous guest
Dangerous looks
Who are you
Morning drive
A trap?
Little Lie
Contact demolition
Missing you
Never say never
The basketball game
Get used to it

Victoria's letter

1.4K 36 25
By jdbsangel

Jason's P.O.V

"In 29 Days gentlemen, it will be that time." I eye each one of my gang members intensely, making sure to have their attention as I point an index finger at them warningly. "In one month, the 29th of November we will bomb the Colorado Casino in Las Vegas," I say with a serious expression on my face. "The bombs we made are finally done, our special clothes are with the weapons ready in the 3 Trucks outside. The camera surveillance of the casino is also saved in our program and we went through the procedure five times today." I continue earning nods from the others.

"We worked really hard, not only today but also the last couple of months. So, my fellas, I think it's time for us to finally breathe after this 8-hour long ass meeting and enjoy our last weeks here in Miami before we leave on the 20th." I end my little speech and everyone sighs, standing up from their chairs and walking up to me. We give each other some bro hugs before leaving the messy room we spent almost the whole day in.

"We're leaving to go to the club, are you coming with us?" Mason asks me putting his leather jacket on as I walked into the kitchen to get myself a beer. "Sure," I mumble after I close the fridge and take a sip out of my cold beer, walking over to the men who are about to leave the mansion.

"Aren't you going?" I ask walking past Liam who just made himself comfortable on the big sofa in front of the TV. "Nah, I think I better stay here with Vic and Ally." He mumbles, going through his messy hair tiredly. "Man come along and have some fun. Look, Jason is going too. His chick doesn't have him so whipped as that Vic has you." Mason's words echo through the big room making me smirk as I take another sip of my drink.

Liam shakes his head at Mason, looking down to his lap. "She won't find out if something happens anyway, right Jason?" Mason tries to convince him and I nod my head agreeing. We look at him questioningly, as Liam starts to rethink his decision. "Alright." He sighs getting off the sofa and I smirk satisfied when I finished my beer.

When he stood up he looked over to the stairs and I followed his gaze meeting Victoria who probably listened to our conversation. No one says anything and I start to feel awkward standing there so I decide to go upstairs to get my phone.

"It's not good to eavesdrop in on the conversations of others," I say walking past her into my room leaving the upcoming drama behind me. Victoria rolls her eyes playfully, crossing her arms over her chest: "Liam, didn't we discuss that you won't be clubbing anymore?" She asks him madly with an attitude reminding me immediately of Maya.

"And what does 'she won't find out anyway' mean huh? Oh right, that means if you cheat again, I won't find out, right?" Her irritated voice fills the mansion, getting everyone's attention. "But you know what? Go, I don't care anymore."

I shake my head at the scenario. Women.

When I reached my room and the voices of the annoying couple disappeared, I took my phone from my nightstand, checking it for any messages or calls. I sigh when I see that I've got nothing, laying down on my bed.

Now it's been over a week since I told Maya about my feelings for her. To be honest, I don't know if I really like her though. I never felt this shit towards anyone nor do I believe that I have something like feelings. I actually only said it to bring her closer to me, so she trusts me, which will make it easier for me to persuade her to go to Las Vegas with me.

I don't care if Maya has to leave her family to be with me. If she feels anything for me, she would come. And if she doesn't, well then I will take her with me, if she wants it or not.

"Bro, we're waiting! Will you hurry up and come?" Austin calls from downstairs making me snap my head towards the door. I immediately stand up from the bed and walk over to my dresser to get my leather jacket. Before leaving I take a look at the large mirror in my room noticing that I look like a whole mess. My messy hair is sticking out in every direction and the 50 shades of dark circles under my eyes make my presence ten times worse. But I'm too lazy to care so I simply take my black sunglasses out of the commode and put them on.

Walking over to my bed to get my phone I check the time which is 6:30 pm and I decide to send Maya a text since I still haven't heard from her and it's been over a week since the basketball game. I haven't talked to her since then nor have I seen her. It was because I had to focus on the Gang and the deal we have.

I open our chat and type in a simple 'Hey' before locking my phone. I hope we're okay and she's not distant because of what happened with Victoria or that I told her that I like her...

After putting my phone in the left pocket of my jacket, I check the right one for a package of cigarettes I might need. Leaving my room afterward I make sure to close the door before walking down the stairs. "Finally! We were about to leave without you." Mason says annoyed as soon as he and the others caught sight of me. I roll my eyes at their impatience and follow them outside to the cars.

I spotted how Austin climbs in one of our Range Rovers and I decide to sit in the backseat since I'm not in the mood to drive. When I opened the door of the car I spot Liam and Victoria in it. Liam was wearing a suit and Vic a black dress which ended right above her knees. Even Austin was dressed well and if I compare myself to the others I determine that I look like shit.

"Why are y'all dressed like that?" I furrow my eyebrows confused after getting in the car and closing the door behind me. "We might be meeting John Calmer there, he wants to talk to us, to you," Austin answers, emphasizing the last part. "I'm not meeting anyone today. What does he want anyway? We already talked with him about the damn plan hundreds of times." I roll my eyes annoyed, getting more irritated at each passing moment slowly but surely.

Austin shrugs starting the engine and I pull my phone out to check if Maya answered, but she obviously didn't. Sighing I type in "Why are you ignoring me?" before putting it back in and pulling out my cigarettes afterward. I take one out carefully and place it between my lips, ignoring the others as I light it. Inhaling the amazing substance, I start to calm down a bit when a voice interrupted my relaxing moment.

"Bro can you stop smoking, Victoria doesn't like the smell of it," Liam says, waving a hand in front of him as I nearly choked on my cigarette because of his words. Did he really just-?

"Since when are you such a pu*sy Liam? And who cares what that b*tch likes or not?" I laugh at them immediately and inhale the smoke again, blowing it in their direction purposely.

"Don't call her that," Liam says, gritting his teeth and I roll my eyes at his behavior. "Why did you take her with you anyways? Her presence is.. unnecessary."

"What do you have against her now, huh? Is it because of what happened at the Basketball game?" Liam defends Victoria while she doesn't look at us, knowing damn well why she pisses me off. "Yes, yes it is because of the basketball game! Whatever Victoria told Maya, she is probably the reason why Maya is ignoring me. What if she would've found out about you being kidnapped? Or maybe she suspects that already!" I raise my voice, my veins probably popping as I puff out another smoke.

"Why does it bother you so much? Victoria hasn't said anything suspicious and Maya will be okay anyway." Liam responds and I don't answer him for a couple of seconds, just finishing my cigarette.

"Maya shouldn't know that Victoria is kidnapped because otherwise, she thinks that I will kidnap her too and well, I will." I say smirking, throwing my cigarette out of the window.

Victoria looks at me for the first time today. She looked at me in utter disgust before putting her attention back to the window, watching the cars who drive by.


"Three more shots of tequila, please," I mumble totally drunk as I lay half of my body on the bar, looking at the barkeeper through my black sunglasses lazily. The guy nods before disappearing and I sigh taking my phone once again out of my pocket. I couldn't see really clear anymore which I noticed when I looked at the display of my phone. Not really caring that I'm drunk, I open the chat with Maya.

The longer I stared at the display, the more I got frustrated at the question that was growing inside of me.

Does she like me too?

I sounded like a real girl to be honest, so I was glad that no one here could read my mind. Obviously, that would be the end of Jason McCann. I would rather jump from a roof then let someone know that I care about a fuc.king girl.

"Here sir." The barkeeper finally appears again, giving me the alcohol which I gladly took, since my head already started hurting from all the thinking. I give him a nod, telling him to leave before I drink all the shots empty.

"Hey baby." Some blond woman takes a seat next to me after some minutes and I immediately roll my eyes when I recognized her. "Not now Katie, I'm not in the mood," I mumble, standing up but she automatically took a hold of my arm.

"Come on Jay, I'm sure you missed me." She says smirking as she presented her slutty outfit containing obviously too much glitter.

"Don't worry, I really didn't," I answer letting go of her hand on my arm, walking away afterward. But not only seconds later Katie was running after me and when she reached me, she also stepped in front of me. I needed a couple of seconds to realize her presence and when my blurry vision slowly faded away, I felt her crushing her lips on mine.

I was a bit taken aback by her actions but didn't mind to kiss her back and by the time we were making out somewhere on a sofa. She was sitting on my lap as our lips were moving against each other and I felt her hands slowly going down to my pants and that is when I stopped her. I couldn't really think anymore that's how I probably ended up here with her but I was still able to understand where this was going to.

"Katie," I mumble as her lips kissed my neck, my voice coming out lustful which wasn't my intention. I felt her sucking apart right above my collar bone and when I realized that this bi.tch was going to leave a hickey there I immediately stood up from the sofa making her fall on the ground, catching everyone's attention.

"Ouch Jason!" She whines, holding her butt as she sat up from the ground and I was inwardly laughing at her. The slut looked at me for an explanation as to why I throw her off me like that but I wasn't up to anything so I simply walked away from her, probably leaving her clueless.

When I found my way back to the bar, I saw my gang sitting at a table from a far distance. But I was too drunk to discuss important gang stuff right now so I sat down on the same spot like before and ordered some more shots making me feel a little dizzier after every one.

Maya's P.O.V

"My name is Victoria Ross and I got kidnapped 11 months ago by Liam Hanson, Jason McCann's gang member. I tried to escape many times, risking my life but it's impossible. Please help me to get away from them. Here is the number of my mother, please call her when you're home and let her know about everything. And be careful, Jason is planning something and I don't want you to be in the same position as me."

Rereading Victoria's Letter for probably the hundredth time, I lay it down on my bed, looking at it blankly as I stare in utter disbelief. I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it.

The thoughts of Jason really kidnapping me were invading every inch inside my head the whole time and I couldn't make the thought of it disappear.

A tear rolls down my face and I quickly wipe it away with a shaky hand, sniffling a bit. Was he really planning on kidnapping me?

I should have known it. The whole time. He is no good.

I always knew that Jason was very dangerous and I'm aware of what he is capable of, but I always tried to see the better in him. I feel like he is different towards me and maybe he has changed...? I mean, I haven't heard anything bad about him in the news lately...

Or maybe I'm just trying to hide the fact that the most wanted criminal in the US is planning something terrifying that has me included.

Texting with Jason has always been risky. I knew from the beginning that it wouldn't end up good, but I kept doing it. But right now, after this letter. I can't risk it anymore.

I told him that I don't want to be in contact with him anymore. I tried to ignore Jason many times but in the end, I always ended up still talking with him. And I've got tired of always telling him to not text me anymore. I already got two texts from Jason today, but I ignored them of course.

At that moment, I felt my phone vibrate next to me on the bed and when I looked down onto my display, I see that it's another text message from Jason. I didn't even want to read his text so I ignored it but only seconds later I got one again. My eyes landed on the display again, this time reading the messages. Confused I took my phone in my hand as I re-read Jason's weird texts, trying to decipher what he wrote.



*15 minutes later*

Why are you ignoring me?

*3 hours later*

I nerd u so bedley
U naked yessdbd

Jason are you drunk?

Butj babseeeee
Doesn't chasange thw fact tdat I want yuhh

I want you too sexy boy

Yasw omgggs

Come over I'll take care of you

uuuuh dou yuow meaen that in a naesty wayyy??

That was a joke as.shole

U r a mothrfukvkingg bithchhh

I like you more when you're sober

U knowo Jasn liks u too

I know

sooow..u liker him too?

tell Jason that Maya is not going to text with him anymore because he is drunk

haha ur so funnwyyyyyy

Ohhh I didn't know that ?1?1?1?

oh sorwwryyyyyy

lol you're so weird

Canb I cmeee ovrerrr??

You're a drunk mess

But im sowo lonehlyyyyyy
i have noboidyyyyy


haha im funwy righht hahahaa
i madv u smwileee



I don't understand what you mean?!

*End of Texts*

Sighing I lock my phone and lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling as I wonder if Victoria is telling the truth. I mean I barely know her?

Jason seems so different to me. He doesn't seem like the media shows him. Maybe he hasn't killed all those people? And maybe he isn't planning on kidnapping me?

But I think to find out if Victoria says the truth, I should call the number she gave me, which is supposed to be her mother. I'm unsure of what to say if she picks up, but I would be a horrible person if I wouldn't contact her when all of the stuff Victoria said is true.

Nervously grabbing my phone again, I dial the number that is written at the end of the letter. Pulling my phone up to my ear shakily, I sit upwards, leaning on the cushion of my bed as I wait for the person on the other line to pick up. After three rings I hear a woman's voice through the speakers on my phone and I make myself automatically ready to ask some questions about her 'missing' daughter.

When I was about to speak, I hear some light knocks on my window so I turn around to the direction it is coming from. My heart immediately stops and I was almost about to scream in fright like I just saw a monster behind my window.

"Hello? Is someone there?" The woman's voice comes out of my phone. Not daring to answer, I pull my phone down from my ear and end the call quickly, while I keep a firm stare at the window.

I took the letter from Victoria from my bed and tore it up as fast as I could, trying to make it as inconspicuous as possible. She told me that no one is allowed to know about the letter and that I should destroy it after reading it.

Stuffing the peaces of the now torn letter under my pillow afterward, I turn nervously around meeting the monster behind my window.

It was Jason who was behind it with a smirk on his face while his hands and face looked like they were covered with lots of.. blood.

*Author's Note*

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you so much for reading

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- aisha

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