Reincarnated in another world...

By hikari231

167K 6.3K 700

[Highest Rank: #1 in magic (14/06/2018) #1 in shounen (30/11/2018)] Tsukishima Na... More

I was reincarnated because.....
I am a boy now.....
Six months.......
Nature of magic........
Nature of magic (part 2).........
Birthday (part2)........
A normal day............
Lilian (part 2)............
Lilian (part 3)................
Lilian (part 4)...............
Invitation to Ball............
The Ball............
Meeting in the forest..........
Going on an adventure..........
Singer near the lake.............
Missing Allen.........
Reincarnated: Ray's POV.............
Reincarnated: Ray's POV (part2)...........
Reincarnated: Ray's POV (part3)............
Reincarnated: Ray's POV (part4)..........
Let's talk...................
The Five Year Ceremony Arc: Royal Capital...........
Exploring Selia.........
The Five Year Ceremony........
The Five Year Ceremony (part2)..........
Waking up..............
Healing (part2).............
The Five Year Ceremony Arc: Returning Home..........
A normal day (part2)...........
Teacher arrives............
Katherine's condition...............
Studying is hard, Test is harder..............
Investigating Oletha Household.............
Investigating Oletha Household (part2)..............
Investigating Oletha Household (part3)..............
Investigating Oletha Household (part 4)..............
Investigating Oletha Household (part5).................
I always keep my words..............
Inspecting Shein Village..............
The boy.......
The battle at the hideout...........
The battle at the hideout (part 2)............
The Battle at the hideout (part 3)........
Making new friends.............
Making new friends (part2)...........
White Fang.........
A day in hell..........
A day in hell (part2)........
A day in hell (part2.5).....
We're big brothers now....
Author: Something happened...
Starting from scratch....
Starting from scratch (part2).....
The battle at the Oletha Mansion......
The battle at the Oletha Mansion (part 2)...
The battle at the Oletha mansion (part 3).....
The battle at the Oletha Household (part 4)......
The battle at the Oletha Household (part 5).....
The battle at the Oletha Household (part 6)....
The battle at the Oletha Household (part 7).....
Umm... A Conversation

On the way back........

1K 49 2
By hikari231

Edited by : dragonsam656


Alfred led the way to the farming area where everyone was working and on the way there was a small market where they were selling some ingredients for cooking and vegetables.

There were a lot of people selling and buying stuff along with a lot of traveling merchants. Although called a village Shrink was more of a town full of merchants and people coming from different sides of the kingdom to sell and buy stuff.

Alfie, Ray and Allen were left with Lilian as Reind, Arnette, and the village chief went to check up on some official matters. Alfie gave Ray and Allen a tour of the village as they went near the fields where people were using magic to grow crops without causing the soil to lose its fertility, watching this style of farming really fascinated Allen and Ray as they went near the fields and watched them closely and even talked to some of the people working on the fields.

The people who were working on the fields when laid their eyes on Ray and Allen at first thought that they were two porcelain dolls but when they saw them moving about and talking with Alfie they realized that they were real and not dolls. (T/N: lol)

Ray noticed the farmers looking at them and approached them and asked them some questions related to how cultivate and grow crops in a better way using magic. While Allen and Alfie decided to help the farmers. All of them spent more than three hours on the fields learning different things. By the end of the third hour all of their clothes were dirty causing them to earn a lecture from Lilian. After that, Reind came and they went to the market area for inspection and buy some new clothes for them.

Allen, Ray, and Alfie said goodbye to everyone on the field as they went to the market. All of the farmers waved them goodbye and asked them to come back anytime they want.


By the time Reind inspected the market and bought the kids some new clothes it was already the time for their departure. As the kids said goodbye to each other they departed back to their home.

The journey back was a quite one as Allen and Ray were enjoying the view, when Ray noticed one of village which was abandoned and burned to ruins. He tugged on Lilian's sleeve. "Lilian what happened to that village?" Ray pointed towards the village.

Allen looked towards the direction Ray was pointing. "That is Felia. That village was burned in order to stop the widespread of an epidemic." Lilian told Ray.

"Huh?! So, according to what you just said Lilian, there should be no one living in the village and it should be abandoned right now, right?" asked Ray.

"Yes, Ray-sama."

"Then who is that person lying over there?" said Ray as he pointed towards a pair of legs behind a building causing everyone to stop and look towards the direction in which Ray was pointing.

Reind and Arnette got off of their horses as they went near the ruins of the village to check who those legs belong to.

As they were getting ready to go and search, Allen and Ray started insisting on going along with them. Reind rejected their proposal strictly but the boys knew how to get what they want and insisted with the puppy dog eyes. With their big doggy eyes pleading he lost all his ground to go against them and ended up obeying their wish anyway.

On the other hand, Arnette and Lilian facepalmed because of their boss' easygoing attitude towards disciplining his children.

As they were going near the burned up house to check they found a malnourished, near-to-death, boy lying down. At first glance Reind thought he was dead because there was no movement of his breathing but thanks to Lilian's keen eyesight he was able to catch on to his low pulse. His eyes squinted as he hurriedly went near the boy and checked him for pulses as he used a little bit of healing magic that he knew on him.

"Reind-sama this boy's pulse is very faint. He needs someone with level 6 or above light magician to heal him." said Lilian as he continued to healing magic on him.

"But where can we find a level 6 or higher light magician right now?" Arnette said as he analyzed the situation.

"Papa!" Allen tugged Reind's pants to get his attention.

"What is it Allen?" Said Reind as he looked at Allen.

"Me and Allen can perform that magic, can't we? We are both able to use light magic." Ray suggested with a serious look on his face to tell how determined they were about saving this child.

Reind sighed as he shrugged. "Don't overexert yourselves, both of you." Reind ruffled their hair with a smile full of pride and confidence in them.

Ray and Allen shook their heads in agreement as they clutched their tiny hands with determination in their eyes.

As they approached the kid, Lilian warned them about his probable case of mana deficiency second stage. As he was saying that his eyes were dull, lifeless and emotionless for a few seconds before coming back to normal again before anyone can notice. Allen and Ray listened to whatever Lilian told with great attention. First, Allen started to trace the cause of the problem and evaluate how bad the situation is. After a few seconds he opened his eyes as he breathed slowly after which he immediately focused again, now giving orders to Ray. "His mana seems to be exhausted quite a bit and there is something blocking the flow of mana around his abdomen. Ray, first we will fix that then move onto supplying him with mana. You got that, right?!"
"Hai." Ray replied with a stern voice as both of them started the treatment of the boy with a great amount of concentration.

The boys started to let their mana flow into the boy's body and soon enough Ray felt like he had bumped into a wall, realizing that this is the cause of the block on the boy's flow of mana. The boys started to slowly, carefully, and steadily control their mana as they worked on destroying what felt like a wall of brick to them.

After 15 minutes or so, they were finally able to completely remove the block and the flow of mana was slowly coming back to normal. The boys were tired after intense concentration and brain straining level of control over mana so they decided to take a short break while Lilian gave the boy a first aid treatment.


(I'm so sorry guys for not updating for so long. I know I say this a lot but the workload they are giving us is like crazy. I hope you understand my problem. I promise I'll try to update faster and more frequently. Thank you so much for all of your comments and likes. And thank you for your support.)

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