Recovery // Seth Rollins

By cjleighwrites

129K 2.2K 279

"Do you fear me?" "No, I fear loving you" Caitey Gillon has the opportunity that some could on dream of and... More

- important -
Seqeul is up


1.8K 42 4
By cjleighwrites

Despite catching god knows how many planes for six weeks, I was still terrified of them. If I were to look back on my life in the past three months, I wouldn't have expected any of this to happen. I was just a shy student trying to finish her placement, now I'm a nurse moving to America to be with my boyfriend. I'm not just any nurse. I'm no longer striving to be the best theatre nurse. I'm not just the shield's nurse, I'm a pregnant nurse.

Weren't we careful? No.

Did we think about being careful? No.

In fact, from what I can remember, we never once used a condom or talked about it. I just couldn't figure out how I was going to tell Colby. I probably should have told him before we left Australia, that way he could tell me if he wanted it or not. I suppose Joe knew, I never actually told him and he's never actually asked me. I realised what AJ was talking about on the last smackdown. My strange food combination, even AJ saw it before I did. That word terrifies me. Pregnant. It's just eight letters. Eight letters that could ruin my relationship with Colby.

The boys were clearly use to these kind of long flights. They either kept themselves entertained easily or slept with no problems. I on the other hand was struggling. I couldn't get comfortable. I was tried but I couldn't sleep. I don't know how long we had been in the air for, we were possibly half way. Joe and Jon were happily snoring, leaving me awake to a peaceful sleeping Colby.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his voice full of sleep. Well, so much for peaceful sleeping. He opened his eyes and looked over at me lazily, his hand finding mine.

"I just can't sleep" I whispered, leaning back into the seat.

Colby smiled at me before pulling something out of his bag. "Here" he said, handing me a pill bottle.

I looked at the bottle and back to Colby, confused as to what he had just given me.

"It's a sleeping tablet" he clarified, seeing my confusion. "I use to need them all the time, now I just keep them on me in case I'm having a bad day."

I nodded and read the label intently. Could you take this pregnant? Where was my drug guide when I needed it.

"Just take two, I'll wake you when we land" he added, handing me a water bottle. I nodded and downed the two tablets, and laid down. We had flown first class. Present for my graduation apparently. The bed was much more comfortable than an economy chair, but I still wasn't relaxed. Maybe this was because of the baby? I felt Colby shuffle closer, his legs touching mine as he wrapped his arms around me.

I felt someone poking my cheek. I groaned and swatted their hand away, pulling the blanket further up.

"Babe wake up, we're landing soon."

I shot up, we're landing? I heard Colby's amused chuckle and shook my head.

"How did you sleep princess?" He asked, handing me a tray of food. I looked over and noticed he looked like he had being awake for hours.

"Good" I replied, taking the tray of breakfast from him. I saw nothing that really made me hungry. The pancakes didn't look fresh, they looked a week old.

"Maybe next time you should take one not two" he laughed, stealing a piece of toast.

"You think?" I playfully shot back at him, eating a piece of bacon. Colby didn't laugh though. I looked at him and stared back at me with a shocked expression.

"I stole your food" he said slowly, not breaking eye contact.

I nodded my head, "Yes Colby, I saw you do it" I said slowly, mocking his tone.

"You never let me steal your food" he said bewildered. I just shrugged and continued to eat my bacon.

One of my biggest fears on this flight was going to happen. I hoped that I could keep the morning sickness down at least until we landed. I thrusted the tray into Colby's arms before rushing to the nearest bathroom. Colby sat with a confused expression, still holding the tray. When I got to the toilet it was engaged.

"No, no, no" I panicked, holding my hand over my mouth.

"Are you okay?" A flight attendant asked me.

I shook my head, "I'm going to be sick" I rushed out, trying to keep it down. Her eyes widened and flicked to the door to see it engaged.

"Quick, come back here" she said, opening a door and ushering me through. She pointed to a sink and I ran over, emptying the breakfast I hadn't finished. She handed me tissues, mints and water.

"Thankyou, I didn't know what I would have done if I vomited on the floor" I said, eating a mint.

"Don't worry, I know how you feel I was pregnant once, four times actually" she said, laughing.

"How did you" I stuttered out. How did she know I was pregnant?

"Well despite you throwing your breakfast back up out of nowhere, you have that glow" she said in her southern accent. I just nodded and thanked her again before walking back to my seat.

Colby was impatiently waiting for me as he passed he the tray to the flight attendant I was just talking too.

"You're going to a doctor when we get home" he stated, his voice harsh. I went to protest but he cut me off. "No, this has happened too many times." I sighed and sat down, clipping in my seat belt ready for landing.

I stared out the window at all the houses and shops we passed. Colby was driving back to his house so I could get settled in before the next raw. Getting back into the raw routine would be hard after being away from it for so long. I couldn't let Colby find out from a doctor, so I was going to use very bit of knowledge I had to convince him that it was stress and flying internationally for the first time. I didn't want to lie to him, but I wanted to tell him myself. Not a doctor.

I was as tired as anything when we arrived at Colby's place. The jet lag was really getting to me. I decided not to unpack, leaving it till tomorrow so I could relax.

"Can I borrow your laptop?" I asked Colby as he was about to go shower.

He nodded, pushing it towards me before going back got the bathroom. I knew the only way to convince him was a PowerPoint. If I packed it with scholarly references, I might be able to change his mind about the doctor. Of all the lies I've told, this would be by far the biggest. I scoured the internet for any article that help my cover up. I wasn't even sure if this was going to work, I just needed to buy myself some more time. My presentation was short, but full of facts. I may have reworded some of it to help me.

"Colby" I said, gaining his attention as he walked out of the bathroom in nothing but underwear.


I patted the bed, adjusting the laptop on my legs.

"What's up?"

I took a breath. "I've made a power point on why you shouldn't take me to the doctor" I said, causing Colby to give a weird look.

"In it contains scholarly articles that suggest that stress can cause regular vomiting and how first time international flying can also cause nausea."

"Did you really do all this?" He asked. I just pushed the laptop towards him. "Fine" he sighed.

I had successfully convinced Colby that I didn't need to see a doctor, at least for a week. We agreed that if I was still sick in a week I would let him take me to a doctor. So I had one week to find a way to tell Colby. Maybe I could ask Joe or AJ how their partners told them? But then again that would mean that I was telling someone before Colby. One of the hardest things about coming here with Colby wasn't leaving behind my old life, it was adjusting to Colby's diet. Not in a million years would I eat this normally. Back at uni I couldn't afford to eat healthy, and ate noodles nearly all the time.
Steak and greens, lots of greens. Too many greens. All I wanted was bacon and barbecue sauce, but I couldn't let on any possible cravings. I had managed to convince Jon to buy me chips at the airport and I them in the bathroom.

"I'm gonna have a shower then go to bed" I said, standing and walking over to Colby, kissing his cheek and walking up the stairs. By shower I meant eat without Colby knowing.

I sat at the bottom of the shower, just enjoying the chips and chocolate I had stashed. I closed me eyes, savouring the taste. I couldn't eat this with Colby around as it was unhealthy and he gave a me a disapproving look.

"Babe" Colby knocked on the door.

"Shit" I scrambled to get up off the shower floor, dropping the chocolate.

"Are you okay? You've been in there a while" he spoke through the door, twisting the door handle. Luckily, I locked it.

"Y-yeah I'm coming" I called back, turning off the water and wrapping a towel around myself. I opened the door to a confused looking Colby. I brushed past him and got changed. I looked at my stomach in the mirror, knowing it would be changing soon.

"Caitey" Colby said, standing in the bathroom doorway.

"Yeah?" I turned to look at him.

"Why is there chocolate in the shower?" He asked with a frown.

Oh shit.

Ooh when will she tell Colby?

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