Toby Regbo Imagines

By Aidanturnerimagines

1.9K 46 7

This book is for Tony Regbo and his characters' imagines. Enjoy!! More

IMAGINE: Francis and you falling in love

1.9K 46 7
By Aidanturnerimagines

     You're walking past the open doors to the throne room when you hear your father's voice calling out to you. "Y/N! Come here for a minute!"

You take a deep breath and then back track. "What is it, father? I was just about to—" You stop when you see King Francis of Scotland, staring at you. His eyes widen slightly and his jaw goes slack. You blink back your surprise and then belatedly curtsy.

"My lord Francis." You murmur.

"Francis, this is my daughter, Y/N, the crown princess of Ireland." Your father says proudly.

Francis walks over to you and kisses your hand, sending shivers racing down your spine. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N." He smiles.

You smile back at him. "The pleasure is all mine, my lord."

"Francis is here because his ship was damaged in a storm off the coast. He's going to be here for a while until his ship can be fixed." Your father explains.

"Oh, well, I'm sorry for the damaged ship; but I hope you enjoy your stay here in our beautiful country." You smile at the handsome young king.

"Well, yes, Y/N, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I was hoping you'd keep King Francis company while he's here in Ireland. You know how busy I am during this time of year. I was hoping you could show him around and what not." Your father smiles at you.

Your heart starts beating rapidly. "Of course." You sigh softly.


     You give Francis a tour around the kingdom the next day. Now you're both walking the grounds of the castle. "So, my lord—" You start.

Francis holds up a hand. "Please, just call me Francis."

"Okay, Francis." You amend. "What brought you out to the Irish Coast?"

"Uh, just business." He answers briefly. You look at him, your eyebrows furrowing. "Actually, that's not entirely true." He sighs. It was a woman."

"You're in love with her? Does she live in Ireland?" You ask curiously.

He shakes his head. "No, no. I was in love with her. Deeply in love with her. But...she married someone else. My step-brother actually."

Your eyes widen. "How awful." You murmur.

He sadly smiles at you. "I went out sailing to...mend my heart. I needed a break from everything for just a few days. Then that storm came out of nowhere and wreaked havoc on my ship. It completely thwarted my plans to be back home soon."

"Perhaps you'll find solace here in our green country." You smile encouragingly at him.

He looks at you, the wind tugging at his blond hair. "That's what I'm hoping." He answers softly.


     Over the course of a week, you show Francis around and keep him company. You really enjoy being in his presence. He's fun and treats you nicer than any king—besides your father—has treated you. You really like him. Perhaps too much.

One day Francis and you are walking along the steep cliffs. "Be careful, Francis. We've had way too many visitors fall to their deaths from stepping too close to the edge." You warn him.

He smiles and moves a little closer to you. "It's magnificent here. Truly. Everyone is so friendly and the scenery is absolutely beautiful." He gushes.

You smile proudly. "That's why I love it here so much. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else." You sigh.

"Being the crown princess, you're to inherit all of this one day." He says as more of a statement than a question.

"And I hope to keep it in all of its glory like my father has."

"You will." Francis smiles at you.

"How would you know?" You laugh.

"Because I see the way your eyes light when you talk about Ireland so passionately. You know what you love about this place and you will endeavor to keep it that way. You will endeavor to keep it in all of its glory—perhaps even make it better." He offers.

You look up at him in surprise and then smile. "Why, thank you, Francis. That might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." You say. He smiles back at you and quickly looks away, flushing. Suddenly, his right foot slips on a muddy spot in the grass and he falls to his knees with a solid thud, gasping.

     "Francis!" You exclaim, kneeling beside him. His ankle is twisted at such an odd ankle that it makes you wince. "Are you all right?" You ask.

"My ankle. I think I've twisted it." He grimaces.

"Oh dear." You breathe. You put your arms around, trying to calm your crazily beating heart. "I'm going to help you stand and get back to the kingdom. I'll send for a doctor."

He nods, clenching his jaw. "On three. One, two, three..." You help Francis stand and he gasps sharply, holding onto you. He's biting his bottom lip so hard, you're scared it's going to start bleeding.

"We'll take it nice and slow, okay? Just keep your foot off the ground and lean on me." You instruct.

"Y/N, I feel so bad—"

"Don't. Stop. It's okay. It's fine. Just lean on me." You say. Francis nods, in too much pain to resist. He wraps his arm around your shoulders and leans on you. It's a slow going pace, Francis practically hopping. You stop every once in a while so you both can catch your breath.

"Sorry for spoiling the day." Francis grumbles as you both rest again some rocks.

"It was an accident, Francis. I'm sorry that I even took you there. This never would have happened in the first place."

"Don't be. I'm not sorry that you took me there. It was quite lovely." He smiles through the pain. You smile a little back at him. Your smile vanishes as you hear thunder rumble. You frown deeply and put your arms around Francis again, helping him up.

"Come on. A storm's coming. We'd better hurry."

     By time you make it back to the castle, Francis and you are completely drenched. The rain pours down hard, lightning flashes in the sky, and the thunder is so load, it shakes the ground.

"Oh, my lady! My lord!" A servant exclaims, seeing you both, arms wrapped tightly around each other, shivering.

"Is there a fire in the main sitting room?" You ask a little breathlessly. The servant nods. "We'll go there. Please...send for a doctor. King Francis twisted his ankle quite violently. Send for tea too. And blankets. Please." You chatter out. She nods again and quickly hurries away to do your bidding.

You take Francis to the sitting room and both of you collapse onto the floor near the huge fire place. "Thank you...for saving me." Francis whispers to you, holding your cold hand in his shaking one.

"I didn't save you." You laugh tiredly. He looks at you, his hair startling to dry and curl. Your mouth goes dry at the look he's giving you. You shiver, not because you're cold.

"You have. In more ways than one." He whispers. He moves closer to you until he's right next to you. He props himself up on his elbow, the flames illuminating his face. Your heart starts pounding and you feel like you can't breathe—in the best way possible. He starts to lean down when the doors to the sitting room doors burst open. Francis quickly moves away from you.

"Y/N! Francis! I heard what happened!" Your father exclaims. "Are you all right?"

"We're fine, father. Just cold and wet. Francis did twist his ankle however and Brita sent for the doctor." You explain.

"I have to applaud your daughter, sir. She was very brave. She helped us get home safely." Francis says, glancing quickly at you.

Your father smiles at you. "That's my girl." He murmurs. You smile at him. "I'll make sure you get tea sent to you and I'll make sure fires are started into your bedrooms." Your father says, before moving out of the room. Francis looks at you and you smile at him. He returns your smile and lays down on his side, staring at you. You stare straight back at him, unabashed.

     A week later, you receive word that Francis's ship has been repaired and it's ready to set sail whenever the king of Scotland wishes to leave Ireland. You've been in the library all evening, too depressed to see anyone. You can't deny your feelings for Francis any longer. You're falling in love with him. And now he's leaving for Scotland tomorrow morning.

You sigh and rub your arms, despite sitting on the ground near the fireplace. A soft knock sounds at the open door and you look up. Francis is leaning against the door, gazing at you. You smile.

"Francis." You greet.

He limps toward you. "You heard I'm leaving tomorrow?" He asks. You look down at the book in your hands and nod. He sits down in front of you. He slowly takes the book out of your hands and sets it aside. He holds your hand in his.

"I don't want to go." He admits in a whisper. You look up at him in surprise.

"What?" You breathe.

"I don't want to go." He reaches his hand out and caresses your face. "I've become far too fond of this's people..." He swallows. "And you..." He adds in a whisper. Your breath comes fast. "I'm falling in love with you, Y/N. I didn't know it was possible after having my heart broken beyond recognition. But then you came along and everything changed. You were a breath of fresh air I didn't know I needed until I met you. And now that I'm with you, I never want to leave you."

Tears burn in your eyes. "Oh, Francis." You whisper. "I thought I was alone in my feelings. I'm falling in love with you too. I don't know what happened."

"I don't either, but I'm glad it did." He whispers, cupping your face with his hands. He caresses your cheeks with his thumbs.

"What are we going to do? You leave for Scotland tomorrow." You whisper.

"I will go home for a short amount of time, but not before I ask your father to court you." He says. You smile brightly. "Perhaps you can visit me in Scotland?" He asks hopefully.

"I'd love nothing more." You answer. He smiles and then pulls your head close to his. He keeps glancing down at your lips and then back up to your eyes.

"Oh, for goodness' sake, just kiss me." You whisper, before grabbing his shirt and pulling you near him. You kiss each other deeply, Francis pulling you into his arms. You wrap your arms around him, sighing happily.


"Oh, Francis, you have such lovely kingdom." You breathe as you walk the grounds of the palace.

     Francis smiles at you. "Do you think?"

     "I do! It's magnificent." You say, smiling happily up at him. Francis and you are courting. Since you live in separate lands, your father, the king of Ireland, decided that you should spend a month together in order to get to know each other better. The first few days together have been absolute bliss.

     Two figures move across the lawn towards to you and Francis stiffens beside you. His arm that's holding yours goes rigid. Your eyebrows furrow and you look up at him.

     "Is something wrong?" You frown, taking note of the shadow that moves across his face.

     Francis nods to the two figures coming nearer. "It's my half-brother Sebastian, or Bash as some people call him, and his wife Mary." He says softly. You stiffen at the mention of Mary's name. You know before you that Francis was deeply in love with Mary. But instead of marrying him, Mary wed his older half-brother.

     "Oh." You breathe, trying to stifle down the jealously that moves into your heart. Francis doesn't love her anymore, you tell yourself. You glance up at Francis and find that his eyes are trained on Mary. You sigh and bite your lip as Sebastian and Mary stop right in front of Francis and you.

"Sebastian, Mary, it's good to see you." Francis smiles. He steps a little to the side, gesturing to you. "I would like to present you Princess Y/N of Ireland." He says. You smile politely and lightly curtsy.

     Mary curtsies in reply while Sebastian kisses your hand. "It's a pleasure, my lady. Francis has told us many things about you." He says.

     "All good things, I hope." You laugh softly.

     "I have nothing bad to say about you." Francis smiles, putting his arm around your waist and pulling you close to him. The smile on Mary's face tightens slightly and she looks away from Francis and you.

     As Francis and Sebastian make light talk, you can't help but notice how frequently Francis looks at Mary. Or is that just your imagination? Francis told you he never longer loves Mary in that way, that you have his heart now, but why do you feel like he wasn't being completely honest with you? Why does the look in his eyes make you doubt him?


You're quiet throughout dinner that evening, too engrossed in your thoughts to make any real conversation. Francis, Sebastian, and Mary occasionally aim questions at you, which you answer, but otherwise direct the conversations towards someone else, for which you are thankful for.

     Once dinner is over, Sebastian and Mary take their leave. Francis stands and holds his hand out to you. You take it and stand, offering him a small smile.

     "Would you like to retire to the library?"

     "Actually I'm feeling a little tired. I was thinking about maybe going to my bedroom a little early tonight." You lie. Francis squints at you, as if unsure. But you smile at him, hoping to dissuade him.

     It works because he smiles at you. "Very well." Francis and you start making the walk to your bedroom. "Is everything all right tonight, Y/N? You seem very quiet." He says, his voice warm with concern.

     "I'm just lost in my thoughts, I guess." You sigh.

     "Good thoughts?"

     You lightly shrug. "Sometimes." You say simply. Francis's eyebrows draw but you look away from him, not wanting to say anything further.

     "They are bad thoughts then."

     "Yes. No. I don't know." You sigh, rubbing your forehead.

     Francis stops, pulling you to a stop with him, in the middle of the corridor. "Y/N, tell me what's wrong." He pleads with you.

     You take a deep breath, not going to tell him. But then you stare into his eyes and it all comes pouring out. "Francis, I can't help noticing how Mary and you look at each other—like you still have feelings for each other. You look at her like you're still in love with her and that hurts me."

     Francis's eyes widen. "Y/N, I'm not in love with Mary. Not anymore." He takes your shoulders in his hands. "You have my heart now. You will have my heart forever. You have captured me like none other, Y/N. I'm deeply, madly, truly in love with you." He insists, squeezing your shoulders. "I promise you that I'm not in love with her anymore. It's you. It will only ever be you." He whispers, leaning near you.

     Guilt barrages you. "I'm so sorry, Francis. I'm so sorry for doubting you. I just...I can't explain myself. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." You say miserably.

     "There's nothing to forgive, my love." Francis smiles at you. He kisses your cheek and you smile up at him, feeling better than you've felt all day.


You don't have any more jealously issues with Francis for the rest of the week. He steers clear of Mary, not wanting to arouse any more of your suspicions and wanting to make you feel more confident and comfortable.

     Francis and you just got back from a long ride and a picnic. "I'm going to go wash up before dinner." You smile at him.

     "I'll do the same." He squeezes your hand. He pulls you to a stop and you stare up at him. A flirty, cute smile is on his lips. "I had fun with you today." He murmurs.

     "I had fun with you too." You say softly. Francis leans down and kisses you deeply, right there in the middle of the hall.

     "Francis, someone might see!" You pull away with a gasp.

     He pulls you against him again. "Who cares? Let them." He smirks, before kissing you again. You kiss him back.

     A long moment later, when you hear servants coming, you pull away, laughing softly. "What a scandal." You wink. Francis grins at you. "I better go get ready for dinner." You say.

     "Are you sure that's what you want to do?" Francis squints at you, the smirk returning to his lips.

     Your cheeks burn, but in the best way. "No, but I should anyway." You say, before hurrying up the stairs.

A while later, you come out your bedroom with a new dress on and your hair re-done. You decide to go in search of Francis before dinner. You walk through the halls, the silks of your skirt brushing against the floor and the sound of your shoes tapping the floors the only noise. You're about to turn down a hall when you hear low voices conversing. You stop and pull up straight. It sounds like Francis and Mary.

     Your eyebrows furrow, and you carefully peek around the wall. Francis is standing thirty feet away from you, his hands clutching Mary's as they talk softly. Your eyebrows furrow even more deeply. You tilt your head to try and listen to what they're saying. They're talking too low for you to hear, so instead you just watch them. Francis lifts his hand up to cup Mary's face, which makes you clench your fists, your fingernails biting into your palms. Mary bows her head and Francis kisses her forehead. It makes you sick to your stomach. You move back against the wall, breathing hard, your heart breaking.

     "I-I can't believe it. I can't believe he lied to me." You breathe in horror, putting a hand on your stomach. You hear footsteps coming from the hall and you quickly push yourself away from the wall. You hurriedly walk away.

     "Y/N?" You hear Francis ask from behind you. You don't look at him, you don't even acknowledge him. You just keeping running.


You madly pace Francis's library, empty of people. Your mind is racing. You feel like escaping. Getting away from this place. Getting away from him. But your ship isn't in the harbor. It's not meant to take you back for another few weeks.

      "Ugh!" You exclaim with frustration. "Is he just using me? Using me to curb his desires even though his heart still lies with her?" You ask yourself. You cross your arms over your chest, anger taking a choke-hold on your heart.

      One of the doors to the library open and Francis pops his head in. When he sees you, visible relief passes over his face. "Oh, Y/N, there you are. I've been looking all over for you. Dinner has already started." He says. You don't move. You just stare at him, emotionless. "Are you coming?" He asks, holding out his hand.

     "I'm not going anywhere with you." You whisper quietly, deadly.

     "Y/N, what's wrong?" He asks worriedly, stepping into the library and closing the door behind him.

     "Are you just using me? Toying with my emotions? Playing with my feelings? Wanting me to be in love with you so that you can break my heart?" You ask hoarsely.

     Francis's eyebrows draw. "Y/N, what are you talking about?"

      "I saw you. You and Mary down one of the corridors."

     "Oh, no, Y/N, that's not what—"

      "Why don't you just admit your feelings are still very present for her?" You interrupt. "Everyone can see it! Why are you fooling yourself? Why are you fooling me? Just let me go. Let me go back to Ireland and forget you." You plead, tears burning in your eyes.

     "Y/N, you need to listen—" Francis starts again.

     "No, I don't need to listen to you! I don't need to listen to any more of your excuses. Any more of your lies. I've had enough of them. I've had enough of you." You spit out, moving past him.

     He grabs your arm and hauls you to a stop. He grabs your arms tightly and stares into your eyes. "Y/N, you aren't going anywhere until you let me explain what happened between Mary and me earlier." He demands. You glare up at him angrily.

"Y/N, nothing happened between Mary and me. Absolutely nothing, I promise you. I'm not in love with her anymore, and she's not in love with. In fact, she's very much in love with Sebastian. She informed me that she is carrying his child." Francis states pointedly.

     Your glare falls away and your mouth slips open slightly. "Oh." You breathe.

     "She told me that she didn't want any discord between you and I. She said that she feels like there is tension because of her, and she wants to assure you that nothing is happening between her and me. And Mary wasn't the only one with news, Y/N. While she told me that she is having a child, I told her news of my own. News that I'm going to ask you to marry me."

     Your eyes widen in shock. "Wait, what?" You gasp.

     "Y/N, I'm so in love with you. More in love with you than I have ever been with anyone else. You mean everything to me. You have me—my mind, heart, body, and soul. What I feel for Mary now is nothing more than a brother-sister kind of love. She is my sister now, and nothing more. I promise on my life. I love you, Y/N. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have children with you. I want to grow old with you." Tears fill his eyes. "I just want you to know that, Y/N. I'm sorry if I gave you reasons to doubt my intentions towards you. I didn't mean for that to happen. And I am so sorry. Please forgive me." He begs.

     "Oh, Francis. No, I'm so sorry. I should have talked to you. I'm sorry." You cry softly. He pulls you into his arms and you hug him tightly. "I should have trusted you and I'm sorry." You breathe into his neck.

     "I'm sorry that I caused you to not trust me, Y/N." He replies, squeezing you tightly. You pull your head back and look at him.

     "I love you, Francis." You say, cupping his face.

     "Will you marry me, Y/N?" He asks hopefully.

     "With all of my heart." You whisper. Francis smiles widely and kissing you passionately, pulling you close to him.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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